First, apply sunscreen. Then lie down in the sun. After approximately 45 minutes, apply more sunscreen. People look beautiful when they tan - tanning gives the skin a warm glow, masks imperfections and helps colored clothes look more expressive. Getting a great tan can be tricky - worry about UV rays, avoid unsightly orange patches, and be mindful of light streaks. With your knowledge and forethought, you can overcome any obstacle and get the tan you've been dreaming of. And we'll show you how to do it. Follow these simple steps and get a glowing tan in no time!


Enjoy the sun

    Select your UV source. For an ultraviolet tan, nothing beats good old fashioned sun. If the time of year or weather does not allow you to tan in the sun, then a tanning bed is an effective year-round alternative for maintaining a slightly bronzed skin tone.

    • Know when to stop - skin that looks beautiful will no longer look like human skin if left in the oven for too long.
  1. Keep your skin moisturized. Well-moisturized skin will tan better than dry and dusty skin. Before you properly prepare your skin for tanning, do the following:

    • While taking a shower, exfoliate dry, dead skin cells by gently cleansing the skin with a terry cloth, washcloth, scrub or exfoliant.
    • Moisturize your skin with a lotion containing pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (sodium PCA). This natural component human skin, which helps keep the epidermis healthy, and works by attracting moisture from the air.
    • Apply the appropriate level of sunscreen to your skin. If you have fair skin, use a lotion with a higher SPF level than those with darker skin. No matter what skin type you have or how tanned you are, always use a sunscreen with an SPF level of at least 15.
    • If you plan to swim, make sure you have water-resistant sunscreen or reapply it after being in the water. If you're not swimming, reapply sunscreen as directed on the bottle, usually every couple of hours.
  2. Be sure to use sunscreen when tanning! If you're just going to lie on the beach and sunbathe for about an hour, apply a cream with an SPF of 4 to 15, depending on how light your skin type is and how tanned you already are.

    • If you don't wear sunscreen when you tan, UV rays can harm your skin, even if you don't get sunburned!
    • Use lip balm as you would sunscreen. Ideally, you should apply sunscreen in the shade and let it soak in for 20-25 minutes before going out into the sun. If necessary, reapply the cream after swimming if it is not waterproof, or reapply every couple of hours as directed on the packaging.
    • If you notice your skin becoming red, get into the shade—you're already sunburned, and continuing to bake in the sun will only make the burn worse and increase the likelihood of serious skin damage.
  3. Strip down for a successful tan. If you don't want a patterned tan, wear a swimsuit that you wear when you go swimming! If you wear the same swimsuit, you will have a smooth, even tan all over the skin to the swimsuit.

    • Remove your swimsuit if you can. The only thing better than minimal light stripes is no light stripes!
  4. Find your place in the sun. You can sunbathe in your own backyard, on the beach, or anywhere else where the sun shines. All you need is suntan lotion, water, and a lounger or towel.

    • Place a lounger or towel in a place where the sun will fully hit your skin.
  5. Move around when you sunbathe. Think grilled chicken. To get the same beautiful, even bronze color, you have to twist. Front, back, sides and in places where the sun's rays don't always reach, such as the armpits. Or lie on your back one day and on your stomach the next.

    • If you don't want to lie around all day but still want a nice tan, an alternative could be a long run or just walking. This way you will not only tan, but will also keep your body in good shape all the time. Om-Nom-nom!
  6. Protect your eyes. They can also burn. When sunbathing, it is better to wear a hat or simply close your eyes than to wear sunglasses. Bright light hitting the optic nerve stimulates the hypothalamus, which in turn produces melanin, which helps achieve a deeper tan.

    Stay hydrated! Make sure you drink enough water. From time to time, you can jump into the pool to cool off. Don't worry, it won't harm your tan even in the slightest. Don't forget to reapply sunscreen afterwards.

    After tanning, moisturize your skin. Use aloe lotion to soothe and moisturize your skin. This will help keep it healthy and prevent peeling and drying out from the sun.

    Apply tan to your skin

    1. Avoid the sun. If your skin is too fair or you burn easily, or you want to minimize health damage, then sunbathing may be the worst choice. You won't know you're burned until you're burned and the damage has already been done.

      Do it yourself. There are many products from different brands that will give you a smooth, even tan.

      • Apply lotion or spray evenly as directed, taking care to cover all skin. The best option there will be a lotion that does not cause the formation of comedones, that is, one that will not clog pores.
      • Unless you have super long or super flexible arms, you'll have to ask a friend to help apply the lotion to your back.
    2. Forget about your prejudices. Visit a tanning studio and get an even tan. In just a few minutes, they will professionally apply self-tanning to your entire body.

      Read what it says on the package. Before you hand over your money, read reviews of both the product and the service - stay away from self-tanners that will turn you orange.

    • If you get sunburned, be sure to use a lotion with aloe vera extract. It will heal burns and moisturize your skin!
    • When sunbathing, be sure to turn over on different sides so that there are no light spots on your skin when you put them on favorite dress, going to prom or on a date.
    • Aloe vera helps soothe sunburn and gets rid of it quickly.
    • When sunbathing, make sure that your glasses do not leave circles around your eyes.
    • Sunbathing naked? Be careful when exposing new areas to direct sunlight. You don't want to get burned "down there."
    • Aloe vera can be used as an after-sun lotion and/or as a skin soothing treatment for burns.
    • Apply more lotion to areas where there is redness. This will help them tan.
    • Spend little time in the sun at first, say 10 minutes a day for sensitive skin. If no problems arise, you can increase your time in the sun. If red spots or itching appear, take a break and do not sunbathe for several days.
    • Apply more lotion to your shoulders, face, ears and feet, and areas that have not yet been exposed to the sun.
    • Bright skin? Don't use baby oil - you will burn.
    • Rubbing the burns with vinegar will relieve the heat and make you feel better, but it will give you a funny smell. So don't use it before going to a meeting, a date, a long ride in a hot car, or just before interacting with people.
    • If you are going to sunbathe for the first time, do not stay in the sun for too long.
    • It takes time, so don't expect to see results on the first day.
    • If you choose a fake tan, which is safer and looks like the real thing, find one that won't make you look orange.
    • Wear clothes that highlight your tan. If you don't have a tan, wear dark greens, blues and purples. If you have a moderate tan, wear black or White color to highlight your tan. If you've achieved the skin tone you want and you're well tanned, wear whatever colors you want.
    • If you get a sunburn, try using olive oil and iodine, or 100% cocoa butter, and stay out of the sun for a few days. This will help you end up with a good tan.
    • Don't go to the solarium! It damages the skin and can cause skin cancer!


    • Remember to drink plenty of water during and after sunbathing. If your skin is burning, use after-sun lotion to cool it down, as the shower can tingle if you get burned.
    • Watch for moles and changes in their color or shape.
    • Sunburn can range from mild to moderate. If you are severely burned, consult a doctor.
    • Prolonged sun exposure and exposure ultraviolet radiation can lead to skin cancer, the worst form of which is called melanoma. It's safer to use self-tanner. If you want to get a tan and don't mind getting a little orange, you can save your life.
    • As people become more aware of the health risks associated with tanning, they may begin to realize that fair skin is just as attractive as dark skin. Be yourself and people will accept you for who you are, no matter the color of your skin.
    • Tanning beds, like other forms of UV exposure, can be dangerous, especially if you use them for long periods of time.
    • Daily tanning Not good for your health!
    • If you spend too much time in the sun, you can get heatstroke.
    • Don't take tanning pills. There are many known cases of crystallization of deposits of certain substances of these tablets in the eyes. This precipitation can cause blindness.
    • People with naturally pale skin cannot tan well! Instead, try a hydrating self-tanner. It will look natural and not too orange or bronze.

On the calendar, the month is May and, to be more precise, the last week of May. This means that the long-awaited time for swimsuits is coming soon. And the most common time spent will be on the beach.

A tan

Tanning is a change in skin color caused by ultraviolet rays. Skin color changes gradually. From light to darker. Tanning can be detrimental to your health. For example, prolonged exposure to the sun in order to tan can lead to burns and sunstroke. With repeated sunburn, melanoma can develop. Melanoma is a malignant tumor. Tanning can also have a negative impact on cardiovascular, nervous and other systems.

Why do they sunbathe?

In ancient times, more dark skin, under the influence of the sun, for men was a symbol of greater masculinity. In ancient Egypt, in art, men were depicted with dark skin tones, and women with light skin tones.

Until the 20th century, it was common for aristocrats to have light skin. Tanned skin was the lot of the poor. Now, as you see, everything is different. Most people strive to have beautiful tanned skin as a sign of attractiveness. And not only in the summer, when you can tan in the sun almost without much difficulty. But also in winter, autumn, spring, with the help of a solarium.

In resort areas, there is not a single empty beach, even not at the height of the season. And if you come back from vacation without a good tan, the people around you simply won’t understand.

Even tan

An even tan is beautiful. When the tan lies softly on the skin, without any lighter stripes from T-shirts, swimsuit straps, etc. And even when the shade is completely the same when viewed from the back and from the face. How to tan so that the result is an even tan? Read more about this.

Tanning correctly

Before the opening of the beach season, there are several recommendations for a beautiful, even tan:

  • Use sunscreen. Special attention Pay attention to the shoulders, as well as the chest and nose. These areas will need to be lubricated with sunscreen more often, ideally every half hour.
  • If you are traveling to hot countries, do not stay in the open sun for more than five minutes. After being in the sun, gradually increase the time to one hour
  • The best time to sunbathe is before eleven in the morning
  • Do not sunbathe from twelve to fourteen in the afternoon
  • Even if one day you only come to the beach for a swim, do not forget to apply sunscreen. While in water, our skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays
  • If you sweat heavily in the sun, use the cream more often

Tan without peeling off

Also take into account the following tips:

  • Don't sunbathe without sunglasses and a hat. The sun is harmful to your hair. And on the face it provokes excess
  • When sunbathing on the beach, change position every five to ten minutes
  • After being in the sun for more than an hour, hide under an umbrella or canopy
  • When you come home from the beach, rinse with cool water and apply nourishing lotion to your skin.

How to tan evenly at sea

At the resort, the sun is hotter and people, being at the sea, tan much faster, and the tan turns out a little different than at home. Since the sun is hotter at sea, before your trip you just need to stock up on all the sun protection products. You can easily pick them up in a specialized store with the help of a good consultant. The consultant will select sun protection products for you according to your skin type. As for the rest of the tips, the previous tips in this article will also suit you for a beautiful, even tan at sea.

Solarium in front of the beach

Many girls, in order to prepare their skin for the beach season, visit a solarium a few weeks before it. It is enough to walk just a couple of times a week for five minutes. If you have sensitive and fair skin that is prone to burns and flaking after tanning, then it would be a good idea for you to go to a solarium now to prepare your skin for sun exposure and reduce the risk of unpleasant effects of tanning. Also in your case, you simply need to use sunscreen.

Tanning during menstruation

Sunbathing during menstruation is undesirable, especially in a solarium. If you feel good during your period and you can’t wait to go to the beach, then follow these simple rules:

  • Sunbathe only before eleven in the morning, and in the afternoon, only after sixteen
  • Use sunscreen
  • Drink plenty of fluids

Still, it’s better to wait it out and go sunbathing after your period. Since there is a possibility that during menstruation, against the background of changes hormonal levels, you may end up with an uneven tan and pigmentation.

How to treat sunburn

If you do end up with sunburn, follow these recommendations:

  • Cool the burn area. Apply lotions and cold compresses
  • Treat the burn site with furatsilin lotions
  • Moisturize your skin immediately after cooling. Kefir, sour cream and other dairy products will help you. They will relieve you of moisture loss and help restore your skin.
  • Also take note of Panthenol. This product is good for burns.
  • If you need pain relief, aspirin and paracetamol will do.
  • To relieve fever and pain, a cool bath will also help you

And note:

  • Never puncture blisters
  • Do not stand under cold streams of water. Jets of water will only cause you additional pain.
  • Do not use alcohol-containing products when treating burns, this will only lead to dry skin and aggravate your condition.
  • Avoid soap at the burn site
  • Do not overload the burn area with too rich creams

How to tan evenly reviews

If you follow all the tanning rules that I described in this article, then you should not have problems with a beautiful, even tan. And by the middle of the beach season, I'm waiting for your positive feedback about your magnificent tan.

How I tanned reviews

  • "Good afternoon. I want to say a few words about my experience in tanning. I'm very White skin and being in the sun, I constantly got burned. The result is red and peeling skin and no tan. My new friend advised me how to get a tan normally. Before the beach season, on her advice, three weeks before I started going to the solarium. In the solarium, I warned that my skin was very sensitive. And when it’s time to go to the beach, I use the strong sun protective agent. Now I don't walk around like a toadstool in the summer. And all thanks to my friend and the products that help achieve the desired dark skin.”
  • "Hello. Now I only tan with sunscreen. Although five years ago, I didn’t need them. Either the skin is no longer so sun-resistant, or the sun is hotter. I also follow simple rules. I don’t sunbathe in the hot sun, this time is between 11-14 hours. And with equal frequency I change the position of lying on my stomach and on my back. The tan turns out beautiful and even.”

Tanning and makeup

A beautiful and even tan is the dream of many girls. Typically, representatives of the fair half of humanity spare no time and money in achieving the desired result. Indeed, the skin looks much better this way. How to tan quickly and beautifully? Use available means, take sunbathing, remember a few nuances and useful tips. Perhaps you will determine the methods that suit you best than others. Then, even in the cold season, you will delight yourself and those around you with a spectacular and even tan, emphasizing the beauty of your body and skin.

Handsome and quick tan. Your best helpers
First, let's look at your best assistants who will provide a quick, beautiful and even tan.
  1. Sun rays. Of course, you can’t do without the sun if you decide to tan naturally and not in a solarium. Remember that from the gentle sun you receive not only benefits, but also harm. Be sure to protect your skin from negative impact ultraviolet radiation, use special creams. Sunbathing at hours close to noon is also not worth it. The sun is scorching at this time and can cause great harm your body and the organism as a whole.
  2. Melanin. It is this pigment that helps the skin tan evenly without burning. You can easily increase the production of melanin through your own efforts. Include eggs, cottage cheese, cheese in your diet, eat more peaches, coconuts, melons and apricots. Then the amount of this pigment will increase, you will be able to tan quickly and beautifully.
  3. Salt. Many claim that they have already been convinced in practice that salt helps to tan faster. You get a tan better by the sea. You can drink tomato juice with salt.
  4. Movement. Skin actually tans faster and more beautifully when a person moves more and not just lies in the sun. For example, people working in their summer cottages get a great tan.
  5. Special formulations and creams. It is worth visiting a pharmacy and specialized stores to stock up on the necessary creams and ointments. They protect the skin from burns, ultraviolet rays, and make the tan lasting.
Sunbathe carefully, remember your helpers, take advantage of the gifts of nature and modern cosmetology. Move more and ensure increased melanin production.

Getting ready to sunbathe in advance
When you have already decided that you just need to make your skin beautiful, get an even and beautiful tan quickly, you need to prepare. Watch your diet and skin condition. Then the tan will fall faster, will be spectacular and natural.

  • Citruses. Include more citrus fruits in your menu. Eat tangerines, oranges, add lemon to tea. An excellent dessert can be original jam made from grated carrots with the addition of lemon zest and pulp. Rose hips contain a lot of the vitamin C you need for tanning. You can buy rosehip syrup and add it little by little to your tea.
  • Carrot. Carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene. It promotes increased melanin formation. Eat carrots, drink carrot juice. It is best to prepare light salads and desserts from raw grated carrots: you will get a lot useful substances and help your skin tan faster.
  • Tanning cocktail. An excellent cocktail for a better tan is carrot juice with the addition of cream and ice cream. Fat will help the body absorb beta-carotene.
  • Preparing the skin. You will need to prepare your skin for tanning in advance. About a week before your vacation, perform a peeling procedure to cleanse your skin of excess dead cells. Then the tan will go on noticeably smoother and faster. Body scrubs will also help. Choose them carefully, use formulations from trusted manufacturers. After cleansing your skin, do not forget to moisturize it with cream.
  • Vitamins. Start taking multivitamin complexes as early as a month in advance. Vitamins A, E, B, C will help improve the condition of your skin. This way you will perfectly prepare your skin for tanning and strengthen it. It will remain elastic and beautiful, despite frequent exposure to the sun and loss of moisture.
Prepare for tanning in advance so that your skin becomes not just dark, but also beautiful. It should not lose elasticity. By supporting your body with vitamins and fruits, you will avoid the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin, and burns.

We tan quickly and beautifully. According to all the rules
Remember a few tips to tan quickly and beautifully, making your skin look spectacular.

  1. Protecting the skin. First of all, you need to think about protecting your skin from the negative effects of sunlight. A tan that appears too quickly without the use of skin protective products will fade very quickly. In addition, you can get sunburned. Burns look unsightly, do not go away immediately, and damaged areas of the skin tan differently - you can no longer get an even color. Be sure to use special creams to prevent burns.
  2. Let's move. It’s great if you play ball, run, do something, and not just lie in the sun. As you move, the tan applies better and becomes more even.
  3. Tanning products. They are also worth using. It is important to choose formulations and creams that are ideal for your skin type. Be sure to carefully read the instructions and apply the cream correctly, otherwise the effect may be reversed.
  4. Time for a tan. From 11 to 16 o'clock in the afternoon the sun is scorching. Have a nice tan It won't do any good anyway, but burns are very likely, and the skin will become very dry. Just sunbathe in the shade at this time. Even when you are not in direct sunlight, your skin will still tan. The best time to tan is after 4 pm and before 11 pm.
  5. Turn over more often. When you want to tan quickly and beautifully, you need to turn over not once an hour, but much more often. The optimal time spent in one position is 1-3 minutes. If you turn over approximately every 2-3 minutes, the tan will become even and beautiful.
  6. Sunbathe by the ponds. Water repeatedly reflects and refracts the sun's rays. This effect will help you tan much faster.
  7. Keep your skin moisturized. After tanning, do not forget to moisturize your skin to maintain its elasticity and beauty. During the tanning process, moisture evaporates intensely and the skin becomes dry. The lack of fluid must be replenished.
Use creams special means for Tan. Eat more fruits, take vitamins. A body of water, movement, and frequent changes of body position will help you tan better. Moisturize your skin and don't forget to protect it. Tan quickly and beautifully!

If previously, pale faces of rich and noble people were considered beautiful, now a successful and financially secure lady cannot imagine herself without a golden tan. Young girls with long, bronze-colored legs look especially attractive.

But not everyone has an even and reliable tan. By following simple rules for staying in the sun, you can achieve a beautiful skin tone that will last until the next season and at the same time stock up on vitamin D.

All people have different colors of eyes, hair and skin, thanks to melanin. The more it is, the darker the shade. This substance is produced in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which destroys DNA and protects the skin from sunburn.

The epidermis of Russians is of 4 types:

1). Celtic species have light, slightly pink, thin skin. They are blue-eyed and freckled, do not tan and burn quickly.

2). Most of the Russian population is of the fair-skinned European type. Brown hair of all shades with green, blue and gray eyes with light skin that tans to light brown. Being in the sun longer than expected can cause sunburn.

3). An even brown tan best suits European types with dark skin. They are distinguished by light brown eyes and dark hair.

4). People of the Mediterranean type have a slightly dark, rough skin surface, which is covered with an even and beautiful bronze-chocolate tan. These are the owners of the dark - brown eyes and almost black hair.

In 2 days, clean the surface of the body from dead cells using a scrub and take care of light clothes without synthetics. Before traveling to a hot place, go for 5-minute treatments in a solarium twice a day for a week and, in any case, pamper your skin with a special vitamin complex.

When eating before the beach season, it is useful to give preference to brightly colored vegetables and fruits rich in carotene, which helps produce melanin. To protect against ultraviolet radiation, the diet can be varied with nuts, corn or olive oil.

Spinach, onion, and cabbage greens are also very healthy. It must be remembered that the tan sticks worse to those who have just eaten or are hungry. When going outside, protect your skin with sunscreen in advance.

  1. The safest time is in the morning, no later than 10, and in the evening, after 16-17 hours. Daytime scorching sun very dangerous, most of all for fair-skinned types.
  2. Sunbathing can be done at any air temperature, keeping an eye on the time spent in the open rays. A disease with inflammation is prohibited.
  3. Tanning safely means gradually. For fair-skinned people, start with 5-10, for the rest, 15-20 minutes, without leaving under the tent.

Staying in the open sun should be alternated with being in the shade. Add about 10 minutes every day, bringing the duration of sunbathing to 2 hours a day. At first it is better not to undress completely.

  1. Using sunscreen appropriate for your skin type, applied when leaving the house and going in for a swim, will save you from getting burned and will help ensure that your tan goes on evenly.

You need to lubricate your body after leaving the water and while sunbathing under cover, especially those places that are most open. A special balm will be useful for your lips. Dark spots and moles need to be lubricated specifically or covered with a band-aid.

  1. Be sure to wipe off the water, as the drops act like a magnifying glass and can cause burns.
  2. In order not to disrupt the tanning procedure due to sunstroke, you must cover your head with a head covering.
  3. It is not advisable to use tanning activator, special oil, perfume or decorative cosmetics. All these products accelerate tanning, which can become patchy and cause burns.
  4. You cannot quench your thirst on the beach in the heat with sweet carbonated water, strong coffee, much less drink alcoholic beverages.
  5. The best tan is while moving. Games, walks, running. Lying down can easily overheat. For those who like to lie down, it is advisable not to read or watch videos, but simply relax, turning over after 5-6 minutes. The head should be raised.
  6. Under no circumstances should you sleep under the sun.
  7. One session is, of course, not enough for a beautiful chocolate tan.
  8. Before plunging into water, you need to let your body cool in the shade and apply moisturizer.

Situations are different, and if you need to acquire a bronze skin tone as quickly as possible, then a protective agent must be applied to it, which should be renewed every 30 minutes.

Sunbathe by the water and not under the open sun, but under a canopy. Move more, swim, and then you don’t have to get your skin wet from drops.

Bronzer and oil will also help.

We trust tanning to folk remedies

Sun protection

Take different oils: walnut - 1 bottle, two teaspoons each of jojoba, wheat germ and avocado, ylang - ylang 5 g. Store the mixture in an airtight container. After lubricating your body, stay at home for about 4 more hours.

Arriving home, carefully so as not to stain the skin, lubricate the skin with a lotion of 50 g of apricot kernel oil and 3 drops of sea buckthorn oil.

To fix your tan

Mix grated 15 cm carrots, a teaspoon each of honey and buckwheat flour, adding two spoons olive oil. Keep the product on the body for half an hour, then wash off. The course consists of 6 procedures every 3 days.

  • If the burn is not severe, go into the shade, take a cool shower, and it is better not to go into the water;
  • Sprinkle with panthenol;
  • Ordinary men's cologne helps well, which is used to moisten redness without rubbing or fermented milk products;
  • Drink more clean water;
  • If you feel very unwell, medical attention is required;
  • You cannot soothe such burns with soda, soap, alcohol, or Vaseline;
  • Do not open any bubbles that appear.

Every girl dreams of boasting a bronze tan after summer or even a weekend. But all people have different type skin, so everyone can be exposed to the sun differently. Its rays are especially dangerous for light-skinned people.

Trying to get a golden tan and spending a lot of time on the beach can make you sick serious illnesses, up to oncology. At any age, you need to be careful and remember that the sun brings not only beauty, but also danger.

There are many ways to tan. You can get the most natural, even and affordable tan in the sun. However, you need to be careful and protect your skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. Solariums imitate the process of obtaining a natural tan using concentrated UV rays. This may give you a nice tan, but it has been proven to increase your risk of cancer. Self-tanning is a relatively safe product because it completely eliminates exposure to ultraviolet rays, but you won't get the natural look of tanning in the sun. These products don't last as long as UV exposure does, and you'll likely need to take precautions to prevent the tan from fading off your skin in patches.


Tanning in the sun

    Just lie in direct sunlight. This is much safer than going to a solarium and will give your skin a natural, beautiful tone.

    Find a way to pass the time. Sleeping is a great option because time flies by faster, and when reading books you block some of the sun's rays when you lie on your back. Take a nap for about an hour to an hour and a half, setting an alarm so you can wake up on time. Then roll over to the other side and go back to sleep. You can repeat this process until you achieve your desired skin tone.

    • If you are in a public place, use this method only if you are absolutely sure you are safe. Ideally, there should be another person nearby who can watch you while you sleep. Try not to fall asleep with headphones on, because you need to hear everything that is happening around you or your things.
  1. Optimize your tanning time. It is necessary to sunbathe between 10 and 2 o'clock, since at this time the sun behaves most intensely. You can also sunbathe in partly cloudy weather, which can give you an even more intense tan as the sun's rays reflect off the clouds, increasing the amount of ultraviolet radiation you receive. Try sunbathing in or near water. Water is another natural tan enhancer.

    Always tan safely to avoid sunburn and skin damage. When tanning, you should use sunscreen no matter where you are. Apply your tanning lotion 30 minutes before going out into the sun to give it time to absorb into your skin. Reapply lotion every hour for 10 minutes.

    • If you sunbathe while sleeping, use a cream with an SPF of at least 20 or 30 if you sleep for about an hour, and one with an SPF of 40-50 if you sleep for more than an hour. Reapply the cream between bedtimes. Skin damage from the sun is a very real problem that occurs whether it is immediately noticeable or not.
    • Also remember to apply sunscreen every time you get out of the water. Some brands claim that their sunscreens are water-resistant, but they still wash off fairly easily. Try applying the cream after it has dried to be sure you are getting maximum protection.
    • Drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated.
  2. Consider using suntan oil. You can find it in the sunscreen section of many pharmacies and stores. Be careful when using tanning oil as it can be very intense. It is best to get a minimal tan first and then use similar products, rather than immediately getting a severe sunburn. Avoid using thick creams as they clog pores and create a sticky feeling.

    Get an even tan. Contrary to popular belief, lying still in the sun for long periods of time will tan much faster. Being active prevents the sun from concentrating on a specific area for an extended period of time. The most in a simple way To obtain an even tan while remaining mobile, turn over from your stomach to your back every 5-10 minutes.

    • Try to tan evenly and make sure that no part of your body is in the shade so you don't end up with funny white spots.
    • Remember to roll over onto your stomach to tan your back, not just your front. You also need to turn on your side so that the sun's rays hit the sides of your legs, hips and waist.
    • Wear a strapless swimsuit or top to avoid strap marks. Consider sunbathing topless.

Tanning in a solarium

  1. Consider tanning in a solarium if you can't get one at the beach. Tanning in a solarium is similar to natural tanning, but may be a better option in the cold season. It's best to start with short periods of time in a tanning bed (less than 10 minutes), as this puts the source of UV rays closer and can burn your skin much faster.

    • Just like sunbathing, you should stay active while in the tanning bed. It's best to lift your legs and shoulders frequently, about every 30 seconds.
  2. Buy a tanning kit and lotion. Make sure you use tanning lotion in a tanning salon and not regular sun tanning lotion. Most salons will provide you with the opportunity to purchase high-quality options at various price ranges. This is quite expensive, so it is more profitable to buy a whole bottle of lotion than to take disposable kits every time you visit a solarium.

    Visit the salon and sign up for a solarium. Choose a set depending on how long you plan to tan. Don't forget to take advantage of student or new customer discounts and seasonal offers.

    • It is best to sunbathe without clothes, if this is comfortable for you. If this is not your option, wear underwear that will not leave extra streaks.
    • Standing tanning beds are much more hygienic, but reclining tanning beds are disinfected after each use.
  3. Be patient. Start with a short period of time of about 5-7 minutes, which will allow you to find out how your skin reacts to tanning. Increase the time gradually after the first tanning session.

    Think about your health. Tanning beds significantly increase the risk of skin cancer. Carefully weigh the risks and benefits before using a tanning salon. Reclining tanning beds are especially dangerous for young people. People under the age of 30 are much more likely to develop melanoma.

Using self-tanning

    Consider using fake tan. There are several types of artificial tanning: spray tanning, self-tanning and bronzer. Such products are an excellent option if you only need a tan for a few days or if your skin is very sensitive and burns easily. You can buy spray tanning from a salon that provides tanning services, or different kinds self-tanners and bronzers in pharmacies.

    • Read product reviews before purchasing. After using some of them, you may end up with an unnatural orange tint to your skin.
    • Products with a gradual tanning effect work better because they darken your skin gradually, and you can settle on a comfortable shade. If you decide to use a spray tan, a professional will help you choose perfect shade a product whose results will fully match your skin tone.
  1. Prepare your skin. It is best to prepare your skin before using any products, because in the future it will look healthy and radiant, and not matte and dry. Be sure to use a self-tanner before applying circular movements exfoliate with a washcloth to get rid of all the dead skin cells, otherwise the tan will only appear on top layer. It is also necessary to moisturize your skin after the scrub so that it is silky and soft the next day.

    • Try not to use a scrub with large or rough particles, as this may cause tiny abrasions on the skin. The tan will not appear in these areas and, as a result, will not apply very well.
    • After applying the tan, you should massage your skin daily with a washcloth using gentle movements so that the applied layer disappears evenly over the course of a week. The tan will fade faster on certain areas of the body, but you don't want your skin to look patchy or have an uneven color. Exfoliating daily will also be helpful if you decide to keep your tan. You can reapply it over the course of a week, thus maintaining your tan. appearance skin.
  2. Choose the right shade. If you're considering using a self-tanner, shop around and find one that best suits your skin tone. Tans are typically sold in several shades: light, medium and dark. Some have more of a bronze tone, while others give a shimmering effect that reflects light and adds radiance to the skin.

    • For fair-skinned people, it's best to use a product closer to your natural skin tone to achieve a light tan, unless you want a contrasting dark effect.
    • On normal skin tones, you can use a tan for both fair skin and medium, olive skin tones.
    • If you have dark skin and want to get a dramatic tan, then for a more noticeable result it is best to use an intensive tanning product.
  3. Find a product that is easy to apply. Besides the right choice tone, it is important to choose a type of self-tanning that is easy to use, especially if you are doing it for the first time and without an assistant. Remember to wear gloves while applying the product, otherwise your palms will turn orange. They will not be easy to wash without affecting the uniformity of skin tone.