A wedding is a wonderful day dedicated to love two people, full of emotions, beauty and delight. Your wedding day should leave a bright and rosy imprint for the rest of your married life. To wedding celebration was perfect, there was a lot to do well before the scheduled date. And in order not to miss anything, we will tell you how to properly prepare for the wedding.

General plan for preparing the celebration

The process of preparing for a wedding is undoubtedly a pleasant experience, but sometimes it can be very tiring. It seems that there is still so much time before the celebration, but the closer the wedding day is, the more difficult it is to manage everything. You won’t even notice how many things will pile up that could and should have been done in advance.

In order not to waste your energy and nerves immediately after you have received the coveted marriage proposal, sketch out a general plan for the main holiday of your life.

Remember that the deposit perfect wedding– this is the completion of all tasks on time and in stages. You need to start preparing for a wedding event with the following points:

Wedding to-do list

Now let's make a detailed list of things that you need to accomplish before the wedding.

6 months before the wedding

  • Select a wedding date.
  • If you decide to get married, then check church calendar whether it is a suitable day for the ceremony.
  • Decide on the budget for the celebration.
  • Make a guest list.
  • Take care of your travel packages Honeymoon.
  • If your parents don't know each other yet, now is the time to arrange a meeting.
  • Meticulously evaluate yourself in the mirror and decide what you want to change about yourself before the wedding. It may be worth doing sports, going to a massage, going to a solarium, or doing skin cleansing.

In 4 months

  • Choose a wedding theme.
  • Make a list of establishments where you could celebrate the occasion.
  • Decide on your look and make a list of wedding salons that you would like to visit.
  • Think over the image of the groom, especially if the wedding is themed.
  • Select witnesses for the celebration.
  • Create an approved guest list.
  • Order or purchase wedding invitations.
  • Make a preliminary list of event hosts, photographers and videographers from whom you will need to choose the best masters of your business.
  • Select the registry office where you will sign.
  • Choose the temple where you will get married.

In 3-2 months

  • Decide what kind of ceremony you want - outdoor or classic at the Wedding Palace.
  • Submit an application to the registry office.
  • Buy wedding rings.
  • Agree with the host of the celebration and draw up rough plan wedding banquet.
  • Make an agreement with the photographer and videographer in advance.
  • Choose a tune for your first dance, think through the moves and, if necessary, contact a professional choreographer.
  • Choose a wedding cake company.
  • If you have decided to use the services of an agency for holding special events, now is the time to contact them.
  • Start sending out wedding invitations to guests and family.
  • Decide on the banquet hall where the celebration will take place.
  • Choose a wedding dress or order tailoring of an exclusive model in the studio.
  • Also, do not forget about purchasing additional bride's accessories: veil, gloves, underwear, stockings, headbands, hair jewelry and so on.
  • Buy shoes.
  • Buy a groom's suit.

In 1 month

  • Make sure that everyone to whom they are sent receives the wedding invitations. Create a final guest list.
  • Think over the banquet menu taking into account the number of guests. Leave the deposit with the restaurant to finalize the premises.
  • Order a wedding bouquet and boutonnieres for the groom and witnesses.
  • Choose a hairdresser and makeup artist, go for a makeup and hair trial.
  • Contact a company for decorating halls with balloons or flower arrangements. Think with them about how your banquet will be decorated.
  • Order wedding cars for yourself and your guests.
  • Think over the route of your wedding walk with your photographer.
  • Buy props for photo shoots and competitions.
  • Choose and order your wedding cake.
  • Order fireworks or any other pyrotechnic show for your wedding.
  • Consider a bachelor and bachelorette party and invite guests to them.
  • Write down a detailed plan for the wedding day, starting from hairstyle and makeup to the banquet and departure of the newlyweds.
  • Book a hotel room if you plan to spend your wedding night away from home.
  • Purchase all the necessary accessories for your honeymoon (swimsuits, hats, glasses, sunscreen and care cosmetics).

In several days

  • Make a seating plan for festive table and write name cards so guests know where to sit.
  • Host a bachelor and bachelorette party.
  • Walk around in your wedding shoes to break them in a little.
  • Pack the bride's purse.
  • Prepare champagne and glasses for the walk.
  • Make a list of people who will officiate at your wedding. Call everyone and confirm their participation.
  • Take all the props to the restaurant so that you don’t forget anything on your wedding day.
  • Prepare for the wedding ceremony - make a vow to the groom. And remind the groom to also think about the words he will say during the ceremony.
  • Discuss the ransom plan with the witness. Make sure all the props for this tradition are ready.
  • On the eve of the wedding, forget about all the worries and worries, get some sleep, try to relax and enjoy what is happening around you.

In conclusion, we’ll add that it’s impossible to think through absolutely everything, so don’t be nervous if any inconsistencies occur. You have done the basic preparations for the wedding, but you shouldn’t pay attention to the little things. On your most important day, you should enjoy the celebration and not worry about trifles. Believe me, in the future you will have only the most pleasant and bright memories from this important solemn event. Happy wedding to you!

A wedding is an event that happens only once in a lifetime. And every person wants such a day to go perfectly, without hitches and uncomfortable situations. That is why preparation for it begins in advance. In this article I would like to provide detailed instructions to where to start preparing for the wedding, what you need to remember and what you shouldn’t forget.


So, a marriage proposal from the guy arrived, the couple slowly moved into the status of bride and groom. The most important and, in a sense, even difficult period begins - preparation for the wedding celebration. So, initially the couple must decide what they want to see in the end. A wedding can be big or small, ordinary or bright, classic or extraordinary. And this should be decided only by two people: the future husband and wife. In this case, you should not focus on the wishes of relatives or the needs of friends. We must not forget that a wedding is the day when two people become a family. Everything should be done only for two; it is the couple that should be the center of attention. And only then the guests, the invited persons.

Long term plans

So, where to start preparing for your wedding? Initially, you need to decide on the concept. You need to understand what scale the celebration is planned, in what style everything will be decorated. You also need to think about whether the wedding and official painting will take place in the registry office, or whether you will need to organize an outdoor ceremony. At this time, you need to roughly decide on the date of the celebration. Whether the celebration will be in summer or winter, spring or autumn - a lot depends on it.

A few words about the date

So, the wedding preparation plan will also depend on this. And all because if a couple is planning a celebration on a special day, the so-called beautiful date, they need to prepare for a big stir and, perhaps, even an increase in prices for certain services.

It is worth noting that some couples select their wedding date depending on the advice of astrologers or fortune tellers. Maybe it’s worth paying attention to such moments.

Selection of photo and videographers

About six months before the wedding, you can start choosing photo and video operators. During this time, the couple can watch many films and photo albums offered by specialists. Often photographers provide a trial photo shoot service. This is a good practice, because lovers will be able to understand how they will look through the lens of a certain master. It is worth noting that it is best to choose these specialists at this time for the following reasons:

  • Good operators are always in demand. Therefore, you need to negotiate with them in advance. And even if there is no exact date, many specialists take orders in the month range.
  • It should also be noted that later, approximately three months before the appointed wedding date, there simply will not be time for a high-quality selection of photo and video equipment specialists. So you need to decide on this in advance.

About three months before the wedding

What else should wedding preparations include (step by step)? The main work will begin approximately three months before the scheduled wedding date. It is at this time that all the work begins to boil. And the first thing you need is to know exactly the wedding date in order to submit an application to the registration authorities. A lot depends on this moment, but the main thing is the timing of the ceremony. It’s good if there is no competition on a given day, and only a few couples will be registered at the registry office. But if it’s a special day, you might not get there very well. convenient time(too early or, conversely, too late). And then we will have to shift the rest of the schedule.

Venue selection

Let's look further at where to start preparing for the wedding. So, it is very important to decide in advance on the location of the celebration. This could be a cafe, a restaurant, an ordinary canteen with its own chefs. There are many options, everything will depend only on two nuances:

  • Number of invited guests.
  • The budget allocated for the treat.

If the wedding is small, you can choose almost any venue. However, if there should be a lot of guests, for example more than 150 people, it should be noted that not all catering establishments will be able to accommodate such a number of people.

When choosing a place to treat guests, you also need to remember that everyone needs to be fed deliciously. It is necessary to look at the menu that the cafe offers, the presence of special, so-called holiday dishes. If you are planning a themed wedding, you also need to think about how you will have to satisfy the gastronomic needs of the public. For example, if the wedding is in a maritime style, then you must serve seafood, etc. Separately, you need to discuss issues about alcohol. To save money, some establishments offer wedding organizers to independently purchase and deliver vodka, wine, and cognac. In this case, you also need to think about where to buy alcohol.

Separately about the toastmaster (host)

The wedding preparation plan must necessarily include the choice of a toastmaster, or, in other words, the host of the celebration. This is, in fact, the person who should make the evening fun and unforgettable. The toastmaster organizes all the entertainment for the guests, organizes the wedding at the stage of the so-called gatherings (after the marriage registration ceremony, wedding, photo shoot).

You can select presenters based on many criteria ( appearance, by the way, is not the least important here). This choice can be based on the advice of friends and acquaintances. After all, it is unlikely that you will be able to view records from weddings. Few people want to share their home archives with strangers.

Selection of wedding procession

When considering the stages of preparation for a wedding, you need to pay attention to the moment of choosing the cars that will accompany the bride and groom. First of all, you need to choose the main car that the newlyweds will drive after the wedding. So, you need to remember that the bride and groom arrive to the wedding venue by different means of transport. And only after their passports are stamped do they leave together. The same car will need to be decorated with ribbons and flowers. If it is planned gorgeous wedding, you will have to rent a special car.

Activities of the couple a month before the wedding

What does wedding preparation include a month in advance? Around this time, everything should be ready: everything has been purchased, paid for, necessary people found. However this period very important from the point of view of clarifying all the details and the so-called adjustment of nuances. Various force majeure situations may arise that will need to be resolved.

You should think about decorating the hall. At this time, you can buy balls, ribbons, and artificial flowers for decoration. You can also make signs for guests to stand on the tables. This is the time to prepare the smallest nuances, without which, however, the wedding may even lose in quality.

Buying rings

It is also worth noting that an important point for a couple is the purchase of wedding rings. They can simply be purchased in a store or made to order. You will have to decide on the material from which the products should be made and their shape. We must not forget that each member of the couple will have to wear these rings for the rest of their lives. Therefore, the choice should be based on the desires of not only the bride, but also the groom.


If preparation for a wedding is considered step by step, it is necessary to say separately about invitations. You can purchase them in advance, but they are officially distributed or sent to all guests a month before the wedding date. It is worth noting that the invitations themselves are the “face” of the bride and groom. So you need to think carefully about the choice of layout. And, of course, it is important to compose the text itself correctly and beautifully.

Order a wedding cake and loaf

When making a list of where to start preparing for your wedding, you also need to know which people to contact at one time or another. So, you first need to decide on the master of baking the cake and loaf (if the wedding is in a classic style). And a month before the wedding day you already need to order both.

When it comes to the cake, it's important to think about its decoration. And, of course, about the figurines that will decorate the creation of this culinary mastery. What else needs to be said here? So, if the bride and groom believe in omens, it is best to contact only those ladies who are happily married, have not been divorced and are not widows. After all, it is believed that during baking, a woman passes on a piece of her soul to her young ones.

Not every wedding has a loaf of bread. Most often, two loaves are needed: one is used during the blessing by the parents of the newlyweds, the second at the wedding itself. This loaf is used to greet newlyweds in cafes.

Farewell parties

If preparations are underway for the wedding, the list should also include farewell parties of the bride and groom, that is, hen and stag parties. So, it could just be gatherings at home with friends. But you can do something more grandiose. But in this case, funds for this must first be included in the wedding budget.

Groom preparation

And, of course, preparing the groom for the wedding is very important. So, he needs to think about what kind of suit he wants to buy, what color the shirt, tie, shoes will be. Most often, guys don’t sew their own clothes, but simply buy them at the store. This can be done about a couple of months before the wedding. There is no point in choosing the groom’s wardrobe before. But you still need to remember that the guy will first need to get a haircut, get a manicure (or at least tidy up his hands himself).

Bride preparation

The most important person at a wedding is the bride. It is she who will be looked at by most of the guests; it is the girl who everyone admires and admires. Therefore, a lady must look perfect. The bride's preparation for the wedding begins with choosing a dress. So, this outfit can also be bought, but it’s best to sew it. Therefore, you need to find a master in advance in order to have time to decide on the model of the dress, and later - to adjust all the details. The bride also needs to think about buying a veil, shoes, underwear, and a handbag. You definitely need to first decide on a stylist who will do beautiful make-up, hairstyle and tidy up the bride's hands.

The worldly wisdom of generations says that a wedding should be perfect. And to bring the ideal to life, it is necessary to answer the question - where to start preparing for the wedding? After all, this process consists of many small parts It’s simply impossible to keep them in your head all the time. Therefore, an acceptable way out of the situation would be to prepare for the wedding step by step.

The practice of other couples tells us that not a single celebration is complete without complications and unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, a well-thought-out wedding preparation plan will avoid 90% of all related troubles.

Six months before the wedding ceremony

It would seem that 6 months is enough to carry out several such festive events. However, six months will fly by completely unnoticed in the everyday bustle and the question of where to start the list of priority tasks will no longer be relevant. You can't stretch it. That's why:

Here is a short list of what needs to be done in six months.

From the first day, the next 6 months will seem like a lifetime. However, every day the path will be shortened, as a result of which all this “life” will fit into one day.

To avoid such a situation, the proposed wedding preparation plan contains strictly developed stages, namely, the stages of preparation for the wedding, which everyone has taken into account and should ensure a smooth flow of life until the scheduled date. By performing each of them step by step, there will still be time to look back to see if everything was done correctly and as needed.

Three months before the wedding ceremony

Part of the intended path has been completed, and half of 6 months remains. The question “where to start?” no longer sounds so scary. All that remains is to come to the registry office on time and officially submit an application for marriage registration. When solving this issue, the main thing is to start with preparing a passport and a certain amount of money that will be spent on treats and a small celebration in a cozy restaurant in honor of such an important step in life. Continuing the list, which contains a strict plan for all subsequent actions, it is necessary:

To be absolutely sure that each item has been prepared, you can develop a buyout scenario yourself.

Stage two, preparatory

It seems that quite recently the number 6 appeared, it smoothly changed to 3, and now the Arabic 2 is knocking on the door. The second month is entering its domain. He promises both the groom and the bride to add more worries.

Two months before the wedding ceremony

In order to not meet the 6-month quota in two months, a clear action plan was developed. We had to organize a lot on our own, but our goals were achieved. Now we need to move on. So, this period requires:

Do not forget that this period is the deadline and should be marked by the purchase of a wedding dress and suit for the groom. When making a plan, do not forget to highlight this point with a bold line.

Having repeatedly answered the question “Where to start?”, it’s time to ask the question, “How to manage everything?”. You can plan to shift a certain part of the worries to a specialized agency that organizes weddings. After all, organizing everything yourself is extremely difficult. In any case, such a possibility must be foreseen, and it should be included in your plan as a separate item.

The next steps should consist of:

  • banquet hall approval;
  • discussion of the wedding menu. To surprise your guests, try looking at photos of the dishes on offer;
  • clarifying the details of the festive interior decoration of the hall.

If you entrust the decoration of the hall entirely to the wedding agency, be sure to request the provision of design samples in the photo, which should be filled with their portfolio, and ask to watch a video, which is usually always present in professional agencies.

Stage three, final

I can no longer remember six months. Three somehow flicker distantly in the distance. The time is approaching the date of the wedding ceremony. The question “Where to start?” causes a slight smile, and more and more often wedding preparation participants are interested in how much time is left until the final day.

Three weeks before the wedding ceremony

During this period, it is necessary to make no less important steps than has already been done. Some points included in the plan will have to be re-checked. So:

Every little girl dreams of the happiest day of her life - a wedding. About the day when you can choose a dress, do a great hairstyle and be the center of everyone's attention.

But when the time comes to prepare for the wedding, the girl understands that preparing for the wedding is not only a pleasant chore, but also quite hard work.

After all, planning a wedding, feast and entertainment program it takes a lot of time and effort. Of course, you can entrust the organization of the celebration to professionals.

But in this case, you cannot be completely sure that everything will go according to plan. As they say, if you want something done well, do it yourself.

Where to start organizing a wedding

At the moment when you become a happy bride, organizing a wedding seems like an amazing adventure and you are at a loss as to where to start preparing. However, the moment the preparation process begins, it no longer seems so simple. And the main question arises - where to start?

To keep your wedding plan organized, you should take notes. Make notes of everything related to the wedding and correct notes already made.

To do this, keep a special notebook in which not only the necessary coordinates will be written down, important information, but also your thoughts about the upcoming event.

Find out and write down in a notebook the coordinates of musicians, toastmasters, several restaurants, wedding salons, florists and everyone else who will be related to the wedding. Of course, there is a lot of paperwork to be done, but having it organized will bring a lot of benefits and you will, in the end, be glad that you have everything written down.

After all, for a wedding to go well, there must be order in everything. To do this, carefully prepare, carefully calculate all expenses, and most importantly, do not include in this plan those items that you cannot afford.

Your notes should serve as a kind of coordinator for you, from which you cannot deviate. This is the only way to fit into the planned budget.

Despite all the difficulties, organizing a wedding is a very exciting and exciting process. And if you spend enough time and effort on this process, the result of your efforts will be the best day of your life.

Things to remember when planning

If you decide to organize the wedding yourself, then it is very important that you understand each other and support each other. It will be better if you divide the preparation responsibilities among yourself so that everyone does their own piece of work.

Stages of preparation for a wedding or list of important things to do:

  1. Submitting an application. Of course, the first stage of wedding planning will be submitting an application to the registry office so that you can start preparing, knowing the date of the upcoming wedding.
  2. Buying rings. There is nothing more enjoyable for a girl than buying jewelry. Especially if it's buying her wedding ring. So turn it into a little celebration.
  3. Invite family and friends to the celebration. The best way to do this is to buy and send out invitations.
  4. Rent a restaurant or banquet hall. When you already know exactly the date of the painting, you can start looking for a restaurant for the event.
  5. Holiday menu. It is better to plan a holiday menu with the administrator of the establishment where you plan to hold the celebration.
  6. Hall decoration. In order to decorate the banquet hall, you can hire florists or designers. Discuss in advance with the restaurant management how they can help you decorate and what you will have to do yourself. For example, do they have chair covers, will their tablecloths match your wedding color palette, etc.
  7. Search for a photographer, cameraman and toastmaster. These are the people who will leave in their memory either pleasant moments or disappointment.
  8. You can come up with competitions yourself or together with the toastmaster. In any case, discuss upcoming competitions with the toastmaster you have chosen to be prepared for anything.
  9. Buy wedding dresses. Carefully select the groom's suit so that it matches well with the bride's wedding dress. In addition, choose accessories for your dress depending on the time of year and overall style.
  10. Preparing the bride. Find a makeup artist and hairdresser, as well as do a trial hairstyle and makeup.
  11. Find and rent a wedding procession.

In addition to all this, you should buy glasses, order a cake, loaves and cones, and also think through all the other small nuances.

The main stages of preparation for the wedding

  • 1. The style of the future wedding.

A wedding is the most amazing and joyful event in the life of every person. So every couple dreams of a beautiful and bright holiday, because according to popular belief, as the celebration goes, so will their future life.

Therefore, you should devote a lot of time to organizing this holiday. The most important thing in this matter is the choice of theme and style of the future wedding.

But a wedding is, first of all, a holiday, so you need to spend it the way you dream. You can organize a wedding in the rhythm of salsa, or have a small family celebration. There can be many options. The main thing is that the wedding should be in the same style.

  • 2. Budget planning.

When organizing a wedding, it is very important to have at least an approximate budget for the event. In this budget, you need to take into account everything, even the rose petals and sweets that are scattered near the registry office.

Be sure to keep a separate notebook where you will write down all wedding expenses and what you need for the celebration. Be sure to add 5-10% to the total amount you get to account for all unforeseen expenses.

Before any wedding purchase, be sure to check prices in several places to ensure you get the best deal. For example, wedding dresses in expensive salons are sold 20-30% more expensive than similar dresses in salons in residential areas.

Wedding small items, such as glasses or candles, will cost less in ordinary stores than in specialized wedding stores. In addition, some little things can be done with your own hands.

  • 3. Choosing a restaurant and wedding menu.

Your wedding day is exciting and stressful not only for the newlyweds, but also for their loved ones. And only in the evening you can relax and recuperate at a festive feast.

A good restaurant and a good menu are already 50% of a successful wedding. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of restaurant responsibly. When ordering a menu, try to take into account not only your preferences, but also the preferences of your guests.

By the way, attention should be concentrated on the first feast, when the guests are still hungry. Hot appetizers are usually served half an hour after cold appetizers are brought out, or already at the second table.

A sweet table should include not only cake and loaves. There must be fruits and sweets for children.

  • 4. Search for toastmasters and musicians.

Choosing a toastmaster and musicians is a very important decision in the wedding planning process. The toastmaster must not only be able to entertain the public and have many competitions in his arsenal, but also be appropriate to the audience that will gather at your celebration.

If we talk about the choice of musicians, then everything is also very individual. For some, a rock band will be ideal, for others, a violin or saxophone will be enough, and for some audiences, performers of more popular songs will be required.

The most important thing is that the musical arrangement and toastmaster match the mood of the evening and its style.

  • 5. Invitations.

Who should be invited to the wedding so that no one is offended? Of course, your closest relatives, such as parents and grandparents, should be present at your wedding.

But if the bride and groom do not have many relatives, then it is worth diluting the list of invitees with friends and colleagues.

Of course, you can invite guests by phone or in person. But it will be very nice if you send invitations to your guests by mail. In addition, it is advisable that your guests RSVP to you so that you can count the number of guests.

  • 6. Photography and videography.

To ensure that the memories of your wedding remain for many years, be sure to order a photographer and cameraman. If you have a lot of photos and videos left, then you will have something to show guests at your next anniversary. In addition, this is something that not only your children, but also your grandchildren can watch.

Often enough wedding video and photographs take up a significant portion of the wedding budget. However, even on this point you can save money.

For example, you don’t need to photograph everything. Discuss with the photographer and cameraman all the places where you want to photograph yourself. This way, you can time it and pay them for fewer hours of work.

A wedding is one of the most beautiful moments in life. Unfortunately, often the organization of such a significant event may not be accompanied by positive emotions. A lot of urgent worries, an immense number of proposals, differences in tastes and views of the newlyweds, limited finances - all this can significantly spoil the nerves, and even an ideal relationship. Nothing more than a step-by-step wedding preparation plan can help you avoid (or at least reduce) unpleasant aspects. Gradual, meaningful organization without haste will allow you to fully enjoy the wedding itself and its preparation. So, let's get started?!

In 5-7 months

Preparing any celebration, especially a wedding, requires a lot of effort and time. Therefore, after enjoying the impressions of a marriage proposal for some time, sharing this joy with family and friends, you should immediately begin planning this special event and draw up a preparation plan by month. It’s good if time is not pressing for the newlyweds, and they can afford to spend at least six months on the organization, during which they can calmly think about, discuss and plan everything.

  1. When everyone has already become accustomed to the status of the bride and groom, where to start preparing for the wedding? The first step is to purchase a special diary in which all the thoughts and decisions of the newlyweds regarding the wedding celebration will be recorded. You can also make a memento out of it, where the couple will note their experiences, and paste in photographs recording all stages of preparation for the wedding.
  2. We got a notebook, now we decide on the timing, that is, we set a wedding date. Each couple has their own motives for choosing a particular date: their favorite time of year, the date coincides with another event (birthday, parents’ wedding, anniversary, etc.), celebrations (for example, Christmas or Halloween decor) or maybe if they The couple is already expecting a new addition. So, choosing a wedding date is an individual matter. The only thing to consider is the day of the week on which this date falls. It's connected with:
  • traditions (most often weddings take place on Fridays or weekends);
  • registry office work schedule;
  • church regulations (when, according to the canons, couples can be married).
  1. Since in government institutions, civil registration (i.e., registry offices) is an integral part of the official registration of marital relations, the step-by-step preparation plan includes, among the first points, the choice of a registry office. This is a mandatory step even for those who prefer to give up. As a rule, marriage registration takes place in district palaces, and you have to choose only when the bride and groom live in different districts or want to get married in the main wedding palace.

So, the wedding date has been determined, the time and place of marriage registration have been booked (important to know), now it’s time to start planning the preparation for the wedding on points that relate directly to the solemn celebration. That is, it is necessary to think about where and with whom the fact of creation will be celebrated new family, and what it will look like. And don’t forget about your loved ones and plans for your honeymoon.

  1. Many girls, long before their loved one proposes, have an idea of ​​what kind of wedding they want. And grooms, as a rule, have a fairly calm and neutral attitude towards such things, and are ready to agree with their beloved on everything (which in some cases amounts to “relieving themselves of responsibility and unnecessary worries”). Girls, you don't need to take everything on yourself! Remember, it's not just your "special day" - it's your couple's day. Create it together. Choose and agree on a wedding style together so that it reflects the personality, dreams and expectations of each of the newlyweds. When choosing a particular wedding style, you also shouldn’t forget about its compliance with the season, location and financial capabilities.
  2. Step-by-step preparation for the wedding also includes a joint decision regarding with whom the newlyweds want to share the joy of starting a family, or, as they say, how big the wedding will be. Although the answer to this question does not always depend on the desire of the couple, but rather on what they can afford. In most cases, the list of “obligatory” guests includes:
  • parents of the newlyweds;
  • brothers/sisters (as well as their families);
  • grandparents, aunts and uncles;
  • God-parents;
  • godmother (if any);
  • closest friends.
  1. In this way, 20-30 people can be recruited. Many couples try to make the wedding more “youthful”, i.e. young people predominate among the guests. Practice shows that the more guests on the wedding list, the more difficult it is to organize it competently and, accordingly, the more expensive it is. Perhaps this is why it has been gaining momentum lately. This is an opportunity for newlyweds to fully enjoy each other's company on such a significant day, while saving on invitations, processions and a banquet.
  2. Having already decided on the date, style of the wedding and the number of guests, you can safely begin choosing the wedding venue. First of all, we are talking about the location of the gala banquet. But those newlyweds who are planning should also think about the venue. When choosing, you need to focus on:
  • weather conditions - so that no one gets wet, cold, steamed, etc.;
  • spaciousness - so that guests do not crowd into the room like herring in a jar;
  • compliance with the style - for example, an ethno-restaurant is not exactly a suitable place for a rocker wedding;
  • ease of finding a place - especially if it is expected that guests will get to it themselves.
  1. You can take into account other important nuances for newlyweds. When the final choice is made, you must immediately book the room you like.
  2. Preparing for a wedding requires deciding one more thing in advance - organizing a honeymoon. All newlyweds want their honeymoon to be unforgettable, and the easiest way to make it that way is to go somewhere the couple has never been before, which in most cases means abroad. Choose a continent and country; book tours or tickets, and continue to prepare for your wedding and travel.

So, little by little, following all the instructions for preparing for the wedding, the most important celebration in the life of a young couple begins to take on clearer outlines. Now is the time to take care of your own image, the main wedding attributes, as well as the entertainment program. There is less and less time, and there is still so much to do.

  1. And finally, here he is! That very moment that all the girls are so looking forward to -. Most likely, a clear plan for preparing for the wedding and a list of things requiring urgent attention did not prevent the bride from looking closely at dresses from the moment the proposal was made. Therefore, by this time, the bride may well decide on the style and color of the wedding dress, and accessories that will complete her look. All that remains is to find them and purchase them. If the bride plans to sew a dress to order, then she will have to take up this matter a little earlier.
  2. , in most cases, are chosen after the bride has finally decided on the dress and additional accessories. Choice men's suits not as big as wedding dresses, but, nevertheless, the groom’s outfit should be harmoniously combined with the image of the bride. Also, do not forget about the style of the wedding.
  3. The preparation of the newlyweds’ images does not end with the choice of outfits. Now comes the turn of other mandatory wedding attributes: rings, the bride’s bouquet, the groom’s boutonniere, baskets, candles, glasses, etc. All, it seems, are little things in large-scale plans for preparing a wedding from scratch, but at the same time they require no less attention and time. Here, again, you should remember the integrity of the thoughtful images and the correspondence of every detail to the overall style and design features of the wedding celebration.
  4. Another important “trifle” is wedding invitations. Most likely, by this time the guest list has already been finalized and agreed upon; all that remains is to notify people about the exact date, time and location of the wedding. The invitation cards/cards themselves can be purchased in a store, ordered a unique design from a printing house, or made creative invitations with your own hands (for example,).
  5. Now it's time to select witnesses. You can consider candidates for these positions earlier, but a month before the wedding you need to make a final decision, offer people this responsible role and make sure that they agree and will be able to become witnesses at your wedding. In addition, it is a good idea to give them enough time to become familiar with their responsibilities.
  6. Next in the wedding preparation table is the turn of the photographer and the toastmaster. There is no need to skimp on these people, because the atmosphere of the holiday and memories depend on their professionalism. Compare your desires with the experience of people, read the works and reviews, communicate in person and agree on the time you need. If it is known that a particular photographer or toastmaster is very popular among young couples, then perhaps you should order their services at an earlier stage of preparation, and discuss the details closer to the main date.
  7. Each wedding, although built according to a specific plan, has its own characteristics and deviations. In order for everything to go as it should, it is necessary to prepare a program for the entire event - from buying the bride to seeing off the guests. The couple can entrust this matter to the organizers or toastmaster with the introduction of personal wishes, or plan everything themselves, providing the presenter with a ready-made script.
  8. Another thing to do a month or two before your wedding date is to set aside time to prepare for the newlyweds' first dance. You won’t surprise anyone with an ordinary slow dance. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to go to a couple of professional classes, where the choreographer will help you create a unique dance that will fully express all the feelings of your partners.

The cherished day is getting closer and closer, and it’s time to enter the home stretch of wedding preparations. By this point, the newlyweds should already have a clear idea of ​​their wedding day, every detail and twist. All that remains is to make final orders, calculations and adjustments in preparations.

  1. It's time to decide on a design wedding cake and loaf, and choose a suitable confectionery where they can fulfill your wishes in a high-quality and professional manner. This section of preparation also does not tolerate savings and experiments. You need to choose one that not only you, but also your guests will like. It’s great if the newlyweds have the opportunity to taste the cake they want to order.
  2. Also, a few weeks before the wedding celebration, it is necessary to finally approve the menu in the restaurant. When choosing certain dishes, you should take into account the taste preferences of the guests, the recommendations of the establishment’s staff, storage features and the conditions of the banquet. The choice of and also requires competent decisions.
  3. The guests and their pleasure have been taken care of, now you can think about yourself. The images of the newlyweds have been thought out for a long time, all that remains is to find craftsmen who can bring them to life. When choosing a beauty salon, focus on those that can provide you with a full range of necessary services: hairstyle, makeup, manicure and everything else you may need so that you don’t have to travel all over the city. The ideal option is if specialists can provide all the necessary services at home.
  4. The creation of beauty has been organized, but you also need to have some fun in your bachelor life, so it’s time to plan your bachelor and bachelorette parties. Lately, more and more often, the preparation of these festivities is being transferred to the shoulders of witnesses or simply friends of the bride and groom. If you trust these people, then let them surprise you. Just be sure to warn them about this responsibility in advance.
  5. Time flies, and it’s time to start making official invitations to the holiday of love. Despite the fact that everyone close to you most likely already knows when the wedding is planned, the newlyweds must fulfill their duty and send out invitations to all guests, making sure that they reach the recipient on time.

In 1 week

The closer the wedding day is, the more preparation for it consists of checking and confirming all the nuances. No matter how good the organizers the couple are, no matter how well in advance the celebration is prepared, no one can guarantee the complete absence of any force majeure. Therefore, in the last week we are engaged in revision and control.

  1. First of all, we call all the people who will be involved in creating the holiday: photographer, cameraman, toastmaster, etc. We confirm the time and place of the meeting, repeat the requirements and features of the work, and perhaps make adjustments due to new wishes or circumstances.
  2. Orders for refreshments, room reservations and entertainment programs also require mandatory confirmation. Even if during registration you were assured that they understood what you wanted and would do everything properly, do not be lazy (and do not be embarrassed) to double-check and clarify everything again.
  3. Recent preparations also concern necessary purchases, such as alcohol. Many establishments allow ordering options where the newlyweds themselves provide the banquet with alcohol. This point should be discussed in advance so that on the wedding day no funny situations arise with an excess of alcohol or its absence.
  4. Considering that when ordering a restaurant, table setting, menu and payment are calculated based on the number of guests, the organizers allow changes to be made no later than a week before the booked date. Anything can happen and there is no guarantee that the number of guests strictly invited by the newlyweds will come to the wedding celebration. Some may have difficulty arriving, others may want to, so in order not to encounter unnecessary difficulties on the wedding day, it is better to confirm the planned number of guests in advance.
  5. The final preparations are also required for the images of the bride and groom. If the outfits are made to order, then a final fitting awaits you; If the outfit is already waiting in the closet, still try it on again, check if everything fits perfectly, or perhaps something needs to be adjusted somewhere.

Here it is - the last day of a bachelor's life and the eve of the beginning of a new one - family life. Nerves are on edge, the level of excitement is off the charts. But we need to get together and make the final push in preparing the most important and unforgettable day - double-check and confirm everything important points once again according to our step by step plan, and prepare the main heroes of the occasion, (that is, yourself) for the upcoming celebration.

  1. Since the most unpredictable and changeable factor is the human factor, we once again call up the people involved in the implementation of all wedding plans and events - photographer, toastmaster, registrar for exit ceremony, drivers and all other important actors. We check their readiness and attitude to work.
  2. We also contact the masters from the beauty salon, thereby confirming our continued desire to use their services. If you will be doing beauty work at home, make sure that the specialists remember what you expect from them, so that they take everything necessary tools and materials. And do not forget about the correct timing - it is better to deal with everything earlier than to complete the image in a hurry.
  3. By and large, all checks and control on the last day before the wedding are carried out via mobile phone. It will also be useful on the day of the celebration itself (to resolve possible unforeseen issues, make necessary adjustments and accept congratulations from those who did not come to the wedding). Therefore, you need to make sure in advance that the phone is active and does not need to be charged.
  4. This, perhaps, is the end of all matters and worries that could have been resolved in advance, before the appointed wedding day. Now you need to relax, take your mind off all the worries and concerns. In the hassle and stress, it is very easy to forget about your usual routine and proper nutrition, so it wouldn’t hurt to add this item to your to-do list. It also doesn’t hurt to take care of your breakfast on your wedding day in order to get the necessary amount of energy for an important event without experiencing discomfort.
  5. Oh yes! We almost forgot to think about another important point regarding the wedding day - what to do with the gifts that the guests will give the newlyweds. Currently, in most cases, a young family is given money that they can spend at their discretion (for example, to replenish their family budget after wedding expenses or spend it on a honeymoon). In this case, think about where (or who) the donated money will be located until the end of the wedding. But, just in case, it would be a good idea to consider the possibilities of storing and transporting larger gifts.
  6. Well, that's it now! It's time to have a good rest and gain strength before a significant event. No late-night festivities on the eve of the wedding or long gatherings with friends. Sleep, sleep and sleep again. By the next morning you should be alert and well-rested.

Wedding day

The long-awaited wedding day has finally arrived. Behind us are long months of painstaking preparation for a unique celebration according to a clear wedding plan, which will become the starting point for a certainly happy family life. All you have to do is get ready and take everything you need with you.

  1. First of all, you should make sure that they are prepared, are in a visible place (so as not to forget about them) or are handed to a responsible person who is ready to help in organizational matters. You also need to take care of the financial side of formal issues - prepare money to pay for all services (the cost of which must be inquired in advance) or checks confirming payment.
  2. So where can a modern girl go without a handbag? Yes, you can’t do anywhere, even at a wedding, without it. , of course, different from everyday fashionable options and should fit harmoniously into the overall image. Its dimensions are also much smaller, so only the essentials can fit in it - a phone, a mirror, lip gloss, a powder compact and napkins. If the bride has serious health problems and requires medication, she must also remember to put them in her purse.
  3. And now this moment has come! All worries are behind us, the guests have gathered, the bride is ready, the groom is waiting at the doorstep - it’s time to start the wedding. When you plunge into the whirlpool of a celebration organized by yourself, you forget all the worries and worries that accompanied the preparation. Nothing is noticed except the loved one nearby, loving friends and relatives who have come to share the joy of the newlyweds. All that remains is to enjoy the happy moments.