Celebrating World Girls' Day, what else can we talk about than our little princesses, how they grow up and stop being mommy and daddy's daughters. In the understanding of many parents, their children should not think about puberty before the age of thirteen. Not at all! In fact, everything happens differently: not then and not in the way we often imagine.

Interested in learning about the stages of puberty and psychological maturation of girls? Human maturation is a process that includes physical development bodies (puberty) and the formation of a certain behavioral model characteristic of a man or woman (psychological maturity). Difficulties that arise during puberty are explained by the asynchrony of sexual and psychological maturation. There is a tendency that physical maturity occurs earlier and earlier, and appropriate behavior is formed later and later. In this regard, parents should part with the patterns that were relevant in communicating with teenagers three decades ago, and the typical misconceptions in which we so sacredly believe.

Life is full of surprises, but biggest surprises our children are capable of presenting to us, and it is simply impossible to protect yourself from them, even if you believe that complete harmony, trust and mutual understanding reign in your relationship with your daughter.

  • If a daughter secretly talks with her mother about what is going on in her soul and life, this is not a guarantee that she will tell absolutely everything.
  • If your girl does not spend hours at the computer like other teenagers, this is not a reason to think that she only “communicates with classmates.” To chat on social networks with an adult man or watch a clip on YouTube with rather “interesting” content, one hour will be enough. Often parents prefer not to believe in the possibility of this.
  • With a 99% probability you can be sure that by the end junior classes During school, your daughter may have a sexually mature classmate who will constantly think, talk, correspond and communicate with boys. And your girl will certainly notice this fact. There is a second scenario, when your daughter becomes the “most mature girl” in the class.
  • More and more often you will hear from your daughter about the inadequacy of older girls, as well as the stupidity and capriciousness of younger girlfriends. Such conversations will give parents confidence that they are aware of everything that is happening with their child. But in fact, they will only interfere with understanding who is your daughter’s friend and who is her enemy.
  • A child’s impeccable behavior within the family does not provide any guarantee that your daughter is not capable of being cruel to her peers or being the target of bullying herself.
  • Absolutely all teenagers lie, regardless of whether they are a boy or a girl. This is their way to isolate themselves and protect their world from the attacks of others, including their parents. “Maybe it will blow through” is a life slogan for almost every teenager.

No one can change anything. For parents, it is important to simply get through this period, maintaining maximum calm and not becoming embittered.

Girls 10-13 years old

What changes are happening

A 10-13 year old girl is like an ugly duckling, clumsy and shy. She cannot understand what is happening to her, and is trying to find answers to questions about what she should do with her changed body, and what place she occupies in the company of her peers. During this period, girls are obsessed with change. Many people start dyeing their hair and putting on makeup, going on diets, maybe even getting a tattoo... But most of all, something else can confuse and frighten parents. The daughter begins to realize and develop her sexuality. She understands that in order to attract attention, she does not need to make noise and show off like boys, just one languid glance from under her lowered eyelashes is enough.

The hierarchy in relationships in a group of teenage girls is unpredictable and rapidly changing. Yesterday your daughter was an outcast, subjected to all sorts of attacks, today she and yesterday’s enemies put in place someone who was popular not so long ago, and tomorrow she will experience feelings of loneliness... Among teenage girls, manifestations of kindness, tenderness and responsiveness go hand in hand hand with cruelty, betrayal and indifference. Today you are ignored and not noticed, but tomorrow you are sincerely admired. And this is not a lie, this is just how teenagers actually experience and live their friendships.

How to react

Parents should understand that it will be difficult for their daughter to be careless when she is let down and frightened by the changes that are happening to her body. At this moment, it is important to reach out to your daughter and convey that nothing terrible is happening to her, she is not sick, and everything will be fine no matter how she looks now. At first she won't believe your words, but patience and consistency will help you overcome the wall of mistrust.

For a child, parents should be a rock and support, instilling confidence that everything will pass. There is no need to rack your brains trying to understand what is happening among teenagers or look for some kind of logic in their actions. You just need to be there, without judging, without lecturing or moralizing. When you are overwhelmed with emotions, try to simply exhale and say that you see all her experiences and empathize with her, and are also ready to discuss the situation. If your daughter considers it possible, she will definitely ask you for advice.

Girls 14-16 years old

What changes are happening

The daughter’s social circle is outside the home; within her own walls, she chooses to communicate not with her parents, but with unknown people in chat rooms and social networks. Any remark or question from the parents provokes a violent reaction with rolling their eyes, abruptly ending the conversation and closing the doors to their room. Almost all of her vicious jabs and jabs are addressed to her mother.

No matter what correct views and values ​​the parents try to instill in their daughter, now cynicism is the most correct, in her understanding, way of perceiving the world. It may seem that she feels nothing but hatred towards her parents, but this is not so. This attitude towards the world and parents is just characteristic features of the next stage of growing up, and not character traits of your daughter. Now all her thoughts are occupied with what will happen in the future. Although she may not voice it. She is preparing for the upcoming breakup.

How to react

A teenage girl is absolutely sure that no one can understand her. Any attempt by parents to show sympathy, protect her from wrong actions, or convey their life experience to her will not be accepted, but rather simply ridiculed. If this happens, do not insist. It’s wise to step back at this point and wait until your daughter is open to contact.

How to respond to insults that a child may address to his parents? Under no circumstances should you remain silent. You need to calmly say that you will not continue the conversation in this tone and move away. Remember that the hurtful words spoken do not apply to you. This is said by fear, bitterness of loneliness and hormones. You are an adult and must manage your emotions without succumbing to the provocations of a teenager. Children also need to learn to cope with their emotions, and your example of different behavior in a stressful situation will help them with this.

A quarrel has alienated you a little from each other, in order to get closer again, show your love: by saying about it, writing in a note, sitting next to each other for a while, sending a funny video to social network, or just a hug. It is important for a child to feel parental love, even if they deny it with their behavior.

Girls 17-19 years old

What changes are happening

Now you can breathe out a sigh of relief. All the hardest things are left behind. Your daughter already looks like an adult girl, and her behavior pattern is also becoming similar to the behavior of an adult. Violent displays of emotion are becoming less and less common. Now she is able to sensibly discuss her future, analyzing the present and taking into account the arguments of her parents. Of course, there will still be cases when her actions will contradict common sense and her beliefs, but these will be only isolated episodes. It is important that the previous periods did not resemble a war under the banner of “Who will win.” Because otherwise, an insurmountable wall will grow between you, and her stories about herself will be an illusion created for you.

How to react

Spending time together should be a joy for both parties, it will help with this joint leisure. It doesn’t matter what it will be: gatherings at a pizzeria, visiting a theater or cinema, daily walks in the park. You shouldn't be too persistent, but you need to make it clear that the time spent together is important.

Growing up can be compared to passing through a zone of turbulence. The good news is that this is temporary. How your daughter will survive this period depends only on the parents.

Reading time: 9 minutes.

Upon reaching the age of 10, older children begin new life. With the advent of the first changes in physiology, the behavior of children begins to gradually change. An analysis of the psychology of children and adolescents once again proves that almost every year in a child’s life is a certain step in his development.

Modern teenagers in the company

The path from pure child to teenager

Each stage of a child's growth has interesting features. Often parents are frightened by this prospect of the unknown; they are simply shocked by the teenager’s behavior. In some cases, they are lost and do not know what actions to take. Therefore, they need to know what changes occur in a teenager’s body at the age of 12-13. It is also necessary to clearly understand how the psychology of a growing child at 13 and 16 years old differs. The thing is that many parents do not see their child as an adult boy or girl, regardless of their “respectable” age.

Adolescence - signs

To avoid such problems with assessing children, you need to understand that a person who has reached the age of 12 has moved into the category of a teenager.

Starting from this period, parents need to begin to take their child more seriously, taking into account all the features that characterize the psychology of this transitional age.

Changes in adolescents at 12 years of age

12 years is a period of active physiological and psychological changes in a child’s life. It is during this period that the teenager begins to associate himself with the adult generation. This may manifest itself in the form of adopting other people's mannerisms in order to appear a little older. A boy at the age of 12 begins to pay attention to his current physical condition. The question of what he looks like becomes especially important to him. A girl at this age begins to actively take care of her appearance. This is where the first experiments with cosmetics begin.

Appearance problems are starting to worry teenagers

Parents should not panic from such changes, but rather take care of the health of their teenager, buy her natural cosmetics with no chemicals.

The primary stage of adolescence may be accompanied by some slowness; this is an absolutely normal phenomenon and should not be alarmed. This feature appears in a teenager due to changes in the connection between memory and thinking. At this moment, more conscious remembering and comprehension of the material covered occurs. At this time, the boy begins to actively listen to adult criticism addressed to him. This increased interest in the opinions of others can provoke many far-fetched fears in a teenager.

The emotional sphere of adolescents - features

Dawn of adolescence

The psychology of adolescence is truly multifaceted and sometimes unpredictable. 13 years is the age when a child’s body experiences changes hormonal levels. This is why a teenager can experience rapid mood changes. If a boy suddenly becomes quicker and sharper in his judgments, this does not at all mean that a “difficult” child is growing up in the family. In reality, everything is different. These changes in children are a completely normal psychological factor.

A grown child begins to interpret himself as an adult with his own thoughts and desires.

Teenage crisis-crisis personality development

Such behavior is considered to be the norm, despite the fact that many parents begin to panic due to such changes. These are the first steps of children towards future independence and separation from their parents. Of course, it can be very difficult for parents to come to terms with this fact, sometimes even impossible. During this period they make an irreparable mistake, trying to suppress any aspirations and aspirations of the child. This can lead to irreversible consequences.

The teenage psyche is very fragile and susceptible during this period; it is important that the child takes some specific experience out of this, and does not feel tied hand and foot.

At this age, the first personal tragedies and secrets from parents appear

13 years is a period when attraction to the opposite sex intensifies, this is especially often observed on the part of girls. The boy begins to feel something similar a little later, but they also have an interest in the opposite sex. During this period, all teenagers are very self-critical, their appearance bothers them very much, and there is a desire to be like their idol, who has perfect figure, gorgeous hair and expressive eyes.


This period is difficult for both teenagers and their parents. Mere knowledge of the psychology of a teenager cannot save anyone. Knowledge and practical use this knowledge are completely different things.

A girl begins to claim her rights to freedom earlier than a grown-up boy.

Girls “grow up” before boys

They achieve this in the way they understand it, they begin to test in practice whether the prohibitions that their parents set really apply. It is at the age of 12 that many parents begin to conduct subtle politics with their children. You can no longer tell a 13-year-old child to “sit down for your homework,” and on the other hand, letting the situation take its course is also not an option. The main thing to do here is to create a trusting relationship with the teenager.

Advice for parents: Everything that was previously strictly prohibited is slowly being conquered by the child. And that's normal, don't be afraid of it.

This is the only way each of us went through the growing up stage. You need to remember yourself at this age. 12 years is a time of active trials and a lot of errors. Unfortunately, many parents are deeply mistaken that they can forbid something at this age. The formation of all life values ​​and priorities occurs between the ages of 3 and 5 years.

How does a teenager feel a sense of adulthood?

And 12 years is the time to reap the benefits of that upbringing. Just because your boy refuses to do the dishes or make the bed doesn't mean he's incapable of doing it. Most likely, in this way he expresses his protest to the inevitable growing up, or hygiene and order are not in his values. During this difficult period, it is important to concentrate on the main thing, leaving out all the little things. It is important not to overdo it with parental pressure, so that such a protest does not become stronger for the rest of your life.

The influence of the company on a teenager

It is at this time that the teenager’s desire to imitate his friends with whom he is in close contact is great. The more parents fight with their teenager at home, the more he will be drawn to those who are on the street. Even very decent adults tried to smoke or drink at least once during their teenage years. Is it important to know how your girl or boy lives? What connects them with the company?

Teenagers and peers - the social aspect of age

Advice to parents: trust, trust again. You need to be firmly convinced and express that you firmly believe that all troubles are just an accident, your boy knows how to behave correctly in a given situation.

If you panic and scroll through the worst scenarios in your head, then your son may unknowingly live up to your worst expectations. This is the psychology of children, there is no escape from it, everyone goes through this period.

Taming the Shrew Girl

Girls who do not have the right to their own personal “no” at home begin to actively protest in public.

Unfortunately, it is better to sort things out within the walls of the house than to bring the problem to public attention. And parents need to be patient during this period, this must be overcome, this is the first tangible signal of growing up. And obedient father's and mother's daughters remain infantile for the rest of their lives.

Adolescence crisis often leads to deviant behavior

The adolescence period in children exists for the purpose of developing the necessary immunity for life - try a lot to do right choice. This is a period when children experience disappointment in their parents and there is misunderstanding. It is then that the basic life values ​​are created that accompany a person throughout his life.

Teenagers try to do everything against the will of their parents, actively expressing their contrived independence.

Teenagers need to be patient during puberty

Parents will have to be patient during this period. During this period, a teenager experiences a hidden need for approval and support from his parents. It is during this period that adolescents experience low self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-evaluation, and low self-worth.

First manifestations of personality

The most important thing here depends not on how the teenager studies at school, but on the ways in which he can establish himself in his own yard. The teenager begins to actively defend his positions in the classroom and in the yard. The main activity during this period is communication. His future position in society depends on how he establishes himself among his peers. He spends more and more time with his peers. A redistribution of roles in society begins, nerds do not receive due respect, and roles in society begin to be distributed into leaders, scapegoats, and neutrals. They are driven by the desire to gain recognition from their peers, to be like them, but at the same time they want to stand out among them.

Children of this age exhibit confrontation when collaborating with adults, which leads to many incidents during interactions. The opinion of other guys about the teenager is the main motivating force for further work on oneself. Boys begin to assert themselves through friendships with older teenagers, using slang, smoking, provocative clothing, being rude, acting silly, or being excessively helpful to someone stronger.

Teenagers are starting to buy to appear more mature.

Advice to parents: at this time it is very important for you to rebuild your relationship with your grown-up children from parental authority, universal obedience, to friendly, partnership relations.

Otherwise, you shouldn’t expect anything from your children except eternal confrontation and war. Adults must show sensitivity and caution in their actions; they must avoid thoughtless outbursts of anger and aggression towards their child, even if he himself inflamed the conflict due to differences in views. When helping your child cope with difficulties, do not scold the offenders, but try to find out why he found himself in such a situation.

The main thing is to establish a trusting relationship with your teenager.

The greatest comfort during this period will be felt in children who grew up in families where children are spared from excessive parental care; warmth and understanding are felt in relationships, along with clear, jointly worked out rules, and strict control over their implementation. Parents have the right to control their child's choice of profession and extracurricular activities, and aesthetic preferences can come from peers. Leave it to them. And under no circumstances put yourself above your child, avoid arrogance when communicating with him, then it will be much easier to survive this period.

When a girl reaches puberty, parents begin to worry about how to survive transitional age daughter at 13 years old. During this period, the child may change beyond recognition.

Moms and dads are not always ready for the changes that await their children in adolescence. The body and psyche of a teenager transform very quickly. Parents sometimes feel that this is not the same child they raised and loved for so many years. This is already a stranger, a stranger.

Main mistake For most mothers and fathers, the problem is that they refuse to accept their grown-up daughter as she has become. It is especially painful for mothers to get used to a “new” person in the family. Having given birth to a daughter, a woman wants her girl to always remain small and defenseless. Mothers are jealous of their friends, believing that only they themselves can be close people to their daughters.

If parents want to keep a good relationship with their teenage daughter, they should give up the desire to turn back time, force the girl to become small and dependent again. It is unacceptable to reproach a child for no longer being the same. You shouldn't blame him for changing.

What can parents expect?

You should mentally prepare for your child’s puberty in advance. One day parents may notice that:

  • The opinions of friends for their thirteen-year-old daughter began to mean more than the opinions of mom and dad. The authority of peers for a teenager is very high. A daughter can spend much more time with her friends than with her mother, who is always offended by such “betrayal.”
  • My daughter has new tastes. Some new hobbies of teenagers shock parents. A child may start listening to the music of some alternative artist or want to get a piercing or tattoo.
  • Their girl fell in love. Adolescence is the time of first love. The object of feelings often becomes classmates with whom the teenager spends most of his time. A thirteen-year-old girl in love is capable of the most desperate acts. The most dangerous cases are unrequited love.

  • The daughter changed her clothing style and behavior. During adolescence, girls tend to go to two extremes. Some want to become grown-up girls as soon as possible, they wear shoes on high heels and revealing dresses, get their nails done, and dye their hair. Other girls exhibit behavior typical of boys: they wear men's clothing, they are rude, use profanity, and at the first opportunity they try to take part in a fight. Over the past 2-3 decades, teenagers have increasingly become fascinated by youth subcultures such as emo or gothic. May appear in a girl's wardrobe a large number of black things with symbols of death.
  • The daughter is interested in social networks. Excessiveness is observed among all modern humanity, regardless of age and country of residence. However, teenagers have much more time and opportunity to communicate through social networks than a working adult.
  • My daughter has idols. The idols of teenage boys are usually athletes. Girls find idols among representatives of show business. Both a woman and a man for whom girls have unrequited feelings can become an idol. The presence of an idol often influences the choice of profession. Boys want to become famous football players, boxers, hockey players, etc. Girls dream of becoming a singer or actress. The child's choice does not always find the support of parents.

Danger to life

A girl smoking doesn't surprise anyone these days. Drinking alcohol by minors is not considered prohibited at all. An increasing number of teenagers are trying hard drugs.

My daughter went on a diet and began to lose weight dramatically. Parental persuasion usually does not help. Many girls, knowing how their relatives will react to their decision, go on a secret diet. At the table they eat the usual amount of food, and after eating they make themselves vomit in the toilet. Mom and dad are perplexed: the child is eating well, but at the same time melting before our eyes.

How to protect yourself from everything

Having noticed changes in their child, parents strive to immediately change it. Most of all, mothers and fathers fear for their daughters. The simplest and affordable way“protecting” a daughter from a cruel world means banning everything. However, this method not only will not solve the problem, but will also lead to its growth. A famous proverb states that the forbidden fruit is sweet. In adolescence, strict prohibitions do not give the desired result. The child is sure that his parents are behind the times, too old-fashioned, do not understand anything, etc. Do not be offended by such an opinion about yourself. Moreover, fathers and mothers should be glad that their child is changing. The lack of change should be alarming. This may indicate mental retardation, and possibly mental development.

Adequate reaction

You can react to your daughter’s behavior like this:

  • There is nothing wrong with a girl spending more time with her friends than with her mother. An adult woman is unlikely to be interested in discussing guys, teen TV series, popular music or school events. But these are the topics that girls most often talk about. At the same time, the daughter will not be interested in discussing with her mother her work colleagues, rising food prices and other typically feminine topics that are often the subject of conversations among married ladies. Parents should show an unobtrusive interest in the people with whom their children communicate, but at the same time not try to become part of the company. You can invite friends and girlfriends home for your daughter’s birthday. This is a good reason to get to know them better. If parents don't like someone in their daughter's company, they need to say so as delicately as possible. It is necessary to provide convincing arguments why the girl should not communicate with such a friend. In any case, the presence of company is much better than complete lack of contact with peers. A child should not become an outcast during adolescence.

  • You shouldn’t have a sharply negative attitude towards your daughter’s new tastes. The conflict of tastes between two generations is quite common. Probably, today's mothers and fathers also once argued with their parents because they did not allow them to wear fashionable clothes or listen to music that was popular during their youth. However, if the parents are categorically against tattoos, nose piercings, etc., their daughter should be informed about this. It is necessary to find a middle ground: avoid permissiveness and at the same time not ban everything.
  • A teenager’s first feelings must be treated very carefully, especially if the daughter herself revealed her secret to her parents. Under no circumstances should you ridicule or scold a child or say that he is too young for such things. You can’t criticize someone your daughter loves. Teenage love rarely ends in something serious, much less a wedding. Not even a year will pass before the daughter will forget the guy without whom she cannot imagine life today. Modern teenagers strive for “adult” love by entering into. Not all girls really want this. But the desire not to become a “bluestocking” and the desire to keep the guy force the teenager to go against his principles. The daughter should be explained that early sexual intercourse is harmful for both her physical and mental development. The girl must understand that she is not obliged to do anything just to please someone. At the same time, your daughter needs to be told about means of protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. We must give the choice to the child himself. Often teenagers commit illegal acts solely in defiance of their parents. If the forbidden fruit ceases to be such, interest in it quickly disappears.
  • A change in clothing style and behavior is not direct evidence of the degradation of children. Girls are more scrupulous when it comes to choosing clothes than boys. They don’t want to look old-fashioned and fall behind their peers in some way. The desire to become part of a subculture is quite natural. Goths and emo in most cases are no different from their peers, who do not consider themselves to be part of any subculture. There is an opinion that strangely dressed boys and girls have suicidal tendencies and use drugs and alcohol in uncontrolled quantities. In fact, we are talking about individual cases, not a rule. A teenager is often driven by the desire to stand out from the crowd, to become different from everyone else, to feel unique.

  • Until recently, the danger of social networks was that teenagers forgot about studying and damaged their eyesight by sitting in front of the monitor for hours. Today, communication sites have become a real danger. Teenagers thoughtlessly enter into dialogues with strangers, who often turn out to be attackers. Children are deceived into obtaining information about the family's financial situation. Pedophiles are also interested in communicating with teenagers. The criminal may ask the child to send him nude photos of himself, promising money for it. The teenager never receives the promised money, and the photograph gives the pedophile an opportunity to blackmail the child. You should also be wary of your daughter joining the so-called death groups, which have become widespread recently. In such groups, unknown attackers suggest that teenagers commit suicide. Parents should talk with their daughter as often as possible about the possible dangers that await her on social networks. You can register on the same website and communicate with your child while being far from home. The daughter will appreciate the “advancement” of mom and dad.
  • The presence of an idol should also not frighten parents. During adolescence, children need guidelines. Instead of scolding your child for decorating his room with posters of his favorite musician or athlete, it is much better to familiarize yourself with the biography of the celebrity and understand why your daughter liked this person. Love for an idol can also be turned in a positive direction. If a girl likes a certain actress or singer, you should probably invite her to go to an acting or vocal studio. Some of today's celebrities became famous only because they imitated their idols in childhood. There is also a high probability that within 2-3 years the daughter will forget about her ideal.
  • To avoid having to treat your daughter for any addiction, prevention bad habits you need to do it from the very beginning early childhood. First of all, parents should reconsider their behavior. A mother with a cigarette in her hands, telling her daughter about the dangers of smoking, looks unconvincing. If no one in the family has bad habits, the child will not consider Sunday gatherings of adults with alcohol to be the norm. The emphasis should be on healthy life, and not on the word “no”. The more often a teenager is forbidden, the greater will be his desire to do something forbidden. The reason for starting to drink, smoke or take drugs may be the desire to keep up with peers. A cigarette or a bottle of beer becomes an indicator of adulthood or symbolizes the ability to cross established boundaries. The parents' task is to explain to their daughter: an adult is not someone who drinks and smokes. A mature person is distinguished by the ability to take responsibility for his actions and take his life seriously.

  • In the struggle for their slimness, girls go to extreme measures. According to modern beauty canons, extra pounds are one of the most unpleasant cosmetic defects. A teenage girl can be encouraged to take up her favorite sport. The child must understand that this is the safest way to keep fit.

Parents often criticize their children. At the same time, fathers and mothers tend to forget that as children, they caused their families no less concern. A constructive dialogue with a child should begin with a self-critical attitude towards oneself.

It would seem that it couldn’t be simpler - he came up and smiled: “Hello! I like you!" It is only adults, having forgotten about their teenage years, who think this way. Both girls and boys are equally ashamed to approach first, even when they have known this girl for 100 years, live in the same yard, or study in a parallel class. But it’s one thing to simply nod or smile at an acquaintance, another thing is how the girl will like you so that she becomes only yours.

In contact with


The biggest fear of all boys is being rejected. You, one might say, opened your soul to her - your secret that you are in love with her, and she... It is unknown how she will react to this: she will laugh in her face or she will giggle with her friends, pointing at you. Here are a few general advice, how to please, how to make a girl pay attention to you.

If you are in the same class, it means you spend a lot of time together. Try to draw the attention of the girl you like to yourself. Just not with stupid actions that make you laugh - you’re not a clown! Pick up the textbook that fell from her, help her hang her coat in the locker room. At the same time, it is important to establish eye contact - look into the girl’s eyes. Don’t be intrusive: today offer a pen in place of the one she left at home, tomorrow bring the briefcase.

How to please a 10 year old girl if she is your classmate:

  1. Ask to explain a task that you did not understand in class.
  2. Offer sweets.
  3. Take her turn in the cafeteria.
  4. Take an interest in what she reads, show interest in her hobbies.
  5. Communicate with her on social networks - “knock” on her friends, rate her photos and posts.
  6. Invite me to a birthday party. If she has best friend, invite both. Your friend's friend should become your friend, or rather, your ally.

Tip one: Be helpful, but not intrusive.

How should I behave?

Boys often don’t know how to behave with the girl they like. And they do everything exactly the opposite, thereby not attracting, but pushing her away from themselves. The main mistake is not to deliberately pretend that you are not interested in the girl. Don't let your friends laugh at her. Have you decided to win her heart? Be a knight - protect your lady from evil attacks. Believe me, she will appreciate it.

Be polite. Say “Hello!”, “See you tomorrow!” It’s not difficult, but if you do it in a friendly manner, with a smile every day, your chosen one will definitely make you stand out among other boys. Remember to look at her in a friendly way, but not intently.

Be polite with her parents too - the word they said to your passion about what a well-mannered boy you are will be deposited in her head. Drop by drop - and in her head a positive opinion will form about you as a potential friend - a “guy”.

Does your beloved have a dog? Try to meet her a couple of times when she is walking her pet. Praise the dog and offer to take a walk together. Here's another piece of advice for you - how to please an 11-year-old girl.

Try to live by her interests (not dresses and cosmetics, of course!). Does your girlfriend go to ballroom dancing? There's always a shortage of boy partners there. Most likely, you will be paired up, followed by joint training and performances. Learning to move beautifully is great.

Tip two: Live in her interests.

What topics should we talk about?

Starting a conversation is always difficult. Especially alone. It often happens that a boy and a girl start an interesting correspondence on a social network. There are topics for discussion and mutual friends. And we met - and what to talk about?

It is important to know that for any person, first of all, he is interested in himself. If you want a girl to like you, you need to talk about what interests her. You can praise her hairstyle, outfit, ability to dress stylishly, dance or sing beautifully. You should not talk about lessons, discuss classmates or relatives.

Try to use “I” as little as possible in your conversation and “you” as much as possible. For every person, the most pleasant thing is his name - call your friend by name, you can come up with diminutive options, the main thing is that she likes them.

Wherever the conversation starts, try to move it to topics that the girl will be pleased to talk about. If he is interested in music, ask him to tell you about his last performance at a concert or invite him to the next one. Draws - ask to visit to look at the drawings. If he likes to read, let him advise you what to read.

Tip three: To get a girl to like you, talk to her about topics that interest her. Leave your “I” at home, say “you” more often.

How to make acquaintances?

Should you try to find a girlfriend on social networks? Today, groups are popular in which teenagers are looking for online friends - like-minded people to communicate with. And the most frequent surveys are from 12-14 year olds. Perhaps they are getting tied up serious dating between a boy and a girl, which began with Internet correspondence, but more often than not they quickly fade away. It's difficult to be friends at a distance.

The easiest way to meet a girl is at school. Or maybe you already know each other because you study in the same or parallel classes? There just isn’t enough determination to come up and... get to know each other. Not as with a classmate, but as with a friend. You can find many reasons to talk, for example, ask;

  • what was assigned to the house;
  • does the girl have the book that the teacher talked about in class?

Word by word, a conversation ensued. Therefore, difficulties in how to meet and like a 12-year-old girl at school usually do not arise.

If she plays sports, sign up for the section. Not necessarily the same one. If you meet more often at the sports complex, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted, find common topics for conversation, and go home together. Athletes often go on vacation to training camps and sports camps. Common interests, training and discos - this is where true friendship can begin.

Summer, as we know, is the most best time for romantic relationships, and in the camp there are no questions about how to please a girl at 14 years old. There, acquaintances and relationships are established easily: the age and environment are conducive to love. A common squad, common events, evening bonfires evoke romantic dreams in girls. A disco is the perfect excuse to meet a girl. A couple of glances previously cast in the direction of the chosen one are enough, and she will understand that, so the acquaintance will be easy.

Tip four: Don’t be afraid to show the girl that you like her and want to get to know her.

What not to do?

If you want a girl to pay attention to you, be yourself. When asked how to please a 13-year-old girl, teenage girls themselves answer: “Don’t act like a clown.” There is no need to try with all your might to attract attention to yourself - with careless clothing, deliberate rudeness (pulling your pigtails - from the same series). Foul language will never make a girl pay attention to you.

Pretentiousness, the desire to show oneself better than the crowd - also not the best option the girl will like it. You should not brag about your victories among the “weaker sex”. Today you talk disparagingly about “ex”, tomorrow you will say the same about her - that’s what the girl will think about and is unlikely to show a desire to communicate.

Useful video

You can find out from the following video useful tips on how to please any girl:


  1. Don't be shy about making friends with the girl you like. It is not uncommon for guys in a circle of friends to deny it, embarrassed, afraid of being ridiculed.
  2. If your friend is important to you, if the relationship is serious, don’t be ashamed of it. Perhaps your friends simply haven’t met their chosen one yet. Someday they will like someone.

The last piece of advice: Be yourself and be proud that a bright feeling has already come to you.

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