A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello, my curious readers! Today we will talk about gifts dedicated to one solemn and very important event. The question of what to give a first-grader on September 1 is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In this article, I will help you choose the most optimal gift from the mass of options for holiday gifts, taking into account the interests of the child and the nature of the celebration.

For the first time in first class. Probably, everyone with this phrase brings to mind a lot of wonderful memories associated with this holiday - the Day of Knowledge.

Dressed up first-graders get to know school, new friends, and teachers for the first time. A lot of emotions, new impressions... To make this date more memorable, many parents and relatives of future students are already thinking in advance about options for gifts and surprises for the little heroes of the occasion.

Universal gifts for first graders on September 1

I want to offer you several gift options that are suitable for both girls and boys. Such gifts include the following:

Gifts for boys

Parents, like no one else, know their child best. Perhaps simple gifts are not suitable for your son, maybe he is interested in some highly specialized topic, then you should choose a gift related to this particular topic. We offer you several original options gifts for boys:

  • Constructor. Boys love to build, and there are many design options a large number of, for example, it comes in the form of Lego, magnetic, large (for building castles and houses), and a road construction set.
  • Punching bag. Would be an excellent gift option for a future athlete.
  • Ball. This universal gift for any boy. Moreover, the ball can be any kind (basketball, volleyball, football), depending on your child’s hobbies for one or another sport.
  • Projector starry sky. It will delight your child.
  • Microscope. Boys are often fascinated by insects and other living creatures. They will find it very exciting to look at microbes and other interesting things under a microscope. This gift is perfect for hyperactive children and helps develop perseverance.

Gifts for girls

It is not necessary to give your child something related to school and studies. You can simply please the young first-grader with some pleasant surprise so that she remembers this day forever. Presentation options may be as follows:

  • Big soft toy . It seems to me that this gift remains universal not only for all holidays, but also for girls of all ages. He cannot but cause delight.
  • Box for rubber bands and earrings. By giving such a gift, you can tell your daughter that she is already going to school, therefore, this is another step in growing up. Now she's like a real lady, there should be a jewelry box.
  • New earrings. This gift, like the soft toy, is classic and suitable for girls of all ages. New earrings will never be superfluous.
  • Box of surprises. You can buy or make a beautiful box yourself. Inside, put all sorts of goodies, hairpins, rubber bands, jewelry (whatever you have enough imagination for).
  • Dolls. At this age, girls still actively play with dolls. You can give her the doll she wants and a variety of accessories for her. I think a young first-grader will be especially happy with the dollhouse.


To make Knowledge Day even more rich in impressions for a first-grader, it can be enhanced with additional memories through various entertainments. Let's list the most popular:

  • Going to a cinema, circus, water park, amusement park, attractions.
  • Participation in a quest on a suitable topic in a specialized questroom (or prepared by parents).
  • A small celebration in a cafe, pizzeria, McDonald's.
  • Visit to the dolphinarium, zoo, horseback riding.
  • Participation in a master class on interests (making gingerbread, modeling and pottery).
  • Family picnic, short hike, fishing trip, boat ride, excursion.
  • Sports events (kart racing, climbing wall, extreme adventure park).

The main thing is to show imagination in organizing or choosing an event and, of course, be sure to take into account the interests and wishes of the little hero of the occasion.

Gifts from alumni to first graders

Since Soviet times, the tradition of graduation classes presenting symbolic gifts to first-graders has continued. Usually this is a nice little thing - flowers, balloons or cards. Sometimes these can be sweet surprise treats. But still, most often, future schoolchildren are given the alphabet or primer, as well as miniature bells with ribbons, as a keepsake of their first ringing.

Gifts from teacher to students

The practice of teachers giving gifts to future students has not yet become widespread and usually has the character of an individual initiative. Indeed, the task of preparing full-fledged, expensive gifts for an entire class, where there can be up to three dozen students, may not be within the power of every teacher, even if only for financial reasons.

On the other hand, such signs of attention from the teacher can really help to more quickly establish mutual understanding and trust between him and the class, because the teacher has yet to get to know each of the children.

  • An original multi-tiered “cake” made from various office supplies (notebooks, colored paper, rulers, fountain pens, pencils, brushes, erasers, etc.) is perfect as a collective gift option. The structure can be disassembled immediately after delivery, distributing stationery to the children; or you can save it for the duration of the educational process, giving out the necessary little things from the kit to those who forgot something for the lesson.
  • A good idea is an improvised key made from identical candies or toffees. Such a gift would be appropriate to give to children after completing their first class hour, as a symbolic key to knowledge.
  • Balloons with wishes are also guaranteed to please children, because children adore them. Even if the balloon bursts, the piece of paper with kind words will still remain as a memory.
  • A cake for first graders, cupcakes or sets of sweets would also be appropriate. The main thing is to follow the rule - the treat should be the same for everyone, you cannot single out any of the students.
  • Well, perhaps the least expensive and most sincere gift can be beautifully designed personal congratulatory letters from the teacher to each future student. Such parting words will warm the child’s soul even years after separation from his first teacher.

An important point: it is better to write such wishes rather than print out the text. And use self-made and brightly decorated mini-briefcases made of colored paper as envelopes.

What not to give to a first grader

  • Regular office supplies. The presence of things that a child will need at school is perceived by him as a matter of course and not related to the gift sector.
  • Too cheap or very expensive phone.

In the first case, the child may develop complexes due to comparison with the cooler technology of his classmates. In the second, the phone can become an object of envy both from surrounding students and a cause of conflict or even theft from high school students. The same applies to expensive jewelry.

DIY surprises

But what to do if there are no funds to implement most of the ideas, or in your eyes this reason is not so important to pay such pretentious attention to it?

The answer is simple: any child, regardless of age, needs attention first of all. And only then – the material component of the holiday.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong if on this day you limit yourself to a small symbolic gift:

  • You can make a homemade wall newspaper with wishes and parting words from relatives.
  • Release a balloon into the sky with your child and wish him excellent studies.
  • Make a personal photo collage with photos of your child or edit a short film with his participation.
  • Set up a special study corner in the children's room, bringing your child's design wishes to life.
  • For girls, you can make your own jewelry, come up with a personal diary or questionnaire for her school friends.

With this, I say goodbye to you, friends, I hope the above information was useful to you and my article helped you decide on a gift for your children on September 1st. Don't forget to subscribe to updates and tell your friends about us on social networks. See you again!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Let's put aside thoughts about a useful gift from the list of things required for a first-grader - you will buy them anyway, and presenting a child with something from this list under the guise of a gift means deliberately deceiving him. If you have already spent too much on preparing your child for school, then it is better to think about a modest budget, almost symbolic gift - we will talk about them below.

Concerning useful gifts first-grader, then this may be something that will be useful for the child in learning or will help make it easier, but is not mandatory for purchase. It could be:

  • equipping a school work corner in an apartment or in a children's room;
  • new ;
  • a large magnetic board or map on the wall;
  • big ;
  • in the form of a school board;
  • a stylish alarm clock that, instead of a mother, will wake the student up for school every morning “like an adult”;
  • smart watches that allow you to track your child’s movements away from home;
  • with educational programs installed on it in various subjects.

Original gifts for first graders on September 1

TO original gifts This includes personalized personalized gifts that need to be ordered in advance in special stores. And if you have certain skills, do it yourself. It could be:

  • an Oscar figurine with your child's name;
  • personalized diploma with the title of first-grader;
  • a book, photo album or video about your child with the story of how he became a first-grader;
  • “I am a first grader”;
  • a template for a school schedule made by caring parents with a photo of the child;
  • video message from parents to their child with wishes for successful studies.

Educational gifts for first graders on September 1st

Educational toys and games go well with Knowledge Day and help improve the child’s skills and abilities that will be needed in mastering school subjects:

  • for the development of logic - construction sets, puzzles, checkers, backgammon;
  • to consolidate mathematical knowledge – Board games-adventure games, elementary strategy board games;
  • for the development of attention and memory - lotto, dominoes, sea battle;
  • to replenish your vocabulary - “Erudite”.

The division we have given is very arbitrary: each of these games, to one degree or another, comprehensively develops the child. Most of these games require the participation of several players, and therefore parents should be prepared to keep their child company. It's not difficult - board games are exciting for both children and adults.

What impressions should you give a first-grader on September 1?

You want your child to receive as a gift on Knowledge Day not a thing, but positive emotions, unforgettable experience? Such gifts have gained enormous popularity in recent years, and it is not surprising: a modern child can rarely be surprised by a gift of a toy, but impressions as a gift have a rather powerful effect. A few ideas off the top of my head:

  • a quest for a child, prepared in advance by parents, or for the whole family in a special questroom;
  • meetings with animals: horseback riding, visiting a dolphinarium or zoo;
  • attending master classes: on clay modeling on a potter's wheel, on hoverboard riding or on making sweets with your own hands;
  • family fishing trip;
  • sports emotions: children's karting, rope park or climbing wall;
  • photo or video session;
  • boat trip on the river;
  • excursion.

In fact, this list can be continued for a long time, but in reality you should familiarize yourself with similar offers available in your city, or take the initiative and organize a gift-impression for your first-grader yourself. Well, first of all, of course, you should think about your child’s preferences - otherwise the impression may be radically opposite to what was planned.

Budget symbolic gifts for first-graders

So, you don’t have enough money for all of the above, or you simply don’t consider the reason too serious? Limit yourself to the symbolic an inexpensive gift– it’s easy for you and pleasant for the child. After all, by and large, it is attention that is more important for children, and not the cost of the gift - at least at the age of 6-7 years this is still the case)

Give your first-grader a set of stickers or bookmarks with the characters of his favorite cartoon. Make a wall newspaper with your own hands with wishes from all your relatives. Launch a helium balloon with your child with a wish to study well. Give an indoor flower that promotes academic success, concentration, and better learning: tradescantia, dracaena, chlorophytum, cyanotis.

And in the end, be sure to give your first grader your good mood, smile, and attention on September 1st. Let him be one hundred percent sure that you are proud of his title of first-grader, believe in his achievements on the difficult path to mastering knowledge, are ready to overcome any difficulties that arise with him and sincerely rejoice at any of his achievements. This is the best thing you can give your child on this day.

Yana Volkova

There is very little time left before the start of the school year. In families with first-graders, preparations are in full swing. Some have already bought a briefcase, school uniform, shoes and other school supplies. And other families are just thinking about the necessary purchases.

The first of September is an extremely important event for both the first grader and his parents. After all, a new serious stage of life begins. For parents, it symbolizes the degree of maturity of the child, greater independence. And for children it is something new, unknown and exciting: the emergence of new knowledge, skills, and friends.

Experts say that with all their own worries, parents forget to relieve their child’s tension in the face of school uncertainty. A wonderful solution to this problem would be organization of the Knowledge Day holiday. And what holiday is complete without gifts? They are the ones who will leave the first positive impression of the school. Such an elegant pen will delight a first-grader:

What gifts are given to a child on Knowledge Day? Parental gifts

Many mothers and fathers want their child to remember the first day of school as a pleasant event for a long time. That is why you should approach the choice of a gift seriously and in advance.

In most cases, children school age already have a pretty good understanding of their desires

And it’s easier than ever to ask your child what exactly he would like to receive on the first of September. And if such a request matches your capabilities, feel free to buy.

However, if your date just can’t think of anything to do, or you want to surprise him, then it’s worth considering options useful and pleasant gifts.

  1. Flash drive. At this age, children are already fully familiar with gadgets. An accessory such as a flash drive is useful for exchanging school and personal files. There will be even more delight if it is in the form of a cartoon character or other original form that is interesting to your child. When purchasing, pay attention to the amount of memory: the more, the better.
  2. Alarm. An equally useful present from the parents' point of view. Nothing makes you as happy (for the time being, of course) as your own alarm clock – a symbol of adulthood. The market offers a lot of options in form and sound.
  3. Launch Box. A modern replacement for snack bags. Bright boxes will guarantee that your child will not forget his lunch at home.
  4. Mobile phone or smart watch. When sending a child to school, every parent worries about how he got there, where he went, where he stayed. These gadgets will allow you to quickly contact and find out if everything is okay.
  5. Backpack. Not to be confused with a briefcase. A useful thing for wearing a uniform to training or a change of shoes to school.
  6. Educational materials: globes, interesting colorful maps, encyclopedias, sets of young nerds, telescope, microscope, etc.
  7. Computer, laptop, tablet. Quite an expensive gift, but it will keep learning up to date and allow you to study various materials more extensively, in-depth, compared to the material that is written in school books.
  8. Children's wrist watches. They will allow the child to be aware of how much time is left until the end of the lesson or recess.

Children's watch, SL (price on the link)

If all of the above didn’t surprise you, renovate the Kinder’s room. Change the interior, arrange everything in a new way. A little schoolboy or schoolgirl often brings friends to do homework together or just play. The child will show his friends the new interior with admiration.

Modern children's room for the first of September

If it is not possible to completely renovate the room, create a comfortable, modern, interesting workplace. The child will spend a lot of time behind it.

Despite the fact that your child has already become a schoolchild, no one has canceled toys and games. When choosing a gift, do not bypass them. These could be, for example, fashionable and educational board games, developmental toys according to age.

Do you think that your child is already quite independent? In this case, it's time to think about a pet. Such gifts instill responsibility in children, give positive emotions and relieve stress: dogs, cats, fish, parrots, hamsters. Just remember to have a meaningful conversation proper care about animals and responsibility for them.

A pet for a schoolchild or a new friend?

Small and not so pleasant things for the Day of Knowledge

Gifts for children on September 1 can be not only material, but also giving positive emotions. After the formal part at school, organize a family hike:

  • to the park for amusement rides;
  • dolphinarium;
  • circus;
  • cinema;
  • children's Cafe.

Perhaps it will be a visit children's master class or sign up for the long-awaited section. There are a lot of options, it’s worth taking into account the interests of your child.

Small jewelry is also suitable for memorable gifts for young schoolchildren.

For a first-grader girl: earrings, pendants, brooches, pendants. For a first-grader boy: badges with family coat of arms, chains, cufflinks, pins.

However, when choosing this option, you should take into account that this is an expensive gift. Will you be afraid of loss or theft? After all, if you put it and store it, then such a gift will not bring pleasure to the child.

Silver earrings with enamel and swarovski crystals, SL(price on the link)

In addition to individual surprises for your first-grader personally, you can organize general classroom gifts from parents. For example, sweet gifts for schoolchildren, such as themed gingerbread cookies, chocolate, marshmallows. In general, everything that parents can come up with and six-year-old children can gobble up.

Gift ideas for first graders from graduates on September 1

For some time now, there has been a tradition of gifts for first-graders from graduates. The ritual symbolizes a peculiar passing the baton in pursuit of knowledge. Surprises are given to first-graders on September 1 at the end of the formal part of the school event.

Souvenirs for the first of September do not have to be expensive. It's more likely symbolic gift. But if possible, do not give only what is directly related to classes: plasticine, a sketchbook, a set of pencils, folders for notebooks, encyclopedias. It's boring. Let the gift be fun or tasty. Six- and seven-year-old schoolchildren are, in fact, still children who love to play, laugh and enjoy life.

Set of gingerbread cookies gift packaging for first graders

Whatever gift option or celebration idea you choose, in all this turmoil, don’t forget do beautiful photos . Remember that this is an important event in your baby's life and needs to be made memorable and interesting.

August 23, 2018, 11:19 pm

The first bell is a special event in the life of a first-grader, marking the transition to a new stage of life. It will help to add solemnity to the moment memorable gift for a new schoolchild, which will not only be a pleasant surprise, but will also give the child a feeling of a real holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. But in order for a gift to cause delight and a sea of ​​positive emotions, it is important to know what to give a first-grader on September 1st.

Gift ideas for first graders

When choosing a gift, you should clearly understand: everything that is needed for school has nothing to do with gifts. Of course, you can present a fashionable bright backpack, a huge set of pencils or a folder for notebooks with the image of your favorite cartoon character, but the child will not perceive this as a surprise. A gift for September 1 should be a pleasant bonus beyond what you need for your studies.


It is books, as you know - best gift. Including for first-graders! But on one condition: they must correspond to the child’s age, and not gather dust on a shelf until the 11th grade. Today, the assortment of bookstores allows you to choose a wide variety of publications to suit every taste. Various encyclopedias and atlases are perfect for first-graders. If a child is interested in a particular topic, you can choose books taking into account his hobbies (about astronomy, plants, animals, dinosaurs, technology, etc.).

Books, as you know, are the best gifts.

For a first-grader to absolutely like a book, it must be:

  • adapted for his age (a seven-year-old should understand the material presented in it);
  • high-quality (thick binding, thick paper, large and clear font);
  • colorful (lots of bright and clear illustrations, pictures or photographs).

You can give the first volume of one of the book series as a gift, promising the child to time the purchase of the next edition after achieving success in school. At the same time, it is important to clarify that “success” is not considered grades, but the development of new skills (learned to write all the letters, finished reading the primer, etc.). This approach will be an excellent incentive for first-graders to study.

Games and toys

Despite the proud title of a schoolchild, a first-grader is still a child who is crazy about toys. That is why you can safely consider them as a gift for September 1st.

Despite the proud title of a schoolchild, a first-grader is still a child

An excellent option would be something that a child has long dreamed of: a racing track, a Barbie doll, a construction set with a large number of elements, various board games. If a boy is interested in sports, you can give him soccer ball or tennis rackets. Various creative kits are suitable for a handicraft girl (making figurines from plaster, soap, felt bags and plush toys). The main thing is that the gift must correspond to the interests of the child and be desired. Having received just such a gift, the first-grader will be sincerely happy and will understand that childhood does not end with entering school!

Party or going somewhere

A cultural program dedicated to this event will make September 1 a truly bright and memorable event for a first-grader.

A cultural program dedicated to this event will make September 1 a truly bright and memorable event for a first-grader.

Depending on the child’s financial capabilities and preferences, we can organize:

  • going to a children's cafe;
  • visiting a circus, theater, entertainment center;
  • home holiday.

It’s great if the child has the opportunity to choose the place where he would like to go with his family, or invite friends with him. If you are planning a home party, you should take care of all its attributes in advance:

You can invite animators, having discussed the theme of the holiday with them in advance, or you can prepare several fun competitions with small gifts yourself. “The highlight of the program” will be an original cake dedicated to September 1, with which you can take a photo and then enjoy tasting it.


A phone, tablet, laptop or computer belongs to the category of useful and valuable gifts, which a first-grader will be incredibly happy to receive and will feel like a truly adult. With their help, the child will be able to constantly stay in touch, watch educational cartoons and films, and master educational programs.

A phone, tablet, laptop or computer are classified as useful and valuable gifts

But in order for gadgets to bring only benefits, without distracting the child from his studies and without absorbing all his free time, it is important to immediately discuss with the student the rules for their use:

  • take your phone out of your briefcase only during breaks and after school (at the same time, parents should not buy super-expensive smartphone models. In the end, the child may lose it, not to mention the fact that cases of theft are not uncommon);
  • use a tablet, laptop or computer only after lessons have been learned and no longer than a certain time (usually 20 minutes without a break and two hours a day in total, including watching TV).

Of course, in addition to educational programs, you should allow your child to watch his favorite cartoons and play games. But it is very important that these activities do not become the main ones, but are only a pleasant addition to other various activities. Only in this case will gadgets become assistants in the student’s study and development, and not harmful “time wasters.”

DIY gift

As you know, the most pleasant gift is the one made with your own hands. For a first-grader, this could be an original bag sewn by grandma for replacement shoes, or hairpins and bows made by mom.

As you know, the most pleasant gift is the one made with your own hands.

A win-win option would be a box in the form of a pencil or a book with various contents. These can be sweets, bright school supplies (pens, pencils, erasers) or small toys. The main thing is the element of surprise and anticipation of what is inside.

What should you not give?

There is a list of gifts that are good in themselves, but are in no way suitable for September 1:

  1. Cloth. Especially school ones. Her child definitely won’t appreciate it, taking the wardrobe update for granted.
  2. A gift for growing up. This category includes everything that cannot be used “here and now”: skates and skis (in autumn), books for teenagers, expensive gold jewelry, etc.
  3. Bed linen and dishes. Just “off topic”. It’s better to save all this for your birthday or New Year’s holidays.
  4. Sweets as the main gift. They will be eaten, and there will be nothing left as a memory. A cake must be present, but as an addition to a tangible present.
  5. Trip dedicated to September 1st. If a gift cannot be touched with your hands, the child will not perceive it as such.

A gift for a first-grader on September 1 should be unexpected, but welcome and memorable. One that will evoke a sea of ​​positive emotions, fun and joy. One that you can hold in your hands, hide, and then take out and remember the day when yesterday’s baby first crossed the threshold of school.

School is the next step in life’s journey. The starting day, which will begin with a ceremonial line, will be significant for him. Adults can give a gift to a first grader on September 1st. It is not necessary to carefully choose a souvenir for the future schoolchild - it is enough to show just a nice thing, saying that it is for good. You can give your child a spinner, which is popular today, or some kind of children's game. For dedication you can give original postcards with congratulations and parting wishes from the parents.

A gift for a first-grader on September 1 can have a practical function. Unusual 3D puzzles and cool puzzles will instill logical and spatial thinking. For example, a beautifully designed diary will be perfect for a boy or girl, where they will write down their impressions. Years later, the records can be re-read and obtained positive emotions from memories. Further life and new stages will follow, and the memorable gift will be carefully preserved by the person and will be passed on to the next generation.

At first, it is difficult for children to get used to the group, so they experience stress. On the day of admission, you can give your daughter a cute toy - a talking hamster. He will lift your spirits with his funny voice, relieve tension and make you smile. There is now a wide range of products available from which you can choose the right accessories for your students. Upon completion schooling any symbolic item from graduates can be transferred younger brothers and sisters.