Military personnel who have served a certain number of years in the army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, and some other similar institutions are entitled to receive a long-service or disability pension. If after finishing their service they worked in civilian positions, then when certain conditions they can also apply for an old-age pension assigned by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Conditions for receiving a “civilian” pension for military personnel

In order to qualify for an old-age pension, former military personnel must simultaneously meet a number of conditions:

  • the citizen must be registered in the compulsory pension insurance system of the Russian Federation (received SNILS),
  • The retirement age must be reached - 65 years for men, 60 years for women. If citizens belong to those categories of insured persons for whom earlier retirement in old age is provided, then the pension is assigned upon reaching that age. For example, if work activity was carried out in the conditions of the Far North.
  • must have earned enough insurance coverage to qualify for an old-age pension. In 2020 it is 11 years.
  • A certain number of individual pension points must be earned. In 2019 – 18.6 points.
  • a military pension should be assigned for disability or for length of service in the relevant authorities.

Documents required for granting a pension

To assign a regular old-age pension, former military personnel must submit to the pension fund:

  • application of the established form;
  • passport;
  • insurance certificate (SNILS);
  • a certificate from the authority that awarded the citizen a military pension. Such a certificate must contain information about the date of appointment military pension, periods of service on the basis of which a military pension or disability pension was assigned;
  • documents confirming the pensioner’s insurance (“civil”) experience. This may be a work book, an employment contract, or other documents confirming the fact of employment.

If a military pensioner worked in a civilian institution before 2002, then they can be presented with documents confirming the availability and amount of earnings for any five consecutive years before January 1, 2002.

Peculiarities of calculating “civilian” pensions for military personnel

There is one peculiarity - the old-age pension accrued to military pensioners consists only of the insurance and funded parts. There will be a funded part if such a pensioner has pension savings. A fixed payment (fixed base amount) is not accrued or paid to military pensioners.

The assigned old-age pension for military pensioners is subject to indexation in accordance with the general procedure.

If such a pensioner, after receiving an old-age pension, continues to work in civil organizations, then annual indexation is not carried out, but annually, as of August 1, a recalculation is made.

After the end of your working life, the amount of the insurance pension will be recalculated taking into account the missed indexations.

Cumulative part of pension

A former military man, like other insured persons, may have a funded part of his pension. Savings can be formed in the following cases:

  • they are persons born in 1967 and younger, to whom civilian employers calculated and transferred insurance premiums for savings part pensions in the Pension Fund;
  • if they received maternity (family) capital and transferred its funds to form a future pension;
  • if they are members state program co-financing of pensions;
  • if they are men born in 1953-1966 or women born in 1957-1966, for whom, from 2002 to 2004, civil employers calculated and paid insurance contributions to the funded part of the pension in the Pension Fund.

Like other old-age pensioners, a military pensioner, if he has pension savings can apply to the Pension Fund for appointment and pay funded pension(payments).

This can be a lump sum payment, an urgent payment, or payment of the funded part of the pension.

Answers to common questions

Question #1:
Military pensioner after graduation military service did not work in civilian institutions for hire, but registered and operated as an individual entrepreneur. Can such a citizen, upon achieving retirement age get an old age pension?

Answer: Yes, if such an individual entrepreneur paid insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, he has the right to insurance pension by old age. In this case, the mandatory conditions must be met regarding the presence of the insurance period established on the date of application for a pension and the number of accumulated pension points.

Question #2: Are periods of work prior to military service included in the “civilian” pension for military personnel?

Answer: In accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013, the length of service does not include the time of service preceding the assignment of a disability pension, or the time of service, work or other activity taken into account when determining the amount of the long-service pension years in accordance with the Law on Military Pensions of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1. Thus, if periods before military service are not taken into account when calculating a military pension, then these periods can be taken into account when calculating a “civilian” pension.

QuestionOS No. 3: If a former military man reaches retirement age in 2019, but does not have enough insurance experience (9 years) to accrue a “civilian” pension to a military man, is it possible to apply for its accrual in a year? Or will the required insurance period be different in a year?

Answer: The insurance period in 2019 will be different, but if the right to an old-age pension arose in 2019, for example, a man turned 60 years old, then in order to calculate an old-age pension for such a person, the insurance period that was valid in the year the right to a pension arose , i.e. 9 years old. If in 2019 the insurance period is 9 years and all other conditions for receiving an old-age pension are met, you can apply for a pension accrual from the Pension Fund.

Pensions are accrued to military personnel and civilians upon reaching a certain age. Its size depends on length of service, amount of accruals, and position. But there is a mixed military pension and a civil pension, which has calculation features.

The entire amount of accruals for the military, which includes the military and work experience, is called a mixed type pension. This option of social benefits is paid to military personnel when they reach the age of separation from service - less than 20 years of military service.

A pension, like any other income, can have different size. Some citizens are entitled to additional bonuses for length of service and for specific merits. This income is regularly indexed, which increases its size to the required level.

Who are considered military personnel?

According to the law, military personnel include citizens who serve and work in units of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the FSB. This list includes foreign intelligence officers, penal authorities and other paramilitary units of the country. The term “soldier” is defined in Federal Law No. 76.

The pension is not calculated based on age. The experience must be 20 years. Its calculation has a special procedure. When participating in hostilities, 1 year is equal to 3. Three years in special conditions are calculated as 4. The reason for early retirement may be an injury due to which health has deteriorated. In the event of the death or death of a military man, his widow receives the right to a pension. Military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to retire at 45 years of age. To establish pension benefits, mixed length of service may be taken into account.

Difference between payments

Military pension and civil pension have differences. Payments for military personnel are determined by salary and length of service. The differences will be as follows:

  1. Military personnel have a minimum of 20 years of experience, while civilians must have at least 15 years of experience.
  2. When determining payments to military personnel, pension coefficients are not taken into account.
  3. Compared to civilians, military personnel can apply for benefits even at age 40 if they have at least 20 years of service.

Power of attorney

Different payment delivery options allow you to choose the most convenient method. But there are times when, due to life circumstances, it is not possible to withdraw funds on your own. Then another person can do this by proxy. This is a notarized document provided by a pensioner to another person. A power of attorney is issued for a fee by a notary. But a free option is also possible, and then the document will be similar to a normally certified one.

Since 2013, the power of attorney has been certified free of charge by the organization where the pensioner studies or works. This is also carried out in the institution where treatment takes place. If the document does not indicate a validity period, this means that it is valid for 1 year (Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The trustee can receive a pension during this period. If a period of more than a year is specified, then payment occurs throughout the entire period of validity of the power of attorney.

Change of place of residence

If you change your place of residence, payment will be made at the new place. Then the pensioner should notify the Pension Fund about this using a statement. The documentation will be transferred to another territorial office.

You must also complete a request for a payment case due to a move when receiving funds through a card. This is due to the fact that it contains all the necessary information that will be useful to the Pension Fund at the new place of residence, for example, for recalculation purposes. If notified in a timely manner, the pension will be credited to the account on time.

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It should also be taken into account that the procedure for calculating the second payment to military pensioners involves excluding the following periods:

  • service, work and other periods of work taken into account when determining the amount of a military pension for long service;
  • service that occurred before the disability payment was awarded.

Indexation of insurance pension provision

The second pension for the military, like that assigned to ordinary citizens, is subject to the state. The size of the increase is set at the rate of inflation of the previous year in accordance with clause 10, art. 18 law “About insurance pensions”.

In 2019, insurance payments were indexed by 7.05% - this increase exceeds the inflation of the previous year. In addition, the indexation itself has been moved from February 1st to January 1st. The cost of the IPC is currently 87.24 rubles.

A further increase in the second pension for military personnel () may occur in August of this year and it will be associated with an increase for those pensioners who worked last year. The time for such recalculation is August 1. But do not forget that the maximum increase in in this case will limited to three points, expressed in monetary terms.

When should you apply for a civil pension?

Military pensioners can apply for at any time without any time limit, but not before the emergence of the right at her.

It should be remembered that the right to a second payment arises if all requirements for assigning an insurance pension are met. In 2019 The general requirements are as follows:

  • reaching the age of 60.5 years for men and 55.5 years for women;
  • the minimum insurance period not taken into account when assigning a military pension must be 10 years;
  • the minimum sum of individual points must be 16.2;
  • the fact of granting a pension through the law enforcement agencies.

The general procedure for applying for an insurance pension, which is also applicable in this case, involves a written request for payment.

According to paragraph 1, art. 22 Federal Law No. 400 “About insurance pensions” civil payment is assigned from the day you apply for it provided that the right arises by that time.

In order not to miss the appointment of the second pension, documents can be submitted earlier than the date of entitlement to it, but no more than a month before the age of sixty.

Where to apply for a civil pension?

The civil pension should to territorial administration Pension Fund RF:

  • at the place of registration;
  • at the place of residence (in the absence of a place of residence confirmed by registration);
  • at the place of actual residence (in the absence of a registered place of residence and place of stay in our country).

An application for a second pension is strictly of an application nature, that is, it must be issued in the form of a written notification.

You can apply in several ways:

  • independently or through a legal representative to the client service of the PFR district office;
  • through your employer's HR department;
  • by sending the necessary documents by mail;
  • personally or through a representative by contacting MFC specialists.

In addition, recently it has become increasingly popular new way submission of documents in electronic form. This can be done using an Internet system such as the Unified Portal of Public Services. This will require preliminary registration in the system, but in the future the ability to use the portal will save wasted effort and time.

What documents are needed to apply for a second pension for a military pensioner?

To apply in writing for a second pension, a military pensioner will need to prepare. The general requirements for them are practically no different from the rules for submitting the necessary papers for an ordinary citizen.

TO mandatory documents when assigning the second payment, the following apply:

  1. passport (or other registration document);
  2. insurance certificate (SNILS);
  3. a document confirming the fact of assignment of a military pension;
  4. work book;
  5. certificates of length of service not recorded in the work book before the date of registration (from the employer, and in case of its liquidation from the archive);
  6. salary certificate for 60 consecutive months of employment (if there are periods of work before 2002);
  7. information about the presence of dependents (children under 18 years of age, and if they are full-time students, this age is extended to 23 years of age).

In addition, due to certain circumstances, military retirees may need to additional documents, For example:

  1. documents confirming the change of surname (or other personal data);
  2. data on the presence of disability (extract from the expert commission’s conclusion indicating the validity period);
  3. preferential clarifying certificates indicating the special nature of the work performed, in the presence of preferential length of service;
  4. documents confirming the identity of the legal representative, if the application is submitted through him.

The procedure for receiving a second pension payment for military personnel upon reaching 60 years of age

Delivery the second accrued pension payment to military personnel is carried out according to general rules for the current month. A military pensioner chooses the method of receiving a pension independently when submitting a written application for appointment.

Among them are the following:

  • Russian Post (at the cash desk of the institution itself or received at home);
  • bank (at the cash desk of one of the bank branches or making a payment to a bank card)
  • an organization engaged in the delivery of pensions (a complete list of such institutions is available from the Pension Fund of Russia specialists and is presented to the military pensioner when choosing this method; here you can also arrange a payment at the organization’s cash desk or at home).

It should be remembered that once selected method of obtaining insurance coverage you can always change in case of inconvenience after the expiration of time. To do this, the serviceman will need to re-apply to the PFR district office at the location of his payment file and submit an application to change the delivery method.

Remote garrisons and frequent changes of housing with accommodation in military camps make it difficult for officers' wives to find employment. In such conditions, asking the question of how to transfer to the pension of the husband of a military pensioner after his death is nothing reprehensible. Not having, for objective reasons, a long work experience, the wife of an officer or midshipman relies on her husband’s pension benefits. The death of the sole breadwinner significantly worsens the financial situation of the widow. Understanding the severity of the problem, the state, as far as possible, tries to make the future life of widows of military pensioners easier at the legislative level, in particular, it provides the opportunity, after the death of the husband, to receive pension money intended for the spouse after transfer to the reserve.

The spouse of a deceased or fallen service member can select suitable pension payments following types:

  • old-age pension is rare, but there are situations in which the officer’s wife worked constantly and acquired a long work history. It is not economically feasible to switch to the deceased husband's pension;
  • survivor's pension - the country's involvement in local conflicts increases the risk of premature death of soldiers and officers. Upon the death of the husband, the wife may receive the specified pension due to the inability to engage in labor activity for one reason or another. However, the legislation stipulates monetary monthly payments in relation to children whose parents died while performing military duty. Money stops being paid after reaching the age of majority, or after 23 years if the child is studying at a higher educational institution;
  • husband's military pension - until the expiration of five years from the time the husband ceased to receive a pension - a military pensioner upon reaching retirement age or she has a certain degree of disability.

The state pays pensions to the wives of deceased military pensioners who are raising children under fourteen years of age without officially working anywhere. Knowledge of the laws will help you know how to correctly transfer to the pension of the husband of a military pensioner after his death.

Legislative framework

The main legislative act regulating pension provision for military personnel and their families is the Law Russian Federation dated February 12, 1992 No. 4468-1 with the latest amendments and changes. In addition to the military, the law applies to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State. drug control, penal system, national guard. Article 28 specifies under what circumstances family members can receive a military pension for the loss of a breadwinner:

  • a serviceman dies while performing his official duties while on duty;
  • having retired to the reserve, he dies from illness or wounds acquired in the service;
  • dies from injuries received during the performance of official duty, after receiving a military pension;
  • the serviceman had the status of a prisoner of war or was declared missing in action,

When the spouse of a military pensioner is unable to support herself and her children due to disability, is unable to earn income or work while caring for young children, then she has the right, under Art. 10 Federal Law 400, submit documents to receive a military pension for the loss of a breadwinner. Article 5 of Federal Law No. 4468-1 equalizes the rights of pension recipients of deceased pensioners with families on pension provision in case of loss of a breadwinner who died in the course of his work.

A woman with an IPC of 30 points has more than 15 years of work experience, according to Art. 8 Federal Law No. 400, an old-age labor pension is provided.

Survivor's pensions

Service in the Russian Armed Forces increases the risk of premature death for military personnel of any branch of the military. Therefore, you should know in what cases a pension is calculated for the widow of a military pensioner. A woman, according to Art. 10 Federal Law No. 400, may receive salary in the following cases:

  • is dependent, unable to work due to disability;
  • is not disabled and able to work, but is raising minor children;
  • loses his ability to work some time after the death of his spouse, and has no opportunity for a normal existence.

When a woman remarries, she continues to receive child benefits from her deceased ex-husband until she reaches adulthood. This rule is due to the fact that new husband by law is not obliged to financially support children not conceived in this marriage.

Double pension

Legislative norms provide for the widow of a deceased military pensioner to receive one pension of his choice. However, there are exceptions. Article 7 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 allows the widow of a military pensioner to receive an additional pension if the deceased husband was disabled due to acquired diseases or injuries received while protecting the interests of the state. A woman will be able to receive, in addition to her pension (social, labor, disability), additional cash allowance. The legal norm loses force if the woman remarries.

Registration procedure

After the death of a military pensioner, no one will automatically transfer his pension to his widow. To receive the statutory monetary payments, you must collect a package of documents. You also need to decide, based on the current circumstances, the type of pension you should apply for - a military pension or a survivor's pension. The conditions under which payments of a particular pension are made vary. Many nuances are taken into account: the circumstances of the death or death of the husband, one’s own work activity, the presence and number of children, the length of service of the spouse and much more.

It should be taken into account that the structural divisions of the Ministry of Defense are in charge of issues of pension provision for military personnel. Therefore, if a military pensioner has died, the widowed woman should first contact the local military registration and enlistment office to register. Then, write an application in the established form to the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence, attaching the required documents.


It should be taken into account that the bureaucratic system in any state requires the provision of all documents and certificates stipulated by law. Therefore, you need to carefully collect the required documents, the list of which is approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 958n dated November 28, 2014:

  • certificates - about the death of a spouse, about marriage, about the birth of children, including minors;
  • certificates - about the income, family composition, disability of the applicant, about the length of service of the deceased or deceased serviceman;
  • copy of passport;
  • document confirming receipt or lack of a pension.

To receive the military pension of a deceased spouse, women should be patient. The process can take months.

Application processing time

Legislators have established a time frame for a positive or negative response to a submitted application. If the provided package of documents contains comprehensive information, in this case the application is considered within 10 days. As a rule, rarely does anyone manage to completely collect the necessary documents the first time. When adding missing certificates or certificates, the review period is postponed by 10 days.

Payment amount

The amount of funds for survivor's pensions for military widows is determined by Article No. 36 of Federal Law No. 4468-1. According to this article, payments are made in the following amounts:

  • 40% of the deceased spouse’s allowance if the accident leading to disability occurred outside of service;
  • The widow receives 50% of the allowance if the deceased husband became disabled due to illness or injury during service.

The pension provision of a military pensioner is calculated based on additional payments for length of service, official salaries and amounts paid for military rank. Wives of deceased military personnel who served in the military will be able to count on monthly financial support:

  • 150% of social pension, if death occurred due to an illness contracted during the “urgent” period;
  • 200% of the social pension if the husband died while performing his duty from injuries incompatible with life.

Pensions are paid continuously after reaching retirement age. During the period of incapacity for work - before gaining the ability to work.

Receiving pensions

The pension fund offers several options for receiving pension benefits. If the issue of receiving the pension of the deceased husband of a pensioner is resolved positively, the delivery method is separately discussed. This may be credited to an open current account, delivered to your home by Russian Post, or received at the nearest post office. Most in a convenient way for frail pensioners there is free home delivery. This function is performed by organs social protection. For active pensioners, it is most convenient to transfer pensions to a bank card.

Funeral benefit

The state not only takes care of pensions for widows of deceased military pensioners. A lot of public funds are spent on the burial of a deceased citizen. If relatives bury with their own money, then they are entitled to compensation for the amount spent. In different regions it ranges from 6 to 11 thousand rubles. The funeral can be carried out entirely at the expense of the state by specialized funeral service bureaus. It is important to apply for social benefits for burial no later than six months from the date of burial. Otherwise, no partial refund will be given.

The Russian Pension Fund is a serious structure that requires literal execution of the norms and rules prescribed by law. It’s good if the documents for receiving pension benefits are in perfect order. However, this does not always happen. Therefore, it is necessary to first consult with experienced lawyers who will help you understand the intricacies of pension legislation.

Advice from lawyers:

1. Please
I'm a military man.
Can I submit an application to switch from a military pension to a civilian one (VTB Bank)?

1.1. Of course, you can, to do this you need to apply to the Pension Fund and draw up an application in the prescribed form.

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2. How to write a statement of claim to the court about transferring from a civilian pension to a military one?

2.1. Drawing up such statements is a paid service, so contact any of the lawyers on the site.

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2.2. How to write a statement of claim to the court about transferring from civil pension for the military?
First, contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, then when they give a refusal, appeal it to the court within the framework of the CAS RF by filing an administrative claim.

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3. Why through the court the transition from a civilian pension to a military pension for a husband - a 66-year-old widow.

3.1. If the military registration and enlistment office does not refuse, there is no need for a COURT.


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4. What documents are needed when switching from a civil pension to a military pension for a widow (66 years old)?

4.1. death certificates of the husband, marriage certificate, widow's passport, her pension certificate, certificate from the place of residence about living with her husband on the day of his death.

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5. When switching from a military pension to a civilian old-age pension, how is contract service assessed in points in accordance with Federal Law 126-FZ of June 4, 2011 from January 1, 2002 to 2007?

5.1. Ivan, now this question has lost its relevance. A military pensioner has the right to receive a second pension in the insurance part.

You must be registered in the compulsory pension insurance system.

When calculating the insurance and general length of service for military pensioners, it does not include periods of service preceding the assignment of a disability pension, or periods of service, work and other activities taken into account when determining the amount of a long-service pension in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families.

Military pensioners are assigned an old-age insurance pension without taking into account the fixed payment.

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6. When switching from a military pension to a civilian one, the Pension Fund counted his work experience (years of service in the State Fire Service from 1985-2001), but did not include the Northern Experience - is the Pension Fund right? Thank you.

6.1. When assigning an insurance pension, the insurance period is calculated in calendar order, in preferential terms northern experience is counted only in the case when the assessment of pension rights is carried out according to paragraph 4 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ, but this option is not beneficial to everyone.

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7. Will it make sense to switch from a military pension to a civilian one when you reach 60 years of age? before service, civilian work experience of 12 years and military service of 20 years 5 months?

7.1. The pension of military pensioners is much higher than that of civilians. Moreover, your civil service experience is 12 years, and this is very little for a normal pension. I don't think there's any point in switching.

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8. How much interest is accrued on pensions when switching from civilian to military in the event of the loss of a breadwinner?

8.1. Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/12/1993 N 4468-1 (as amended on 07/03/2016, as amended on 07/19/2016) "On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, control bodies turnover...
Article 36. Pension amounts

The survivor's pension is set in the following amounts:
a) for the families of persons specified in Article 1 of this Law who died due to the reasons listed in paragraph "a" of Article 21 of this Law - 50 percent of the corresponding amounts of the breadwinner's allowance provided for in Article 43 of this Law for each disabled family member. At the same rate, a pension is established, regardless of the cause of death of the breadwinner, for the families of deceased pensioners who were disabled on the day of death due to a military injury, for children who have lost both parents, and for the children of a deceased single mother;

B) to the families of persons specified in Article 1 of this Law who died due to the reasons listed in paragraph "b" of Article 21 of this Law - 40 percent of the corresponding amounts of the breadwinner's allowance provided for in Article 43 of this Law for each disabled family member."

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9. When switching from a military pension to a civilian one, do you need an insurance savings contribution and civilian work experience? How is pension recalculation done?

9.1. You need civil insurance experience in order to accrue an old-age insurance pension. Recalculation takes place according to your application. Please check with the Pension Fund for recalculation formulas.

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10. Is the municipal pension supplement retained when switching from a civil pension to a military pension?

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11. How long does it take to switch from a civilian pension to a military pension? After submitting an application, how long will it take for the pension to arrive?

11.1. This period is not regulated by federal law.

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12. I am 53 years old, I have been receiving a military pension since 2008, assigned for 17 years of service in the Armed Forces and 11 years of civilian experience. After the service I work all the time and hope to work until I am 60 years old. Wages ranges from 100,000 to 130,000 rubles. Will there be any point in switching to a civil pension after age 60? Today my military pension is a little more than 10,000 rubles.

12.1. Yes, it will make sense to switch, especially since you are still going to work.

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13. I have the following question: should the widow of a military pensioner, through the court, seek a transfer from a civilian pension to the pension of her deceased husband, or is an application to the military registration and enlistment office sufficient? What does the law say about this?

13.1. You cannot “pass over” your deceased husband’s pension, since pensions are paid personally to the person who earned it.
In your case, you can apply for a survivor's pension if on the day of your husband's death you were disabled.

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Consultation on your issue

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14. When switching from a military pension to a civilian one, will the years of service be included in the length of service? And were there any transfers to the Pension Fund from the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

14.1. Years of service will be included in the length of service, but this is of little use - there are no deductions.

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15. The military registration and enlistment office sends the husband - a 66-year-old widow - to the court to formalize the transfer from a civilian pension to a military pension. Is it legal?

15.1. This is the wife’s right to choose which pension she receives - which one is greater. In court it will be necessary to prove that at the time of her death she was in his custody.

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16. How is it possible for a military pensioner (55 years old, female, 23 years of work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, long-service pension assigned at 45 years old) to now transfer completely to a civilian pension while maintaining the length of service? This does not mean simply accruing the insurance part of the civil pension plus the military one, but a complete transition. Thank you very much in advance.

16.1. Provided upon orders

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17. When switching from a military pension to a mixed one, with a pension of 12,000 and a civilian experience of 15 years, what will be the difference and what benefits of a civil pension will be available.

17.1. stay in the military, there is something tricky with the civilian, no one knows what or how it will happen

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18. My husband is a reserve officer. Continues to work after dismissal. Very soon he will turn 60 years old. Without 5 days, he worked for 5 years at a large enterprise where he had a good salary, but it so happened that he quit and is now working in a new place, for 1.5 years now, but the salary in the new place is exactly half less than before. What do we need to do to apply for a military pension + civilian pension upon turning 60, or is nothing possible due to dismissal and transfer to a new job? Thank you.

18.1. What do we need to do to apply for a military pension + civilian pension upon turning 60, or is nothing possible due to dismissal and transfer to a new job?
---will not do anything. he is already receiving his pension. there is no other way.

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19. I am a military pensioner. The length of service (military) in preferential terms is 38 years. From 1992 to 2010 he worked in the civil sphere, incl. from 2006 to 2010 inclusive, he was in the state civil service.
I receive a military (without taking into account the length of service in the civil public service) and a civilian (which takes into account the length of service in the civil service) pensions. My colleagues informed me that the calculation of the total pension was not carried out correctly.
Who should I contact to confirm the correctness of the calculations and, if necessary, to switch to a civil pension?

19.1. Alexander Eduardovich! You need to contact the local pension fund, having first dealt with the calculations of the pension department of the military registration and enlistment office that accrued your pension.

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20. Pension for the widow of a military pensioner

I am the widow of a military pensioner. Died in January 2016. (was the head of the department of the East Siberian operational customs) retired 2 years ago with the rank of colonel of the customs authorities, a labor veteran. I am a disabled person of the 2nd group, age 55 years. I receive a pension of 14 thousand rubles (age-related + disability supplement). at the Federal Reserve Service of the Sverdlovsk region of Irkutsk they cannot advise me on the topic of a pension for the widow of a military pensioner, citing incompetence in this matter and citing the fact that the husband received a military pension. Please clarify the sequence of my actions - should I, on my own, as a private civilian, make a request for a transition to a survivor's pension to the head of the pension department of the Siberian Customs Department of Novosibirsk, attaching the necessary list of documents; - or seek professional help from lawyers in Irkutsk asking for representation in resolving my difficult issue? Sincerely, Irina nik-na.

20.1. It is better to contact a lawyer personally to study the situation and choose action tactics.

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20.2. Of course, it’s better to see a lawyer, they will look at the documents and laws, give advice and appeal the refusals

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21. Irkutsk! --- I kindly ask you to respond to those who have positive experience in solving the problem below and could take on it as soon as possible: I am the widow of a military pensioner. He died in January 2016 (he was the head of the department of the East Siberian operational customs), retired 2 years ago with the rank of colonel of the customs authorities, a labor veteran. I am a disabled person of the 2nd group, age 55 years. I receive a pension of 14 thousand rubles (age-related + disability supplement). at the Federal Reserve Service of the Sverdlovsk district of Irkutsk, they cannot advise me on the topic of a widow’s transition to a military pensioner’s pension, citing incompetence in this matter and citing the fact that the husband received a military pension. I don’t see any point in me, a private civilian, making a request to transfer to a pension to the widow of a military pensioner, the head of the pension department of the Siberian customs department of Novosibirsk, attaching the necessary list of documents, wasting time on correspondence. I would like to seek professional help from lawyers in Irkutsk with a request for representation in resolving the above issue. Sincerely, Irina Nikolaevna.

21.1. In Russia there are pensions for old age, disability, and loss of a breadwinner. However, as a rule, a citizen receives one pension. Under certain conditions, a person has the right to choose the pension that suits him best. But there is also a category of citizens who have the right to receive two pensions at the same time.

Dve These categories of citizens and the conditions for receiving two pensions are prescribed in the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the criminal executive systems, and their families" and in the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation".

In accordance with Russian legislation, citizens who have become disabled due to war injury are entitled to receive two pensions; participants of the Great Patriotic War; citizens awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad” - all these citizens have the right to simultaneously receive a disability and old-age pension.

The following are entitled to receive simultaneously a survivor's pension and an old-age labor pension or a social pension:

Parents of military personnel, and specifically those who died during conscription service or who died after being discharged from military service due to military trauma;
widows of such military personnel, provided that they have not remarried; as well as disabled family members of citizens who received or suffered radiation sickness and other diseases associated with radiation exposure as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or work to eliminate the consequences of this disaster;
citizens who became disabled as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
and citizens who took part in eliminating the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the exclusion zone.

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22. From May 28, 2015, in accordance with order No. 10 dated May 28, 2015, of the administration of the Belovsky village council of the Konyshevsky district of the Kursk region, I was assigned a lifetime monthly supplement to the old-age labor pension in the amount of 31% of the monthly remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk region. 04/04/2016 The meeting of deputies of the Belovsky village council of the Konyshevsky district of the Kursk region amends decision No. 184 “On approval of the Rules for applying for a monthly supplement to the labor pension of persons who exercised the powers of an elected official of local government on a permanent basis of the Belovsky village council of the Konyshevsky district of the Kursk region.” Clause 3.1 shall be stated in a new edition. The amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability) is calculated in such a way that the sum of the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the labor pension for old age (fixed basic amount of the labor pension for disability) and the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability) amounted to 1 percent of the monetary remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region when exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis for three years.
This decision comes into force on the date of official publication in the regional newspaper “Tribuna”. This decision was published on June 10, 2016. Does the administration of the village council have the right to recalculate my monthly supplement to my labor pension? The decision of the Meeting of Deputies of the Belovsky Village Council of the Konyshevsky District of the Kursk Region amends decision No. 184 of 04/04/2016.

Irina Tel. 8-920-700-98-47
dated March 02, 2015 No. 184
On approval of the Rules of Circulation
for a monthly supplement to the salary
pensions of persons exercising powers
local elected official
self-government on an ongoing basis.
Belovsky village council
Konyshevsky district, Kursk region

Guided by Article 13.1 of the Law of the Kursk Region No. 35-ZKO dated December 11, 1998 “On guarantees for the implementation by heads municipalities powers of elected officials of local self-government on an ongoing basis" (as amended by ZKO-No. 31 dated April 19, 2013), Article 31.1 of the Charter of the municipal formation "Belyavsky Village Council" of the Konyshevsky District of the Kursk Region The meeting of deputies of the Belovsky Village Council of the Konyshevsky District of the Kursk Region DECIDED:
1. Approve the attached Rules for applying for a monthly supplement to the labor pension of persons who exercised the powers of an elected official of local government on a permanent basis of the Belovsky Village Council
Konyshevsky district, Kursk region.
2. The following shall be declared invalid from the date of entry into force of this decision:
1) decision of the Assembly of Deputies dated March 31, 2014 No. 145 "on approval of the Rules for applying for a monthly supplement to the labor pension of persons exercising the powers of an elected official of local government on a permanent basis of the Belovsky village council of the Konyshevsky district of the Kursk region" with the exception of: Article 6 of the said Decision in part of the recount assigned in accordance with Article 13.1 of the Law of the Kursk Region of March 18, 2008 N 4-ZKO "On introducing amendments and additions to the Law of the Kursk Region "On the status of heads of municipalities and other elected officials of local government in the Kursk Region" additional payment to labor pensions to persons who exercised the powers of an elected local government official on a permanent basis.
3. This decision comes into force from the date of its signing and is subject to official publication.

Head of the Belovsky Village Council
Konyshevsky district I.A. Shulgina

to the decision of the Assembly of Deputies.
Belovsky village council of Konyshevsky
district of Kursk region
dated March 2, 2015 No. 184

Rules for applying for a monthly supplement to your labor pension
persons who exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis in the Belovsky village council of the Konyshevsky district of the Kursk region.

1. General provisions
1.1. These Rules regulate the procedure for applying for a monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability) (hereinafter referred to as the supplement to the labor pension) to the head of the Belovsky village council, who exercised the powers of an elected official of local government on a permanent basis (hereinafter referred to as the head of the village council) and consideration applications for the appointment (suspension, renewal, termination of payment) of a monthly additional payment to the labor pension for old age (disability), determines the procedure for assigning, recalculating the amount, payment and indexation of the monthly additional payment to the labor pension to the head of the village council, appointment, recalculation of the amount, payment and indexation of the additional payment to labor pension to the head of the village council.
1.2. The monthly supplement to the labor pension of the head of the village council is paid from the budget of the municipal settlement provided for the next financial year, and is an expenditure obligation of the settlement.
II. The right to a monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability)
2.1. The right to establish a monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability) has the head of the village council, who has held an elected position for at least three years and received monetary remuneration from the local budget, relieved from office due to termination of powers (including early), for with the exception of cases of termination of powers specified in clauses 2.1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 of part 6 of article 36 of the Federal Law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation".
2.2. Guarantees of the right to establish a monthly supplement to the labor pension upon entering the labor pension for old age (disability), assigned in accordance with the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" or issued ahead of schedule in accordance with the Federal Law "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation" are provided in accordance with the conditions defined by Article 13.1 of the Law of the Kursk Region No. 35-ZKO dated December 11, 1998 "On guarantees for the exercise of powers by heads of municipalities elected officials of local self-government on an ongoing basis” (as amended by ZKO No. 31 of April 19, 2013) and these Regulations.

Sh. Calculation of the amount of monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability)
3.1. The amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability) is calculated in such a way that the sum of the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the labor pension for old age (fixed basic amount of the labor pension for disability) and the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability) is, upon implementation powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis for three years - 28 percent of the monetary remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region.
3.2. For each full year of exercise of powers by the head of the village council on a permanent basis over three years, the amount of the monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) pension increases by 3 percent of the monetary remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region. The total amount of the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (fixed basic amount of the disability labor pension) and the amount of the monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension is 35 percent of the monetary remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region.
3.3. When calculating the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability), the length of service that gives the right to establish a monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability), establishing its size, includes periods of filling government positions in the Russian Federation and the Kursk region, exercising the powers of an elected official local government official on a permanent basis in the Kursk region, positions in the state civil service of the Russian Federation and municipal service positions in the Kursk region, but not more than five years.
3.4. The amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension is recalculated when the remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region increases.
3.5. If the person exercising the powers of the head of the village council, who has the right to an additional payment to the labor pension, is assigned two pensions in accordance with the current legislation, then when determining the amount of the monthly additional payment to the old-age (disability) labor pension, the sum of these two pensions is taken into account.
3.6. The monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability) is not established by the head of the village council, who exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government on a permanent basis, who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, was assigned a pension for long service or a monthly life-long allowance or established additional lifelong monthly financial support, or in accordance with federal legislation, the legislation of the Kursk region or the legislation of another constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a monthly supplement to the labor pension has been established or a long-service pension has been assigned.

IV. List of documents required to assign a monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) pension
4.1. To assign a monthly supplement to the labor pension to the person exercising the powers of the head of the village council, the following documents are submitted to the Administration of the village council:
1) an application for the appointment of a monthly supplement to the labor pension for old age (disability) (application form - Appendix No. 1);
2) copy of passport;
3) a certificate from the body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the amount of the assigned (prematurely issued) labor pension for old age (disability), indicating the federal law in accordance with which it was assigned (prematurely issued) for the month of applying for an additional payment to the labor pension for old age (disability) ;
4) a copy of the order (decision) on resignation (dismissal);
5) a copy of the work book;
6) a copy of the military ID (if available);
7) a certificate of positions, periods of replacement in which are taken into account when assigning a monthly supplement to the labor pension;
8) other necessary documents.
4.2. A person who exercises the powers of an elected official of local self-government, the head of the village council, on an ongoing basis may apply for a monthly supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension at any time after the right to it arises and the assignment of an old-age (disability) labor pension or early assignment in accordance with The Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment of the Population of the Russian Federation” without any limitation by any period by submitting an appropriate application.

V. The procedure for considering an application for a monthly supplement to an old-age (disability) pension
5.1. When accepting an application for an additional payment to a labor pension for old age (disability) and if all necessary documents for her appointment, a personnel specialist from the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council of the Konyshevsky District of the Kursk Region:
- checks the correctness of the application and the compliance of the information contained in it with the identification document and other submitted documents necessary for assigning a monthly supplement to the labor pension;
- compares original documents with their copies, certifies them, records identified discrepancies;
- registers the application and issues a receipt - a notification indicating the date of receipt of the application, the list of missing documents and the deadlines for their submission; - provides assistance to the person exercising the powers of the head of the village council in obtaining the missing documents for assigning a monthly supplement to the labor pension.
The personnel specialist of the Village Council Administration, upon receipt of an application from a person exercising the powers of the head of the village council, who has the right to an additional payment to the labor pension, requests from the Administration of the Kursk Region a certificate of the amount of remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region, draws up a certificate of positions, the periods of replacement of which are taken into account when appointing monthly additional payment to the labor pension, prepares a draft order of the Village Council Administration on the appointment of a monthly additional payment to the labor pension or on the refusal to assign it (Appendices No. 2 - 3).
5.2. In case of refusal to assign an additional payment to the labor pension for old age (disability), the personnel specialist of the Village Council Administration, within five days after the adoption of the order of the Village Council Administration, notifies in writing the person exercising the powers of the head, indicating the reason for the refusal.
If the person exercising the powers of the head of the village council disagrees with the decision to refuse to assign a monthly supplement to the labor pension, he has the right to appeal this decision in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.3. An additional payment to the labor pension is assigned from the 1st day of the month in which the person exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government of the head of the district applied for the establishment of an additional payment to the labor pension, but not earlier than from the date the right to it arises.
5.4. The supplement to the labor pension is paid within the period established for the payment of the labor pension by the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council.
5.5. Payment of the supplement to the labor pension is carried out by transfer to the appropriate account opened by the recipient in credit institutions, or through the Federal Postal Service of his choice.
Financing of the supplement to the old-age (disability) labor pension and the costs of paying for the services of credit institutions and the Federal Postal Service for its delivery is carried out in an amount not exceeding .... percentage of amounts paid, excluding VAT, at the expense of local budget funds.
5.6. The order of the Village Council Administration on the appointment of a monthly additional payment to the labor pension with a statement from the person exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government, the head of the village council, and all the documents necessary for the appointment of this additional payment to the labor pension are bookleted by the personnel specialist of the Village Council Administration in the pension case and transferred to the accounting department of the Village Council Administration .

VI. The procedure for suspending, renewing and terminating the payment of a monthly supplement to the labor pension
6.1. Payment of a monthly supplement to the labor pension to a person exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government, the head of a village council, is suspended and not paid when he holds a state position in the Russian Federation, a state position in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, an elected municipal position, a position in the federal civil service, a position in the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation , municipal position of the municipal service from the date of appointment to one of the specified positions.
A person entitled to an additional payment to a labor pension is obliged to immediately notify the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council within 5 days of the occurrence of circumstances entailing the suspension of its payment.
The Administration of the Belovsky Village Council suspends the payment of additional payments to the labor pension from the date of appointment to one of the positions specified in paragraph 1 of this section and prepares a draft order of the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council in form No. 2, provided for in Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure, at the request of the person, drawn up in accordance with the Appendix No. 1 to this order, with a copy of the document confirming his appointment to this position attached.
6.2. After dismissal from the positions specified in clause 6.1 of this section, the payment of the monthly supplement to the labor pension is resumed on the same terms upon the application of the person entitled to the supplement to the labor pension, drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure and sent to the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council with the provision of a certified in accordance with the established procedure, copies of the decision on dismissal from office.
Payment of the monthly supplement to the pension is resumed from the date of submission of the application and is formalized by order of the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council, the draft of which is prepared in the form provided in Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure.
6.3. Payment of a monthly supplement to the labor pension to a person who exercised the powers of an elected official of local government, the head of a village council, is terminated in the following cases: a) the death of the recipient, as well as in the case of recognizing him as missing in the prescribed manner or declaring him dead - from the date of death of the pensioner or from the date of entry into force court decisions declaring him dead or declaring him missing; b) the pensioner loses the right to the additional payment assigned to him to his labor pension if circumstances or documents are discovered that refute the accuracy of the information presented in confirmation of the right to the specified additional payment; c) expiration of the period for recognizing the recipient of the monthly supplement to the labor pension as a disabled person; d) transfer to a pension of a different type, different from the type of pension for which a monthly supplement to the labor pension was assigned; e) leaving for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation.
The suspension or termination of the payment of the monthly supplement to the labor pension is carried out from the date of occurrence of the listed circumstances and is formalized by order of the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council, the draft of which is prepared in accordance with Appendix No. 4.

VII. The procedure for recalculating the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension and its indexation
7.1. The amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension is recalculated in the following cases: a) a change in the fixed basic amount of the labor pension for old age (disability); b) when increasing the monetary remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region.
7.2. In the event of a change in the fixed basic amount of the labor pension, the recalculation of the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension for the person exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government of the head of the village council is carried out on the basis of data provided at the request of the Administration of the Village Council and the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on paper from the date of change of the fixed basic amount pensions.
7.3. Recalculation of the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension for a person who exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government of the head of the village council in accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 7.1 of these Regulations can also be carried out on the basis of a document on the amount of the labor pension issued by the recipient of the monthly supplement to the labor pension. the relevant territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation that pays this pension.
7.4. When the monetary remuneration of the First Deputy Governor of the Kursk Region is increased, the monthly supplement to the labor pension of the person exercising the powers of an elected official of local government, the head of the village council, is indexed by the increase factor.
7.5. The recalculation of the amount of the monthly supplement to the labor pension for a person who exercised the powers of an elected official of local government of the head of the village council is carried out by the Administration of the Belovsky Village Council (Appendix No. 5).

VIII. Final provisions
8.1. The amounts of the monthly supplement to the labor pension, excessively paid to a person exercising the powers of an elected official of local self-government of the head of the village council, if he fails to comply with the requirements provided for by these Regulations, are reimbursed by this person on a voluntary basis, and in case of his disagreement, are collected in the manner prescribed by current legislation .
8.2. Issues related to the appointment and payment of a monthly supplement to a labor pension to a person who exercised the powers of an elected official of local self-government, the head of a village council, not regulated by these Regulations, are resolved in relation to the Rules for applying for a pension, assigning a pension and recalculating the amount of a pension, transferring from one pension to another in accordance with Federal laws“On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” and “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2002 N 17/19 pb (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 31, 2002, N 3491).