The modern pace of life does not allow us to provide the skin with proper and complete care. Even despite the huge number of cosmetic products, sometimes it is not possible to achieve the desired result. However, every woman wants to delay the onset of aging. Classic facial massage is considered one of the most effective methods. To do this, you can visit a salon or do it yourself at home.

This is a type of massage that is easy to perform and does not require much time. Therefore, women who strive to always be fresh and young should get acquainted with some techniques.

The essence of the procedure

What kind of procedure is this? It is known in cosmetology as a combination of techniques of physical impact of fingers and palms on the skin. It looks like rubbing or pressure on certain areas in special directions. For better effect, aromatic oils are used.

Classic facial massage is carried out according to certain rules. If they are not followed, effectiveness is lost.

However, before starting the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the indications for the procedure.

Indications for use

Massage suitable for women any age. Thanks to its overall effect, this procedure can solve various types of problems. However, there are special recommendations for carrying it out. At these moments you can achieve the best effect. These include:

  • Skin changes due to age (wrinkles).
  • Decreased skin elasticity.
  • Poor circulation.
  • Puffiness of the eyes.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • "Bad" skin color.
  • The appearance of bags under the eyes.
  • Oval face with no contours.
  • Double chin.

At a young age, cosmetologists also advise doing a classic facial massage. It is believed that this will prevent future negative skin changes. If you start doing this early, you can delay the onset of the aging process. And already at a more advanced age, it is recommended to do it more often - to maintain freshness and youth.

Experts say that such a massage has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the internal organs.

Thus, massaging the tip of the nose restores heart function. To normalize the activity of the lungs, it is necessary to act on the cheeks, intestines - on the forehead.


Does this procedure have any limitations in its use? It is known that classic facial massage affects several layers of the dermis. And there are situations when such a process can disrupt the functioning of blood circulation and lymph flow. Cosmetologists strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the contraindications to the procedure.

So, you should not engage in such a procedure if a person has:

  • Lesions by pustules.
  • Damage to the skin (wounds, scratches, cuts, etc.).
  • Herpes.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Fungus on the skin.
  • Vessels and capillaries that are located close to the surface of the skin.
  • Fever.
  • The appearance of allergic spots on the face.
  • Quite large warts and moles.

If you are planning to use a course consisting of several procedures, the first thing the specialist will do is check whether there are any contraindications to its use. If you want to combine pleasant things with useful at home, it is worth studying the technique of classical massage.

Procedure in the salon: procedure

If you do not want to waste time and effort on the procedure, you can contact qualified specialists. Cosmetologists will carry it out competently and effectively. If in doubt, you can study the course syllabus in advance. In salons it is approximately the same:

  1. Client consultation. The specialist studies the individual characteristics of the face and the presence of contraindications.
  2. Cleaning the skin. This is done using a steam bath or scrubbing.
  3. Applying oil to the face for massage. Choose it depending on your skin type.
  4. Massaging the lower part of the face.
  5. Upper part massage.
  6. The areas around the eyes are treated.
  7. Treatment of the décolleté area.
  8. Cleansing the face, removing any remaining massage product.
  9. Consultation with a specialist, appointment of the next session.

Massage technique

Classic facial massage has four main techniques. These include stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Some techniques involve only kneading and stroking. But in in this case massage oils and creams are added to them. This way you can achieve greater effect.

Movements must be carried out according to special massage lines:

  1. From the corners of the mouth towards the ears.
  2. From the middle part of the chin along the bottom of the jaw to the earlobe.
  3. From the wings of the nose to the top of the ears.
  4. From the middle of the forehead to the temples.
  5. From the outer part of the outer eyelid to the inner corner.

Cosmetologists say that the course of such a massage should include from 15 to 20 procedures. It is advisable to do them with a break of 1-2 days. On average, the duration of a session is up to 15 minutes. But this value changes depending on the thickness of the skin.

After the basic techniques have been studied, the video has been reviewed, you can begin To home procedure . The procedure is approximately as follows:

  • Steam bath. It must be done for 5 minutes.
  • Applying oil to the face for massage.
  • Perform the massage actions listed above.

If the order and technique are followed, the effect can be seen after the 5th session. Small wrinkles disappear, the skin acquires a healthy color, and its elasticity increases.

To prevent and reduce age-related changes, it is not necessary to attend expensive procedures or agree to radical surgery. There are massage techniques that give amazing effect and at home. It is an undeniable fact that facial massage can be a surprisingly easy and effective method of regeneration and restoration.

Facial aging is inevitable. It occurs mainly as a result of changes in the body as a whole and in the subcutaneous layers in particular. Factors influencing this process include:

  • muscle spasms;
  • incorrect posture and neck statics;
  • age-related decrease in the volume of bone structures;
  • skin type;
  • sun exposure;
  • facial movement and facial expressions;
  • improper skin care;
  • Lifestyle.

As the body ages, the elasticity and tone of the skin changes, which in turn occurs due to changes in muscle tone, poor circulation and loss of bone structure. The outer layer of skin becomes thinner, the fat layer decreases, which gives it a translucent appearance.

Sun exposure dries out and causes pigmentation, changing the color of the skin. Due to hypertonicity of the facial muscles and poor lymph flow in the body, the forehead and eyebrows droop, forming folds on the eyelids, the lines of the nasolabial triangle deepen, and the facial contour drops, forming a flabby double chin.

A decrease in the volume of the skull bones with age due to the leaching of calcium and muscle hypertonicity also contribute to the appearance of sagging and folds on the face.

What are the benefits of facial massage?

Facial muscle massage is one of the most important aspects daily care for the skin. It improves its texture, health, rejuvenates it, due to the fact that it stimulates blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer, starting the process of cell regeneration, relaxes muscles, and brings them to normal tone. The procedure helps relieve stress and tension. But it is important to choose a competent approach to it in order to achieve high efficiency.

With regular deep facial massage, you can achieve positive dynamics of rejuvenation and transformation of appearance.

Benefits of facial massage:

  • prevention and reduction of wrinkles;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • stress relief;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • natural oval tightening;
  • rejuvenation at the cellular level;
  • saturation with nutrients.

Basic rules of facial massage

  • Use natural oil compositions and massage creams;

It is necessary to choose products created on the basis natural ingredients. Be sure to select it for your individual skin type, combining it with hypoallergenicity. Basic cosmetic oils:

  1. Olive oil for all skin types;
  2. Almond oil and peach oil - for aging (high in vitamin E);
  3. Coconut oil for dry.

Adding a few drops of essential lavender or tea tree beneficial for problem skin;

  • Mandatory cleansing of the skin and hands;

This helps open the pores and cleanse them of impurities. This allows nutrients to penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin.

  • Perform the procedure strictly along massage lines, observing the technique used.


  • Acute sunburn;
  • Severe cystic acne with open pustules;
  • Open cuts or abrasions;
  • Bruising and swelling;
  • Active herpes lesions;
  • Conjunctivitis (“pink eye”);
  • Severe eczema;
  • Severe psoriasis;
  • Fungal infection;
  • Extreme allergic sensitivity.

At what age can you do facial massage?

Facial massage is a universal procedure not only for regeneration, but also for healing. Therefore, it can be used at any age, especially if there are therapeutic indications. But, as a rule, up to 25 years of age, skin tone and elasticity are high. Later they begin to decline. And after 30, massage treatments can be safely included in a regular rejuvenation complex.

How often can you do a facial massage?

How often you can massage your face depends on your skin type and age-related changes. Typically, courses are held 2-3 times a year. This is quite enough to obtain and consolidate the effect. At the same time, 2-3 sessions are held per week for people with sensitive skin; 3-4 for normal to strong skin.

Duration of effect

Deep facial massage can provide both temporary and long-lasting effects. When performed once, you can achieve increased microcirculation, relieve puffiness, and improve complexion. But this will not have a lasting result, which is only possible with regular implementation of the procedure. It is ideal to take a course of 10-15 sessions. Then, observing frequency, repeat it.

How long should a massage last?

The duration of the procedure directly depends on its execution technique. But the optimal time interval will be 30-50 minutes. During this period, the muscles will have time to receive the necessary relaxation and activation.

Schedule of procedures

To choose a massage treatment plan, you need to take into account individual characteristics: skin type and age.

  • The procedure can be started from the age of 25, when the skin and muscles begin to need additional care. 10 sessions, once a year, will be enough;
  • after 30, the cycle can be increased to 2 times a year, with a set of 12-15 repetitions;
  • After 35, the body needs intensive supportive care. And the cycle increases to 3 times a year, and the course to 15-20 repetitions.

Which facial massage to choose

There is a wide variety of massage techniques. Each of them is unique. The choice is based largely on preference. But the main preparatory stage is the same for everyone. It is very important not to forget about cleansing and using oils or creams for facial massage. This will help prevent stretching and irritation of the sensitive dermis.

Basic facial massage techniques

The procedure should be carried out strictly, using the pads of your fingers as a working surface so that the movements are soft and gentle. Allow rubbing and stroking with the back of your hand. But this should be done smoothly and carefully.

Any procedure must begin and end with light stroking.

Basic techniques:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • tapping;
  • pinching;
  • kneading.

More effective techniques

Perhaps the most effective methods include lifting massages. They immediately give a good visible result, which provides an incentive to continue the procedures.

It is especially worth highlighting buccal facial massage. It is the deepest direction. Its structural effect trains the muscles, restoring their youth and tone. An amazing characteristic is also the massaging of the lines through the internal oral cavity.

Individual schemes

Taking into account the type of each skin, an individual selection of massage techniques is possible. This helps minimize unwanted effects such as irritation and redness. With monotonous techniques, the skin and muscles begin to adapt to the effects, and the effectiveness decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically change massage approaches.

The most popular anti-aging techniques and facial massage techniques

Of the variety of types of corrective facial massage, Kobiko and Chiromassage stand out especially for their high effectiveness. The first combines rubbing and acupressure tapping of acupuncture points. This is also a procedure for the neck against wrinkles, since not only the face area is affected. The second is a more gentle technique. It is based on Eastern teachings about vital energy. It gives complete relaxation to facial muscles.

Classical technique

Manipulations using the classical method can easily be performed at home, without using the services of specialists:

  • Apply the oil to the skin with gentle pats;
  • massage the cheeks in a circular motion, smoothly rising from the wings of the nose to the outer surface;
  • to eliminate signs of aging around the eyes, oil is gently rubbed over the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the outer, and along the upper eyelid in the opposite direction;
  • further attention is paid to lifting along the lines of the forehead;
  • and lastly the contour of the lips is massaged with rubbing strokes.

Plastic or sculpture massage

This is a unique technique of deep facial massage. Capable of producing amazing results. Which will be similar to plastic correction of facial contours. Without resorting to surgical intervention, it is actually possible to restore the clarity of the oval and regenerate cells for rejuvenation. Your skin will be transformed with radiance from within.


  • Light stroking;
  • Superficial and deep kneading;
  • Pat;
  • Vibration.

Japanese anti-aging massage Zogan

Myofascial massage

This structuring facial massage uses stretching, twisting and squeezing techniques to help relax the muscular frame and restore muscle tone and position. This is a good prevention of age-related changes. Manipulations are carried out slowly and carefully, affecting connective tissues. For maximum visualization, oils are not applied to the skin. Then the effect has a strong corrective effect on the texture of the skin.

Spanish massage

The session is similar to a special mysterious ritual, as it combines not only massage movements, but also the use of aromatherapy, the use of additional tools, hypnotic music, and candles. This is a procedure for complete relaxation and restoration of vitality. The peculiarity is that one movement is not repeated twice. It removes toxic metabolic products, improves muscle tone and venous blood flow.

Honey massage

This cosmetic procedure makes the skin velvety, fresh, and elastic. It does a great job with blackheads and redness. This perfect choice for dull, tired skin. Honey contains many nutritional elements. By saturating the skin, they have a positive effect on the healing and rejuvenating effect. The procedure is carried out along classic lines using light stroking and rubbing techniques.

Chinese massage

This eastern practice is based on acupressure. With proper treatment of certain points on the face, you can not only achieve progressive regeneration and restoration of skin tone. But these effects also lead to the healing of all organs of the body. Ancient healers connected the vital functions of all functions and acupunctures on the human body. Thanks to the activation of its own resources, the skin is noticeably transformed and filled with energy.

Tibetan massage

Ancient manual techniques of Tibetan massage have a unique effect on the subcutaneous layers of the facial dermis. The procedure gives the effect of deep study of all zones. Thereby:

  • the structure of the skin is transformed;
  • the relief becomes clear and expressive;
  • the double chin decreases;
  • swelling subsides;
  • energy balance is restored.

This is a type of acupuncture session in which the muscle frame is completely relaxed and bioactivity is restored.

Modeling massage

This type of procedure provides clear contour correction, restoring normal muscle tone. It stimulates the work of facial muscles, relieves spasms that lead to creases and the appearance of wrinkles. It gives the same positive visual effect as a mesotherapy procedure or filler injections. Modeling massage includes: the following types: Spanish, honey, vacuum. All of them are aimed at correcting age-related changes.

Mimic massage and its results

This procedure combines massage techniques and special facial gymnastics. The effect is aimed at facial muscles. Like any muscles in the body, they also need to be activated through physical activity. Strength resistance exercises help restore muscle tone and elasticity. This noticeably tightens the entire oval. When performing gymnastics, cells are saturated with oxygen and collagen is produced.

Mimic gymnastics

Answers to questions about facial massage

Carrying out a massage procedure sometimes raises a lot of doubts. In order to make sure there are no contraindications or adverse effects, you can read the most frequently asked questions.

Facial massage for rosacea and rosacea

These diseases are characterized by redness, rashes and expansion of the vascular network. During exacerbation, massage techniques are contraindicated. But when remission occurs, you can use gentle and calming practices. They will promote the outflow of venous blood and improve lymph flow.

Facial massage and Botox injections

The best option would be to first carry out a course of massage and then injections. After all, massage increases blood flow and cell metabolism, which will lead to the resorption of the drug. Therefore, in order for the effect of injections to be lasting, it is not advisable to carry out massaging techniques in parallel. And also better than botox don't work hard at all.

Acne after facial massage

The cause of acne formation can be clogged pores or the penetration of impurities into the subcutaneous layer. To avoid this, you should monitor the hygiene of the procedure and choose the right oils and creams for your individual skin type.

The most effective massage technique for correcting facial contours

Perhaps the most effective corrective methods for the face are vacuum and biomechanical stimulation. Just as good Japanese massage Asahi Zogan. Eastern practice is aimed at restoring energy flows in the body. This starts the natural process of self-rejuvenation. And the muscles regain lost tone and elasticity.

You can learn how to do it in our next article.

Modern cosmetology offers many ways to preserve the natural beauty and health of the skin. Among them: therapeutic techniques, hardware procedures, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections of drugs. New and more are constantly appearing effective methods rejuvenation

Despite the rapid pace of development of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, manual massage remains relevant. It is used as an independent procedure and is included in comprehensive programs.

Procedure done correctly cosmetic massage faces:

  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • activates metabolic processes: more oxygen and nutrients are supplied to tissues, toxins are eliminated faster;
  • strengthens facial muscles;
  • increases skin firmness and elasticity;
  • promotes the opening of pores and penetration of cosmetics.

Facial and body massage has been known since ancient times - it was used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. In the Middle Ages, when scientists became actively interested in human anatomy, basic massage techniques for the face and body were described and scientifically substantiated.

Currently there are different kinds and cosmetic massage schools. Each variety has its own characteristics, indications and contraindications. Continued interest in the procedure on the part of cosmetologists and visitors to beauty salons leads to the emergence of new massage techniques for treatment, rejuvenation and tightening of facial skin.

In this article we will analyze the most popular and sought-after types of massage.

Classic facial massage

This is the most common massage technique. It is used to improve skin tone, improve the appearance and complexion.

The procedure promotes blood flow and lymph outflow from the dermis and hypodermis. The muscles are directly and reflexively affected, as a result of which they are strengthened and the facial skin is slightly tightened.

Technique and features

When working on facial tissues, alternating the following techniques is used: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. All movements are smooth and sliding, they are carried out with the tips of the fingers. The emphasis is on stroking and rubbing.

The procedure is carried out using massage cream or facial oil.

All movements correspond to massage lines (lines of least skin tension) and are directed from the central part of the face to the peripheral:

  • from the chin to the earlobes, and then down to the sides of the neck;
  • from the corners of the mouth to the lower third of the auricle;
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  • from the forehead to the upper third of the auricle;
  • in the eye area - from the outer part of the eye to the inner along the lower eyelid and from the inner edge of the eye to the outer along the upper eyelid.

The forehead is additionally massaged in the middle part and along the hairline.

The neck and décolleté are worked with similar techniques. All movements are carried out along the lymph flow, towards the axillary, supraclavicular and subclavian lymph nodes.

A specialist performs a classic facial massage without taking his hands off the client’s skin.

The duration of one session is 15-20 minutes. The procedures are carried out every other day. The total number of sessions is 10-20.


  • Prevention of age-related changes.
  • Thin skin.
  • Expression wrinkles.
  • Loose skin.
  • Swelling.
  • Dull, “tired” skin.
  • Dryness.
  • Decreased skin tone.


  • Infectious process in the body.
  • Inflammation and abrasions in the affected area.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Fever.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Arterial hypertension.

Classic facial massage is recommended for women and men of any age. After a course of procedures, the face looks fresh and moisturized, the severity of wrinkles and folds decreases. The skin becomes more elastic, but a pronounced lifting effect cannot be achieved using classical massage techniques. For this, other techniques are used: myofascial and plastic facial massage, bioreinforcement with hyaluronic acid, photorejuvenation.

Used to treat various skin diseases, in particular acne.

Deep pinch techniques involving subcutaneous fat tissue, which form the basis of the technique, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improve blood and lymph circulation. Manual action promotes cell renewal, improvement of trophism and skin healing.

Technique and features

Facial massage according to Jacquet is most often used for medicinal purposes. It is performed with exciting plucking movements with a large and index finger along massage lines: from the center of the face to the periphery. Deep pinching alternates with vibration, stroking and kneading techniques. The procedure is carried out using talcum powder.

Facial massage according to Jacquet is used as an independent therapeutic technique or as one of the stages of facial cleansing.

The duration of 1 session is 10 minutes, the course on average consists of 10 sessions.


  • Oily skin.
  • Open and closed comedones.
  • Acne disease.
  • Post-acne phenomena (stagnant and dark spots, scars).
  • Seborrhea.
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Scarring


  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Fever.
  • Eczema.
  • Rosacea.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Viral skin diseases: herpes, flat warts, molluscum contagiosum.
  • Hirsutism in women (facial hair).
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve.
  • Violations of skin integrity.

Plastic facial massage

The main feature of the technique is deep treatment of the skin, subcutaneous fat and facial muscles.
Only experienced specialists with medical education can perform plastic facial massage. If a specialist works correctly, the modeling result of this procedure is comparable to the lifting effect of injection and hardware rejuvenation techniques.

During the massage, blood actively flows to the tissues, and metabolic processes accelerate. With each session, the skin and muscles are tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.


When performing plastic facial massage, no special means are used. The procedure is performed using dry face or talcum powder. To work through tissues, superficial and deep kneading techniques are mainly used.

Kneading, fixing, vibrating and stroking movements are carried out strictly along massage lines and alternate with each other. All movements are made with effort and pressure.

The course includes 10-15 procedures with an interval of 1-2 days.


  • Wrinkles and folds.
  • Reduced turgor.
  • Flaccid and flabby skin.
  • Descent of the soft tissues of the face.
  • Changes in muscle tone: hypotonicity or hypertonicity.
  • Edema.
  • Excess adipose tissue (jowls, double chin).
  • Unhealthy complexion.
  • Oily and problematic skin.


In addition to infection, serious general diseases and acute inflammatory skin diseases, plastic massage is not recommended for rosacea and increased fragility of blood vessels.

Myofascial facial massage

The technique involves influencing the fascia (connective tissue membranes) of muscles and neurovascular bundles. The master works on all muscle tension, as a result of which muscle tension is relieved, blood circulation is restored, and headaches go away.

After a course of procedures, the skin is noticeably tightened, fine wrinkles disappear, deep wrinkles become less noticeable.

Myofascial facial massage is primarily recommended for women 30-40 years old for skin lifting. The effect of the procedure is comparable to the results of injection and surgical circular lifting.

Technique and features

Myofascial facial massage is most often performed without the use of cosmetics. The technique involves deep work of connective tissue using kneading, stretching and twisting techniques.

Sequence of procedure:

  1. Makeup remover
  2. Applying talcum powder or cosmetic oil.
  3. Kneading the tendon helmet of the head, kneading the fascia of the face and neck.
  4. Twisting of the skin under the chin.
  5. Twisting techniques in the parotid area.
  6. Ear massage.
  7. Stretching the forehead and cheekbones.


Myofascial facial massage is indicated for the treatment and prevention of age-related changes. It is recommended for sagging and swelling of the skin, excess subcutaneous fat, sagging soft tissues, and enlarged skin pores. The technique is also used as a rehabilitation procedure after plastic surgery.


  • Inflammatory skin changes.
  • Allergic rashes.
  • Scratches, abrasions, hematomas in the affected area.
  • Cuperosis.
  • General and local infectious process.
  • Severe somatic diseases.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage

When the flow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels slows down, excess fluid and toxins accumulate in the tissues. As a result, swelling appears, the skin becomes pasty, and the complexion becomes unhealthy.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is aimed at activating the outflow of lymph, therefore all massage techniques are carried out along the lymphatic vessels towards the nearest lymph nodes.

After a course of procedures, swelling goes away, the face looks fresh and rested, and overall health improves.


All movements are carried out along the lymph flow in the direction of the regional lymph nodes.

Area of ​​influence:

Direction of movement:


From the center to the periphery: to the behind-the-ear, submandibular, mental lymph nodes:

  • from the middle of the forehead to the temples.
  • from the bridge of the nose along the edge of the upper eyelid to the temples.
  • from the temples along the edge of the lower eyelid to the inner corners of the eyes.
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples.
  • from the middle upper lip to the earlobe.
  • from the corners of the lips to the earlobe.
  • from the middle of the chin to the behind-the-ear area.

Movements are carried out from top to bottom, to the supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes.
Treatment of each area of ​​the face (forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin) ends with movements along the edge of the neck (the thyroid gland is not affected) towards the lymph nodes.

Neckline area

Movements are carried out from the center to the periphery and from bottom to top to the axillary and subclavian lymph nodes.

Lymphatic massage is carried out with your fingertips using cosmetic oil or cream. The skin is first warmed up by stroking and rubbing. All movements are smooth and sliding.

The duration of one session is on average 15 minutes, the course consists of 10 sessions at intervals of 1-2 days.


  • Swelling on the face.
  • Pasty and puffy.
  • Blue circles under the eyes.
  • Decreased skin tone.
  • Wrinkles and folds.
  • Dull, “tired” skin.


Contraindications to the procedure also include infectious diseases, fever, and enlarged lymph nodes of the face and neck.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is not performed on pregnant women.

General rules for any type of massage

  1. Conversation with the patient before the procedure to determine contraindications.
  2. Selecting a technique taking into account the patient’s skin characteristics:
    • lymphatic drainage massage face – with swelling and pastiness,
    • medicinal – for acne,
    • myofascial – for wrinkles and sagging soft tissues.
  3. Thorough cleansing of the facial skin before the procedure.
  4. Usage professional means for facial massage.

Special creams and oils for massage procedures have a balanced composition. They do not clog pores, do not cause rashes or allergies (the exception is individual intolerance to the components). The consistency of cosmetic products makes massage easier and more pleasant for the client.

In the Smart Buy online store you can purchase a universal massage cream for all skin types Beauty Style:

  1. Compliance with frequency. The optimal result is achieved by a full course if the patient does not miss sessions.
  2. Properly designed comprehensive programs including cosmetic massage.

Combination of cosmetic massage and other procedures

1. Cosmetics.

Any type of manual massage, be it classic, myofascial or lymphatic drainage, activates blood circulation processes and helps open skin pores. This means that the skin's sensitivity to cosmetics increases immediately after the procedure. That is why it is recommended to massage before applying active masks, serums and creams.

Ideally, if the massage technique and cosmetics work in one direction. For example, it is recommended to finish plastic facial massage for wrinkles and decreased skin turgor by applying an active anti-aging serum and a lifting mask on top of it.

In the Smart Buy online store you will find a large selection of anti-aging products for professional care from the company Beauty Style. Cosmetics are used for manual and hardware procedures. It contains plant extracts and vitamins necessary for the skin and has a gentle, natural effect on the skin.

To view the range and purchase cosmetics, follow the link.

2. Hardware cosmetology.

You can alternate and combine lymphatic drainage facial massage and myostimulation, classic facial massage and microcurrents in one program. These procedures enhance each other's positive effects.

3.Injection rejuvenation.

A course of cosmetic massage is recommended before Botox injections, hyaluronic acid and mesotherapy cocktails to prepare the skin and muscles for invasive procedures. After manual treatment, the tissues accept medications better and heal faster.

It is not recommended to perform massage after injection rejuvenation. The procedures will speed up the metabolism and elimination of drugs, as a result, the effect of the injections will end faster than desired.

The main advantages of cosmetic massage compared to other techniques:

  • mild and physiological effect on the skin;
  • no serious complications;
  • no discomfort during the procedure;
  • positive effect on the nervous system (strengthening, tonic or relaxing);
  • beneficial effects on the functioning of the whole organism after biological treatment active points and removing muscle tension.

For the cosmetic massage procedure to be effective, the specialist must have a medical education, know the anatomical and physiological features of the face and neck, and perform all massage techniques in accordance with these features.

To ensure the normal condition of the muscles and skin of the face, massage is recommended. Today, a huge number of techniques have been developed that are used to perform this task.

If there is a need for a gentle impact, it is recommended to use a classic facial massage.

Classic facial massage is used by most women due to its universal effect. It helps the skin and prevents premature aging.

The use of manipulation is carried out to improve blood supply and lymphatic drainage. The procedure is aimed at improving skin color.

Features of the procedure

The massage is performed with hands. With its help, blood circulation is stimulated, which ensures maximum expressiveness of the contours.

Indications and contraindications

Manipulation can be carried out to improve skin color. It is also recommended for puffiness under the eyes. Massage is widely used to combat wrinkles.

If a woman has excessively loose skin, then she is recommended to undergo the procedure.

If the patient is diagnosed hypertonic disease, then it is recommended to conduct sessions to combat it. They are highly effective if dental pathologies worsen.

If a woman leads an overly active lifestyle, then this manipulation is indicated for her. This manipulation has a positive effect on her health after experiencing stress and depression.

Despite the effectiveness of manipulation, it is characterized by the presence of certain contraindications. If a person has a fungal infection of the skin, then massage is not recommended for him.

High sensitivity of the skin is a contraindication to manipulation. If a woman has extremely thin blood vessels, then the massage should be carried out as carefully as possible.

The essence of massage

The process consists of influencing the muscles and epithelial surfaces of the face with the fingers, which helps improve blood flow and the condition of the skin.

Preparation for the procedure

To ensure the highest possible effect, it is recommended to carry out proper preparation for manipulation. It consists of cleansing the face of impurities.

It is first recommended to remove cosmetic products using special means. Facial cleansing can be done by washing or using a steam bath. The second option will be more effective, as it helps open the pores.

This video will tell you how to do a classic facial massage:

Execution technique

The procedure, when performed correctly, is an alternative option to expensive plastic surgery. But, unlike it, manipulation leads to complications in extremely rare cases.

In order to ensure maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to conduct at least 20 sessions.

In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the massage technique. To carry out the procedure, it is recommended to use 4 techniques:

  • kneading,
  • stroking,
  • vibrations,
  • rubbing.

The most common use is stroking and rubbing movements, which makes it possible to ensure the highest possible results. The manipulation should be carried out in stages.

After cleaning the skin, it is recommended to apply any classic massage oil to it.

The pads of three fingers are placed in the middle of the forehead, which include the ring, middle and index.

They lightly stroke the skin towards the temples. It is strictly forbidden to perform manipulation with both hands at the same time, as this can lead to the appearance of wrinkles.

From the temples to the scalp, you need to move your hands using smoothing movements. The fingertips should be placed on the temple.

In this case, the second hand strokes the skin towards the opposite temple. The procedure must be repeated at least 10 times. Bunches thumbs

The head must be tilted back and the chin pulled forward. The décolleté area is massaged using stroking movements. At the next stage, stroking movements are performed along the bridge of the nose.

Next, you need to massage the eyelid area. Stroking movements are performed from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner. By strictly following the sequence of all of the above procedures, a person can achieve the highest possible effect of massage.

Massage lines

The manipulation should be carried out according to the massage lines:

  • From mouth to ears.
  • From one corner of the eyelid to the other.
  • From chin to ear.
  • From nose to ear.
  • From forehead to temples.

All massage lines must be used during the procedure, which will have a positive effect on the result.

Stages of implementation

Carrying out massage in salon conditions requires going through several stages. Initially, a woman should undergo an examination and consultation with a cosmetologist, which will provide the opportunity to exclude contraindications.

The next stage involves cleaning the skin. For this purpose it is used steam bath or oil. Next, it is applied to the skin. In this case, the skin type must be taken into account.

First, the massage is performed on the lower part of the face, and then on the upper part. Next, the décolleté area is processed. After the procedure, the massage oil is removed from the skin. After the massage, the specialist conducts a final consultation and schedules the next session.

Basic Techniques

There are several massage techniques. The most common method used is stroking. It consists of mechanical action and constant pressure.

It is also recommended to use the rubbing technique at the level of the pain threshold. During the manipulation, it is recommended to use the kneading technique. This technique consists of changing pressure from minimum to maximum.

Quite often, shock and vibration techniques are used - oscillatory effects that change the rhythm.

The implementation of the technique consists of influencing the palm in the longitudinal and transverse directions. When choosing a specific massage method, it is recommended to take into account the level of skin sensitivity.

For instructions on how to use massage, watch this video:

Where to massage

If the desire arises, a person can perform a massage at home.

It is recommended that he first learn the technique. To master it, it is best to use someone else's back. You are allowed to start massage at home only after studying the technique and massage lines.

Effectiveness of the procedure

Most women feel the result after the first session. But, it is short-term. That is why manipulations should be carried out in courses. After several days, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.


In order to eliminate the possibility of undesirable consequences of manipulation During its implementation, strict adherence to certain rules is recommended:

Complications of the procedure

If massage is performed incorrectly, a person may develop various complications.

The most common diagnosis is circulatory disorders. Damage to the facial nerve may also occur.


Classic massage is a universal cosmetic procedure, which is characterized by a positive effect on the skin and muscles.

The procedure must be carried out in accordance with certain rules. If you were unable to master the technique on your own, then it is recommended to seek help from specialists at the salon.

Many people consider this an optional and easy procedure, a pleasant addition to skin cleansing and nourishing masks, although in reality this is not the case. The face is what people first pay attention to when meeting you. And it is precisely on how attractive the face is that further events largely depend. And in order for your face to always be attractive and fit, it is enough to at least regularly do a classic facial massage, which does not take much time in duration. Anyone can do it if they are familiar with the procedure.

Effects of classic facial massage

Regular facial massage allows you to:

  • prevent the appearance of wrinkles;
  • increase skin tone;
  • improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;
  • increase the shape of the eyes and volume of the lips;
  • tighten the skin of the forehead, cheeks and chin;
  • remove swelling from the eyes;
  • significantly rejuvenate facial skin;
  • improve the condition of teeth;
  • improve vision;
  • improve complexion;
  • warm up the muscles, making the skin and muscles soft and sensitive.

During the massage, due to stimulation of blood circulation, the skin is saturated with a large amount of oxygen, as a result of which regenerative and metabolic processes are enhanced. It also allows you to mechanically cleanse the skin, free it from excess gland secretions and from horny cells of the epidermis, thanks to which the toxins that have accumulated in the skin for a long time are removed.

Massage not only prevents skin aging, but also helps rid the face of wrinkles. It is thanks to this massage that you can keep your skin fresh, healthy, toned and young.

This massage technique helps in the treatment of acne and congestion on the face, which is explained by the effects achieved during the procedure.

It should be noted that manual massage of both the neck and face relieves not only muscle spasms, but also stress, affects well-being and mood. In addition, there are a huge number of biologically active points on the face, which represent a projection internal organs, it is for this reason that stimulation of these points has the best effect on the functioning of internal organs. And it is for this reason that classical massage brings both beauty and health, and also creates a feeling of both mental and physical comfort.

Classic massage involves the use of basic techniques, of which there are four: stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibration. In most cases, only stroking and rubbing movements are used during the massage, during which creams and massage oils are used to achieve greater effect.

Both stroking and rubbing movements are performed along the main massage lines:

  • from the corners of the mouth towards the bottom of the auricle;
  • from the middle of the chin along the lower jaw towards the earlobe;
  • from the wings of the nose towards the upper part of the auricle;
  • from the inner corner of the upper eyelid towards the outer corner;
  • from the middle of the forehead towards the temples;
  • from the outer corner of the lower eyelid towards the inner corner;
  • from the corners of the mouth towards the bottom of the auricle.

Contraindications to the procedure

Although classical massage has a number of advantages, there are also some contraindications for its implementation.

Thus, it cannot be performed if in the area of ​​the procedure, that is, on the face, there are violations of the integrity of the skin (cuts, abrasions, cracks, etc.), if the patient suffers from an acute illness, especially if there are ulcers on the skin of the face or there is an exacerbation of herpes infection.

Classical massage sessions and courses

According to cosmetologists, it is recommended to carry out a classic facial massage for 15-20 sessions, the interval between which should be 1-2 days, while each session lasts 15 minutes. But, by the way, the duration of the session directly depends on the thickness of the skin. That is, if the skin is thin, the session will be 10 minutes or less.

It should be noted that such a massage can be carried out over a larger number of sessions, including at home, for example, after taking a bath or shower.

Facial massage classic video