Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten “Varenka”

IN senior group"Lukomore".


Sharenko V. A.

Abakan 2015

Children enter the hall to the music. (Imitating the movements of a steam locomotive.)


Hello adults!

Hello children!

We are very glad to see you today!

A variety of people are in a hurry to learn.

The Day of Knowledge is coming across our Motherland.

Red day on the calendar!

Festival of Knowledge in September.

This holiday is the most important of all,

This is a holiday for all children.

This day is everywhere for us

The whole country celebrates.

This day is the best

Good calendar day!

Leading: We congratulate you all on the holiday and want you all to like it and remember it. This day opens the school year. Let it be exciting, interesting for you and bring you new knowledge, discoveries and new friends.

To the music, Toffee flies into the hall.


I was flying on balloons

She looked in all directions.

I see the city below me,

Yes, green, he is!

There are gardens all around, flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

And the houses are big,

Like ships of the sea.

What is the name of this city?

Tell me in confidence.

Leading: Iriska, you have arrived in the village of Vereya. And I ended up in the Cheburashka kindergarten.

Moms, dads, kids

They go to kindergarten in the morning.

"Cheburashka" is waiting for them all -

Loves, undead, protects.

Toffee : To the garden? Where are the flowers?

Leading: Yes, here they are, Toffee!

In our garden, flowers are our children.

The most fun on this planet.

They play, dance, sing here

And they live as a friendly, cheerful family.

Song about friendship

Leading: Butterscotch, today we have a holiday in the garden - the day of knowledge. A new academic year begins.

Toffee: Academic year?! Day of Knowledge?! How did you know that today is this day?

Leading: And our children will tell you this now.

1 child For one simple reason

We will recognize this day.
For children going to school
Cities and villages.

2 reb. And let there be many glorious ones
Different days in the calendar,
But one of the very first
The very first one is in September.

3 reb. A ray of sunshine is knocking on the window,
Wake up adults and children.
Wake up, get up,
Get ready for kindergarten.

4 children The wind sings songs,
And with a ringing breeze
We are on a cheerful street,
Let's go to kindergarten happily.

5 reb. And in our garden today
Glorious holiday.
Everyone rushes to congratulate the guys -

Together : Happy Knowledge Day, kindergarten!

Dance: This is how we always dance

Toffee : Do your children like to play?

Children . Yes!

Toffee. Then I suggest you play an interesting game.

If you agree with what I say, then answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” If you don’t agree with me, then remain silent.

The kindergarten came to life today

After summer holidays.

The world of knowledge, children, is very complex.

Who is ready to go there? (answer).

Who will study letters?

Reading slowly?

Will not pester mom:

“Well, read at least a little bit” (answer).

Who is the designer, friends,

Can you master it without difficulty?

"Jeep" and "Volvo" will assemble,

Will you take dad to kindergarten? (answer)

Who will sing and dance,

So that later the rating is “5”

Receive in lessons? (answer)

Who loves to sleep in the morning

And miss exercises?

Who is capricious and lazy

Come on, answer quickly! (answer)

Toffee . Well done guys, no one made a mistake! But it is true that they say that the most cheerful people on the planet are children.

Leading: And now our children will tell you how they live in the garden.

1 child .

Many, many days in a row

Summer and winter.

We come to kindergarten

To my native kindergarten.

2 child.

We wake up early

You can't be late.

They're waiting for us in the garden

Toys and friends.

3 child .

Here we are taught to dress,

Brush your teeth, wash your face.

AND tie shoelaces,

And tell poems.

4 child .

There are braggarts among us,

Crybabies, fighters, cowards.

But we always forgive each other.

And we don’t upset you with reproaches.

5 child.

Children live in kindergarten

They play and sing here.

This is where you find friends

They go for walks with them.

6 child.

They argue and dream together,

They grow up imperceptibly.

Kindergarten is our second home

How warm and cozy it is.

Leading: And now we will sing a song, and you will find out what song we will sing by the riddle.


Joy has a friend in the form of a semicircle.

She lives on her face

It will suddenly go somewhere.

It will suddenly return

Sadness and melancholy are afraid of her.

Children Smile!

Children sing the song “Smile”

Toffee: How great you are! Can I come to you and learn everything?

Leading: Of course, come, Toffee.

How about we teach you how to play a very interesting game?

Game: “How are you living?”

How are you? - Like this!

How are you going? - Like this!

How are you swimming? - Like this!

How are you running? - Like this!

How are you being naughty? - Like this!

How sad are you? - Like this!

How are you threatening? - Like this! (repeat 3 times, increasing the tempo)

Toffee: Which fun game!

Toffee: But I really love to dance. Let's dance together, guys.

Children perform the dance "Dance of the Ducklings" (by show)

Leading: Well, Iriska, did you like it with us?

Toffee : Very!

Leading: Then stay with us at kindergarten.

Toffee : Oh, with great pleasure!

Surprise moment.

I really liked your guys! Can I give them a treat?

Leading: Yes, of course, Toffee!

Toffee : But, I’ll just have to fly to the next cloud, I left a treat there.

(Tries to take off, but one by one, two balloons burst)

What to do? I can't make it on just one balloon!

I remembered I have a magic toffee (takes candy out of his pocket).

- Now we will tie her to a ball and she will fly to the cloud and bring us a treat!

I'll tell you magic words:

You, iris, take off,

Send your request to the sky!

Go back to kindergarten

With a treat for the guys!

Oh! Doesn't take off!

A! I forgot to say the magic word!

Tell me guys, what is the magic word to say when you ask for something?

That's right - please!

Let's all say it together.

Let's repeat it all together -PLEASE!

Balloon (inflated with helium) - release it out the open window!

A few seconds later, accompanied by magical music, balloons with a huge fake candy containing treats fly into the hall.

Toffee treats the guys. And together with the guys he leaves the hall.

Baba Yaga . Hello boys and girls! I really love you all very much! Don't believe me? I love it when they cry, act up, scream, and stomp their feet.

Leading . What are you talking about, Baba Yaga! We have a holiday today, day of knowledge!

Baba Yaga . Oh, I also know and can do a lot, I can teach the kids: I know how to fight, bite, pinch.(Bends his fingers.) I know how to deceive and scare.

Leading . No no no! Baba Yaga, we don’t need such knowledge. You're completely confused. Now listen to me and the guys.

Baba Yaga . Oh, the trouble, I'm completely gone modern life lagged behind. Now the smartest, the most cunning, the most literate kids will teach me.

Leading . The kindergarten came to life today

After summer holidays.

The world of knowledge, children, is very complex,

Who is ready to go there?

Children . This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Baba Yaga (constantly comments).

Leading . Who will study letters?

By reading a little?

Will not pester mom:

“Well, read at least a little bit!”

Children . This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Leading . Who is the designer, friends,

Can you master it without difficulty?

"Jeep" or "Volvo" will assemble,

Will you give dad a ride to kindergarten?


Leading . Who will sing and dance,

So that later the rating is “five”

Receive in lessons?

Children . This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Leading . Who teaches a poem,

And the multiplication table?

Who loves work, kids?

Answer, it's time for you!

Children . This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Leading . Who likes to sleep in the morning,

And miss exercises?

(Baba Yaga snores.)

Who is capricious and lazy?

Come on, answer quickly!

Baba Yaga . This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Leading . Who doesn't know the alphabet,

Is he being naughty in class?

Who, of course, without a doubt,

Doesn't know how to add?

Baba Yaga . This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

The children laugh together, Baba Yaga cries.

Leading . Baba Yaga, don’t cry, you’re already so careless!

Baba Yaga (cries even louder). Take me to your holiday of knowledge, teach me to read, write, I will roughly prepare for school.

Leading . Well, okay, Baba Yaga, stay with us.

Who, friends, is not for the sake of boredom

Bails a friend out

He will help you learn,

Don't be lazy, but work hard!

Children . This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Leading . Who came to the Day of Knowledge,

Who found the way to us?

Who wants to know a lot

Who wants to study with an A+?

Children and Baba Yaga . This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

“Song of Friendship” (music by M. Partskhaladze, lyrics by M. Lapisova).

S ongs of friends

Znayka appears to the music.

Znayka . Hello girls and boys! Hello, all adults! Happy Knowledge Day to everyone!

Leading . Thank you! How did you guess that today is our holiday?

Znayka . Yes, I’m Znayka, I know everything in the world! And then, I liked your song.

Leading . Guys, from which book did Znayka come to us?

Znayka . Or maybe you remember who wrote this book?

Znayka . I’m actually very smart and serious, but for your holiday I’ll sing a song(motif from "Jumble") :

Preschool children, pa-pa-pa-ra, pa-pa,

Girls and boys

And also their parents,

Would you like to hear?

Necessary advice

What do you need to study

Necessary advice

To go to school?

Speech by a kindergarten graduate or primary school teacher.

Znayka . And now it's time

Build a pyramid of knowledge, kids.

Baba Yaga . How interesting! And what is it?

Znayka . If you don't interrupt, you'll see everything!

Baba Yaga . But I’m not interfering, what am I doing? I'm nothing!

Znayka . These children now(points to the children)

They will show us the highest class.

They need knowledge

And science is all important.

A recording sounds. Children from one of the groups build a pyramid of knowledge and read a poem.

Children from the pyramid .

To know everything in the world,

We will gain knowledge in kindergarten!

Baba Yaga . Is it true? How interesting! Which ones?

Children (one by one) . Draw, count, write,

Design, dream,

Sing, work, dance,

“A song about a book” (music by S. Sosnin, lyrics by N. Naydenova).

Song about a book

1. This house is in the palm of your hand

Can fit.

It serves as floors

Light pages.

And on every floor

The letters settled:

A, b, c, d, e, f, g.

Repeat them, come on!

Chorus (2 times).

One-two, one-two,

Letters are built into words

And they walk merrily

In a fairy tale or song!

2. Instead of windows and doors

The binding is elegant.

Open it quickly

Joy to all friends.

They'll come to life right away in the book.

Bright drawings.

They will ring and sing

The lines are like strings.

Baba Yaga . It’s a good holiday, I liked it, but something is missing.

Leading . Yes indeed. Guys, have you guessed what hasn’t happened yet today?

Finally the time has come

Let's play, kids!

Baba Yaga. Hooray!

Leading . Yes, Baba Yaga, and today in the games the guys will show us their knowledge. Do you agree?

Children. Yes!

Baba Yaga. Well great!

Conducting games:

1) “Who knows more polite words?”

2) “Who can name more fairy tales?”

3) “Edible-inedible” (distinguish).

4) Sports (movable).

Baba Yaga . Thank you guys, I learned so much at your holiday! Can I still come and visit you?

Goodbye, I’ll go to the forest and tell all the forest inhabitants about your Festival of Knowledge!

Manager or methodologist .

Well, happy Knowledge Day to you guys!

We are very, very glad to see you.

Kindergarten is ready for you.

On the path of knowledge, good luck!

Dear parents! be ready

Help children get ready for school!

A holiday dedicated to the beginning of the school year with the participation of senior and middle groups: “Knowledge Day.”

Fun children's music sounds. Children of middle and senior groups enter the hall and sit on chairs. The celebration can be held outside, on the site.

Presenter: Guys. It is not in vain that we have gathered with you in our beautiful hall, because today is the Day of Knowledge, which is celebrated by all people. It is celebrated on September 1st. Adult children go to school, and kids go to kindergarten to learn a lot and learn a lot. Today you and I will also take part in this wonderful holiday and have fun.

Pinocchio runs into the hall dancing.

Pinocchio: Hello Hello!

Presenter: Hello! Guys, who came to visit us?

Children: Pinocchio

Pinocchio: That's right, guys. I came to you straight from a fairy tale and I’m in a hurry.

Presenter: Where are you going in such a hurry, Pinocchio?

Pinocchio: I’m in a hurry to attend the Festival of Knowledge in kindergarten, because wonderful holiday happens only once a year on September 1st.

Presenter: And you, Pinocchio, just came to kindergarten, and today the entire kindergarten is celebrating the Day of Knowledge.

Pinocchio: What kind of holiday is this?

Presenter: And our guys will now tell you about this holiday themselves.

Children take turns reading poetry.

Curious children

We want to know everything in the world:

Where is the West and where is the East?

Why does a flower bloom?

Where does the sun sleep until the morning?

Where does the heat live in winter?

Why does the rooster crow?

It's raining, why is it raining?

To know everything about everything

We're all going to kindergarten

And then the whole group goes to school,

Where the cheerful bell rings

We will study everywhere

And we won't be lazy

So that our life can be

Interesting, funny

And today is a holiday of knowledge.

Diligence and effort

Let's have fun today.

Starting tomorrow - study!

Pinocchio: This is probably very interesting. Are you learning so much? And show me what you have already learned.

Children stage a funny song “Lesson”, words by Ivensen, music by Popatenko.

Malvina: Pinocchio, where are you? It's time to start studying grammar.

Pinocchio: Oh, there's that annoying girl again, Malvina. (Gridding): Sit up straight. Take the pen to right hand. (Frightened): Hide me, please.

Malvina appears. She is looking for Pinocchio. He, in turn, hides behind the Leader.

Malvina: Oh. Here you are, sir!

Presenter: Hello, Malvina. Pinocchio came to the kindergarten to have fun with these wonderful children at the Festival of Knowledge.

Malvina: I knew that he would laze around here.

Presenter: Why not? (addressing the children) Guys, let's tell Malvina that you don't mess around in kindergarten. What do you do in class?

We are preschool children

We go to kindergarten together

In class we sculpt

And horses and bunnies

We also sing and dance

We learn and draw numbers

Let's experiment and read

And we know a lot of animals.

Learning to save nature

Help mom and dad

In our beloved kindergarten

We will know a lot.

Presenter: And we also sing songs here and in Interesting games Let's play. Do you want to have fun with us?

Malvina: Okay, but from tomorrow - study!

Pinocchio: I agree.

Presenter: That's great. Everyone stand in a circle and we will dance a fun dance “Boogie-Woogie”

Everyone stands in a circle and performs a cheerful dance.

Malvina: Very fun dance! Guys, raise your hands, who is the most attentive? (Children raise their hands) Who is the smartest? (Children raise their hands) Who wants to learn everything? (Children raise their hands). Now I’ll check which of you is the most attentive.

Presenter: Guys, let's listen very carefully to everything that Malvina asks and answer her questions correctly.

(Malvina periodically praises and approves the children for correct answers and draws attention to the inattention of some).

Malvina: Who loves to smile? (children's answers)

Who likes to exercise? (children's answers)

Who is honest and obedient? (children's answers)

And who doesn't like to eat? (children's answers)

Who is bad and rude? (children's answers)

Who brushes their teeth in the morning? (children's answers)

Who washes their ears clean? (children's answers)

Who likes to listen to songs? (children's answers)

Who sweeps up the trash? (children's answers)

Who throws candy wrappers? (children's answers)

Who is clean and beautiful? (children's answers)

Which one of you is lazy? (children's answers)

Who is kind and cheerful? (children's answers)

Presenter: You see, Malvina, our guys want to learn everything and find out everything.

Pinocchio: Do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Malvina: Now we’ll see who knows fairy tales better than all of you. And the rules are as follows: Whoever answers my question correctly stands up to me, and whoever answers Pinocchio’s question correctly stands up to Buratino. It's clear? Let's see who will stay on the chairs!

Presenter: Yes, all of us guys are smart. Listen, children, carefully!

(Malvina and Pinocchio take turns asking the children questions, periodically encouraging them).

Pinocchio: Guys, Malvina and I will say half the name of the fairy-tale hero, and you will say the end of the name, so:

(Speaking in turns):

Pinocchio: Baba (Yaga)

Malvina: Winnie the Pooh)

Pinocchio: Father Frost)

Malvina: Dr. Aibolit)

Pinocchio: Dragon)

Malvina: Cat (Leopold, in boots, Matroskin)

Pinocchio: Postman Pechkin)

Malvina: Old woman (Shapoklyak)

Pinocchio: Turtle... (Tortilla)

Malvina: Fly Tsokotukha)

Pinocchio: Little Red Riding Hood)

Malvina: Crocodile Gena) .

Malvina: Well, since you are so smart, I want to play the Golden Gate game with you again. Stand in a circle.

(The rules of the game are explained to the children. After the game, everyone sits on chairs).

Pinocchio: I really liked you guys and I want to learn. I'll start classes tomorrow. And now I will give you magic crayons. You can use them to paint your most beautiful pictures on the asphalt. cherished desires and they will definitely come true.

Malvina: We would really like to play more with you, but it’s time for us to go into our own fairy tale. We will definitely tell our friends that this kindergarten has wonderful, smart and well-mannered children, that they know about the Day of Knowledge holiday and everyone wants to learn. And next time we will take our friends with us to visit you. And as a farewell, Pinocchio and I want to treat you to a magical, fabulous marshmallow and you will all become even more diligent and obedient.

Malvina and Buratino: Goodbye, guys.

(They leave. Cheerful music plays. Children draw on the asphalt, then go into groups to eat treats.)

Scenario of leisure time dedicated to the Day of Knowledge “September 1 in kindergarten” for children 4-5 years old “Here we are!”

Target: creating a favorable climate in the group.
Development of creative abilities;
Learning to act as a team;
Expanding ideas about the holiday of September 1.

Progress of the event:

Educator: Hello, dear guys. We are glad to see you again within the walls of your favorite kindergarten. Today our holiday is dedicated to September 1st. Guys, do you know what kind of day this is?
Children: This is the day of knowledge.
Educator: Yes, right. Although you and I are not at school, you and I are also starting a new school year. We will go with you to the land of “Knowledge”, where every day we will learn something new. Do you guys agree?
Children: yes.
Educator: In order to go to a magical land, we need to say magic words.
“Turn around yourself, you will find yourself in a magical land”
Educator: We found ourselves in the country. Guys, what do you see? (the numbers of the “station number” are laid out in advance)
Children: Numbers. 1,2,3,4,5.
Educator: Correct, what number do we start with?
Children: 1.

Station 1 "Greetings".
Educator: I will now read a line to you, and you will continue it:
1. Game "Hello"
- When we meet the dawn,
We tell him... (Hello)
-With a smile the sun gives light,
Sending us your... (hello)
- When we meet after many years
You will shout to your friends... (hello)
And they will smile back at you
From a kind word... (hello)
- And you will remember the advice
Give to all your friends... (hello)
Let's all answer together
We will say to each other... Hello!
(during the game, children do not stand, but greet each other, you can use different variants: first line with the word hello hands up, second line with the word hello smile at each other, etc.)

Educator: Well done boys. And now to station 2, you and I must gallop like bunnies.

Station 2. “We are strong guys”
Educator: We passed the first station successfully. Guys, do you like exercises?
Children: yes.
Educator: And this station will show us whether this is true or not.

Physical exercise.
We are athletes no matter what,
Yes, yes, yes! (claps hands)
We love to run, we love to jump,
Squats and push-ups (movements on the text in place)
And bend like a fish (exercise “fish”)
We are athletes no matter what, (hands on the belt, turns to the sides)
Yes, yes, yes! (claps hands)
We lift dumbbells
We walk along the path,
We stood on our heels, then on our toes, (movements through the text)
Our victories are very close. (jumping legs together and apart, clapping hands above head)

Educator: Well done, we are now real athletes. We need to walk to station 3 on our heels.

Station 3 “Guess the melody”
Educator: And at this station they ask us to guess the melody (children can not only guess, but also dance to the excerpt). Children turn on the music and guess.

List of songs:
1. Antoshka ** - music. V.Shainsky, lyrics. Y. Entina - m/f "Merry Carousel #1"
Pinocchio ** - words. Yu. Entina, music by A. Rybnikov - film "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
2. Two cheerful geese ** - Ukrainian folk song, m/f "Merry Carousel"
3. Song of Winnie the Pooh - lyrics. B. Zakhoder, music. M. Weinberg - film "Winnie the Pooh"
4. Song of Leopold the Cat (Twist, twist, pedal) - lyrics. A. Hight, music. B. Savelyev - m/f "Leopold the Cat"
Little Red Riding Hood's Song ** (If it's long, long, long) - lyrics. Y. Mikhailova, music. A. Rybnikova - film "The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood"

Educator: Well done guys, we can move on. We need to get to station 4 by train, one after another.

Station 4 “Guess what?”
We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven kids)

And the little hare and the she-wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.
(Dr. Aibolit)

The nose is round with a snout,
Tail small crochet.
They were friendly brothers
The evil wolf was defeated.
Answer me guys
These brothers...

It doesn't taste good with sour cream.
He is cold at the window.
He left his grandmother
He left his grandfather.
I escaped from the forest animals,
The fox got his lunch.

Educator: Now guys, we need to get to station 5 like mice on tiptoes and quietly - quietly.

Station 5 “Creative Corner”
(Children are offered paints, pencils, felt-tip pens and sheets of paper, laid out on the tables in advance).
Educator: what good mice we have. Guys, tell me, what day is it today again?
Children: September 1st, holiday.
Conversation: “September 1”
1. What kind of holiday is this?;
2. Attributes of the holiday;
3. How does he feel about kindergarten? (beginning of the school year).
Educator: Well done. And at this station you and I have to depict this holiday. Do you agree?
Children: yes!
(Here you can use two options. 1- Free drawing. 2- Team work.)
Educator: how interesting it all worked out for us, but it’s time for us to return to the group.
“Turn around yourself, return to your group”
Educator: Did you guys like it?
Children: yes!
Educator: Will we still travel to a magical land and learn a lot of new things?
Children: yes!.

The first day of autumn brings together thousands of schoolchildren at ceremonial assemblies, for whom the next school year begins. However, September 1 in kindergarten is an equally long-awaited and exciting day, full of interesting surprises and vivid impressions. According to tradition, in honor of the holiday in preschool institutions They hold matinees with fun games, poems, and themed scenes. As a rule, the September 1 scenario in kindergarten is drawn up taking into account age characteristics kids. On our pages you will find original ideas for the Knowledge Day scenario in the primary, secondary and preparatory kindergarten groups. So, if the weather is good, you can spend the holiday on September 1st outside - it is appropriate to include outdoor games in the scenario, sports competitions, riddles about nature. The little ones will be delighted to meet Dunno, Baba Yaga or other fairy-tale characters who drop by to “visit” the children on Knowledge Day. Have a fun and interesting holiday!

Original scenario for September 1 in kindergarten - Knowledge Day on the street, ideas, video

With the arrival of autumn, kindergarten students traditionally begin a journey to the land of Knowledge - with upcoming new discoveries, achievements, and friends. Each group prepares festive matinees and “line-ups”, and invites guests in the form of parents and grandparents of the little “students”. How does September 1 usually take place in kindergarten? Today, preference is increasingly given to unusual options holding holidays - so, instead of decorously sitting on chairs in an assembly hall or group, Knowledge Day can be celebrated on the playground. We will be happy to share original ideas for the September 1 scenario in a kindergarten on the street, and with the help of video it will be even easier to realize all your ideas.

Ideas for a script for Knowledge Day on September 1 in kindergarten

  • Sports relay races. For example, you can take several hoops and connect them together. All participants are divided into two teams and take turns climbing through woven hoops - the team that completes the task faster will win. Games like these help physical development, as well as developing a sense of team in the children.
  • Riddles about school. According to the script, the presenter asks the children riddles about school supplies- notebook, pen, pencil case, pencil. All guessed items can be put into a briefcase to clearly demonstrate how to get ready for school.
  • Dance competition. Territory playground The kindergarten is decorated with bright balls, flags and garlands. During the celebration, a competition “Guess the Dance” is announced - excerpts of famous melodies are played for each team. The players' task is to perform the appropriate dance movements by guessing the motive by ear. For example, “Dance of the Little Ducklings”, “Lambada”, “Gypsy”.

Video with ideas for a kindergarten holiday on the First of September on the street

Knowledge Day on September 1 in the preparatory group of kindergarten - line script, video

The preparatory group of the kindergarten is practically schoolchildren who will join the ranks of first-graders next year. Therefore, September 1 in kindergarten for the older group is held with the aim of creating in children a positive attitude towards the upcoming life changes, as well as a joyful and festive atmosphere. We bring to your attention several ideas with a video for the scenario of the line for Knowledge Day - for the oldest preschoolers.

A selection of interesting line ideas in honor of September 1 in kindergarten for the preparatory group

  • Invitation of famous fairy tale characters. According to the script, Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka come to the Day of Knowledge celebration in kindergarten, for which the children demonstrate their skills and talents - they dance, sing, and ask riddles.
  • Oath of future first-graders. The presenter invites the children, as future first-graders, to take an oath of obedience and diligence - to study well, help their parents, and be true friends.
  • A game for little scholars. According to the conditions of the game, the teacher reads out the beginning of a well-known proverb, and the children must continue it. The theme of the proverbs is the benefits of knowledge, the importance of hard work and education.

The first of September in the preparatory group of the kindergarten, video

Happy holiday on September 1 in kindergarten - scenario with Dunno

Dunno is a character beloved by many with a cheerful, mischievous character, a great inventor and dreamer. For children, you can arrange an unforgettable holiday on September 1 in kindergarten by drawing up a scenario inviting this funny fairy-tale man to “visit”.

Scenario for the holiday on September 1 for kindergarten “Dunno and Knowledge Day”

At the beginning of the holiday, the presenter greets the children, congratulating them on the First of September, the Day of Knowledge. In response, the children recite poems about how joyful it is to come to kindergarten again, to meet their favorite teachers and friends. And then Dunno appears on the “stage” and asks how the girls and boys spent the summer, what games they played. Then the host invites the fairy-tale guest to solve the riddles, and the children sing a song about friendship. At the end of the holiday, everyone dances a cheerful, incendiary dance together, and Dunno says goodbye to the guys, promising to go to school and study well.

The first of September (Knowledge Day) in kindergarten - a festive scenario with Baba Yaga

In connection with the transition to the new status of a first-grader, many kids experience excitement - after all, big changes are coming in their lives. Therefore, it is so important to tell children about Knowledge Day and instill interest in school, doing it in an accessible way. game form. So, to the matinee on September 1 in kindergarten, they usually “invite” funny characters from fairy tales and cartoons - for example, the well-known Baba Yaga. According to the Knowledge Day scenario, the harmful fairy-tale witch becomes a kind and generous old woman by the end of the holiday.

How the holiday of September 1st takes place in kindergarten according to the scenario with the participation of Baba Yaga

As a musical accompaniment, you can make a “cut” of melodies from children’s songs, and decorate the hall with flags and balloons. Dressed up children go on the “stage” and, after greeting the presenter, sing a song about the Day of Knowledge. Then the exchange of stories begins about who spent the summer - who went to the forest to pick berries, who swam in the sea, who made new friends. At this moment, Baba Yaga flies into the hall riding on a broom, loudly indignant that they forgot to invite her to the holiday. The script can include thematic poems and songs, as well as riddles that children and the fairy-tale granny tell each other. If the matinee on September 1st takes place on the street, it is appropriate to add sports game- teams of participants compete with each other, filling large baskets with balls. The winner is the team whose members collect the most balls faster. At the end of the holiday, Baba Yaga “corrects” - she becomes kind and treats the children with candies and other sweets.

Cool scenario for September 1 in kindergarten - how the younger group celebrates the holiday, ideas with video

For younger preschoolers, a matinee, dedicated to the Day knowledge - a great opportunity get to know the holiday and its traditions. How does the younger group celebrate September 1 in kindergarten? The holiday script traditionally includes poems and songs, as well as dance numbers that little performers can learn at rehearsals. By taking part in preparations for Knowledge Day, children develop independence, communication skills and team work. With the help of our ideas and videos, the holiday scenario for the younger group of kindergarten will turn out to be cool and extremely interesting.

Scenario ideas for the holiday of September 1st in the younger group of kindergarten

  • Exercise with riddles. The presenter invites the kids to do exercises accompanied by lively music. However, these may not be ordinary exercises, but imitation of different animals - children must first guess their names. Then everyone together depicts the habits of a hare, fox or dog.
  • Coloring autumn leaves. According to the scenario, the kids are given printed coloring pages with outlines of leaves and paint. Each future first-grader can paint his or her leaf in the chosen autumn color - yellow, brown or crimson.
  • Magic train. All participants in the game stand behind each other, and the leader stands in front. Then the “train” sets off to rhythmic music, making stops at stations - at each of them you need to sing a song, solve riddles, and play a game of erudition.

Video ideas for the scenario of Knowledge Day in the younger group of kindergarten

Celebration of the First of September in kindergarten - scenario for the middle group, video

The Day of Knowledge in the middle group of the kindergarten takes place in a festive and solemn atmosphere, with the learning of poems and songs, and the invitation of parents. When drawing up a script for a matinee for middle group It is important to involve each child, giving the opportunity to reveal their abilities and talents. In addition, it is necessary to alternate active mobile competitions and games with calm numbers - in this way, the attention and interest of the little participants in what is happening will be maintained. We are confident that the ideas presented with the video will serve as the basis for creating an original “author’s” scenario for the September 1 holiday in kindergarten.

How September 1st can take place in the middle group of a kindergarten, ideas for a scenario

  • Book relay race. All participants are divided into two teams, and each first player picks up a book. At the presenter’s signal, you need to run to the pin placed at a distance, and then go back and pass the book to the next player. The team that completed the task faster is declared the winner.
  • Guess the song. The September 1 scenario can include interesting competition, in which children will demonstrate their knowledge of songs. For example, the presenter reads the first two lines of the song, and the kids must sing the end of the stanza.
  • Autumn path. For this game you will need a lot of colorful leaves - maple, birch, oak. Each team of players must build a path by choosing only one type of leaf. The winner will be the team whose members make the most beautiful path faster than their opponents.

Video recording with script ideas for Knowledge Day on September 1 for the middle group of kindergarten

How does September 1 usually take place in kindergarten? We will be happy to share interesting ideas and video on compilation festive scenario Day of Knowledge on the street and in the assembly hall - for junior, middle and preparatory groups of kindergarten. Yes, here you will find original options spending the First of September in kindergarten with Dunno, Baba Yaga and other cartoon and fairy tale characters. Happy holiday to you and unforgettable impressions on Knowledge Day!

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“Scenario for the holiday “September 1 - Knowledge Day” in kindergarten for children of the preparatory group”

Target. Creating a friendly atmosphere, creating a joyful mood in children and a positive attitude towards school.

1. Summarize children’s knowledge about the Day of Knowledge holiday.

2. Learn to quickly switch from one game to another.

3. Encourage children to participate jointly with adults game situation.

4. Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Equipment: cards with letters, numbers, Christmas tree

There are songs about the first of September, school, kindergarten.
Children gather on a festively decorated area at the central entrance to the kindergarten. Children of older groups enter to the music. (music "Ding Dingkindergarten » "teach at school") sit on chairs, and preparatory groups perform construction to the song “Hello, world!”- then go to their places

Presenter : Hello dear adults! Hello dear children! Today we have holiday and we have gathered today to congratulate each other on the fact that we met in September. Which one then holiday Does our country celebrate September 1st? (Children answer)

We congratulate you all on Happy holiday and we want so that you all like it and remember it. This day opens the academic year. Let it be exciting, interesting for you and bring you new knowledge, discoveries and new friends.

Our guys have prepared and will now read poetry:

Child 1: They flew by unnoticed,

Our summer days,

Children's the garden opened its doors to us,

Soon we are students.

Child 2: Tanned, toned,

We have become even more mature

Happy new academic year to you,

Only the best news

Child 3: There will be delicious dinners,

Sweet porridge is waiting for us,

Conversations with the teacher,

Compote with dried fruits.

Child 4: Slides, horizontal bars, jump ropes,

Everyone is bored without us,

Time will pass, and we will go,

With mothers everyone is in first grade.

Presenter : We are already dreaming about school, that we will soon go to 1st grade, as in our song (children go to the dots)

Song "We'll Go to School Soon"

Leading : Vacations are over-

We had a lot of days off.

Friends meet again

We have a lot of them.

Strong, healthy

Praise be to forest hikes!

Co complete knowledge

Happy New School Year!

Let's shout together: “Happy new school year!”

Shapoklyak runs in to the music with a bag containing a rat, in her other hand she has a Christmas tree, which she is trying to place in one place or another.

Shapoklyak:. Where is it New Year? I'm here with my Christmas tree! Where should we put the Christmas tree, Lariska? Yeah, right here! (places it in the center between the steps) Looks good!

Ved:. Guys, who came to visit us?!

(addressing Shapoklyak) Hello! Why did you bring the Christmas tree?

Shapoklyak. What do you mean why? Themselves shouted: "Happy New Year!"

Ved: So we have a new SCHOOL YEAR!

Shapoklyak:. So, there will be no Santa Claus, no gifts for me and Lariska, and my favorite sweets?

Ved: Shapoklyak, don’t be upset, let’s better have fun at the holiday!

Shapoklyak: You have nothing to do! Why did they come, since there is no New Year? We should be sitting at home, lying on the sofa. What's good about kindergarten? And what's your daycare called? (children's answer) And what are you doing in the garden?

Ved: But listen and see, the guys will sing you a song about d/s

Song “What is kindergarten?” (children stand still)

Ved: Children in kindergarten not only play with toys,

They learn to sing, dance, draw,

Learn letters and numbers

They know a lot of poems and fairy tales.

Our guys want to learn everything and know everything!

Look how our children can dance together, they are busy with something all day long

Dance “All day long” (sit down)

Shapoklyak:: Ha, I can dance too! But now I’ll check to see if you know the heroes from fairy tales!

I will name half the name of a fairy-tale hero,

And you say the end of the name, so:

Winnie the Pooh,

Dr. Aibolit,

Baba - (Yaga)

Father Frost,


Postman Pechkin,

Fly Tsokotukha,

Little Red Riding Hood,

Crocodile Gena,

Boy - (with Finger,

Chicken - (Ryaba,

Cat - (Matroskin, in Boots,

Karabas - (Barabas).

Dog family-(Barboskins)

Ved: Shapoklyak, we love the song from the cartoon about Barboskin, sing and dance with all the guys

Warm-up “You and I” (senior and preparatory students near their chairs)

Shapoklyak: Well, okay, you know the fairy tales, but it’s still better to lie on the sofa at home than at your place


You shouldn't say that, Carlson.

They teach here, in kindergarten

Love for friends, love for work,

They teach everyone diligently.

Certainly, knowledge stock

While we are small,

But it will definitely happen!

Shapoklyak:. What kind of « knowledge » ?

Ved: But, for example, the guys already know the letters of the alphabet. Really, guys? (children's answers)

Shapoklyak. What kind of letters are these?

Leading. Letters that are hidden in riddles. Listen and remember. And we will show you the stock of knowledge, you can pin it on your Christmas tree

Here are two pillars diagonally,

And between them there is a belt.

You know this letter, huh?

In front of you is a letter... (A)- the children guess, Carlson hangs a leaf with a letter on the tree, etc.

Let's add three to one,

What kind of letter will we make... (IN)

And like a poker

The letter humps its back... (G)

This letter is wide

And it looks like a beetle... (AND)

To write letters,

We will prepare... (Notebook)– Carlson hangs a notebook on the Christmas tree

Shapoklyak. What are the letters for? (children's answers)

Leading. Yes, in order to form words.

Shapoklyak. Oh, how interesting!

Ved: Yes, Shapoklyak! Do you know that in addition to letters there are also numbers! They count with their help!

Shapoklyak:. Oh, what is this?

Ved: . Let's play one game and you will find out everything.

These are the numbers in my hands. Let's call them Lariska and Shapoklyak, guys. And you listen and remember!

The presenter shows numbers from 1 to 10, the children name them , now let's play

Game: Find a pair(4 sets with numbers 7a and 7b, from 1-10 are distributed, children run around to the music, find a pair with the same number, get into a pair, pick up the cards)

Ved: Let's hang numbers on the Christmas tree. What a beautiful Christmas tree we have! We had a simple forest Christmas tree, but it became a Christmas tree KNOWLEDGE!

Well, Shapoklyak, did you like the holiday?

Shapoklyak. Still would! I became completely different! Now I know both letters and numbers!

Ved. And the guys helped you find out all this! And also friendship - listen, we know the song of friends

"Song of Friends"

Ved: And our children in kindergarten learn how to respect adults, help them, love their homeland, mother, be polite, hardworking, kind, as in our dance, look

Dance “What is kindness?” (in pairs)

Shapoklyak:. Thank you guys! Well done! Who is teaching you (children’s answer)

Ved: IN school teacher, and kindergarten teachers!

Shapoklyak: What are the names of your teachers! (children’s answer)

Who will teach you drawing, sports, reading (children’s answer)

Ved: Let's salute our teachers

Then he introduces the head of the school, talks about gifts, Shapoklyak gives gifts to the children

Shapoklyak: says goodbye, says that he will see each other in cartoons, he will come to visit more often to become as smart as you! Can I take the Christmas tree with me? I’ll study (says goodbye)