Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 13 minutes


No matter how responsible parents try to protect their child from the dominance of technological innovations, fashionable and necessary gadgets are confidently entering our lives. Games on iPad for kids sometimes become a real salvation for the mother, and in some cases they contribute to the development of the child. True, gadgets should be used as toys for babies carefully, thoughtfully and with full responsibility.

So, which educational apps for iPad do modern mothers choose?

Games from Wonderkind, Toddler's Seek & Find series of apps

Application Features:

  • Animated pictures with images of animals, people, objects, the main functions of which are demonstrated with the help of a “slight movement of the hand.”
  • The “My Animals” application is an opportunity for your child to “visit” the zoo, farm and forest. The animals in the game come to life and make sounds - the baby will be able to feed a cow, wake up a sleeping owl, or even make a camel spit.
  • The game promotes the development of imagination and replenishment of vocabulary, helps to study the world and sounds, trains attention.

Used for babies from 10-12 months and older.

Application Features:

  • A program for babies - images and sounds (more than 360), with the help of which you can introduce the baby to the world around him (transport, animals and birds, household items, musical instruments, etc.).
  • IN game form The baby gradually learns the names and images of objects, animals and the sounds they make.
  • There is a choice of 1 of 20 languages.

Used for babies from 10-12 months and older.

Application Features:

  • The main task of the application is to introduce the baby to animals and their sounds. When you click on a specific animal, its moo, squeak, bark or other sound is played.
  • The animals are divided by category (farm or forest, aquatic life, rodents, safari, etc.) and by “families” (father, mother, cub). For example, the beaver dad “hoots,” the mother crunches the stalk, and the baby squeaks.

Used for babies from 11-12 months and older.

Application Features:

  • A series of educational games in a single application - fun and colorful games, with music, flying bubbles and other joys (24 games - educational and entertaining).
  • “Contents” of the application: getting to know the notes, studying the seasons, first steps in learning in English, compass (studying the cardinal directions), game phone, a simple “drawing” easel for kids (in the process of drawing, colored “splashes” “fly” from under the finger), treasure island (a game for tiny pirates), car races, learning colors and the voices of animals, searching for animals, funny cuckoo clocks, studying geometric shapes, fish (swimming and misbehaving depending on the tilt of the iPad or pressing a finger), numbers, stars, balls, a train (studying the days of the week), etc.

Used for babies from 10-11 months and older.

Application Features:

  • Fairy tale application. Objective: Assist in the daily ritual of “laying on the side” with the help of a simple story and pleasant music, learning about animals and sounds.
  • The main idea: the lights are going out, the animals on the farm are tired, it’s time to put them to bed. Each animal needs to turn off the lamp, and a pleasant voice-over will wish the duck (etc.) good night.
  • Excellent design, graphics; animation and 2D illustrations, interactive animals (chicken, fish, pig, dog, duck, cow and sheep).
  • A lullaby is like musical accompaniment.
  • Select the desired language.
  • Useful Autoplay feature.

Used for babies from 11-12 months and older.

Application Features:

Having reached the age of 1 year, the child moves from material satisfaction of his needs to intellectual food: the baby is actively developing psychologically and socially. Food and sleep provide his physiological needs, but the entire period of wakefulness is aimed at accumulating and improving mental abilities. Of course, he continues to grow and get stronger in body. The competent upbringing that parents give to the child also plays an important role.

Indicators of physical development

If the child grew and developed normally in the first year of life, then by the age of 1 his weight should increase three times compared to what he weighed at birth. The baby is also gaining height. According to statistics, approximately 25-29 centimeters are added to the initial height with which the baby was born. The brain develops: per year its volume should be 60% of the volume of the adult brain.

Motor skills

The arsenal of motor skills with which children meet their first year after birth allows us to talk about the increased independence of the little man. Many children are already starting to walk by this time. If your baby has not yet walked, do not miss the moment of his first steps. Film an event that takes a child's life to a new level.

At the age of about a year, the baby moves to a fundamentally new stage of development - he begins to master independent steps and becomes less dependent on mom and dad

Fine motor skills develop:

  • The child takes food with his hands and learns to hold a spoon.
  • Helps his mother leaf through the pages of books that are read to him.

While getting dressed, he hands over his arms and legs. Recognizes destination household items, knows what a comb, broom or telephone is for. Tries to repeat adults’ manipulations with these objects. The movements may be awkward, but they are clearly conscious. It is still far from the moment when your child will completely get rid of parental care, but without you he will not achieve independence.

Features of development

After the child turns one year old, the frequency of visits to the pediatrician is reduced - as a rule, preventive examinations are carried out once every 3 months (see also:). This regulation is related to the individual developmental characteristics of each child. Psychology often comes out on top for negative results. This happens due to the inexperience of the young mother, who was unable to develop a sense of tolerance for the whims of the baby. Deviations from established norms may also occur in premature infants. From 1 to 2 years old they are slightly behind physically and intellectually, but, as a rule, after 2 years they quickly catch up with their peers in all areas.

The character of the child, the parents’ contribution to activities with the child, the psychological and social situation adjust progress in one direction or another. If a mother wants her child to develop faster than others, she must be a patient educator - thoughtful, responsible, rational.

Calendar periods

By observing her child, it will be easier for mommy to determine the degree of his development if he divides the entire period from one to two years into calendar periods. Our improvised calendar is tied to the frequency of visits to the pediatrician: this means that when going to see a doctor, you will have an idea of ​​what nuances in the baby’s behavior the doctor pays attention to. In addition, you will be able to independently assess the level of development of your treasure and the correctness of its upbringing. Each item on the calendar is written in ascending order - from a simple action or skill to a complex one.

12-15 months

Here's what a toddler can do:

  • start playing on your own, without prompting from adults;
  • fulfill simple requests - for example, hug your mother;
  • use a fork and spoon;
  • walk up the steps of the stairs;
  • notice funny things and laugh at them;
  • imitate the speech and actions of parents;
  • speak your own language;
  • show with gestures what he wants;
  • clap;
  • in addition to the words “mother”, “father”, “grandfather”, “woman”, pronounce one more word;
  • crawl quickly;
  • walk leaning on furniture;
  • take off socks without any help;
  • take several steps without support;
  • understand simple requests;
  • notice the reaction of parents to his actions;
  • stand confidently;
  • walk holding mom or dad's hand;
  • shake your head when giving a negative answer;
  • drink from a mug;
  • try to “draw” with felt-tip pens and pencils;

You shouldn’t expect artistic masterpieces from a child at this age: now he is just beginning to feel colors and textures. The child should be allowed to create as he wants, giving him freedom of expression
  • help parents put him on, supporting his arms and legs in a comfortable position;
  • bend over to pick up a fallen object;
  • recognize yourself in the mirror and enjoy your reflection;
  • lift heavier objects;
  • when playing a ball, roll it back and forth;
  • reinforce words with gestures to be understood;
  • pull out and put toys in a drawer or box;
  • show your eyes, hands, nose and other parts of the body at the request of an adult;
  • run;
  • indicate a requirement for silence with the “shhh” gesture;
  • "help mom around the house.

15-18 months

  • turn book pages when reading a fairy tale;
  • feel affection for animals and favorite toys;
  • walk confidently;
  • sing and do it with pleasure;
  • hysteria if you are dissatisfied with something;
  • back away;
  • climb onto different surfaces while exploring them;
  • speak up to 15 words with different meanings;
  • take off your socks or panties yourself;
  • sleep once a day after lunch instead of twice;
  • run fast;
  • sort things by size, shape, color (we recommend reading:);
  • while playing, “feed” dolls or soft toys;
  • put words together into phrases;
  • “read” the book independently”, looking at the pictures;
  • confidently handle a spoon and eat with it;
  • brush your teeth under parental supervision;
  • speak more clearly for adults.

A child up to one and a half years old is already able to brush his teeth independently under adult supervision. It is necessary to carefully observe that the baby does not swallow toothpaste

18-21 months

  • speak about 50 words;
  • understand the meaning of about 200 words;
  • make simple sentences from words;
  • take off your clothes yourself;
  • , controlling acts of defecation and urination;
  • wash your face and brush your teeth under the supervision of mom or dad;
  • know and name parts of your body (hands, legs, ears, nose);
  • imitate more adult actions - for example, throwing garbage into a bin;
  • build towers from cubes;
  • give descriptions of simple drawings from books;
  • open and close doors in the house and closets.

21-24 months

  • ask to go to the toilet;
  • quickly learn new words or actions (10 words in one day);
  • repeat everything after other people;
  • collect simple puzzles;
  • draw a straight line;
  • walking down the steps hand in hand with mom;
  • distinguish between cold and hot, many and few, large and small;
  • put on and take off clothes independently;
  • distinguish people by gender (boy-girl, uncle-aunt);
  • jump;
  • understand good and bad (behavior, words).

By the age of two, a child usually learns a very timely and useful skill - asking to go to the toilet, temporarily restraining physiological urges (more details in the article:)

How to submit information?

After a year, the period of active mental maturation of the baby begins. All his actions are a greedy interest in the world around him, in its internal and external structure. The easiest way to give him this knowledge is through play. Make a lesson plan for yourself with your child, enter it into it. Your task is to provide your child with competent social and emotional development. During the game, create situations that the child may encounter in real life (we recommend reading:). This method of presenting information is optimal for a 1-2 year old child; he remembers everything better and coordinates his behavior more easily.

Moments related to real life, explain when the child can see their visual embodiment: talk about personal hygiene when you wash your hands with your baby, and about danger on the road when you stand with your baby near speeding cars. Information that is not supported by vivid images is poorly perceived and is not consolidated in the baby’s mind. Help your little treasure develop correctly.

Developmental disorders

It’s great if the baby fits into the norms of behavior prescribed for his age. Small deviations from the standard may be associated with the individual characteristics of the child, and they, as a rule, do not cause concern among specialists. There are also critical points that are worth paying attention to Special attention. Assessing physical and intellectual abilities child, check if he has similar problems:

  • by 15 months the baby still does not understand the functions of simple household appliances;
  • does not seek to imitate the actions of adults;
  • Having reached the age of 18 months, the baby never learned to walk;
  • at the same age speaks less than 15 words;
  • at 2 years old he cannot form words into a sentence (more details in the article:).

Doctors believe that these deviations are most often associated with insufficient efforts of parents in educating the child. The problem may also be caused by a lack of communication. It depends only on the parents how correctly development will proceed. little man. Give him as much warmth, knowledge and skills as a loving and caring mom and dad can give.

As I already said, I absolutely love to systematize everything, and therefore today I will bore you with another plan of educational games and activities. I really hope that this summary will help you navigate the many games with a 1-year-old child, which have already been written about earlier. Personally, without such specific development programs, I feel like I have no hands, because I really want to meet my daughter’s needs for knowledge, impressions, and discoveries that change almost every month.

This comprehensive program has everything for comprehensive development child 1 year - 1 year 3 months: development of motor skills, creativity, exploration of the world around us, and much more.

I present to your attention the continuation of our plan of educational games and activities for children. Today the next age is 1 year 3 months - 1.5 years. During this period, the baby still has a huge craving for studying surrounding objects and their properties, the child enjoys touching, folding, shifting, pushing something, and this cannot be denied him, but on the contrary, provide as many different opportunities as possible. Along with object games, one should not forget about creative development, role-playing games, reading books and much more. And in order not to miss anything, that’s exactly what you need comprehensive program classes or notes that you can quickly refer to at the right time.

If you have not yet decided what to play with your child and you do not have a specific lesson plan, then this is definitely the place for you. Today I want to once again add to the “” section with a list of educational games that are most relevant at the age of 1.5 years to 1 year 9 months.

What's new at this age? For me, this period with Taisiya was memorable because my daughter became much more picky in terms of choosing activities. If earlier she supported almost any idea, as soon as something was offered to her, now she has very specific own preferences, more and more often I had to deal with “I want it or I don’t want it.” Naturally, this is a normal stage of development, but as a restless mother, it is not always easy for me to get used to the fact that a child becomes an independent person with his own range of interests

It is always very interesting for me to watch how my daughter develops, how her range of interests changes, her skills and knowledge about the world improve. Some games fade into the background, and others, more “advanced” ones, take their place. When people ask me what Taisiya played at the age of 1 year 9 months to 2 years, the first thing that comes to mind is clothespins and scissors. These two activities were definitely our absolute favorites at that age. It seems that Taisiya cut everything that was in bad shape. Of course, cutting out, at first, was more like shredding paper around the perimeter, but the main thing is not the result, but the child’s genuine interest! Clothespins were also attached to everything in our house. possible places, I’m not even talking about my favorite drying doll clothes on a clothesline with clothespins.

In my opinion, all lovers of educational games and activities can be divided into 2 types: those who prefer to make everything from scrap materials and those who are of the opinion “it’s easier to buy something ready-made and not have to worry.” If we divide it so strictly, then I am most likely a representative of the second category :). But, of course, I also support and practice homemade development tools with both hands, especially if the ratio of monetary costs and time spent is really justified. For those who love crazy hands, I will soon prepare an article about educational toys with my own hands, but today about ready-made solutions. About the most successful and necessary.

Since childhood I couldn’t draw. Or rather, no, not like that. Since childhood, I lived with the firm belief that I could not draw. That's why I never just did it. Of course, now, after reading a stack of books about creative education and drawing with my daughter, I understand that my reluctance to create was not at all due to my lack of natural talent, but then it didn’t seem so to me. Every person has a creative side from birth. But whether it is developed or ruined directly depends on the conditions for creativity that will be created for the child, and on the response that he will receive in response to his creations.

A long time ago I wrote an article about. These were the simplest boxes, which were designed to diversify the baby’s sensory experience and develop his basic motor skills (folding, rearranging, finger grip, handling a spoon and scoop, etc.). But sensory boxes are not only a great exercise for your fingers, they are also a wonderful platform for role-playing games and conducting thematic classes. In a sensory box you can recreate a small world with its inhabitants and characteristic environment, role-play simple life situations and thereby consolidate the child’s knowledge on the topic being studied. Thematic boxes will be discussed in this article.

Such boxes will be of interest to children from about 2 years old. Perhaps something a little earlier, something later, be guided by the interests of your baby. And children over 3 years old will be happy to take part in creating sensory boxes with you.

Today I would like to talk about the very first games for teaching reading. They are suitable primarily for children who still cannot read at all ( you can play now from 1.5-2 years ), but, of course, they will also be useful for those who have already learned a little continuous reading.

I want to say right away that there will be no games here like coloring and modeling all the letters of the alphabet in turn from plasticine. In mine, I already wrote that a child who has memorized individual letters using the alphabet or any other method subsequently experiences many difficulties in combining them into syllables. Therefore, I want to invite you to play not with letters, but immediately with warehouses (MI, BUT, TU...) and in short words. With this approach the child constantly sees ready-made letter combinations before his eyes, plays with them, rearranges them, and, as a result, quickly remembers . At first, only visually, then he tries to reproduce it himself. As a result, the child does not experience problems with merging letters; he immediately reads the letter. But, interestingly, during such games the child remembers all the letters.


06/19/2007 08:47:44, Evgenia

Everything is visible there, everything is readable, there is text, everything is printed, and whoever is a fool will not be helped by any modifications.

06.06.2003 11:40:05, Lena

For some reason, when printing, only the right side of the text appears. It would need some work

01/06/2003 09:03:19, Mikhail 01/01/2002 16:04:47, Irina

Extraordinarily interesting!! :-)))
If only there was more text...

05/15/2001 01:50:57, Katya

Interesting. I can’t say anything more for now - I’m figuring it out. But somehow I don’t understand everything.

Very interesting and educational
But there are problems with the pictures. Wondering where you can find drawings for kids online?
I don’t care about drawing myself.

I would be very grateful for your help.

06.11.2000 15:12:58, Natalia Grigorchuk

Comment on the article "Individual development program for a child from 0 to 1 year"

2. “How to develop gifted children?” (how to finish high school from 0 to 10 years) - about the experience of using the system of recommendations and methods of early and super early www.bsim/~apn 8. "Individual development program up to 12 months" - see in the "Library" "Nanny" Good luck!

Adapted program, please explain what it means? Development, training. Other children. I have a child in correctional education, there are 11 people in the class, EACH child has an individual program, adapted to his capabilities.

Finally, I found the first programs in history for early development babies! They were created and implemented in 1988. This is surprising, but the child began to read from them - earlier than walking, and did it “to himself,” pointing correctly to the required word in a long list of words. In addition, the child under these programs began typing on a Robotron electric typewriter at 1 year and 2 months. This happened in February 1989 and this day is celebrated all over the world as the holiday "Print - before...

Child development calendar. Advise how to find a child from 0 to 1 year old. Hello! We want to adopt a child under 1 year old (I really want to be as young as possible and with solvable health problems).

The problem of giftedness has always interested parents. Educated parents dream of having gifted children or grandchildren. Many want their children to do well in school, master a lot of knowledge, and be healthy. Some people dream that their children will master creative professions, become business and enterprising, and spiritually developed. However, this problem as a whole was solved once and for all only in 1989 - in Russia. In 2000, materials on solving this centuries-old problem of education...

Child development calendar. Observation program for children from 0 to 1 year. If anyone has experience, please share. Which clinic did you sign the contract with? with which pediatrician? Of course, we are more interested in children's medical centers in the South-Western Administrative District and the Southern Administrative District.

In accordance with the recommendations presented in the National Program for Optimizing Feeding of Children in the First Year of Life in Russian Federation: “It is advisable to introduce complementary foods to children at the age of 4-6 months. The timing of the introduction of complementary foods is set individually for each child, taking into account developmental characteristics digestive system, excretory organs, level of metabolism, degree of development and features of the functioning of the central nervous system, that is, to perception...

Conference "Child from 1 to 3". please don’t write that every child is individual.. I know this, but there should be a minimum.. and I’m a mother who is worried about development, because we had a bad diagnosis a year ago..

Everyone Good morning! Perhaps someone will be interested. Yesterday I attended an event at school No. 22, which was dedicated to budgetary and extrabudgetary financing, charitable foundations and paid extension. Below are brief abstracts. All this was voiced by a representative of the financial control service of DogM. So. 1. Budget financing. An individual child is financed (not a school, not a program, not an education department, not a kindergarten) - A CHILD. There is no difference in funding depending on...

Laboratory of creative mothers Mamas’ Lab invites families with children different ages for exciting interactive Christmas trees. Programs Christmas trees designed individually - for each age category of children, which will allow both babies and older children to fully experience the atmosphere of the warmest family holiday, find new friends and believe in miracles with all your heart. First New Year for mothers with children from six months to one and a half years We know how important the first New Year is in life...

September 21, 2013 in Moscow, in the Tushino microdistrict, in the Center Additional Education FSBEI HPE “Russian State University of Tourism and Service” (Nelidovskaya str., 8) held the grand opening of the “UNIVERSITY OF GIFTED CHILDREN.” The main idea of ​​our Center is to reveal the child’s abilities and stimulate the child’s desire to develop their talents. Our training differs from the generally accepted state system. We do not “squeeze” children into the framework of the program. Vice versa...

Mathematics A child aged 3 to 4 years should be able to: 1. The child should be able to count to three and show the appropriate number of fingers on his hand. 2. The child must be able to master the concepts: one - many, big - small, high - low, etc. 3. The child must know the primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue, white, black). 4. The child must know the basics geometric figures(circle, square, triangle). 5. The child must be able to compare objects by size, color...

Did you know that the definition of large families in Moscow and in Russia as a whole is different? In accordance with Federal law O large families Large family A family with three or more children under the age of 16, including adopted children, stepdaughters and stepsons, as well as under the age of 18, if they are studying in educational institutions providing a general education program, is recognized. And in Moscow, a family with three or more children, up to...

School No. 975 invites you to take part in an event for future first-graders and their parents, which will be held on May 17 in the building of Education Center No. 975. The event program includes trial lessons for children, trainings for parents, as well as a presentation of the capabilities of Education Center No. 975 for the implementation of innovative methods student-centered learning. School No. 975 is known for effectively introducing innovative technologies of student-centered learning into general education, which allows...

Interactive family program Mom's Joy If the theory of evolution is true, then why do mothers only have two hands? Milton Burl Moscow region, spring 2012 Mom's joy is a useful rest and leisure with children, in a comfortable SPA hotel, with meals in a buffet restaurant, with visits to beauty treatments and an intimate and friendly atmosphere. As you know, the best vacation is an opportunity to break out of the usual and monotonous circle of events, change the environment, and finally, be...

Child development calendar. Section: Adoption (appearance of a child from 0 to 5 years old). looking for a healthy girl from 0 to 1.5 years old.

Delay mental development?.. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visits kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical development child from 3 to 7 years old.

We are getting ready for the first grade, we went to the school of the future first-grader, and yesterday in a conversation with the teacher it was said that we would most likely be recommended individual training. What exactly is the matter - my son is 7 years old, a very capable and developed child...

We took a 5-6 year old child to individual lessons: once a week, 1 hour - 15 lessons. The program is designed for a year... 05.27.2010 12:51:04, Dizigner. But this was at 5.5-6 years old, when development generally proceeds at a different pace than that of 7-8 year olds.

I liked what they picked individual program, taking into account the age of the child. Nannies To improve the level of a nanny, it is necessary to be able to apply methods of early child development.

Your baby is already a year old. How much happiness he gave you in the first year of his life. He taught you to be patient, wise, merciful. The 12 stages of infancy have been completed, and one can only be amazed at the fabulous metamorphoses that have occurred with the child during these 12 months.

A helpless fool, who could only cry out for compassion, turned into an active, mobile, talking, curious baby with his own interests in the world around him. And you clearly begin to understand that this tiny man does not live by bread alone. Knowledge of the environment is the essence of his mental, emotional and spiritual-cognitive existence: opening his eyes every morning, the child is ready for new achievements. The baby does not know how to live differently; his activity in searching for the unknown and mastering the environment has no limits. It is aimed, first of all, at you, because the baby cannot carry it out without your participation. Let the period of infancy be over. There are still so many new and wonderful things ahead in communication, contacts, and playing with the baby. You need to give your baby joy early childhood, which the child enters after one year.

Main topics of the section
Children 1-2 years old:

1) Quarterly development of a child over one year old- motor skills, sensory development, emotional and social development games and exercises for each month, as well as tips for caring for your child

2) Development program for children 1-2 years old- four blocks: mathematics, logic, children's creativity, general development.

2) The main stages of development of a child 1-2 years old- information that will allow you to better understand your baby.

3) Helpful information - everything about the baby’s health, nutrition, and his interaction with the environment.

Each block involves studying the material using several methods at once: puzzles, presentation, “Smart Notebook” manual. This approach allows you to make the learning process interesting for each child, since you can offer the child material in several forms (or use all at once). In addition, training using our methodology makes it possible to connect several forms of information perception at once: visual, auditory, figurative. This leads to the child remembering the material easier and faster. I recommend starting to master the topic “Logic” after one and a half years. But the most important criterion to postpone or continue studying on one of the topics is the child’s desire; if he doesn’t like something and is not interested, there is no need to force him, just take another topic.

The main stages of development of a child 1-2 years old

Your baby goes through three important milestones in his second year of life.

Knowing about the developmental characteristics of a child of this age, you can promptly help him move to the next level.

The first stage is 55 weeks.

(child is just over a year old)

Your child is going through a new stage in the development of thinking; he begins to develop own methods solving the processes occurring around him, learns to achieve results by influencing the world around him.

An assistant appears in your house, who starts vacuuming, washing dishes, doing laundry, he can bring something and carry it. There is a persistent desire to do some things on your own. Each child has their own - some begin to build towers, some want to undress and dress themselves, and some want to eat or wash themselves.

The child becomes more unpredictable, because sometimes you cannot understand what exactly he is trying to do at the moment. His games with toys become more complex; he seems to be re-mastering them, discovering new qualities and functions.

In order to understand and assimilate new discoveries, the baby needs time. If up to a year the time for adaptation to the new stage was not long, now, due to the depth of the changes, it increases and can last 4-5 weeks.

The child becomes more capricious, restless, and constantly demands your attention. He again doesn’t like strangers, and he hides from them. Some kids don’t want to get away with it, they want to do everything together with their mother. They become very jealous and make trouble if they think that their mother is not paying enough attention to them. During the transition period, sleep may be disturbed and appetite may worsen. Sudden mood swings are also possible, he can be mischievous and become angry. In addition, your child suddenly begins to do things again that were characteristic of him at an earlier age.

Your main task in such a difficult time is to remain calm and help your baby calm down. You just have to be there so that he feels that the world around him is changing, but his mother is always with him, she loves him, understands him, and will protect him if necessary. Feeling safe, the child will move more easily and calmly to the next stage of development.

Second phase child development from 1 to 2 years– 64 weeks.

(child is a little more than 1 year 3 months)

The second stage of child development is again associated with the development of thinking. It becomes more complex, adult. The child begins to think, create his own small programs, make changes to them and evaluate the results. He comprehends the basic principles of life. This is a very difficult and interesting period in a child’s life.

On the one hand, the baby becomes more understandable, you see what he wants, it is clear to you what he is doing. Now, before doing anything, the child begins to think and reflect.

On the other hand, you will now need three times more patience with your baby. Since in order to learn the principles of life, he constantly experiments, including with you (What will mom do if I draw on the wallpaper, turn over the trash, tear a book, scatter everything around, don’t go to bed, don’t eat, and other options, I think every mother has something to list). Why is he doing this? In no case is it meant to make you angry and piss you off, although that’s exactly what it may seem like. In fact, the child studies the reaction of the world around him to his actions. He learns what is good and what is bad, studies your character, finds out how his behavior affects the course of events (when he is obedient and disobedient).

Your competent behavior during this period will facilitate your relationship with your child in the future. It is at this time that you need to accustom your child to the rules of behavior, teach him to understand your prohibitions, and show him the boundaries of what is permitted. As in the previous stage of development, during the transition period the baby becomes more vulnerable, he is alarmed by the next changes and wants his mother to be nearby. You need to be patient with this. It may seem that your child should already behave better, and by demanding more adult behavior from him, you may encounter even more resistance from him. As a result, unnecessary quarrels may arise. Therefore, it is very important to know the reasons for this behavior, this will help you assess the situation with greater understanding.

After the transition period has passed, you will see that the child has become more active, wiser. He begins to play more independently, is calmer, and observant. Now is the best time for him interesting activity explore and explore everything new.

In order for you to help your child quickly get used to the new stage, I will list the main “laws of life” that he masters during this period:

- “mine is yours” - learns that there are things that belong to him, and there are things that belong to others; for many, the fact of having the latter is very upsetting. You need to explain to your child what a “stranger” is and teach him to share, change, and give back what is not his own. (Use role-playing games with his toys as an example);

Rules of conduct: you must explain to your child in a gentle but categorical manner what is possible and what is not. In order not to confuse the child, things and actions that fall into the “no” category must be defined once and for all. Those. if you prohibit something, then you should always prohibit it, and if today it is possible, but tomorrow it is impossible, then very soon you will encounter such a phenomenon as hysteria, since the child will protest: why is it impossible today, if yesterday it was possible;

Will, the child increasingly has a desire to do everything his own way, you must teach him to understand that it is not always possible to do everything at once, and that others also want something (again, role-playing games with his toys will help);

Help, the child learns to demand and ask, and, based on your reaction, develops behavioral tactics, so help him choose correct option requests for help;

Thrift and accuracy - learns to handle objects carefully, you must demonstrate the correct techniques in your behavior (put things in their place and his, take a mug carefully so that the water does not spill);

Negotiations - learns to negotiate, so far only at the level of “yes” and “no”, your respectful attitude towards his opinion helps to increase his self-esteem;

Requests – loves to fulfill simple requests, involve him in household chores and praise him if he does something good.

Third stage child development from 1 to 2 years– 75 week.

(child is almost 1.5 years old)

From about 71 weeks, your baby begins to prepare for a new stage of his development. The world around him begins to change again, and in order to cope with new impressions and emotions, he again needs reliable and faithful support. There is an increased need for mom again. A period of irritability and moodiness begins, which lasts 3-4 weeks.

What new will happen in your baby’s perception after he calms down? You will notice that the child begins to think and act differently, because he has discovered a new world for himself, he is learning the world of the system.

The child’s self-awareness develops, he becomes aware of his own “I”. The baby begins to understand that he, mom and dad, are a family, that you have a home, that other people have another home, that he has things and he manages them. The child's sphere of interests characterizes his inclinations. Some people start to draw enthusiastically, others start dancing or listening to music. This is an excellent period to determine the uniqueness and individuality of your child, in order to help him further develop his abilities. Your main task is to give your baby as much information as possible about the diversity of the world around him.

You will also notice that the child has become less self-centered, he learns to feel sorry for others and show compassion towards them. Imagination is actively developing, the baby is engaged in natural science, and begins to build and design independently. He still tests the boundaries of what is permitted in everything, which will require special patience from you.

Many children pay special attention during this period small details and they like everything to be in its place, it’s very convenient time to get acquainted with .

Another important point in this phase of a child’s development is that he understands that if he stops seeing something, this does not mean that it ceases to exist. People and objects stop disappearing without a trace after he loses sight of them. The kid realized that objects can move (and not disappear), and begins to look for them.