What to do with a 3 year old child at home? Many parents quickly find the answer: “Turn on cartoons.” The baby, of course, will be absorbed in an exciting activity for a couple of hours, but watching television for a long time is harmful: this fact was established long ago by psychologists and pediatricians. A child watching TV is convenient for parents, but of little benefit for the baby.

Offer to your son or daughter interesting activity. There are plenty of games and entertainment for a three-year-old child. Nothing comes to your mind other than drawing, appliqué and sculpting? Choose any of the exciting games, practice with your child, and rejoice in their success. So, no lectures or long explanations, just suggestions on how to keep a three-year-old child occupied.

Home theater

A win-win option, regardless of the gender of the child. Prepare a mini-play, choose your favorite fairy tales, come up with new ones. Fantasize yourself, support the ideas of the little director.


  • make fairy tale heroes from cardboard, scraps, and scrap materials;
  • sew small figures of animals and people that can easily be put on your finger;
  • make a big screen for fairy tales. The device will replace a row of chairs covered with fabric;
  • Many children love to turn into fairy-tale characters. Choose a play in which two or three characters participate (change clothes in the next room), make costumes for yourself and the baby. Show a simple fairy tale to your dad, grandparents: your loved ones will be delighted.

Treasure Island

What to do:

  • take out several boxes, handbags, bright boxes;
  • inside each “chest” put a small surprise: candy, apple, baby doll, postcard;
  • Tell your child that you don’t have an apartment, but a treasure island. Offer to find all the bags and boxes in which the treasure is hidden;
  • put the “chests” not too far away so that the child can easily find them;
  • exercise develops fine motor skills hands, takes at least half an hour.

Little helper

At three years old, most children willingly imitate their parents. Take advantage of this and offer an “adult” activity.

Lots of options:

  • To water flowers;
  • wash the vegetables for the original salad;
  • roll out the dough;
  • put new dresses on the dolls before guests arrive;
  • decorate the pie;
  • wipe off the dust;
  • sort shirts or socks;
  • clean up the shelf and so on.

Important! Be sure to praise your baby and tell everyone at home about his successes. Give feasible tasks so that the young assistant does not become disappointed in his abilities.

Accurate shooter

Play together with your baby. You will need two plastic buckets and paper balls. Together with your child, make “cores” from soft paper, a piece of old wallpaper (take cheap ones so that they wrinkle easily).


  • hit the basket with a paper ball in two or three steps;
  • think about what distance is appropriate for the child to hit the target, otherwise disappointment cannot be avoided;
  • After the competition, award the “sharp shooter” a prize.

Young artist


  • put paper on the table, offer to draw a picture to decorate the house;
  • give Finger paint, show how to make a flower;
  • children create with pleasure;
  • hang the picture in a prominent place;
  • Many kids enjoy drawing so much that a whole “gallery” often appears in the room.

Home orchestra

You will need:

  • jars, buckets different sizes made of plastic;
  • cardboard tubes from food foil or film.

Show how to play the drums, explain that you can not just knock, but also play melodies:

  • draw the young drummer’s attention to different pitches of sounds;
  • To prevent the drumming from annoying you, after 15–20 minutes offer another interesting activity, for example, watching cartoons.

Modeling from plasticine

A time-tested activity for three-year-olds. Buy a set of 10-12 colors and shades. Choose plasticine good quality: Avoid cheap, toxic materials.

Offer to sculpt fairy tale characters, pets, fruits, vegetables. Start with simple shapes to avoid disappointment. At first, sculpt together, then leave for a while and learn to practice on your own. After a while, be sure to arrange an exhibition of your work.

Advice! Select a place and display plasticine figures for everyone to see. Many children like to stage scenes with the participation of newly sculpted characters.

Garland for the New Year

Offer to decorate the apartment with your baby. Cut strips of colored paper 1–2 cm wide. If the child knows how to handle children's scissors, let him do some of the work himself.

Task: Glue the strips into rings. Thread the new strip through the finished ring and connect. After 10–15 minutes of work, you will get a small garland.

Model show

The game is suitable for children who are good at putting on and taking off clothes. Offer your child more things and let him put on a show. Choose simpler details: capes, hats, wigs, skirts to make changing clothes easy. Girls especially like this game.

The most dexterous

A simple task will keep your baby entertained. Offer to carry a convenient object around the apartment in a tablespoon: a small ball, a nut, a tennis ball. Show how to act. After going through all the rooms, the “most dexterous” will receive a prize.

Wind power

The game develops deep breathing, gives fun, good mood. Arrange a competition, try to make the baby win too.


  • bubble;
  • cotton balls;
  • paper balls.


  • draw more air into your lungs, blow objects off the table or blow out a large soap bubble;
  • V different days alternate balls with bubbles: this way the game will not get boring. Involve dad and grandma and praise them for their success.

Coloring pages

A win-win option for developing perseverance, imagination, and fine motor skills. At first, buy coloring books with large objects that arouse interest in your son or daughter. Choose stories from cartoons and favorite fairy tales.

Does the young artist cope well with a large area? Move on to pictures with medium and small details.

Thick coloring books are not needed, the baby will not have to flip through the pages for a long time. Find a suitable drawing on the Internet (“Coloring pages for children to print”), then print it on a printer. Let the little artist paint the hero.

Find a match

First option:

  • place clean shoes on the floor, mix boots, shoes, slippers;
  • take out 3-4 baskets or boxes, invite the young housewife/owner to sort the shoes: boots - into one basket, slippers - into another, and so on;
  • You definitely need to find a pair before you put your shoes in the right place.

Second option:

  • you can just take shoes out of boxes and make a mess;
  • ask your child to carefully put everything back so as not to mix anything up;
  • help a little right away, don’t leave the child alone in front of a pile of shoes;
  • tell your family which helper is growing.

Rocking chairs or swings

Good fun for little kids. Buy a comfortable rocking horse model with a stable base. Attach the swing securely in the doorway. During such entertainment, never leave your son or daughter alone, always monitor their behavior to avoid injury.

How to treat in children? find out effective methods and folk recipes.

The rules for taking antibiotics for laryngitis in a child are written on the page.


Colorful magazines, panoramic books, encyclopedias with bright pictures (taking into account age) arouse keen interest among children. Choose interesting material, read with expression so that the baby gets carried away.

Situational games

Children are happy to try on different roles. Games that develop imagination are what a three-year-old child needs.

You don't know what to do with your 3 year old child at home? Suggest one of the popular games:

  • daughters and mothers;
  • hospital;
  • school;
  • salon;
  • shop;
  • cafe.

Buy sets of toy instruments, make the props yourself. With saucepans, plastic pans and glasses in early age Both boys and girls play with pleasure. Situational games develop speech, teach communication, and attention to strangers.

Children's disco

Play your favorite songs and let your baby dance. Take part too. An excellent option if friends or relatives come to visit with a child of a similar age.

Circle your hand

Girls especially like this simple game. Show your little one how to trace her palm and fingers with a pencil. Help me cut along the contour, together draw rings on my fingers, paint my nails, and put on beautiful bracelets.


Prepare cardboard, glue, scissors, colorful paper, old magazines. First do simple paintings so that the baby can cope with the task. A child may tear pieces of colored paper with his hands if he does not handle scissors well.

Treat for the animals

Offer to feed pets and cute animals. Place at the table a bear, a bunny, an elephant, anyone you find in children's corner. Draw in advance, then cut out apples, carrots, cabbage, and other vegetables and fruits from cardboard. Make cereals and grass from colored paper. Tell your son or daughter what each animal eats.

If there is suitable pet food in the refrigerator, use it after washing it and checking that it is not cold. As you go, explain why it is important to wash your hands, vegetables, and fruits.

Now you know a lot of exciting games and entertainment for kids. Be sincerely interested in your child’s affairs and spare no time in developing skills and abilities. Fantasize, imagine yourself in the place of your son or daughter. Joint games bring people together, improve family relationships, and give a good mood.

Video. Even more games and activities for a 3-year-old child at home:

Why do children spend days on their tablets? Because they are simply bored at home, and their parents do not try to occupy them with something interesting. And in vain, because there are so many cool ideas on how to entertain your baby at home. We'll tell you about the 15 best!

Let's cure all the animals?

Play Doctor Aibolit with your baby. Let the child see if his favorite bear, plastic soldiers and stuffed elephant are healthy. Tell your baby about diseases such as colds, heat and conduct a “diagnostics” of toys.

creative necklace

Take a thread, buttons, a ring and other small items that will be suitable for creating an original necklace. If your child is older and loves to play with dolls, show him how to make outfits for his favorite Barbies. And then the baby will be able to try himself as a designer!

Drawing from the future

Let your child draw your family in 10 years. Ask the baby “How do you see dad, mom and yourself in the future?” The kid must draw this on paper.

Unusual Fleet

Fill the children's bathtub (or basin) with water and launch a lot of boats into it. It can be plastic lids, soap dishes, empty cream boxes. Tell the little one that this is his personal fleet and he must organize a sea voyage.

Guess who?

Place a few of your child's toys in the bag. Then ask your baby to close his eyes and guess by touch which toys are hidden in the bag.

Postcards for friends

Ask your child to make some cards for friends and family they miss. Then, by the way, postcards can be sent by mail.

Shadow play

Organize a real shadow theater! The same as in our Soviet childhood. Show your child a wolf cub, a bunny, a snake. He himself must also come up with figures and show them on his fingers.

Cardboard house

Take a cardboard box and arrange it like a house for a doll or pet. Place a toy rug inside, paint the walls, make windows and a door.

Castle of pillows and blankets

Feeder for tits

You can cut out a small house out of cardboard, pour grains into it and hang the feeder on a tree in the yard. And let the child watch how the titmice flock there.


Take three cups and hide a coin under one of them. Rearrange the cups several times and tell your child to guess where exactly the coin is hidden.


Using special children's cosmetics, create an unusual makeup for your daughter. Let the little one draw something on your face too - see who did the best job!

Find the bear

Another game of hide and seek, only in this case the baby needs to look for his favorite toy. Place the teddy bear in a secluded place and let the child guess where it is.

Who knows more fairy tale characters?

Start naming characters from fairy tales that you know (Cinderella, Dwarfs, the wizard). Let the baby do the same. Whoever remembers the most characters wins.

Home concert

Using available materials - plastic cups, sticks, empty boxes, create some new melody. Or “tap” the rhythms of familiar songs - the baby must guess them.

Sometimes parents have to give up going out with their baby and stay at home with him all day. Teachers argue that the situation can be used to communicate more closely with your child and help him learn something new. The leading activity of children is play.

Stanley Hall stated: “Play is, in essence, the growth of the organism”.

Games for kids should be chosen according to their age. There are a huge number of options on how to entertain children at home.

To avoid boredom at home: what to play with a 1-year-old baby

Children at this age are little active explorers. They are very mobile, they like to get acquainted with new objects and phenomena. You can find just a huge number of activities for a tiny fidget.

Games with soap bubbles

If mom blows bubbles, the baby will happily start catching them with her palms. You can invite the baby to blow on the soap film in the hole of the bubble stick that the mother will hold. Soap bubbles are great fun for children of any age. Blowing them is not only fun, but also useful: it trains your breathing, which in the future will help you pronounce sounds correctly.

Drawings with fingers and palms

For this kind of activity, you need to have whatman paper in the house or at least a sketchbook and finger paints. It is not suitable to use ordinary watercolors for such purposes, because the baby will try to appreciate the taste of the bright spots. Having unfolded whatman paper on the floor, the mother invites her son or daughter to dip their finger in the paint and make a few prints. At the same time, you can begin to study colors, commenting on all the baby’s actions, for example, like this: “We dipped our finger in yellow paint, now we will paint with red paint...”, etc. This activity helps develop children’s fine motor skills. You can also use it with older children.

Active games

With a child 1-1.5 years old you can play catch, dance, play with a ball. All these activities will bring the baby a sea of ​​positive emotions.


Many 1-year-old babies happily help their mothers do the laundry: they throw dirty clothes into the machine drum and press the “Start” button. Together with the little helper, mom can also shake off dust from shelves, collect and throw away trash from the floor, and put away toys.

Hide and seek

Kids at this age love to play peek-a-boo. You can introduce this game by first hiding the toys, and then hiding with dad or mom, the main thing is not to scare the baby, to let him know that you are nearby. This game teaches you how to navigate in space and eliminates the fear of separation from your mother. After all, if the baby doesn’t see her, it doesn’t mean she’s not around.

Mom is busy: what to do with a 1-year-old child

Many inventive mothers try to keep little explorers busy with independent play. If you need your baby to play alone for a bit, you can offer him:

Toilet paper roll

The baby will happily unfold the paper and tear the canvas into pieces within 15-20 minutes. However, be prepared to clean up all the mess later.


Surprisingly, clothespins are a very useful educational material. By unclenching and releasing the clothespin, the baby trains his fingers, developing fine motor skills, which has a positive effect on speech development. Attach clothespins to the edge of any object - a pan, a piece of cardboard or fabric. Show them how to take them off and put them on again and go on with your business.

Bag or box with surprises

This box can store various empty bottles, cubes, plastic and silicone figures, large parts of a plastic construction set and other small items. The main thing is that these “surprises” cannot completely fit into the baby’s mouth and are made of non-toxic materials. For example, toys for older children should not be given to babies, even if there are no small parts. It’s just that the paint that manufacturers cover them with may not meet safety requirements and can even lead to poisoning.

Water games

You will need several unbreakable containers, a plastic spoon and water. The baby will enthusiastically pour water from one container to another and at the same time develop manual dexterity, and mom will be able to do household chores. But under no circumstances scold him for spilling water. Coordination of movements in one-year-old children is poorly developed, so it will be wet in any case. Just give your baby a cloth and wipe up spills with him after playing. It's never too early to teach order.

Games in the kitchen

All 1-year-old babies love to open drawers and take out their contents. If mom needs to cook dinner, there is no need to leave the baby alone. Take him into the kitchen and let him rattle pots to his heart's content. It will be noisy, but what benefits! Your child will satisfy their passion for exploration, explore new objects and sounds, and play enthusiastically for at least half an hour. The main thing is not to forget about safety and remove anything sharp or breakable from the “looted” box in advance.

Games and activities for a 2 year old baby

“A child’s mind grows with little hands,” said Ravil Aleev. A child of two years of age must be offered various activities that develop hand motor skills and coordination.

Games to develop fine motor skills:

  • Cubes, constructors . Even though the little one will only be able to build a simple turret for now, but in the process of work he will be able to learn to coordinate movements.
  • Drawing . Three-edged pencils and finger paints are great pen training for a young artist. And triangular pencils are also great tutorial. They teach you to hold a pencil correctly; there is simply no room for error. The main thing is to choose one with a soft lead, because the baby still does not have enough strength to press the pencil with force.
  • Modeling . At 2 years old, a child with his mother’s help will already be able to mold the simplest figures, for example, vegetables or fruits. This activity is a great workout for your fingers.

General educational games and activities:

  • Help mom . A child of this age can already be trusted to fall asleep washing powder in a special compartment, water the flowers, take part in setting the table, laying out forks and spoons, wipe off the dust with a damp cloth and even use a brush and dustpan. You need to start teaching your child order at this age.
  • Role-playing games . You can play out the plots of fairy tales or invent your own stories with plush toys. This will develop the child’s imagination and teach him to play independently. The main thing is that the games are kind and instructive, and that the child participates in them with pleasure.
  • Reading promotes the intellectual growth of children. During this period, children already know how to listen to adults, they can read short tales and poems, always explaining what you read.
  • Music classes . Dancing and playing to cheerful music will lift your spirits and develop your child’s musical abilities and auditory perception.

In between developmental activities, you can play with an inflatable ball, do simple gymnastics, and run with your two-year-old baby. If you have a wall bars at home, you can work out on it, of course, with the support of an adult. It is necessary for a child to move, because at this age he masters the skills of orientation in space, the ability to maintain a stable body position and coordination of movements.

What to do with a 3 year old child at home

Three-year-old children are little creatures who absorb any information like a sponge. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct various educational games and activities with them.

Construction from scrap materials

Plastic or iron cans, paper cups, carton boxes. This great way develop in children spatial thinking and creativity. Moreover, it is enough to simply show the child what miracles can be created, and then he will support the initiative himself.

Assembling a constructor from smaller parts

This activity is already safe for three year olds. But it is better not to leave them unattended while playing.

Large puzzles, mosaics

These games develop logic and attention. It is important to teach a three-year-old child to assemble them himself, and to seek the help of an adult in the most difficult cases. This will help him develop the habit of solving difficult problems on his own.

Drawing by points

If a child is not interested in drawing on a blank sheet of paper, and coloring ready-made pictures causes boredom, then drawing with dots will be a salvation. It's exciting because the baby doesn't know what picture will turn out in the end, and therefore will enthusiastically connect the dots. He is quite capable of doing this task on his own.

Solving puzzles and riddles

Children at 3 years old are distinguished by their intelligence and ingenuity. Teach them to go through mazes, look for certain objects in pictures, look for differences or missing parts. This will captivate the little fidget for a long time, and give mom a little break.

Puppet theater game

First, together with the baby, you can make dolls from available material, and then perform a simple performance.

Active games

It is very difficult for a 3-year-old child not to get bored at home without moving, so you can play the same basic game of catch-up with your baby. Very cheerful home game can become a “tunnel” - moving on all fours through a rolled-up mattress or carpet. You can build such a tunnel from several more stools pushed together.

Classes for children aged 4-5 years

At this age, children already know and know a lot; they can play both role-playing and Board games, and outdoor games. We offer 10 useful options entertainment at home for children 4 and 5 years old.

Board games

For them, you can use either a ready-made store kit or a kit made with your own hands. Thanks to such games, children aged 4 to 5 years will be able to learn where animals live and what they eat, what the fruits of various trees are called, what types of transport there are, etc.

Games with paper

Paper airplanes and boats combine both creativity and movement: first, the young designer, with his mother’s help, will make a paper transport, and then test it in practice.


Children 4-5 years old already have a favorite repertoire, which they will willingly perform in front of their mother, imitating a performance on stage. Singing liberates, relieves even the most shy quiet person from shyness.

Making applications

It is already easier for children of this age to do small work with their fingers, so they can be entrusted with such a complex task as cutting out figures and gluing them to a paper base.

Important! When working with scissors, do not leave your child unattended! And from the very first time working with scissors, teach him to put them away in a safe place.

Role-playing games

Invite your child to transform into a “doctor”, “salesman”, “veterinarian”, “cook”, etc. Mastering professions and expanding knowledge about the world, people and society is very useful at this age.

Game of "detective"

The mother lays out several objects on the table, invites the child to remember them, then he turns away, and the mother removes one from the table. The little “detective” must guess what is missing. The game develops memory and attentiveness.
Construction of a hut from pillows and blankets. Invite a five-year-old child to build a house - and he will be captivated by the game for an hour, or even longer.

Active games

“Blind man's buff”, “Jumping on one leg”, “Skittles”, Jumping over an elastic band”, “Jumping on a fitball”. Movement is necessary at this age, and it is better to direct it in a peaceful direction than to watch chaotic running around.

Soap making

This activity can captivate both the child and the mother. Making soap is an inexpensive but labor-intensive pleasure, but you can make your own gifts for relatives and friends!

Home floriculture

If you cannot have a pet, then caring for plants can easily replace it. At 4-5 years old, the little assistant can even assist the mother when transplanting green pets. The child independently checks, waters the plant, loosens the soil, and sprays. This teaches responsibility and patience.

“My youngest turned 4 just recently,” says Anna, a young mother, “you can captivate her by entrusting her with some serious task, for example, spraying and watering all the flowers in the apartment.”

Children aged 4-5 years can be encouraged to watch cartoons from time to time. Today there are many good animated series for children that talk about friendship, mutual assistance and kindness. The main thing is not to allow your preschooler to sit in front of a screen for more than 30 minutes.

However, as the experience of many mothers shows, the most difficult thing is to entertain children during the holidays. The brightest and most memorable children's holidays are, of course, New Year and birthday. On a holiday, every mother wants to please her child with something new, interesting, fresh. How to entertain children during the holidays?

Games with children for the New Year

Decorating the house and Christmas tree for the holiday

Children as young as 1 year can take part in this event. The little ones will watch their mother’s actions more, children aged 2-3 years, with the help of adults, will already be able to hang balls on spruce branches, and children over 4 years old will be able to decorate New Year's tree on one's own.

Five-year-old craftsmen will probably be happy to cut out snowflakes from paper napkins

Greeting Cards

Children from 2 years old will find it interesting to draw Greeting Cards for relatives, for example, for grandmother. Three-year-old children will already be able to make gifts with their own hands together with their mother.

Chocolate Ice Cream Bowls

Kids ages 3 and up will love making chocolate ice cream bowls. To do this, dip the inflated balloons into melted chocolate and let it dry.

Musical experiments

This is a wonderful hobby for children of all ages. This activity will make any holiday unusual and fun. Children 1-2 years old will enjoy using a wooden or plastic stick to make sounds from the most ordinary items: coffee or dining table, bowl, vase, empty bottle, plastic cups, etc. Children from 3 to 5 years old can be invited to play a homemade musical instrument from plastic drinking straws. Such activities develop children's musical abilities.

“From a very early age, my son and I played music on various available “instruments”: bottles, boxes, cans, cups, plates. He always liked these activities. On New Year's Day we decided to organize a whole festive concert on homemade “drummers”. It wasn't brilliant, but it was a lot of fun. The concert itself was recorded on video so that every New Year's celebration review and remember." Inga.

Birthday games for children

Balloon games

For birthdays, many adults come up with a whole game program. Of course, no children's birthday is complete without balloons. You can come up with many games with them:

  • One-year-old babies will happily just throw colorful balls up , knock them down with legs and move them from one room to another.
  • Inflating balloons – a hobby for children from 2 years old. Kids take great pleasure in inflating balloons and training their respiratory organs.
  • Children over 3 years old can be offered playing tennis . Instead of a ball, this game uses a ball, and rackets can serve as plastic plates or even other oblong shaped balls.
  • Tower construction . You can try to build some kind of structure from the balls that will last as long as possible.
  • Fireworks . When inflated, you can put confetti in the balloons, and at the end of the holiday, invite the kids to burst them.

Tossing balls

You can play many team games with balloons. The simplest one is “Tossing Balls”: the room is divided into 2 parts, the children are divided into 2 teams, each of which must throw all the balls from its territory to the territory of the opposing team as quickly as possible. Those who have fewer balls on their territory after the referee's signal win. The game is suitable for children aged 2 years and older.

Wake the Dragon

This game is suitable for children 2-3 years old. The presenter (adult) puts on a dragon mask. Children are given squeakers and whistles. The kids run into their holes and wait for the dragon to fall asleep. As soon as the dragon falls asleep, the children run out of the houses and squeak and whistle. The dragon wakes up and catches the kids. Children's delight is guaranteed!

Gnomes, go home!

The game will require a space of at least 2x2 meters, if there are more than 5 children, then even more. Squares are laid out on the floor soft rug(puzzles) according to the number of children. As the game progresses, they remove one at a time. At the command of the presenter “Dwarfs, go to their houses!” Each child tries to take a place in one of the puzzles. The one who doesn't get a house is eliminated.

To the store instead of mom

Task for 3-4 year olds. Place in different corners of the room children's table or chairs. Place toy products in one, and a saucepan in the other. Give each child his own set of products, for example: bring milk, an apple and carrots. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

Treasure search

Game for children 4-5 years old. For her, you need to write hint notes and put them in a certain place. The last clue will indicate where the treasure lies. You can start the game like this: “One-eyed Jack hid clues in different places. Here is the first one: “Look for the clue under the wooden elephant...”. And then - whatever your imagination suggests.

Traditional games

  1. Traditional games for children's parties: “Loaf”, “Magic Chair”, “Simon Says”, “Funny Starts” relay race, “Mummy” competition, etc.
  2. Riddles for kids.
  3. Disco.
  4. Puppet show.

Generally in game form Any activity can be organized for children: singing, dancing, drawing, household chores, learning. How exactly the game will take place depends on the baby’s temperament and the parents’ imagination.

Hello, dear parents and loved ones of charming little ones! Children look forward to their birthday, because it is a great occasion to have fun, play with friends and enjoy delicious dishes. But, besides this, the celebration can be educational and useful for the birthday boy and his guests. We will tell you how to entertain children at a birthday party at home and at the same time develop team spirit, sociability, ingenuity and imagination, as well as introduce kids to the rules of etiquette at the holiday.

In our article you will get acquainted with a list of 10 educational games and competitions, among which there are witty ways to congratulate the hero of the occasion. We will also tell you in what order you should offer children entertainment so that they don’t get tired and have a lot of fun.

The main person is the birthday boy

So, the room is already decorated, the table is set, the elegant birthday boy is waiting with bated breath for his guests. And now the first guest is already on the threshold, presents his gift and congratulates the “newborn”. Let's wait for everyone invited and ask the children to spend a little more time with the main character of the holiday in a playful way.

Comic congratulations

Do you want to remove all embarrassment and laugh with your children? Invite them to congratulate the hero of the occasion with humor. To do this, prepare a small box with paper rectangles on which the words are written:

  • "boldly";
  • "fast";
  • "lazy";
  • "Beautiful";
  • "quiet";
  • "jumping";
  • "with laughter";
  • "sneaky".

You can choose your own list of words. And remember that the more ridiculous it is, the more interesting it will be! Prepare also big postcard, in which write the following wishes:

“Dear birthday girl! Happy Birthday!
We wish you that you

got up in the morning...;
did exercises...;
had breakfast...;
went to school...;
answered in class...;
behaved during recess...;
I was preparing my homework...;
and I studied only well.”

You will also need PVA glue. You read out the wish from the card and bring the box to the guest, and he takes out a piece of paper and reads the word. Then have him stick his card in the empty wish space on the card and sign it. You need to go around all the guests. Children aged 8 years old will cope well with this task. Comic congratulations will not only lift everyone’s spirits, but will also help the kids relax and learn that the birthday person is always worthy of attention and kind words.

Now you can eat. While the children are eating, prepare the next game for them, the main character of which will again be the birthday boy.

I believe - I don't believe

Prepare questions about the birthday person in advance. They should all begin with the phrase “Do you believe that...?” One part of the questions should contain truthful information about the main character, and the other part should contain humorous and false phrases. For example:

  • Do you believe that Petya did not pronounce the letter “R” until he was 7 years old?
  • Do you believe that Petya loves spiders?
  • Do you believe that Petya is afraid of dentists?
  • Do you believe that Petya wants to become a traveler?
  • Do you believe that the police are looking for Petya?
  • Do you believe that Petya got lost in the zoo when he was 4 years old?
  • Do you believe that Petya defeated the evil dragon? (The answer could be “yes” - in a computer game).

Guests are divided into 2 teams, discuss their solutions for 10–15 seconds, and then mark the question number and answer on a piece of paper. When all the questions have been asked, the presenter counts the number of correct answers for each team. Whoever has the most is the winner. The birthday boy carefreely watches what is happening and has fun.

This game allows children to work in a team, learn to make quick decisions, use logic and evaluate how well they know their friend.

Intellectual activities

Birthday is good time for intellectual battles. Children of any age can solve interesting puzzles, but are more suitable for children aged 9 years and older. Select 10–15 puzzles and hold a competition for the smartest one. Whoever gave the most correct answers is worthy consolation prize. Having congratulated the birthday boy and thoroughly stretched his brains, it’s time to invite the guests to move a little.

Balloon fireworks

Invite the children into a room where inflated balloons are scattered on the floor. Turn on fun music and encourage them to throw the balls up as actively as possible. The kids will very quickly get involved in such simple entertainment and start fighting. This way you will provide them with emotional release and a good workout. In the meantime, do a photo shoot with their happy faces.


Isn't it time to treat the children to a birthday cake? Let's start the meal. After this, the guests will calm down and be ready to see the couple. Amazing experiments will intrigue guests and make the holiday unforgettable and very educational.

But I really don’t want to leave! Are the kids ready to have more fun? Then arrange a competition of 2 teams of funny cows!

Funny cows

To play, prepare a pair of medical gloves, 2 stools, 2 ropes and a pump. Players are divided into 2 teams. The gloves need to be inflated with a pump as much as possible, tied in a knot and attached to the first team members’ waists with a rope. The gloves act as cow udders.

We place stools as far as possible from the teams lined up. The participants’ task: get on all fours, get to the stool, say loudly “Moo!”, return to your team and tie the udder of another participant. The team that completed the relay race faster won. In addition to fun races, kids learn agility and interaction with each other.

And how well we remember appearance his friends? Let's check it now.

Identify a friend

We blindfold one of the guests, and line up everyone else present. He must guess by touch who is standing in front of him. If you put gloves on your hands, the competition will become much more difficult, but more exciting. The chosen one will have to use his memory and imagination in order to recognize as many people as possible.


This is a game for developing acting skills. The host names a famous animal, and the guests must depict it: how it moves, how it eats, what sounds it makes, and so on. Children aged 4–5 years will enjoy playing this game. There are no losers.

Well, the time is coming to say goodbye to the birthday boy. But this should be done beautifully, amicably and creatively.


We take a sheet of whatman paper and invite the children to take turns drawing a portrait of the birthday boy to the accompaniment of music. As soon as the music stops, the next guest comes up and completes the drawing at his own discretion. You can't do this without good imagination and creativity. The guests solemnly present the portrait to the birthday boy, politely say goodbye and disperse.

How to make a child's birthday unforgettable?

To make the holiday a breeze, follow our simple tips:

  • Decorate the room with balloons, garlands, and greeting posters.
  • Together with your child, make and send invitations to all guests.
  • Alternate intellectual and active competitions.
  • Prepare prizes for all guests.
  • Don't delay cultural program. Your task is not to tire the participants, but to entertain them.
  • Set aside free time when the children do what they want. But make sure they don't get bored.
  • Congratulate the birthday person in an unusual way with the help of competitions and congratulations.

Well, we wish you to organize an exciting holiday and have a lot of fun. See you soon!

Soap bubbles can be blown almost endlessly. At least until the solution runs out. To prevent this from happening soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing liquid, a tablespoon of glycerin. The barrel of solution is ready!

22. Drawing without stains

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a durable, hermetically sealed bag, your child will be able to draw futuristic pictures with their fingers without getting dirty!

23. DIY car wash

Kids can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic jerry can, scouring pads and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

From the canister you need to cut out the body of the sink with entry and exit. Cut dish sponges into thin long sticks and glue them vertically to the ceiling of the sink. Permanent markers color the structure. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt containers, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. The imagination will do the rest.

24. Science experiment with balloons

Show your child a chemical experiment in the kitchen. Pour into balloon spoon of soda, but empty plastic bottle pour vinegar. Place the ball onto the neck of the bottle and secure tightly. Gradually pour the baking soda from the balloon into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will lead to the release large quantity carbon dioxide, which inflates the balloon.

25. Frozen Dinosaur Egg

If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient lizards hatched from eggs. Place a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with colored water, then put the balloon in the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the “shell” of the ball from the eggs and look at the dinosaur in the ice. You can remove the toy using a small hammer (you just need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

26. Banana ice cream

You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably slightly overripe), peel and cut into thin pieces. Place in the freezer. After a couple of hours, remove the frozen bananas and blend in a blender until the mixture resembles thick sour cream. The ice cream can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older children can handle the cooking themselves!