Life and all the benefits that accompany it bring a person a lot of opportunities and benefits. It’s so good when life’s events arrange themselves, and dates with friends bring spiritual satisfaction.

It really looks very attractive and wonderful, if not for one fact:
It happens that the girl you love is walking with another person. You give a lot of strength and energy, take care of your loved one, and receive such a magnificent surprise. This is exactly what happens in our lives, as soon as we relax and say to ourselves, well, it’s happened, I’m lucky, happy, they love me very much and they will never leave me, and here a conflict is brewing.

What should I do, you say, after all, everything went well, and I do everything right, but they treat me like this. Let's consider such mysterious circumstances of the relationship between two loved ones, and see why this happens.

While all love triangles have similarities, it's usually the unexpected that brings the biggest pain. When you're most unprepared for it, that's when it strikes. In order not to fall into a trance and a state of hopelessness, we just need to know that, according to statistics, all, or almost all, couples are problematic couples. One can be horrified by such comforting words, but one should not assume that everything in life is black. People need to love, can be loved and should be loved, but before you can truly love, you need to come to a certain degree of understanding of the relationship. When you understand the relationship between the sexes and their communication with each other, it will be very easy to accept life’s circumstances, even if they are the worst.

These small lines contain the basic principles. Statistics show that this happens to all people; after a certain stage of meetings and dates, a loved one makes a choice in favor of the best candidate, so take it lightly. This happens to everyone, you cannot know who exactly your beloved friend is with, where she spends her free time, how she relaxes. It may be that she is sitting at home and waiting for you, alone.
Take the circumstances of your friend's dating for granted, because when you develop such a stable psychology of behavior with your loved ones, you will be like an angel. A carefree angel, as Kipelov sang in his song, who in his life had to experience many partings and failures. Such failures only give you a charge at this stage before giving you the best.
People are designed in such a way that they tend to choose and evaluate the situation, choosing where it will be better and more comfortable. Based on this, in the relationship between the two sexes, we can observe an imbalance at a certain stage of this relationship. You just need to know and be prepared for anything, and in the case when the fullness of knowledge comes to you consciously, then negative events do not happen. This is the psychology of behavior, which will give you a lot of strength and energy for further exploits in life.

Don't be discouraged, if a girl goes on a date, let go of the attachment, because jealousy may also be behind it. Jealousy, as we know, is a huge evil that can drive a person to white heat; it’s better not to have this happen, but to be in a harmonious state of mind.
Realizing this will lead you to freedom of thinking, where the way out will be visible, and vice versa, if you tell yourself that I am sure that my girlfriend will never leave me, you are at great risk. Love is sometimes very cruel, and does not happen according to the laws written in books and rules; truly love comes only when you are ready to accept everything that happens for granted. Such couples are made in heaven, people need to know a little more about each other, or go through a lot of difficulties in relationships in life, only then does it appear real love.

I would also like to say in conclusion that you should not lose heart under any circumstances and be cheerful, just know that this could happen, it is a possibility.

Hello, This is Lesha Doc and in this article I will answer the question of a guy who found himself in a difficult situation

And the subject of his letter sounds like this: "Ex-girlfriend is dating someone else"

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I'll answer you personally.

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And here is his letter that he sent to me:

Hello Lekha. I recommend you to all my friends. Situation: I met a girl, we work together, I’m 32, she’s 34. She looks good - she takes care of herself, she is always neat and well-groomed. According to the horoscope, I am a Virgo, I am a Cancer, we lived for about six months, it didn’t work out, I went to my parents, I don’t have my own place yet.

At first, when we lived, there were constant demands and complaints about everyday life towards me - it’s not like that, it’s not like that, in short, I was constantly dissatisfied with something. After these same six months cohabitation I was able to overcome mentally her It’s quite a difficult character to make someone fall in love with you.

I’ll backtrack a little - I liked her very much - somehow I didn’t dare to communicate closer before, well, plus many people at work are afraid of her, allegedly for a very, very evil character.

Well, now we’ve broken up completely, about six months have passed, my initiative to break up has accumulated inside me, apparently, her bitchiness towards me has changed, though, but my once strong feelings for her have faded. Now we are normal friends - we communicate at work, without any complaints against each other, we parted on a positive note.

After the breakup I for a long time helped her around the apartment in terms of minor repairs, something like a husband for an hour, he did a lot of things, gained some experience, often heard compliments from her in terms of the work done, and naturally there was fairly constant sex, where would we be without it. As a result, our difficult relationship lasted about 3 years.

Recently I couldn’t resist and went to visit her, one might say I asked for it. I haven't had a girlfriend for a couple of months, she agreed, although with surprise, she was pleased.

Had quality sex a couple of times. Then for some reason I feelings for her suddenly arose as if anew- how it was before, or maybe habit, maybe proximity influenced me - I still don’t really understand.

I don’t know if it’s stupid or not, but we agreed with her when we parted, that if one of both of us has a person on the horizon - we speak without any secrets, adults are people after all.

I'm leaving work and I see a picture - my ex is walking in an embrace with a guy, I caught up with a quick step to make sure I greeted her normally and moved on. For some reason, my legs gave way at that moment from what I saw - I didn’t show it.

The next day, as if nothing had happened, she calls me, how are you doing - at first I kept myself in control, then he lost his temper and said that she was wrong- It would have been more decent not to stir things up on the sly, but to simply say it as it is; the reaction, I think, would have been simpler - especially since there was an agreement.

Although I understand that we are no one to each other. She says it's just a friend— escorts her home, and if someone shows up at her place, I’ll be the first to know. And there is nothing like that here! Then it turns out that she and this guy had met a couple of times before - she didn’t tell me anything about it, and then it turns out that I showed up too.

I don’t understand, please explain to me who is slowing down, who is wrong in this situation, me or my ex, and what should I do wisely if ex-girlfriend dating someone else?

So, let's understand this situation.

I can immediately say that even though the guy says, that he doesn’t like her and doesn’t give a damn, in fact, this is far from the case.

Why is that?

Yes, because the guy doesn’t know how to meet people, which means will not be able to quickly find a replacement of this girl, that’s why he goes around and does repairs for her, communicates with her on the sly, and in the depths of his soul hopes that she will soon return to him again and they will create a serious relationship.

And even if the girl directly tells the boy that she is dating and sleeping with someone else, he will still run around her and humiliate himself, will wait until she breaks up with her boyfriend and calls him again.

In fact, I feel very sorry for such guys, because with such thinking and psychology, he will always grovel before a domineering girl who will wipe her feet on him.

What can you say about the girl?

A girl with a masculine character who likes weak and driven guys, as they can be easily manipulated and controlled. This means they can be used for your own selfish purposes.

For example, a guy will do her apartment renovations for free, plus give her sex(sometimes) when she needs it, but there is no one in mind.

Naturally, as soon as she finds herself a boyfriend, she will drain this poor guy. The girl will remember him only when she needs some kind of emergency help, if at that moment her boyfriend is busy.

So, I answer the question “ If your ex-girlfriend is dating someone else?»

This means that you can dry your oars, since you have already been flushed down the toilet.

And here you can go several ways:

  1. Continue to humiliate yourself and wait for her to come back to you after sex with someone else
  2. Start working on yourself and find yourself worthy feminine girl who will appreciate and respect you.

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What guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only your relationships with girls will change, but your whole life in general. Now I live like a MAN, and the girls feel it))”
Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha!!! The tips from your articles are useful, they change your own psychology and attitude towards the world and towards girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!"
Maxim, Ukraine

“Alexey, thank you so much for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of behavior between guys and girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)”

From this article you can find out why you dream about your ex-girlfriend from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend: interpretation of the dream

  1. You often dream about your ex-girlfriend - you cannot let go of your past.
  2. Seeing your ex-girlfriend with a new companion means your significant other will put you in front of a difficult choice.
  3. Marrying an ex-girlfriend in a dream means changes await you in your personal life.
  4. Restarting a relationship with your ex-girlfriend in a dream means new feelings await you that you can experience with a woman whom you have known for a long time, but never considered her as a lover.
  5. Ex-girlfriend in a dream - your feelings for her have not passed yet.
  6. Seeing former women as classmates or classmates - you will hear news about old friends.
  7. An ex-girlfriend in a dream could mean that you have been bewitched. If you have a girl who has a crush on you, be careful.
  8. An ex-girlfriend, with whom you broke up a long time ago, dreams of the beginning of a new relationship.
  9. If a guy dreamed about his ex-girlfriend, this most likely indicates his reluctance to let her go. Often, according to Freud’s interpretation, feelings that we are not aware of in reality are repressed into the unconscious, that is, sleep. Perhaps you were too offended by her, but you didn’t stop loving her and you yourself are afraid to admit it in reality.
  10. If your ex-girlfriend meets you in a dream by chance, expect a new relationship that will not keep you waiting.

Why do you dream and what does an ex-girlfriend mean in our time?

Dreaming about your ex-girlfriend? In the case when you saw your ex-girlfriend in a dream, the dream book suggests paying attention to the emotional side of this dream. That is, you should remember the feelings and sensations that you experienced when you saw your ex-girlfriend. This will be the most important key to solving the dream.

So, if you experienced only pleasant sensations in a dream and positive emotions- you let go ex-love and are ready for a new, full-fledged relationship.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Quarrel with your ex-girlfriend in a dream - perhaps, although you let her go, you still did not understand the reason for the separation. Such a relationship outcome can leave a negative imprint on the beginning of a new romantic relationship. In this case, the dream book says that you are afraid to enter into close relationships until you understand the real reason breakup, so as not to feel the pain of loss again.

If you kiss your ex-girlfriend in a dream, but she has a different face, you will soon be faced with the problem of making a choice, which will be extremely difficult to make. Try to understand yourself and your true feelings, desires and goals. Typically, such dreams indicate a substitution of values ​​due to severe psychological state after the breakup.

Russian folk dream book

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend - interpretation of the dream:

Ex-girlfriend is crying - you cannot accept her choice. If you dream of a girl crying hysterically, be calm, the troubles that have recently beset you will disappear. Such a dream suggests that your life will soon get better, and solely thanks to your efforts.

ex-girlfriend laughs at you - the breakup caused you an inferiority complex. This is normal, given the emotions and experiences you have experienced.

ex-girlfriend - Laughs with you - one of your close friends or even relatives is having problems. An illness, a complication of a current relationship.

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend in a dream:

A dream about an ex-girlfriend should be regarded as a call to action. You need to make every effort to forget her and start a new relationship. You need to decide for yourself what to ex relationship no more returns. You may dream of your ex-girlfriend as a push, an incentive to start a new life.

Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend, how to understand the dream:

Quarreling with an ex-girlfriend in a dream means that this dream warning - in the near future you will experience betrayal from a person you trust. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings; you should not completely trust your secrets. A dream in which you marry your ex predicts quite serious changes in your life. Both professional and personal. A sharp turn in life awaits you

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of an ex-girlfriend in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why does an ex-girlfriend dream from Monday to Tuesday in the dream book?
  • If you dream about your ex-girlfriend from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about your ex-girlfriend according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of an ex-girlfriend in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Thu November 23, 2017, 06:35:08

Mon July 10, 2017, 18:36:20

Tue June 27, 2017, 12:05:14

Sat June 17, 2017, 02:45:17

Wed May 03, 2017, 06:46:08

ex-girlfriend in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Dream Interpretation

Ex-girlfriend with another

Dream Interpretation Ex-girlfriend with another dreamed about why you dream about an ex-girlfriend with someone else? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Ex-girlfriend with someone else in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Why do you dream about an ex-girlfriend in a dream, why did you dream about sex or a kiss with an ex-girlfriend, why do you often dream about her - a detailed interpretation of the dream

Often in a dream, young people make love - this is normal: these are the characteristics of the male body, and if this moment is not realized in life, the body requires discharge. They have erotic dreams, intimacy both with beautiful strangers and with their former partners, whom they don’t even remember during the day. After this, some are tormented by the question: why dream of sex with an ex-girlfriend - does this mean that the passion has not faded? In fact, the meaning of the dream depends on the situation - only one thing is clear: one way or another, the past will not be slow to remind itself in real life.

Why do ex-girlfriends dream according to Meridian's dream book?

Why do you dream about an ex-girlfriend, woman or wife? You probably don’t want to let go of your past and it reminds you of itself in such dreams. Perhaps some caring person is trying to bewitch you and this should alert you - try to protect yourself with special prayers. This may also herald the beginning of a new romantic relationship, especially if, according to the plot of the dream, the meeting with an ex-woman was accidental.

Why do you dream of reconciliation with your ex-girlfriend? Most likely, a love adventure is expected with a woman you have known for a long time, whom you have never even considered as a lover.

I dreamed about an ex-girlfriend: interpretation according to the Russian dream book

The most unexpected situations happen in a dream, sometimes it confuses and frightens. It is known that men are panicky afraid of women's tears in reality and feel confused, but when their crying haunts them in a dream. Why do you dream of a crying ex-girlfriend? According to the Russian dream book, such a dream speaks of overcoming obstacles and ending troubles. Psychologically, this may mean something different - perhaps you are not satisfied with her choice.

If your ex-girlfriend laughs, it’s much worse. The breakup of the relationship left an unpleasant mark on your psyche - it caused an inferiority complex. If you both laugh in a dream, be attentive to your relatives. Some health problems may affect them.

Ex-girlfriend in a dream according to Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller explains differently what dreams mean ex-woman. If she is calm and serene, it’s all over and we can assume that you have freed yourself from the bonds of your former passion. Another thing is that you dreamed of a kiss with an ex-girlfriend, caresses or sex - the feelings have not faded away, even if years have passed, and perhaps require continuation.

A dream has a similar meaning when you dream of an ex-woman who sorts things out, quarrels and even makes a scandal. There continues to be a close connection between you at the energy level and it is very difficult to destroy it.

Dream ex-girlfriend according to Hasse's dream book

How does Hasse’s dream book interpret it if a guy dreams about his ex-girlfriend? It is important to pay attention to how the breakup happened - is there a feeling of guilt? And also what feeling remained after waking up - painful experiences entail troubles and vice versa.

If you dreamed that your ex-girlfriend was marrying you, or you were kissing her, this is a very good sign: expect a fateful meeting in the near future or a sharp turn in life.

Seeing an ex-girlfriend in a dream according to Longo's dream book

Often dreams reflect life situations exactly the opposite. And if a guy dreams that his ex-girlfriend has died or she is crying inconsolably, it means that everything is fine with her. And at the very young man a new bright stage in life will begin, provided that he finally comes to terms with the past.

When you dream of an ex-girlfriend who laughs, worry. Call and offer your help. Perhaps it comes in handy for her now.

Why do you often dream about your ex-girlfriend according to the Modern Dream Book?

People take dreams very anxiously and seriously, which bother them more than once or twice. If you regularly dream about your ex-girlfriend, you need to pay attention to the emotional side of such a dream. What did you feel when you met her? Sometimes dreams try to help a person understand his feelings.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend in a dream? The answer to this question can be given not only by a dream interpreter, but also by any psychologist. If this happens often, it means that you continue to think about her and are experiencing your separation. It’s worth distracting yourself and accepting everything as it is. The third option is to try to return love.

If a guy dreamed of a pregnant ex-girlfriend, such a dream can be interpreted in two ways. The first is as a haunting something from the past that will respond in the future, and it is impossible to say for sure whether it will be positive or negative. The second version of the meaning is the prediction of imminent fatherhood.

I dreamed about a naked ex-girlfriend - be careful with the opposite sex, they can cause you trouble.

Why do you dream about cheating with your ex-girlfriend? “I dream that she is with a new guy!” - you say. Then know that you will not be able to return her and are faced with a choice: to remain alone or to find new girlfriend. Another meaning is fear of close relationships, since you have not yet figured out for yourself the reason for your separation.


Why do you dream when your ex-girlfriend and your (real) wife are sitting at a common table and they are communicating peacefully?

Dream Interpretation ex-girlfriend with friend

If in a dream a guy sees his ex-girlfriend with another guy or fans, then in real life his current girlfriend will hint in every possible way about legitimizing the relationship and starting a family, but if in a dream the ex gets married, this indicates that the young man will also soon will meet the girl he will marry. Also Special attention you should pay attention to the fact that a guy in a dream meets his ex-girlfriend in secret from everyone - if this happens, then such a dream indicates that among the young man’s entourage there is his secret admirer, whom he does not even notice. But seeing the death or funeral of a former lover means drastic changes in life, while it is impossible to say for sure whether they will be positive or negative, since such a dream must be interpreted in small, especially memorable details. Freud's dream book interprets the meaning of a dream in which a young man sees his ex-girlfriend in his own way. Such a dream may foreshadow a short-term affair, which will be based on an intimate relationship rather than a love relationship. In this case, the partner may be a young lady who has been known to the young man for a long time. But if a guy dreams that in a dream he had an intimate relationship with his ex-girlfriend, then soon in reality the young man will be in for a very pleasant surprise or gift.

So how can one correctly interpret such a dream? First, it is necessary to remember all kinds of details as carefully as possible, since the future of the prophecy depends on their presence. If a guy sees his girlfriend in a dream, it means in reality he is not yet ready to build a new relationship, even if he is in one. The subconscious of a young man tries to return the image of his ex-girlfriend to the guy’s thoughts and says that the guy has some kind of reverent feelings for her, despite the fact that the love may have already passed. If you dream about your ex-girlfriend quite often, this may mean that the young man wants with all his might to get her back and restore the relationship, since he is still not indifferent to her. If this relationship cannot be turned around, then it is better to stop dreaming that the girl might return and everything in the relationship will be as before, because it is precisely such thoughts that often do not allow young people to walk peacefully and communicate with other representatives of the fair sex, and enter into relationships. New relationships with such guys don’t work out. It is also necessary to pay attention to what happens in your sleep. If you dreamed that a young man started dating a girl again, this indicates that he mentally went through a period of separation and forgive his ex-lover and himself for what happened. The same interpretation of a dream is given if in a dream a young man asks a girl to marry him.

If you dream of your ex-girlfriend on Wednesday or Friday, then you need to pay special attention to such dreams, since these days of the week are the most powerful in their energy and at this time you can see a prophetic dream that is important for the future, especially if the young man remembers it well.” yatav.

If another lover of a young man saw a dream about an ex-girlfriend, then this dream does not bring anything good to the woman. This dream warns the lady that there are gossipers and envious people around her. Luckily for the woman, she doesn’t dream about her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend. This only means that envy and negativity can come from anyone, and not just from her husband’s previous chosen one.

If you dreamed about a guy’s ex-girlfriend, the dream means that you lack confidence in yourself and in the future. The dream book also believes that the dream serves as a reminder of the value of tender feelings and romantic relationships, as well as how important it is to protect them.

If you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend, and in the morning the memories torment you and give you no rest, the films explain this by the fact that there is a lot left unsaid between you. The dream does not promise to return love and advises trying to accept each other in a different capacity.

If your ex-girlfriend comes to you very often in a dream for a long time, then this means that she thinks about you and often remembers you. Her image flies to you in a dream to see you. But you should call her, because it is possible that something happened to her. Even worse fears cannot be ruled out.

If such dreams stress you out and cause great discomfort, then you need to mentally ask her for forgiveness. Then you will stop dreaming about her. Seeing an ex-girlfriend in a dream is quite difficult for those who have gone through a period of separation and related scandals and ups and downs.

Such frequent dreams should be regarded as a motivation to action. You need to make every effort to forget her and find her. new girl. You need to finally decide for yourself that it’s all over with that one. Feel free to start new life, fate will definitely bring you together with your soul mate.

If a girl had such a dream, then very soon a rival will appear in her life. And she will not necessarily claim the heart of your loved one. There is a high probability that a girl will want to take your position.

If a man dreamed that he was kissing his beloved on the street, in front of everyone, then he should be prepared for unfounded accusations and gossip about him. A kiss in pitch darkness indicates that the person is very afraid of losing contact with the girl.

- interpretation of sleep from dream books

Clarify the dream for interpretation

Miller's Dream Book

what does it mean if an ex-girlfriend is with someone else in a dream

The ex-girlfriend in your dream indifferently walks past you with your new chosen one - do not expect the relationship to be restored, you are truly free.

Vanga's Dream Book

ex-girlfriend with another in a dream

If you often see in your dreams a girl with whom the love affair ended long ago and this girl was with someone else, then your new passion expects serious steps from you, perhaps these dreams prophesy the way to the registry office.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

ex-girlfriend with another according to the dream book

I dreamed of a girl from the past with a new guy - scandals in the house.

Freud's Dream Book

ex-girlfriend with another in a dream what is this for

A dream where your ex-girlfriend has taken on a new boyfriend, then we can assume that sexual encounters with her are possible for some time, but not for long.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend with someone else?

This dream suggests that you are ready for a new relationship and it will become promising.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend with someone else?

I dreamed of an ex-girlfriend and her lover, call her, it may well be that she is having difficulties and needs friendly assistance.

Family dream book

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend with someone else?

A dream about an ex-lover, in which she was with another, interprets that behind your back they have prepared a conspiracy business partners, they are trying to deceive you.

With a dream, an ex-girlfriend with other people had the same dream

To determine on which days prophetic dreams occur, you should know the well-known divine holidays. Dreams can be prophetic on these days and on other days. More details about prophetic dreams for all days of the month can be found here.

Funny video about best friends person. or the best alarm clocks? =)

A dream from Saturday to Sunday does not foretell negative events, but shows whether hopes and dreams will come true.

You created coziness and comfort for your girlfriend, gave flowers and gifts, did everything to make her feel good, but she chose another guy over you. You begin to blame that guy, you are ready to destroy him, then you accuse your ex-girlfriend of inconstancy, and then you think about what you did wrong and whether the blame for your breakup lies with you. Jealousy strangles you, your feelings don’t want to leave, and your thoughts increasingly return to her. First, determine for yourself whether it is really a matter of strong love, or whether you want to return the girl because your pride has been damaged and your pride has been hurt.

It happens that a guy has confidence in his feelings, he cannot live without a girl, and then he returns her, but the love disappears, the relationship collapses, but on the initiative of the guy. It turns out that he was simply hurt all the time by the fact that it was the girl who left him first, and he needed to get her back only to satisfy his vanity. If you understand that there is now much more anger than feelings, you should throw it out and then work on increasing your self-esteem. If this is not your case, then you should develop a plan to get the girl back, and not dig into yourself.

So, she left for someone else, what to do. You need to understand for yourself that the girl decided to break up for a reason. Even the fact that another guy appeared in her life is not an accident. Girls decide to break up for a very long time and not easily; on the one hand, they are frightened by the unknown, and on the other hand, they are simply initially aimed at preserving the relationship. You should remember what happened between you lately, what was wrong. You shouldn’t ask the girl directly why she chose someone else, it will look stupid and pathetic, and even worse is asking her to come back. It happens that a girl voices for a long time what does not suit her, but at one fine moment her patience simply runs out. And then it coincided, she met him, he turned out to be completely different, not like you.

You can just wait for her relationship to not work out, then she will come running to you. But you shouldn’t count on such an outcome of events and do nothing. You can win a girl again, but for this you need to change radically, this concerns appearance, habits, character traits. Do not communicate with the girl and do not run after her, let her know that you have pride and a strong character. Gradually, she will become interested in your life and learn for herself about the changes that have occurred in her. Try to devote your time to achieving some success, engage in self-development, devote yourself to work, study, and sports. Prove to everyone that you are the best. Try to forget for a while that your girlfriend now has another guy and don’t accumulate anger in yourself, if you don’t succeed, then there is no need to return the girl, you will then reproach her, remind her of the past, take revenge on her, hurt her, thus your relationship will turn into hell. There's one more thing important rule, which should be remembered, do not follow the girl’s lead, do not let her manipulate you, otherwise, even when the girl returns, you will forever become a backup option for her. You will be able to return the girl, and if not, then this will only mean that you never meant anything to her, and you will certainly meet your fate.

If you are determined to get your girlfriend back, I recommend reading the book by Sergei Sadkovsky and Oleg Ideal on how to get your ex-girlfriend back. There are many positive reviews. You can download it from the link below: