1 slide The child plays constantly. After all, a game is the main way of perceiving information, surrounding reality, and behavior patterns.

Through play, the child understands how everything should be arranged. One of the options for an exciting, educational and educational game, in my opinion, is constructor.

2 slide « Origins abilities And talents children - on tips their fingers. From fingers, figuratively speaking, are coming the finest threads - streams, which nourish source creative thoughts. Others words, how more skill V children's hand, those cleverer child» IN. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Playing with a constructor promotes development fine motor skills, ideas about color and shape and orientation in space. This combination of various types of influences has a beneficial effect on the development of speech, facilitates the assimilation of a number of concepts and even the production of sounds, since the development of fine motor skills has a stimulating effect on the development of speech motor areas of the cerebral cortex.

Games with a constructor can be organized according to the type of constructive-creative game, plot-role-playing game and other types of games.

3 slide Despite the growing popularity of computer games, construction sets are indispensable for children's development. The child acts with parts of building materials and construction sets, repeatedly compares them, selects them, tries them on, manipulates them, makes mistakes and corrects mistakes. Through practical experimentation the result is obtained.

Currently, design in preschool institutions is given Special attention. Construction is one of the most favorite children's activities. It is not only exciting, but also useful for the child. Construction creates the necessary foundation for the comprehensive development of the child. It promotes the formation of imaginative thinking and a sense of beauty, imagination and dexterity, attention and determination.

4 slide Job With designer And, V in particular, games Can use With various goals And tasks:

Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Development of speech within certain topics.

Automation of sounds during the game.

Development of ideas about color, shape, space.

Development of quantitative concepts.

Creating conditions for natural, full-fledged communication between children during joint work.

Uniting the team of children, developing a sense of empathy for each other.

Formation of labor skills.

5 slide I began to use various types of construction sets not only in joint and independent activities, but also as part of educational activities within the framework of the implementation of the “artistic activity” direction with children of the middle group. The prerequisites were that the children who were in my group at that moment were from large quantity games, most often they turned to construction sets, and I often used this to test the children’s knowledge of basic colors and shapes; while playing, the children told what the object looked like and how it differed from others, what width, length, height, In this case, the children answering the questions developed speech.

6-7 slide Today there are a lot of different types of constructors, but I will only talk about those that are in our group:

8 slide 1. The most the simplest designer V life children are cubes. They not only captivate children, but also help develop spatial imagination, introduce them to the shapes of objects, and form color perception. To begin with, an adult will build from cubes, and a child will simply be happy to destroy these buildings. But this is only at the beginning. Just wait a little and the buildings become more and more complex.

9 - 11 slide 2.Soft constructors have the most varied parts different shapes and colors. You can build almost anything from it: houses, ships, airplanes. Your child grows, and his designs grow and become more complex along with him. For example, this construction set is good to use in role-playing games “We are builders”, “We are sailors”, etc. Here children develop imagination, dialogic and monologue speech, activate and expand their vocabulary, improve skills of independence and communication with peers, work skills, develop cognitive interest about these professions, reinforce colors and shapes, spatial orientation.

But in the role-playing game “We’re going shopping”, children learn not only to count, but also to recognize which object from the construction set is light and which is heavy.

12 slide 3. Constructor For children « Lego» Available in a wide variety of types, for children of all ages. The child will never get tired of it, since you can use it to assemble a wide variety of things: houses, cars, transformers and much more. Helps development of fine motor skills and mental activity. These constructors can also be themed, for example in our group it is “Farm”. During the game, children learn about the profession of a farmer, get acquainted with new machines unfamiliar to them, learn the names of domestic animals and their cubs, and expand their vocabulary.

13-14 slide 4. Wooden And magnetic constructors. From it the child will be able to assemble for himself wooden Toys or buildings. They help develop engineering and design abilities, accuracy and attention. Magnetic ones come in the form of various sticks, plates and metal balls. They besides interesting game help to get acquainted with the properties of magnets. With the help of a magnetic constructor you can play didactic games, for example the game “Chain of Words”. Children substitute one plate for another, while naming adjectives for the word “sun” and so on. In this game, children’s speech develops, children learn to select definitions for a given word, and activate previously learned words.

15-16 slide 5. Constructor from series CLICS. The designer's idea is very original! The parts of the same shape are all the same. They connect to each other with a “click” sound, which is why the “Clix” constructor is called. From the constructor you can build not only cars, but also trains, planes, ships, as well as furniture and animals.

17 slide Construction is considered one of the most important means of mental education. It focuses on a holistic perception of the future building, teaches observation, the ability to generalize, compare, and analyze. GCDs with a constructor contribute to the development of personal value qualities, such as determination, accuracy, organization and responsibility. The constructor will become a faithful assistant in preparing children for school, developing their speech, memory and independence.

"Construction games" allow you to bring any child's fantasy to life. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of the famous Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky: “...the best toy for a child is the one that he can make change in the most diverse ways...”.

teacher at the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Center -

child development – ​​Kindergarten

No. 9 “Spring” Nyandoma.

higher education;

highest qualification

work experience: 11 years

Generalization of work experience on the topic:

“Development of children’s intellectual and constructive abilities using LEGO constructors.”

Construction- This is a most interesting and exciting activity, it is closely connected with the sensory and intellectual development of the child. When working with preschoolers, taking into account their age characteristics you can use different types of construction sets, I would like to present to you my experience of working with push-button construction sets - Lego construction sets.

Using Lego constructors in working with children preschool age helps improve visual acuity, accuracy of color perception, tactile qualities, perception of the shape and dimensions of objects and space.

I started working on this topic in 2007. It attracted me because children can (first with the help of an adult), and then independently, in a playful and very entertaining way for them, acquire the knowledge and skills that are defined in the program for each age.

The use of LEGO promotes:

1) the development of sensory concepts in children, /since parts of different shapes are used, painted in primary colors/;

2) development and improvement of higher mental functions / memory, attention, thinking, emphasis is placed on the development of such mental processes as analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization /

3) training the fingers of the hands, which is very important for the development of fine motor skills of the hand and will further help prepare the child’s hand for writing;

4) uniting the children's team, developing a feeling of sympathy for each other, because children learn to solve problems together, distribute roles, and explain to each other the importance of this constructive solution.

Constructive activity is very closely related to the development of speech, since at first I lead the child to pronounce what he wants to do, what parts he will choose, why, the required number, size, etc. This joint pronunciation later helps the child himself determine the final the result of the work, be able to select all the necessary details and be able to explain why he designed it this way and not otherwise.

I started using LEGO construction sets not only in joint and independent activities, but also as part of a lesson within the framework of the implementation of the “artistic activity” direction (the “Childhood” program) with children of the middle group. The prerequisites were that the children who were in my group at that moment, from a large number of games, most often turned to construction sets, and I often used this to test the children’s knowledge of basic colors and shapes, the children while playing said, what the object looks like and how it differs from others, what width, length, height it is.

We then continued this work in senior group When children 5-6 years old are already trying to solve constructive problems “by eye”, they develop imaginative thinking, they learn to imagine objects in different spatial positions, and mentally change their relative positions.

I used the book “Building with LEGO” in my work. It presents thematic planning for all ages, topics are defined for each month and notes are presented. For the junior group of kindergarten - more than 20 topics, middle - 27, senior - 5, preparatory - 11.

On parent meeting I introduced parents to this area of ​​work, talked about the types of Lego construction sets, and what educational tasks I plan to solve when using it in the classroom and in joint activities. With the help of our parents, we created a card index, stands with examples of buildings, and albums with illustrations of buildings. Gradually, both children and parents became interested in this topic, brought a variety of “Lego” construction sets to the kindergarten, and we first set up a “Lego” games corner in the group, and then the idea of ​​creating a kindergarten small Lego Land. We managed to bring this idea to life; to develop the intellectual and constructive abilities of children, our kindergarten was equipped with a LEGO Center.

It is equipped with a diverse collection of LEGO construction sets (different in size, design orientation, multifunctional or used to create specific models). There is a podium with a railway, containers for parts, folders with samples of buildings, and stands with samples.

Mastering Lego construction sets carried out sequentially from simple to complex. Classes on the development of constructive thinking are held for 25-30 minutes in the senior group; 30-35 minutes in the preparatory group. Children can also play independently in this center in their free time.

The first part of the lesson is an exercise to develop logical

thinking / duration -10 minutes/.

The purpose of the first part is to develop the elements of logical thinking.

ABOUT The main tasks are:

1. Improving classification skills

2. Training in the analysis of logical patterns and the ability to make correct conclusions based on the analysis.

3. Activation of memory and attention.

4. Introduction to sets and symmetry principles.

5. Development of combinatorial abilities.

6. Strengthening spatial orientation skills

7. .

The second part is the actual design.

The purpose of the second part is to develop visual modeling abilities.

Main goals:

1. Development of the ability to analyze an object, highlight its characteristic features, main functional parts, and establish a connection between their purpose and structure.

2. Learning to plan the process of creating your own model and a joint project.

3. Stimulating constructive imagination when creating a building according to your own design - on a proposed or freely chosen topic.

4. Familiarization with the surrounding reality of the teacher

5. Formation of the ability to act in accordance with the teacher’s instructions and convey the features of objects using the LEGO constructor.

6. Development of speech and communication abilities.

7. The third part is playing around with buildings.

Systematic classes with children for 3 years, from secondary to preparatory group, as well as the active use of constructors in independent activities have shown that

Beginning of the year end of the year

B 20middle group - high level – 0% -- 0

Average - 80% --- 87%

Low level - 20% ------- 13%

In the senior group High. level -7% --- 9%

Avg. level - 82% 83%

Bottom. Lv.-11% -----8%

In preparation gr. High –9% -- 20%

Avg. level - 80% -----74%

Low Lv. – 11%-- 6%

children showed a high level of development in constructive activities

I'm working now V younger group , I have children 3-4 years old, I continue to work on this topic. Developed a theme. plan for the year.

At first, we simply got acquainted with the details of the construction set, how to attach two bricks, then we connected many bricks, learned to work in a team./ topic “Assembling a straight snake”, “Centipede”/

Subsequently, they introduced a sample of the building, learned to analyze the sample and correlate their actions with it / “Gates”, “Fences” / - A cycle of 14 topics.

Next, we used the sample on the card / “Building a house using a card” /. The children analyzed the sample shown on the card and selected necessary details and reproduced the construction. Complication through 2-3 topics - assembling a car using a card.

It is possible to highlight the characteristics of the organization and conducting classes and joint activities in different age groups:

Applicable in junior and middle groups the following types joint organizations activities:

· according to the sample;

· using cards with models that come with the LEGO set;

· according to your own intentions.

Kids enjoy building simple structures: paths, fences, bridges, gates, fences, cars, houses.

Children practice color recognition, counting to 5, and reinforce the concepts: “high - low”, “wide - narrow”. Designers with large-sized parts are used.

IN middle group basis for organizing work with Lego constructors is fairy tale . This is a preliminary familiarization with the work, and then constructing its characters, creating models of familiar fairy tales, and also composing your own stories. At this age, children become familiar with small designer LEGO DASTA - construction by design.

The buildings are of a conditional nature; problems at the initial stage are associated with underdeveloped fine motor skills and their poor orientation in space.

Children are free to experiment with building materials. The sample can be given at the beginning, and then it is removed. Examples of lesson topics could be: “We will go with you to the forests - miracles”, “Make Princess Nesmeyana laugh”, “Modeling the Firebird”, “Modeling characters based on the fairy tale Kolobok”.

In senior and preparatory groups are added to the construction of part of an object according to the teacher’s instructions, followed by completion according to their own plans and modeling of objects based on illustrations and drawings. The main topics are “Transport”, “Architecture”. Distinctive feature transport models built by children of this age – size and complexity. After the preliminary lesson - design according to plan - a lesson is conducted according to the conditions. For example, designing a two-story house with a porch and a balcony.

When making buildings, using verbal descriptions and visual actions, children learn to cope with complex stage-by-stage constructions.

We try to create problematic situations such that the child wants to build something himself to solve the problem.

In the second half of the year, work with a small designer begins. In the first lessons, constructive skills for constructing simple forms and simple objects, and firmly fastening parts of a structure are developed.

The forms of organizing classes are very different: design according to given conditions, according to an image, according to a plan. Then comes designing from images.

The preparatory group is characterized by working with small construction equipment and complicating models. The main forms of organizing classes are work based on pictures depicting an object and according to a plan. Lesson topics / “Construction according to plan on the topic summer holiday. “, Modeling a butterfly from a picture,” “Designing spaceships.” /

Thus, using the construction set, children in the middle group develop independence; in the older group - open ample opportunities for constructive activities, which is facilitated by a solid assimilation of a variety of technical fundamentals and methods of design. In the preparatory group, classes are more complex in nature and experimentation. Moreover, these classes are not only interesting for the children, but also stimulate them to further work. The LEGO construction set allows you to experience the whole gamut of moods and positive emotions during the game.

The designer gives you the opportunity to experiment and create your own boundless world, to feel, on the one hand, an integral part of the team, and on the other, an unquestioning leader in the created situation.

But the main thing is that the game gives children self-confidence.

Judging by the release of the preparatory group, the children learned to analyze, their speech, creative imagination, and communication skills were developed, their memory improved, their attention became more stable, and the children learned to think logically.

The basis for of this project was due to the presence of interest and activity in preschool children in learning about the world around them. A preschooler's idea of ​​surrounding things begins to form from the moment an object comes into the child's field of vision. There is a desire to explore and experiment. It is possible to support the child’s interest in the future and direct actions towards cognitive development if there are various forms of organization and methods of action with objects offered by an adult, and subsequently independently chosen by the child.

The goal of design in preschool age is to teach children not only a variety of actions with objects, but also to notice, make their own assumptions, experiment, make crafts and play, communicating with peers and adults, offering their own option and accepting the point of view of another. Choosing construction as a process of creative creation, I proceeded from the fact that when working with it, the child is faced with a space that is not filled with anything, and he himself endows it with the necessary content in which the game will unfold.

Free experimentation with the material that was offered to the child (construction parts made from soft sponge and soft wire for children's creativity) made it possible to formulate the children's plans for construction, consolidated the child's ideas about the properties and qualities of these materials, and allowed them to evaluate the feasibility of their plan based on from one’s own capabilities and listening to the opinions of peers and adults, involving them in joint activities and, based on the common plan, getting a new building.

Important in this work was the preservation friendly relations and consistency, coordination of game and design goals with the goals of peers. The implementation of the project took place through educational areas and various techniques. By starting a joint activity, showing details, the child was given the opportunity to examine it, clarify it, what can be done with it, what can be built from it, how can the building be played with. During the activity, all the children’s suggestions were listened to and encouraged, somost supported child's interest in creativity. What do we want to build, how can we play with our buildings, what parts do we need, joint construction and play, correction of the building and use of it in games - the main ones“stages” of joint activities.

The presentation of the project consisted of the final lesson “Toy City”. Children, independently and in pairs, proposed their own options for building a city for toys.

Objective of the project:Formation of cognitive activity, development and enrichment in children 4 years old creative potential through design using parts from scrap material (soft sponge) and objects made from soft wire for children's creativity.

Project objectives:

  • develop children's cognitive interest in design;
  • develop curiosity and imagination;
  • cultivate the ability to think, look for different ways of building from scrap materials;
  • develop design capabilities;
  • create conditions for the development of communicative abilities in the process of joint actions;
  • develop free communication with peers and adults, promote the formation of dialogical speech.

Stages of project implementation:


  1. Drawing up a step-by-step plan for working on this project.
  2. Problem analysis: increasing children's cognitive interest in various activities through games with objects made from soft sponge; developing children's creative abilities through creating objects from soft wire.
  3. Creating a bank of ideas on this topic; selection of didactic material, visual aids; selection of methodological literature on this topic.
  4. Selection necessary equipment and manuals for the practical implementation of the project, enriching the subject-development environment for the development of the creative potential of children 4 years old.


  1. Planning activities and events.
  2. Development of notes on various types of children's activities.


  1. Defining and drawing up new forms of work with children to develop and maintain interest in design.
  2. Introducing parents to the production of manuals from scrap materials in order to develop and activate the cognitive and creative abilities of children.

Project result:development of children's design abilities, cognitive interest, creative activity;imagination, independent cognitive play activity; mChristmas tree motor skills; atAbility to actively collaborate with children and adults in simple problem situations.

Conditions for the project:

Psychological - pedagogical conditions:

  • trusting relationship between children and teacher;
  • improving the style of partnership between teacher and children;

Practical conditions:

  • organization and integration of various types of children's activities;
  • consistency and frequency of planned activities.


1.Kaye V.A. Construction and experimentation with children 5-8 years old. Toolkit. M.: TC Sfera, 2015.

2. Belaya K.Yu. Innovative activities in kindergarten: Methodological manual. M., 2005.

Modern children prefer computer games to communicating with peers and their favorite toy, which have a negative effect on the psyche and development of a preschooler. How to protect your child from the computer? Playing with a construction set is, on the one hand, an exciting activity, and on the other hand, it promotes the all-round development of the child.

Play is the leading activity in preschool age, determining the development of the child’s intellectual, physical and moral strength, and most importantly - "education of feelings" to other people, adults and peers (A.V. Zaporozhets).

For a child, a toy is both a source of joy, an object for creativity, and a psychological tool for him to master the objective world and his own behavior, and to comprehend the complexities of human relationships.

We, teachers of MBDOU « gold fish» , decided to find out what our students are playing.

A survey of preschool children conducted in our kindergarten showed that answering questions "What do you like to play? What's your favorite toy? 5% of children 4-6 years old were confused, the children could not name a single game, 67% began to name the names of computer games during interruptions, with descriptions "heroes-liberators" the whole world from villains, the rest of the children interviewed called toys (racing cars, spiderman, Moxie dolls), which they simply manipulated, and some of the children called some kind of outdoor games such as traps and hide and seek, but only a very few were able to formulate the rules of the game.

Our children "toys" called computer games. They prefer the virtual world to live communication with peers and their favorite toy, to which they completely immerse themselves: saving the world with the next "super hero" , ram cars in races and disarm the enemy. A child sitting in front of a computer may have an angry expression on his face and tension throughout his body. In computer games, a child learns and gets used to killing. Then easily taking the lives of living beings in virtual world, the child transfers the aggression and anger of the game to peers, parents and everyone around him. Thus, gradually the computer, from an electronic machine created to work and facilitate the work of an adult, became an addictive and dangerous toy that controls the minds of our children. Not a single mother wants her child to be dependent on a computer, which, according to the irrefutable conclusions of psychologist V.V. Abramenkova: 1) Changes in the value system. The living, human, immediate gives way to technocratic, mediocre communication and learning when a teacher is not needed. 2) The screen, through optical effects, clipping and other techniques, transforms the traditional children's picture of the world into a different one (virtual) reality, the child fences himself off from the real world. 3) The screen is a constructor of the new world order: "new morality" , new ethical standards.

Therefore, it depends on us, adults, what games our children play and with what.

To solve this problem, we decided to involve parents of pupils in the cognitive game process to provide maximum support in meeting the needs of children arising in the process of development and learning. In order for the work to bear fruit and see the result, we organized a family creative workshop in the group for joint creativity of children and parents and their communication, in order to bring together the interests of the child and the adult, to give them the opportunity to experience pleasant moments of cooperation, to overcome difficulties together and enjoy successes, and so to increase the pedagogical literacy of parents in the field of design to enrich the play activities of preschoolers at home.

We decided to offer parents a construction set as an alternative to computer games and spider-men.

To begin with, we introduced parents to the types of construction sets from various materials to increase competence in the field of education and enrichment of children's play activities. Parents learned and saw that children's construction sets are a whole country of educational toys, in which you can find a wide variety of types of construction sets: wooden, plastic, dynamic, electronic, metal, magnetic, paper, Lego construction sets and many others. Each type of construction set meets its own goals, but there is one thing in common that unites them all - the child’s creativity, the desire to create something new and enjoy the results of his creativity. (photo No. 1, photo No. 2)

It’s not easy to choose, but if the choice is made correctly, in this variety the child will find his favorite game, with the help of which he can depict his beautiful child’s inner world, his desires and fantasies, develop the desire to create and learn how big things are created from small things. It has always been easy to destroy, just stamp your foot and the sand castle will disappear, throw the machine on the floor and see its contents. But destruction does not bring anything good to parents, those around them, or the children themselves. Therefore, developing children's ability to create is one of the most important tasks for parents.

Construction sets for children will help parents develop their child’s visual, effective and imaginative thinking, imagination, memory, understanding of cause and effect, attention and spatial orientation, improving gaming skills and perseverance, and ideas about color. While playing with a construction set, when a child connects, disconnects and simply sorts out parts of different sizes, the muscles of the hand are involved, which contributes to the development of fine motor skills. This combination of various types of influences has a beneficial effect on the development of speech, facilitates the assimilation of a number of concepts and even the production of sounds, since the development of fine motor skills has a stimulating effect on the development of speech motor areas of the cerebral cortex. By playing with cubes, a child’s mathematical understanding of the shape, size, spatial and quantitative relationships of objects expands. Games with construction sets develop in a child such valuable personality traits as determination, accuracy, organization and responsibility. A construction set can be a good assistant in preparing children for school, developing their speech, memory and independence.

The next stage of the family workshop was the practical part, where parents became directly acquainted with various types of construction sets and, together with their children, built various buildings and played with them. (photo No. 3, photo No. 4, photo No. 5, photo No. 6, photo No. 7) Parents immersed themselves in the world of creativity and were no less passionate than their children. Parents have become convinced that it is not enough to buy a construction set and simply give it to the child - in this case, the construction set will become an incomprehensible pile of parts that are of no interest and will not be able to play its important role in the child’s life.

A construction set is a good reason to communicate with a child of any age.

After all, the designer is not at all simple toy In order to get the intended construction from a construction set, a child needs to make certain efforts, and to create a complex structure, intelligence and certain skills are required, because the child must also be taught how to sequentially assemble parts according to a diagram. And the interest, support and help of an adult and such an authoritative person as dad makes this toy especially attractive, and the jointly created creation expensive. What will the new building be like and how to play with it? Each time it will be completely new, interesting and educational. For example, having seen that as a result of the child’s efforts he has created an airplane, invite him to fly to a fairy tale country or visit his favorite toy, come up with an interesting story together and act it out using other toys, or compare the resulting plot with a familiar fairy tale, filling the child’s construction as well. and his play with bright feelings and kindness. In the mind of a child there is a constructor "will come to life" and from a quickly boring and incomprehensible heap of details it will become one of the most important parts for realizing the vast world of children's fantasy in games.

And in the group we started active work with different types of constructor. Lego construction sets are very popular and have become very interesting for our students. While our children are at the stage of designing according to the model, the models are being assembled using the instructions provided by the manufacturer. But we hope that soon our students will begin to fantasize and create their own models and buildings, without using models - instructions.

We see that by working according to a scheme, a sample with numerous details of the designer, our children become diligent, attentive, and they develop spatial thinking, logic, shy children became more confident.

I would like to wish parents whose children have not yet played with construction sets to introduce and, if possible, make friends with the world of construction sets. Most children love to play with construction sets, so construction sets are a game that every child should have. And the benefits of such an acquisition will not take long to arrive - on the one hand, the child is enthusiastic interesting activity, and, on the other hand, this activity contributes to his all-round development.



Abramenkova V.V. What our children play: Toy and anti-toy. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, Lepta Book, 2006. - 640 p.

LEGO construction is increasingly becoming part of our lives and the lives of children. LEGO is a new discovery, new idea, a new impetus for development. After all, it is this type of design that meets the interests of children and their abilities. Children who are interested in design are distinguished by rich fantasy and imagination, an active desire for creative activity, a desire to experiment and invent; they have developed spatial, logical, mathematical, associative thinking, memory, and this is the basis of intellectual and speech development child. All these data confirm the relevance of using LEGO construction in preschool educational institutions as a means of correcting the speech of children in compensatory groups.

During the lesson with the LEGO constructor, the communicative activity of each child increases, the ability to work individually, in pairs, in a group is formed, and creative abilities are developed. Increases motivation to learn.

Working in pairs or groups, children, regardless of their background, can build models while learning while having fun. The LEGO constructor helps children bring their ideas to life, build and imagine, working with passion and seeing the end result.

Using the LEGO constructor in our work, we implement the following tasks:

– To form an active attitude towards one’s own cognitive activity in the field of mathematical concepts, the ability to highlight the goal, foundations and methods of achieving it, reason about them, and objectively evaluate one’s results;

– Develop an understanding of the properties (size, shape, quantity) of objects in the surrounding world on a visual basis; O in various ways knowledge of these properties;

– Develop the ability to generalize, compare, identify and establish simple patterns, connections and relationships; explain the process of solving a creative or problematic problem;

– Encourage the appropriate use of mathematical terms and symbols;

– Promote the active use of mathematical concepts in cognitive and gaming activities, in everyday life; improve ideas about them;

– Develop the need for intellectual communication, maintain a conversation on a topic that interests the child.

IN preschool institution The requirements for LEGO construction are quite simple: correctly create structures according to diagrams. But even this allows not only to develop children’s design skills, but also to solve the problems of others educational areas provided by the educational program.

Integration of educational areas through LEGO construction

Educational area

Scope of application of LEGO construction in accordance with the target guidelines of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education

Social and communicative development

Creation of joint buildings united by one idea, one project

development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

formation of readiness for joint activities with peers;

formation of positive attitudes towards various types labor and creativity.

Cognitive development

Technical design – the embodiment of a plan from LEGO parts

the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and consequences, etc.).

Speech development.

Work on the development of phonemic hearing, grammatical structure of speech, sound culture of speech and coherent speech

development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Creative design - creating a plan from LEGO parts

implementation of independent creative activity of children - constructive and model.

Physical development

Coordination of movement, gross and fine motor skills of both hands

In pedagogy, LEGO technology is interesting because, being built on integrated principles, it combines elements of play and experimentation. Games with LEGO are a way for a child to explore and orientate himself in the real world.

Using the LEGO constructor, we set tasks for children that are simple, understandable and attractive to them, by solving which they learn without noticing it.

Since October 2015, we have been conducting in-depth work in compensatory groups for children with special needs using LEGO technology.

We use the LEGO constructor in almost all routine moments: during exercises, in physical education classes, in entertainment, in free activities, in individual correctional work, in the process of continuous educational activities etc.

Work on including the LEGO constructor in educational activities began with an introduction to the LEGO constructor. From a young age, children loved to engage with construction sets as free activities. But at the same time, they did not always correctly name the parts and connect them. Therefore, first of all, we began to acquaint children with the names of LEGO parts, methods of correctly connecting them in the construction of various models, and organized a study of the parts of the designer, in which their properties and qualities were determined. After such introductory activities, children began to communicate more freely with each other in free construction activities, naming parts and objects correctly, they had a greater desire to build with LEGO construction sets and, as a result, enjoy their productive activities.

In a joint group activity, children were asked to complete LEGO construction tasks. The guys completed their first constructions using a visual model from a large LEGO construction set from a small number of parts (3-5 parts). The children got involved in the work with interest and, as a rule, added their own details to the proposed model from the construction set.

In order to attract children who did not want to play with LEGO (there were children who tried to use ready-made structures and did not want to build themselves), we used the artistic word. For example:

It's easier to do everything with LEGO,

It's easier to get smarter with LEGO!

Details, details, aren't you tired of sleeping?

This morning it's time for us to build!

There were a lot of bricks

Each one was completely nobody's.

And now the details

They stood up like a strong wall.

In the future, we complicated the types of proposed buildings by increasing details and drawing up diagrams. The children got involved in the work with interest and supplemented the proposed model with their own construction kit parts.

To diversify constructive activities, we often came up with models ourselves, made them and made diagrams (photos or in the form of a sample), which we later offered to the children for construction.

Tasks with diagrams required greater concentration of attention and clear coordinated actions; of course, they are more difficult for children than designing according to a visual model, but this helped develop independence of action in preschoolers, the need for experimentation and ingenuity.

As a result, children got the opportunity to use the LEGO constructor in modeling objects for role-playing games, in which, uniting in small groups (2-3 children), they created their own spontaneous game plot. We also used the created LEGO buildings in theatrical games, which children really like. Such games create conditions for the development of speech, creativity and have a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere of preschoolers.

We build constructive activities according to comprehensive thematic planning, weekly selecting different topics for construction. For example, “The house where I live”, “We travel by transport”, “My favorite animal”, “New Year tree”.

Work on lexical topics using LEGO construction allows children with special needs to memorize new words using tactile and visual analyzers, and develops other speech skills. Children not only describe their models and talk about their purpose, but also ask and answer questions as construction progresses. This develops communication skills, since in joint activities children can not only be interested in what others are doing and how, but also receive or give advice on fastening methods, exchange parts, or even combine their models for a larger-scale design. At the same time, participants in joint activities solve emerging problems, communicate and consult with each other.

Systematic work on speech development using LEGO technologies makes the correctional and speech therapy process more effective. Children perceive classes as a game that does not cause negativity in them, but teaches them to be attentive, persevering, and accurately following instructions. This helps in better absorption required material. During the performance of practical tasks, various muscle groups are activated, the development and correction of hand motor skills, cognitive and speech activity and the emotional-volitional sphere of the child occur. For example, so that laying out diagrams of sound-syllable analysis does not turn into a monotonous, tedious task, we invite children to lay out diagrams from LEGO bricks: “Put sounds in trailers”, “Place in houses”, “Grow a tree”.

Using LEGO in educational activities, we conduct didactic games and exercises using construction parts, which makes it easier to learn the material. For example, the game “Wonderful Bag”, in which children develop tactile perception and speech, the game “Remember and Repeat”, which is aimed at correcting memory and thinking.

Application of didactic exercises “Count the steps”, “Left, right, bottom, top”, “Long - short”, “Find the missing figure”, “Multi-colored paths”, “Continue the number series”, “Where is more?” using LEGO elements made it possible to enhance the learning effect when carrying out educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, contributed to the development of the ability to classify by color, size, size, and taught preschoolers orientation in space.

In individual correctional work and in routine moments, we began to use games and exercises from a collection of games compiled by speech therapists at our MBDOU. These are the games “Ladder”, “Sound semaphores”, “Guess” (by touch), “Day - Night” (what has changed?), “One - many.

When doing morning exercises, we use LEGO construction parts instead of objects, respectively, naming each exercise: “Shifting the bricks,” “Reaching for the sun,” “Reaching the cube.”

As a result of systematic and in-depth work with the LEGO constructor, children's communicative activity increased, the ability to work individually, in pairs, and in groups was formed, their creative abilities were improved, and their motivation to learn increased.

Konyushkina Larisa Nikolaevna – teacher of MBDOU No. 9 “Teremok”, Irkutsk region, Ust-Ilimsk.