Ideas for this collection were borrowed from acquaintances and friends, read on parenting forums, taken from numerous letters from holiday organizers that come to me in the mail.

If I forgot something, please add it in the comments, let the children of the whole country be satisfied and happy :-).

1. Sports birthday

For such a case, a group of children with adults is expected to go to a special club.


After the 2014 Olympics there was another surge of interest in this sport. Children will be fitted with shoes, given instructions, and told the rules of the game. If you have 2 teams of 4 people, go ahead! There are many clubs, but it is better to rent tracks in advance for a convenient time.


An excellent option for a child’s birthday party when there are many children with disabilities among the guests. big difference aged. Bowling is perfect for a mixed group of adults and children.


Oh... There will be a lot of impressions. It’s truly scary, although it’s just bright paint flying at you, not a bullet. The clubs have special programs for children's parties, so you won't be bored. By the way, girls also enjoy participating in such a war.

As a rule, all establishments will offer you a cafe or a separate room to deliciously “pre-celebrate” your birthday.

3. Celebration with hosts or animators

For us it happens like this:

  • You choose the theme of the holiday (we have a much wider choice than standard pirates and princesses). We have a lot of funny characters in high-quality costumes, only professional actors.
  • Choose the number of actors. Of course, one can handle it, but if you invite two, in addition to competitions, you can count on a mini-performance, since the characters will exchange lines. Everything happens much more interestingly, without pauses and hitches (one animator will need to disappear from time to time and prepare the next prop).
  • Animators arrive 30 minutes before the start of the holiday and call the parents. It’s better to change clothes at the neighbors’ place, but if this is not possible, the actor needs to be quietly allowed into the apartment and given the opportunity to prepare. In a few minutes he will be loudly ringing the doorbell in the guise of Spider-Man.

Of course, it’s always good when there is a lot of free space in the party room. Competitions will be more varied, children will be more active, parents will be calmer :-). If this is not the case, there are special scenarios for small apartments, in which, in addition to comic competitions, there will be a creative master class and interesting Board games.

4. Game center (all at once)

This is a whole play town under one roof, in which different entertainment areas are combined into a single space, but at the same time, each group of adults and children can enjoy their own holiday.

These include quests, hide and seek in the dark, laser tag, a climbing wall, virtual attractions, pools with balls for kids, areas for creativity, photons and tea tables. It's definitely convenient. How many games you book and for how long is your choice. Convenient and truly festive.

13. Cafe with an animator

In this case, the emphasis is on the party, which is diluted with games and competitions with the actor. It is convenient if the cafe has a games room. We usually book a table next to this room so we can watch the kids.

Minus: there are a lot of strangers in the cafe. It happens that other people's children also participate in competitions and ask for prizes :-). So what to do? Why not drive them away? Game room All visitors to the cafe have the right to use.

For children aged 9-11 years old, you can organize a culinary master class right in the cafe. My daughter and her friends made pizza and brought boxes to their parents as gifts.

5. Away quest (the presenter with the props comes to you)

Outdoor quests can be organized at home, in a cafe, in the courtyard of a house or school, in a children's club, in a nearby park, in nature, in special scenery.

A detective, historical or fantasy plot unfolds, with each participant having their own role and task. The game involves professional actors who appear at the most unexpected moment and give children new clues, ideas and “artifacts”.

8. No one gives a damn (literally)

This is a musical rhythm game. A team-building program, during which you need to get into the unified rhythm of your team, master many small noise instruments (percussion), learn your part on the darbuka drum, and in the finals unite into a single orchestra.

9. Cartoon creation and other master classes

Wonderful idea! I often hear rave reviews, I am happy to recommend for children's day birth to all parents.

Where to hold the master class:

  • the master class can be held at home (you need a free large table)
  • in the cafe
  • at the kids club
  • in a special room equipped for creative master classes (offsite event)

What else happens?

There are paintings of gingerbread, making chocolates, and sculpting with sugar mastic. There are 30 options in total, you will find something you like.

Among I will highlight creative master classes painting glass, stones, ceramics and wooden toys, painting T-shirts, soap making and making gel candles, sand painting in a bottle and decorating Venetian masks, pottery, lampwork, marzipan figurines, jewelry making. Everything is very interesting, souvenirs remain as memories.

10. Birthday at the culinary studio

A wonderful and emotional holiday, during which children prepare their own treats under the guidance of a great chef. It's fun, delicious and very photogenic.

11. For “little Einsteins”

Thanks to the organizer of the holidays for the opportunity to “touch” science with our hands. Every major city in Russia has museums that offer children interactive learning about objects and phenomena.

“Museum Adventures” are organized by estate museums, art galleries, historical, geological, zoological and paleontological museums, theaters, planetariums, and oceanariums.

This is not an easy excursion! This is a performance with the participation of actors and guests, in which you need to search and hide copies of exhibits, solve mysteries, conduct experiments and make discoveries.

If you invited 5-6 children to your child’s birthday, this is an ideal option, since large groups are not welcome in this format of the holiday.

By the way, you can choose a whole excursion with games and competitions. Something like this...

13. Rope course

Large parks have ready-made obstacle courses where you can organize individual and team competitions. Of course, this is only suitable for the spring-summer season. It’s very fun and exciting, at the end of the holiday you’ll feel pleasantly tired and have a lot of impressions.

In Panda Park, for example, there are programs with animators in costumes who organize an interesting competition program on rope structures.

15. Interactive science show

It's not just spectacular and spectacular! These are real physical and chemical experiments that clearly demonstrate the properties of objects and the essence of phenomena!

Children will control lightning, do experiments with nitrogen, dry ice and carbon dioxide. Everything is absolutely safe and incredibly interesting! I have no doubt that adults will also discover a lot of new things.

17. Fitness club

There is one subtlety. You will be allowed to have a children's sports festival in the fitness club only if one of the parents has an annual subscription. The animator will be in sports uniform, and all the competitions will be “Olympic”. Often part of the holiday takes place in the children's pool, which all children absolutely love. The program is not just fun, but also healthy. Great!

18. Water park

All children love water attractions, so a birthday in a water park is a real holiday. The program with animators, as a rule, does not take much time (15-30 minutes), and is paid separately from the entrance tickets.

I think that the water park is most suitable for a small group of children and adults. It's better to let everyone be with their mothers, otherwise you'll have to dry it yourself long hair each girlfriend with a hairdryer :-).

You can feed guests only in the “wet” cafe of the water park, but there is something in this too, you’ll agree.

19. Let's go to the kids' club

There is no point in describing just one children's club now, since in every district of the city there are excellent establishments equipped for holidays. The clubs have full-time animators, so collect reviews from mommies from neighboring yards to know who exactly to choose.

Additionally, you can order a show of giant soap bubbles (always very impressive), chemical experiments or a magician.

The kids club provides a lot of advantages:

  • large room
  • Holiday decorations will cost less
  • there is a wardrobe
  • comfortable seats “in the auditorium” for parents
  • sound and lighting equipment
  • often there is a “dry pool”, soft construction toys, children’s tents and trampolines
  • Cleaning up after the holiday is not your concern

Minus: as a treat you can only offer your own sandwiches with juice or sweet table. It is impossible to organize a full-fledged festive dinner in such a club.

A child’s birthday is in itself a significant event for parents, a real holiday. At the same time, most parents want to organize a birthday celebration for the child and guests in such a way that this day becomes truly fun, bright and memorable for a long time.

It is difficult to surprise a modern person with anything. Despite the extremely wide development of the entertainment industry, it is becoming more and more difficult to come up with something original. And yet, everyone who takes upon themselves the organization of such an important holiday as a birthday tries to come up with some unusual way of holding it and leaving an indelible impression of the celebration on the child and guests.

There is no point in listing the standard ways to celebrate a child’s birthday - they are already known to everyone. Therefore, we set ourselves the task of coming up with something original and non-standard.

Own set of karabas-drums, pinocchio and malvin

1) Own theater.

Once upon a time, wealthy people had their own theaters, or those created under their patronage and widespread sponsorship. In such theaters, plays were staged not only by various classics of drama, but also by the own works of wealthy patrons. Sometimes they even took part in the production as actors.

Nowadays it is not at all necessary to have your own theater. You can negotiate with the administration of one of the local theaters about staging a children's play. The organizers usually offer a script, but you can use your own. As for the actors, you can invite several professional ones, and distribute the remaining roles between parents and guests. Of course, the simplest roles are selected for children.

Children will undoubtedly enjoy participating in a real theatrical performance, which can be filmed and kept as a souvenir.

Through the thorns to the stars…

2) Space adventures.

Space has always been and will remain a mystery to humanity. Moreover, such a mystery that always attracts attention and makes you think about the secrets of the universe. Just one look at the starry night sky has a mesmerizing effect on any person, and even more so on a child.

What could be more interesting for a children's party than immersing yourself in the mysterious world of space? One of the options festive events- a trip to the planetarium. Here children will be able to listen to fascinating lectures about space objects, watch unique photographs and videos, and also get acquainted with models of planetary and stellar systems.

Another option is a trip to the cosmonautics museum. Seeing what a meteorite, a rocket fragment, or an astronaut's space suit looks like up close is not an adventure for a child?

Finally, the most exciting activity is observing space objects through a telescope. If you have your own, you can use it. Otherwise, a trip to the observatory would be appropriate. It should be taken into account that most of the astronomical observations are made in the evening, but you can take the kids on an excursion during the day - at this time observations of the Sun and some other interesting objects are available.

Tasty dinner! Juicy lunch! Fresh mammoth pate!

3) Learning to cook.

Almost any parent has had the opportunity to repeatedly observe how children play cooks or cooks: “baking” cupcakes from sand, “cooking soup”, setting the table and seating dolls at it, etc.

This suggests that children have a significant interest in culinary creativity. This means that the opportunity to try your hand at preparing real dishes will be an unusual and very interesting gift for a child.

Arranging for a master class for a group of children is not a big problem: such events are regularly held in almost any city.

Children will have the opportunity to work with real products under the supervision of professionals - pour hot chocolate into molds, create an exclusive gummy candy, cake, or something else.

Children can try pies, candies, salads or any other dishes prepared with their own hands during the master class or take them with them as souvenirs.

The ball will take place in any weather

4) Ballroom events.

In the 17th-19th centuries, especially solemn gatherings of the noble public for the purpose of a pleasant pastime (primarily for group dances) became widespread among royal families, nobles and courtiers.

The idea of ​​holding a children's birthday party in the form of a ball can be a pleasant surprise for many. Necessary conditions is preliminary preparation: guests must prepare ball gowns and costumes in advance (wigs can also be used), and, of course, requirements for the room are set - it must be spacious enough, with good lighting and always with high-quality musical accompaniment (ideally, a live orchestra) .

The ball manager can be one of the parents or a guest actor. The ballroom theme opens up wide scope for competitions (primarily dance competitions) and will provide the opportunity to organize a great photo shoot.

As for traditional birthday treats, festive tables should be set as luxuriously as possible and have a design that matches the theme: beautiful wine glasses, candles, lace napkins, flowers, etc.

Thirty three cows

5) Agrotourism excursions.

City life is very disconnected from nature. Many city dwellers have already completely forgotten what it means to live in the countryside, in the immediate environment of wildlife. As for children, they are often completely deprived of the opportunity, even in theory, to get acquainted with the natural and environmentally friendly environment.

Therefore, agritourism has recently become increasingly popular - excursions to livestock farms, villages or equestrian centers.

Ride a horse, feed chickens or rabbits with your own hands, watch how a cow is milked, collect hay, prepare firewood, pick an apple from a tree or pick strawberries straight from the garden - a unique pleasure for a child. What can we say about an excursion, for example, to an ostrich farm? This is a very interesting and unusual way to spend a child's birthday. Guests will also not remain indifferent to such an excursion.

Holiday on the go - road adventures

6) Ride in a limousine.

A limousine is a luxurious car of enormous size that can accommodate up to three dozen passengers. Limousines are used mainly to transport show business stars, various VIPs and wedding processions, but no one forbids renting such a car to celebrate a child’s birthday.

A group of children, accompanied by an animator, can ride around the city for several hours (or the whole day), visiting cafes, parks, exhibitions and other interesting places along the way. You can start the journey with the birthday boy picking up each guest in a limousine, collecting everyone, and at the end of the festive program taking them home.

The advantages of a limousine include high mobility and the ability to adjust the route at any time. In addition, you can have a snack, drink a cold drink or eat a birthday cake right in the car.

Captain, captain - smile!

7) Sea voyage.

Children love stories about pirates and sailors. But it’s one thing to watch a movie or wave a plastic saber and a pirate flag, and it’s completely different for a child to step on board a real ship, much less take a sea cruise.

Celebrating a birthday on a ship can be a wonderful and unexpected gift for children.

It could be a sea boat or a steamship. If there is enough space on the deck of the ship, you can arrange dances there and set the festive table.

If you're lucky and the captain allows it, the kids will even be able to hold onto a real steering wheel!

The only disadvantage of celebrating a birthday on the water is seasickness - children can get seasick. If there are concerns that this could happen, there is an alternative option: floating restaurants. Such a restaurant-ship can moor near the shore and allow visitors to safely celebrate a birthday on board.

A hot air balloon flies by - it promises us a fun holiday!

8) Balloon flight.

Learning to fly is a long-standing dream of mankind. Who has never dreamed of looking at the earth from a bird's eye view? It is unlikely that there will be such people. Feeling like an aeronaut, breathing in the invigorating air along with birds flying nearby is a very attractive way to spend a children's birthday. Maybe a little extreme, but that makes it even more breathtaking!

There are quite a number of organizations providing balloon flight services. These organizations have licenses to carry out such activities and guarantee compliance with all safety rules.

As for age, children are usually allowed to fly from the age of 5-6 years. As an additional bonus, the birthday boy will receive holiday decoration balloon or basket with colorful balloons.

The only condition is that the weather conditions under which the flight is possible must be met (not very high wind speed and lack of precipitation. The flight itself is best carried out in the morning or late afternoon.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner for tourists

9) A trip to nature.

For an adult, going on a picnic or to the beach is a pleasant option for active recreation, but not something supernatural. It's a different matter for a child who has never been in such conditions. Exploring the world around us, new impressions, broadening one’s horizons is essential elements life activities for children. Celebrate a child's birthday in unusual conditions outdoors is a very successful way to combine business with pleasure, and at the same time please adults.

There can be many specific options here, depending on the geographical location and time of year: a trip to the beach, a picnic in the forest, a trip to pick mushrooms or berries, fishing followed by cooking delicious fish soup, a mountain excursion (this may also include riding on a cable car), a trip to a camp site with skiing, sledding, skateboarding, etc.

It is especially pleasant to sit down at a table in nature - thanks to the fresh air and high physical activity, the appetite of the celebrants exceeds all possible forecasts: even the most capricious and very picky children in gastronomic terms gobble up the most simple dishes.

Unscheduled planning of holiday events

10) Unusual holiday according to the script.

Celebrating a child's birthday according to a certain scenario is not the most original idea, but the beauty of this approach is that the scenario can be anything. Usually the scenarios are quite standard: a party with clowns, pirate adventures, a fairy festival, a meeting with superheroes from cartoons and movies, elves and dwarves, and so on.

To come up with an exclusive scenario, you must first use information about the preferences of the birthday person. For example, what fairy-tale characters would he be most interested in meeting? Which topic arouses the most curiosity? In what environment would you like to spend your birthday?

Taking into account all the nuances, parents can strain their creative potential and come up with a script yourself. In the end, if it doesn’t work out, you can always turn to professional scriptwriters and directors who organize children’s parties for help.

If desired, even knowing 1000 original ways to hold a child's birthday, you can always come up with the 1001st! The main thing is the desire to come up with a unique holiday, optimism, non-standard thinking and creativity. If anyone is most interested in creating an exciting holiday for a child, it is his own parents.

A child’s birthday, although it happens every year at the same time, always creeps up too quickly and unexpectedly, dragging behind it a heap of organizational questions that, as always, there is neither the strength nor the time to answer. Where to celebrate, who to invite, how to take into account the allergies of all the invited children, how not to run into a half-educated fairy and - the most painful thing - how not to forget to order a cake with Winx, Smurfs, Princess Celestia, transformers and not confuse one with the other?

The Village and Working Mama jointly selected 29 proven places in the city where you would not be ashamed to invite guests.


Darwin Museum

Vavilova, 57

Age: from 6 to 12 years

Price: for a group of up to 20–35 people, with no more than 16 children, - 10,300–12,500 rubles on weekdays, 10,900–12,500 rubles on weekends; there is a discount in summer

The Darwin Museum Birthday Party features an interactive tour and tea party where you can bring your own cake and treats. You can choose from excursions on different topics: about animals from different continents, about birds, about dinosaurs, about insects or about zoogeography. You need to pay for the children's party at the museum, where you can also buy cute invitation cards for guests.

Experimentanium Museum

Butyrskaya, 46/2

Age: from 4 to 15 years

Price: 12,000 rubles (up to 15 children) or 18,000 rubles (16–20 children)

Additionally: any science show
from the museum's repertoire - 12,000–14,500 rubles

“Esperimentanium” offers several holiday scenarios for different ages to choose from: “Wizard Experimentanius” (4–6 years), “Spontaneous Holiday” (6–9 years), “Academy of Scientific Magic” (7–11 years), “In Wonderland" (up to 11 years old), "Secrets of Manuscripts" (7-11 years old), "Flight School" (from 9 years old), "Mozgokluy" (from 13 years old). These are interactive games with riddles about museum exhibits and tasks for them. In the museum cafe you can order a festive banquet, and you are allowed to bring a birthday cake with you (bringing your own drinks into the cafe is prohibited). During the activities, children can be accompanied free of charge by two adults; others will need a ticket. All birthday people in the “Esperimentanium” are congratulated on the museum radio.

Moscow Planetarium

Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, building 1

Age: from 6 to 14 years

Price: by agreement; birthday for 10 children and 5 adults without festive table will cost 28,100 rubles

For birthday boys, the Planetarium has excursion programs with competitions: “Save the Planet of Knowledge” (6–9 years old), “Expedition to Distant Planets,” “Star Team” (8–11 years old), “Intergalactic Intelligence” (9–12 years old) , as well as a young cosmonaut course. The program includes a session in the Great Star Hall (30–50 minutes) or 4D cinema (15 minutes). All participants will receive memorable prizes and souvenirs. You can additionally order face painting and a photographer. Unfortunately, the Telescope cafe is temporarily closed, so you'll have to continue the fun somewhere else. The cost of the holiday is calculated depending on the program, the number of participants and additional services. For example, a birthday for 10 children and 5 adults without a festive table will cost 28,100 rubles. All programs are designed for groups of up to 12 children.

The museum says that the age of the guests does not matter, but the holiday programs will be more interesting for those over five. There are two holiday options to choose from: economical (13 thousand rubles) for 15 participants and more expensive (16–20 thousand rubles). Children will go through the museum on a guided tour, make their own cartoon and watch it on the big screen. The birthday boy will receive a museum diploma and a DVD with his cartoon as a gift, and all participants will receive a disk with a program for creating cartoons as a souvenir. The more expensive program includes, among other things, congratulations to Grandfather Cartoon, the ceremonial removal of the cake, a fun children's disco and tea party. Up to 10 adults can accompany the birthday boy and his guests free of charge.

There are no special programs for children's birthdays in the museum, but you can rent the entire premises after hours (on weekdays until 13:00 and on weekends until 11:00) or have a picnic on the museum balcony. In the first case, the museum will be entirely at the disposal of the birthday boy and his guests, who will be able to play the slot machines as much as they like. The second option is to sit on a balcony for 10 people. The birthday boy and his friends will each receive 15 tokens for playing in the slot machines. During the holiday, an employee will be present at the museum who can talk about the exhibits or help. Parents can bring all the treats with them; in the museum you can order tea, coffee, milkshakes or drink soda from a Soviet machine.

In company fairy tale characters children will complete tasks and pass tests, lie on the stove, try on heroic armor, taste rejuvenating apples and find a guiding star. The program lasts one and a half hours, after which the holiday can be continued in the courtyard with the parents. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and he will be able to take pictures with the fairy-tale characters as a souvenir. Parents bring treats for the holiday table.

In the magical land of Pinocchio, children will complete tasks and pass tests, and then find the Golden Key, open the door behind the painted fireplace and enter the magical Molniya theater, where a festive congratulation concert with games, competitions and dances will take place. The program lasts an hour and a half, after which you can drink tea at the Tavern of the Three Minnows. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and he will be able to take a photo with the fairy-tale characters as a souvenir. Parents bring treats for the festive table, and half an hour is allotted for the feast.

Animators will conduct a master class on costume design or a game quest in the museum halls. If the weather is good, the quest will take place outside while the parents, for example, are setting the table. You can bring all the treats with you; museum staff can decorate the hall with balloons and decorations. At the branch of the Museum of Moscow - at the Museum of Estate Culture - in the minister's wing, the "Angel Day" program is held for children from seven years old. This is an interactive excursion, a festive tea party and a musical program with ancient music and dances. The cost of the program is 13 thousand rubles, up to 15 guests. You can also celebrate your birthday at the Horse Yard. There will be a tour of the World of Childhood exhibition, historical games in the children's room, an introduction to horses, outdoor games and entertaining quizzes. Additionally, you can order a ride in the museum carriage (100 rubles for children, 150 rubles for adults). The cost of the program is 13 thousand rubles.


Andropov Avenue, 39

Age: from 6 years

Price: 9,300 rubles and the cost of entrance tickets; interactive tour
“The male half of the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich” (3,000 rubles) or
“The female half of the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich” (1,500 rubles)

In Kolomenskoye there are several holiday excursion programs - for example, “Family Circle” - a walk through the territory of the Sovereign’s courtyard and the House of Peter I; along the way, children learn songs and dances, try on royal outfits. Guests are treated to tea and pancakes with jam. A festive feast can be arranged in one of the cafes and restaurants located on the territory of Kolomenskoye.

The museum offers three game programs for birthday children: “Flight to the Moon” (4–8 years); “Happy birthday, young cosmonaut!” (from 7 years old); “Meet Planet Earth!” (from 7 years old). Guests can visit different rooms: learn how to make tea in zero gravity or find out what astronauts eat. Children will enjoy a colorful tour of the museum and a banquet in the company of a cheerful animator. Parents take care of food and drinks.

“Birthdays at the Museum” have just been launched at Tsaritsyn. “In Search of the Sixth Sense” is a quest through the territory of the Grand Palace, where you need to help another fairy-tale character free himself from a curse. During this adventure, you will be introduced to the theater and have a photo shoot in historical costumes. Another program - “Secrets of the Rainforest” - takes place in the jungle of Tsaritsyn’s greenhouses. You can hold a festive banquet in the cafe of the Grand Palace or the Orangery complex by renting tables. You can bring your own food and drinks (you cannot bring alcohol). If you don’t have the strength to cook yourself, you can order from catering companies that work in the museum.

Cafes and restaurants

Cafe "Sea Inside"

Sand Alley, 7

Age: from 3 years

Price: animators - from 2,000 rubles, entertainment according to the scenario - from 15,000 rubles, banquet - children under 8 years old - order from the menu, children over 8 years old - deposit 1,000 rubles per person

For the birthday boy, the animators of “The Sea Inside” arrange a quest adventure. You can spend the holiday in an animation studio or in a creative laboratory. The children's hall "The Sea Inside" can accommodate up to 40 children, but for more large-scale holiday They may allocate another room. You can bring your own cake for your birthday, provided that a deposit of 2,800 rubles is made for each adult, and a thousand rubles for a child over 8 years old.

Chain of cafes "Khachapuri"

Krivokolenny Lane, 10/5, Ukrainsky Boulevard, 7, Bolshoi Gnezdikovsky Lane, 10

Age: from 4 to 14 years

Price: animator services - 8,000 rubles for 2 hours, script development and props - 8,000 rubles, participation of Tolik the ram - 8,000 rubles

Each holiday is invented separately; there are no standard programs at Khachapuri. Here you can have a small family feast at a separate table or rent a separate room or an entire restaurant. The holiday program can include educational or applied master classes, outdoor or board games, contests, competitions, or even a large-scale street quest on the street. You can bring your own cake for your birthday. The cafe says that if the holiday is held in the common room, guests are not allowed to invite animators dressed as fairy-tale characters or superheroes, because this violates the concept of the establishment.

Family restaurants "Ribambel"

Botanichesky lane, 5, Kutuzovsky pr., 48

Age: from 1 year

Price: from 6,500 rubles per hour for 5–6 children, a deposit of 1,000 rubles per person is paid separately

"Rimambel" is both a family club and a restaurant, which has more than a hundred holiday scenarios: from the mystical “Spies” to the “Kingdom of Princesses”. Each program can be expanded creative master classes, a show of soap bubbles, alchemical tricks or the performance of robots or trained animals. There is a pool with balls, a magical river, and children's houses. You can only invite a photographer or cameraman; everything else will be organized by the club staff.

Family cafe "Lilac"

Pesochnaya Alley, 1, Sokolniki Park

Age: 0+

Price: from 50,000 rubles per 20 adults and 10 children, soap bubble show - 10,000 rubles, musical performance - 15,000 rubles.

The family cafe "Lilac" is designed for family holidays. There is a children's room, attractions, toys, and tables for handicrafts. The birthday program could be a children's play, a concert, or, for example, a science show. You can choose from culinary master classes (for example, gingerbread painting), soap making lessons, T-shirt painting, jewelry making, feather crafts, or salt dough, beading, pottery, origami or macrame. They suggest inviting a living statue or caricature artist, magicians, animal trainers, a children's DJ or mimes to the holiday. The cafe has a pastry shop where you can order a birthday cake of any complexity.

Culinary bureau Kitchen

Academician Anokhin, 13, Udaltsova, 15, Architect Vlasov, 18, Rodionovskaya, 12,

Age: from 2 to 16 years

Price: hall rental - 3,500–5,000 rubles per hour, culinary master class - from 8,000 rubles, children's animation - from 3,500 rubles per hour, banquet - from 1,500 rubles per person for adults and from 600 rubles per person for children

Any cafe in the Kitchen chain has halls for family celebrations, children's rooms and areas with play mats, slides, a climbing wall, toys and coloring books. The Kitchen offers culinary master classes on making candies, building canapé sandwiches, making pizza, or learning table etiquette and rules. good manners. You can also order a soap bubble show or scientific experiments, play mafia or watch an interactive performance. You can invite the Winx fairies or Spider-Man to your birthday party. You can't bring your own cake, but the Kitchen says they will make a cake with any filling themselves.

There are several programs to choose from including theatrical performances, musical concerts and creative master classes. You can invite a children's DJ, decorate the hall with balloons or flowers, and print personal invitations for guests. Treats for guests must be ordered at the restaurant - the Bocconcino pastry chef will prepare a birthday cake.

This is a place for children who cannot imagine a holiday without large quantities chocolate. There will be lectures about chocolate, chocolate tasting, chocolate painting lessons or master classes on making sweets. Guests are offered to bake a birthday cake themselves.

Family cafes "Anderson"

Bratislavskaya, 6, Gilyarovsky, 39, Leningradsky Ave., 74/8, Ostrovityanova, 5, M. Gruzinskaya, 15/1

Age: from 1 year to 14 years

Price: program - from 7,500 rubles, rent of a banquet hall - from 1,500 rubles per hour

Anderson is an empire of children's restaurants that literally ate the dog at birthdays. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage: often all restaurants will already be booked for the date you need. The festive program includes puppet shows, pillow fights, cake throwing, and everything else. For example, you can order “Puppet Show Anderson” - an interactive performance in the style of “Sesame Street”. Since Anderson has its own bakery, which specializes in children's cakes, they are not allowed to bring their own cake. For a birthday party, you must book the room and time in advance; a prepayment of at least 30% is required. The holiday can be held in any cafe of the chain, except for the cafe on the Academician Tupolev embankment and on Strastnoy Boulevard.

Other places

Actors and animators, as well as Hamley the bear, offer several holiday programs: “Pirate Party”, “Princess Ball”, “Transformers Battle” or “Soap Bubble Show”. This is a real holiday for shopaholics or for fans of the film “The Little Shop of Wonders” - to spend a holiday among a million toys.

The youngest (3–7 years old) are invited to “ Magic world fairy tales", the program of which includes an introduction to the heroes of Russian fairy tales in their natural habitat in the petting zoo. For older children (6–13) there are several other programs: “Your birthday at the zoo” with a performance, excursion and animation, “Aibolit Surprise” and “A round the world trip for wild animals” (quest). The birthday boy is presented with a birthday cake in the banquet hall.

The climbing wall has its own birthday party scenario, called “No Clowns”: they don’t call on animators, but offer to organize competitions for the birthday boy and his friends. You can choose a shortened version (relay race, climbing wall, horse fight, game of saboteurs or coliseum). For older children, they offer jumping and biathlon.

Rope towns "PandaPark"

Neskuchny Garden, Izmailovsky Park, Sokolniki, Lianozovo, Tsaritsyno, Fili Park

Age: from 4 years

Price: from 20,000 to 22,000 rubles (for a group of up to 8–15 people)

IN rope town You can spend your birthday according to several scenarios: “Visiting Panda”, “Holiday of real Indians” and “On board a pirate ship”. This sport games, competitions for dexterity, speed and intelligence. It is recommended to book a holiday no later than three days before the event, which can be held at any PandaPark in the city.

Equestrian club "Izmailovo"

Entuziastov sh., 31v

Age: from 4 years

Price: depends on the program, rent of a cafe or banquet hall - 200 rubles per hour, menu - from 500 rubles per person

During the birthday celebration, the horses are decorated with ribbons, and the celebration is hosted by specially invited presenters. On the territory of the club there is a cafe, a banquet hall for 70 people and a forest clearing for a picnic in the warm season. If you wish, you can order a chocolate fountain for the holiday.

In “Kva-kva Park” both those who know how to swim and those who are just learning can celebrate a children’s holiday. During the program “The Secret of the Seven Seas” (3,800 rubles), the child and his friends will be initiated into seafaring and treated to a birthday cake, however, you must pay for entrance tickets separately. For the holiday, you can order photo or video shooting and set the festive table.

During the holiday, an experienced instructor (among the workers are former Cirque du Soleil performers) will conduct a master class, a fun relay race and teach you how to jump correctly. The trampoline arena also has private rooms where you can eat cake and blow out candles.

The “Beauty Birthday” program includes festive hair styling, light makeup, manicure and a master class on creating jewelry for the birthday girl and her friends. You can bring your own food and cake.

"Innopark" in Sokolniki is a natural science museum where you can launch giant bubble, make friends with a robot, look at the stars in a mini-planetarium, collect 3D puzzles. The science park has several holiday programs for of different ages: “The Mysteries of Greenbeard” (for children 8–13 years old), “A Space Odyssey” (10–13 years old), “Message from Space” (for children from 5 to 10 years old). Additionally, you can rent a children's room, hold a competition, a master class, or invite a photographer. There are discounts on weekdays.

“Main Victoria’s House” is a project by Victoria Novikova, curator of the “Cardboard” art project, which helps children create cities and worlds from cardboard. Their master classes can be ordered at home or in kindergarten, or you can come to their shadow show and take part in an animation master class. For children's parties, you can rent a half-meter chocolate fountain, as well as order homemade sweets for the table.

In it, as the name suggests, we will collect all sorts of different “tops” that can be useful to every parent. Virtually no connection with blogging, but many useful and interesting ideas for moms and dads, accompanied by colorful photographs. The column will be published once every two weeks, on Thursdays. In honor of the opening - a festive issue: unusual ideas for a children's party.

1 - Superhero Party. Comics and vintage pop art

Does the child have a passion for cartoon characters and not for the cat Leopold or for Gena and Cheburashka? You have an idea of ​​what the perfect holiday should be for your kids, but it usually doesn't match up with what they really want! Here's an example of how to creatively create a superhero image without using commercial symbols.

2 – Birthday party on board the plane

Parents prepared an unusual gift to celebrate their son’s 4th birthday. They rented a historic plane from a local airfield and came up with creative activities for guests to do. Dad was even dressed as "Captain"!

3 - Alice in the Camp of Wonders

Perhaps one of the best stories for theme party. Invite the kids to a crazy tea party, and include little treasure chest keys in the invitations so that at the end of the party, the kids can choose a prize to take home with them. And be sure to include cookies with the inscription “eat me” among the treats.

4 – Lots of balls and outdoor cinema

More ideas for a children's party: which

5 — Magazine dedicated to children's parties

Here you will find original recipes for desserts and decorations and other ideas for a children's party. How do you like this boudoir for a little lady?

6 — Summer is coming, how about a water party?

I'm sure you won't sit on the sidelines either)))

7 - Art - party

8 – For animal lovers

All children love air balloons. And if you glue ears, eyes and whiskers to the ball, you get a cat. Add the same elements to cups and plates and you’ll get a design in the same style.

Every animator has favorite win-win competitions in their collection that are successfully performed at any children's party, and at the same time they want to show a wide variety of thematic scenarios in their portfolio.

What to do?

The solution, in my opinion, should be this: games and entertainment should be selected taking into account the age of the children and the number of participants in the holiday. And after that, you can “dress up” the finished program, slightly adapting it to the theme chosen by the customer.

Princesses, participating in the relay race, will run with peas, pirates will put gold coins in a chest. The meaning is the same - two teams of children compete. I'm right?

What makes a children's party THEMED?

  • portable decorations and backgrounds
  • paper and inflatable indoor decorations
  • presenter costumes
  • holiday accessories for children
  • props for competitions
  • musical accompaniment
  • face painting
  • prizes for competitions corresponding to the chosen topic
  • table decoration (not only dishes and napkins, but also the dishes themselves can be decorated “pirate-style”)

Now let's go over the most common themes for a children's party. I promise to describe my vision of each option in the future...

...and now everything is very short!

We keep our ready-made program in mind and mentally adapt it to each topic:

We are clowns (you can call the program “Circus”)

This is the most common option. Just balls, just fun. Ideal for when you need to entertain children with an age difference of up to 10 years. We take games and entertainment from my large selection: . Readers especially love it.

We will support the circus theme with a description of standard competitions and relay races: we walk on a tightrope (a rope on the floor), trained dogs perform funny commands, we juggle balloons, learning to perform tricks.

Any animator has a clown outfit, and for children we select noses, paper caps, ears, bow ties, and masks. Face painting is appropriate.

Fairy tales and cartoons

There are so many options that it is completely pointless to list them. You can appear as Shrek and Fiona, Masha and the Bear, Pinocchio and Malvina, Barbariki, Fixiki and so on.

If you still can’t decide, we’ll make a fabulous mix. An animator can simply be a storyteller or a wizard.

We use the same relay races and competitions, we just change the verbal description: we save princesses, put cones in baskets, make jam, look for a golden key. Well it is clear.

Props for competitions: an old mysterious book with fairy tales, a magic wand, confetti.

Pirate party (or just a nautical themed birthday)

A very popular theme for a children's party, as it is easy to decorate the room and find costumes and props. .

It would be nice to have several bandanas with skulls, vests (in any maritime city you can buy thin children's sleeveless ones), toy pistols and pirate knives. A treasure chest wouldn't hurt.

We remake our favorite competitions: sink ships, put one coin in a chest, arrange battles with long sausage balls, catch fish and distribute black marks.

Around the world

On a hot day in nature, we entertain the Papuans or have a Hawaiian party. I don’t think there will be any problems with the costumes; they’re all made of corrugated paper.

I relate travel to the past to the same topic. Cowboys and Indians, Robin Hood, Romans and Egyptians, primitive people.

In the description of the competitions we include the corresponding terms: wigwams and arrows, sarcophagi with mummies, mammoths with dinosaurs.

Princesses and fairies

This is, of course, more for girls. Very beautiful theme, little beauties wear it with pleasure New Year's dresses on any day of the year, they decorate their heads with tiaras. .

Decorating a room and table will not cause any difficulties, as stores offer a huge selection of ready-made decorations. By the way, .

The princesses take turns sleeping on a pea, trying on glass slippers, learning to dance at a ball and receiving prizes for “Best Sleeping Beauty.”

Quest “Mysterious Island”, “Mysterious Castle” or “Night at the Museum”

It’s difficult to get by with standard competitions here; such themes for children’s parties are intended for children 9-12 years old and require thorough preparation.

The main idea is to search for treasure, accompanied by solving charades and puzzles, keys to riddles. It would be nice to communicate with ghosts and visionary elders :-).

Aliens, space

For this theme it is easy to choose accessories (huge ears, wigs) and face painting. The main thing is that no one knows exactly what guests from other planets look like.

To the description of the competitions we will add the names of planets, flying saucers and unusual space food.

The animator can be a humanoid or a space robot. Here .

Science and professions

Nowadays chemical experiments by a crazy professor are popular. This is a show program with audience participation.

If we are talking about ordinary game program, you can devote a holiday to one or more professions. Let doctors, firefighters, astronauts, cooks and hairdressers compete in relay races.

A movie is being made!

We go through all the stages with the children - from writing a script, assigning roles, makeup and rehearsals to filming a movie and presenting an Oscar.