Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Rainbow" of the Reftinsky urban district Pedagogical project "Children's Adaptation" early age to the conditions of a preschool educational institution" Developer: Teploukhova T.V., teacher 1st quarter. categories; Nogina E.A. educator; Explanatory note Relevance of the project: In a family environment, a child with...

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Rainbow" of the Reftinsky urban district Educational project "Theater of Magic Transformations" artistic and aesthetic development of young children (1-2 years old) Project developer: T.V. Teploukhova, teacher of the first qualification category Project participants: T.V. Teploukhova, main...

Environmental education children - first of all, education of humanity, i.e. kindness, a responsible attitude towards nature, and towards the people who live nearby, towards descendants who need to leave the Earth suitable for a full life...

Methodical recommendations on the production and use of a didactic game of environmental content “Loto. Animals" Materials: 1. Printed cards with images of animals 2. Thick white cardboard 3. Laminating film or wide tape 4. Laminator, scissors 5. A bag of opaque fabric. Production: 1. Printed images: playing field (4 pcs)...

How to improve your child's speech yourself.

Let's talk a little about what is very useful for the baby. A few simple ones

1) Lick your top lip!

2) Click your tongue! - like a horse clattering its hooves;

3) Open your mouth wider and reach your upper teeth with your tongue!

Games that use small finger movements are very useful:

Games that use small finger movements are very useful. brain area,

which is responsible for speech and another zone that is responsible for small hand movements --

are nearby and mutually influence each other, therefore, developing fine motor skills(that is, small movements) of the fingers - you are simultaneously developing the child’s speech!

Be picky about what movies, games, books, toys you buy

Don’t neglect your child’s questions; try to better explain to him what interests him.

Invite him to retell to you: what they read about in classes in kindergarten, in class at school. After reading a fairy tale, a story, or watching a movie, ask to retell it. This is very useful for the development of not only speech, but also memory, attention, and intelligence.

And - be picky about what movies, games, books, toys you buy

baby! Not only how educated and intelligent he will be depends on this, but also

how much he will really be a person - serious and responsible, kind and decent.

My main advice is to read books to your child as much as possible! Remember! Only books and games develop speech; a computer is useless in developing speech, it only develops reaction.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher

MBDOU No. 18 "Rainbow" Tikhoretsk

Novikova E.V.

Consultation for parents:

“When your child needs a speech therapist.”

The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his

thoughts, the wider his capabilities in understanding the environment

reality, more meaningful and full-fledged relationship with

peers and adults. However, parents often face a problem

underdevelopment of the child's speech. In this regard, many questions arise.

We provide answers to the most relevant ones.

When is it necessary to seek help from a speech therapist?

Under normal conditions speech development children by the age of five are free

use extended phrasal speech, complex sentences, have

sufficient vocabulary, word formation skills and

inflections. By this time, the correct

sound pronunciation, the ability to isolate and find the place of a given sound in

word. If by the age of five the child has insufficiently formed

speech, you should definitely seek speech therapy help. Although

It should be noted that it is better to eliminate speech deficiencies as much as possible

What speech disorders can a child be diagnosed with?

specialized group?

Currently, in order to differentiate education for children with

various speech disorders in preschool institutions

The following specialized groups are completed:

1) for children with phonemic underdevelopment (with sufficient

2) for children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment;

3) for children with general speech underdevelopment;

4) for children who stutter.

What is characteristic of these speech disorders?

Phonetic underdevelopment involves impaired pronunciation

individual sounds, one or more groups of sounds during normal

physical hearing. With phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech

not only sound pronunciation is impaired, but significant

difficulties in perceiving sounds, replacing some sounds with others (more

simple), one and the same sound can serve as a substitute for two

or even three sounds, sometimes these children have some vocabulary -

grammatical immaturity.

Children with general speech underdevelopment always have a violation

sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, pronounced

lag in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure.

General underdevelopment of speech can manifest itself to varying degrees (stands out

three levels).

Stuttering is one of the most severe speech disorders. Externally

stuttering manifests itself in involuntary stops, forced repetitions of individual sounds and syllables during utterance, which is caused by

muscle spasms of the speech organs.

What are the causes of speech impairment?

Among the causes of speech disorders are the following:

 insufficient development of the speech apparatus;

 pedagogical neglect;

 various influences both in the prenatal period

(toxicoses, infections, intoxication of mothers), and during

childbirth (birth trauma, suffocation), as well as in the first years of life

child (diseases of the central nervous system, brain injury).

Early started speech therapy classes include in active

activity of various brain systems and thereby accelerate them

maturation and contribute to the most complete compensation of certain

speech disorders.

Prepared by a speech therapist teacher

MBDOU No. 18 "Rainbow" Tikhoretsk

Novikova E.V.

Consultation for parents middle group

“Your child is 4–5 years old.”

Now the child’s horizons expand not only in the course of practical observations and experimentation, which dominated in the younger years before school age, but also through the story.

Spend enough time on educational conversations with your children. Start reading to them not only fiction, but also educational literature.

Thanks to your stories, watching educational TV shows, and videos, the child breaks away from the world “here and now.” He is actively interested in animals that he has only seen on TV or in pictures, listens to stories about the ocean and the desert, about other countries and the people who live in them, etc. Children also enjoy listening to stories from their parents or other people.

A four-year-old child often asks the question: “Why?” He becomes interested in the internal connections of phenomena and, above all, cause-and-effect relationships. Of course, only the most obvious and simple examples of such dependencies are still accessible to his understanding.

When answering a child’s question, do not indulge in lengthy or overly scientific explanations. Try to formulate your idea as concisely as possible. Sometimes it is enough to simply talk about the connection between one phenomenon and another. For example, when asked where lightning came from, it is enough to answer: “The clouds collided with each other,” without introducing the concept of static electricity. But the explanation must always be scientifically correct and contain reliable information. Children try to build their own first conclusions. For example, a four-year-old child stands on the sofa and alternately throws a cube, a ball, or a teddy bear onto the floor. Then he jumps off the sofa and asks the question: “So is it all going to fall down if you let him go?”

Listen carefully to all the arguments and do not rush to make your own adjustments to them. At this age, what is important is not the correctness of the conclusion, but the child’s very desire to reason and think. Show respect for his intellectual work. Jokes and a mocking critical tone when discussing a child's thoughts are unacceptable.

Some children have quiet speech “for themselves” - the so-called “mumbling” during activities, which is pronounced at a younger age, still persists. She helps the baby organize and plan his activities. Children should not be prohibited from quietly speaking out their actions during work.

Along with an interest in the real causal connections of phenomena, a four-year-old child acquires the ability to perceive and imagine, based on verbal descriptions, various worlds - for example, the princess’s castle, the princess and the prince herself, events, wizards, etc. Playing in an everyday situation - going to the store, visiting the doctor, preparing dinner for the family - reproduces the child's experience and engages his memory and reproductive, reproducing imagination, while playing in a magical plot requires active work productive, creative imagination. These two types of games do not replace each other.

Read and tell fairy tales to children. Do not rush to show illustrations (especially of low artistic quality). Let everyone imagine Little Red Riding Hood in their own way. Let the children's imagination work.

Fairy tales provide standard ideas about good and evil. Such ideas become the basis for the child’s ability to evaluate his own actions. In fairy tales, good and bad heroes should be clearly distinguished.

Children of this age love to dress up and dress up. Provide them with as many different clothes as possible, gloves, fans, beads, bracelets and other items that can be used to play " magical world"Some children enjoy imagining themselves as pop artists, pretending to sing with a microphone and dance.

Emotional reactions at this age become more stable and balanced. The child does not get tired so quickly and sharply, and becomes more mentally resilient (which is also associated with increasing physical endurance). In general, the four-year-old is a cheerful person who is mostly in a good mood.

The peer becomes interesting as a play partner. A child suffers if no one wants to play with him. The formation of the social status of each child is largely determined by what grades teachers give him. For example, children do not want to play with a girl who is constantly scolded for eating slowly, although this circumstance has nothing to do with her capabilities as a play partner.

Negative assessments can only be given to the child’s actions, and not to the child himself, and only “face to face,” and not in front of everyone.

Children play in small groups of two to five people. Sometimes these groups become permanent in composition. This is how the first friends appear - those with whom the child best establishes mutual understanding.

The participation of an adult in children’s games is useful if the following conditions are met:

Children themselves invite an adult to the game or voluntarily agree to his participation

The plot and course of the game, as well as the role that the adult will play, are determined by the children themselves.

The nature of the role is also determined by the children: “You will be a daughter. You don’t want to eat soup. And I will scold you!” It is unacceptable to dictate to children how and what they should play, to impose your own plots on them. The developmental potential of the game lies precisely in the fact that it is the only independent activity organized by children. In their role playing games children love to build a house. Give them the opportunity to create houses, shelters, and “caves” using furniture and fabrics.

Four year olds love travel and adventure. Take them for walks outside the yard and familiar playground. In the warm season, you can organize small hikes and picnics. Expand your child’s experience through feasible excursions. Take him to see buildings of unusual architecture, monuments and beautiful corners of nature. If possible, go out to a river or pond and observe the life of its inhabitants. Expand children's understanding of adult work. Conduct “excursions” to a construction site, a store, a hairdresser, a savings bank, a post office, etc.

After four and a half years, many begin to show an active interest in letters and numbers. Do not artificially slow down the child’s development process, but you should not set the task of teaching him to read as soon as possible. Reading activities should be consistent with the pace of memorization and the degree of interest of the baby in such activities.

A kindergarten is not just an institution where parents send their children for a while. This is the place where the baby spends a significant part of his life, where he learns new things and learns a lot. But it is necessary to work in kindergartens not only with children. A separate and very significant area is the communication of educators with the parents of the baby. Consultations for parents in preschool educational institutions - this will be discussed further.

Children and games

There are a huge number of topics for conversations with parents. So, you can talk about anything. But it is important to talk about how ready the child is for role-playing games with peers, how he joins the play group and whether he knows how to behave in society with other kids. Consultations for parents in preschool educational institutions in this section can be conducted on the following topics:

  1. Selection of toys for children.
  2. About role-playing games and their meaning.
  3. Development and learning in the game.
  4. The role of toys in a child's life.
  5. Why you need to play with your child.

Here the teacher can advise how to choose the right toys for a child and which ones are harmful. It is also important today to talk about the role of electronic gadgets in a child’s life. After all, they are closely integrated into the life of a modern child.

The child and the learning process

Consultations for parents in preschool educational institutions may also concern the educational process. After all, children in kindergarten learn and receive more and more new knowledge every day. What topics are important to pay attention to in this section:

  1. We instill a love of books and reading.
  2. How to develop your child's creativity.
  3. Principles of familiarization with the surrounding world.
  4. Left-handed child: special or the same as everyone else.
  5. Preparing for school.

Educators need to convey to parents the fact that children should learn not only in kindergarten. You don't have to study at the table and in front of books. So, you need to explore the world by playing on the street or even just by talking. Any conversation between parents and baby should be information-rich and useful. After all, during the kindergarten age, the baby absorbs as much information as possible and receives all its thorough knowledge.

Psychological characteristics of children

Considering various topics of consultations for parents, preschool educational institutions, or rather the workers themselves, including a psychologist, should talk with parents about psychological characteristics children. Here we need to focus on the fact that all children are different, and in one team there can be children from a wide variety of families, including disadvantaged ones. Approximate topics for conversation:

  1. Aggressive kids.
  2. The process of a child's adaptation to kindergarten.
  3. Stubbornness and whims.
  4. The influence of parents on the formation of the baby’s attitudes and the child’s way of life.
  5. Does a child need frames?
  6. How to raise a good person.

Communication with the outside world

Consultations for parents in preschool educational institutions should be useful. Teachers should not forget about this. So, you can conduct a set of conversations that will tell moms and dads how to properly teach their child to relate to nature and the environment. A huge number of different problems arise here:

  1. If there is an animal in the house.
  2. What is nature and its role in human life.
  3. Keeping it clean environment.
  4. Let's help our smaller friends.
  5. Caring for nature is a human priority.

It is very important to educate little man correct attitude towards nature. These topics are especially relevant today, when the environment is increasingly suffering from the development of technological progress and direct human actions.

About individual counseling

Individual consultations at preschool educational institutions are important. After all, it often happens that a teacher cannot speak openly with all parents on certain topics. In this case, individual counseling should be used. Most often this concerns those parents who have problem children or children with special needs. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the teacher must clearly know the line when the consultation should no longer be public, but strictly individual.

Consulting for educators

According to the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool educational institutions, consultation for educators is also a very important event. So, educators themselves also need counseling. Psychologists, lawyers, and teachers can talk to them on a variety of topics. The role of such conversations should not be underestimated, because there are many situations that no teacher can cope with without help. That's what this kind of counseling is for.

Natalia Dippel
Parents Corner

Question: What are the modern requirements for the design and content of parent corners?

Equipping a parent's corner in the 1st junior group.

4. Grid of classes.

5. Health corner

7. Study with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

11 Advertisements



The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, goals and objectives 1 ml. gr., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:





O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping a parent's corner in the 2nd junior group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child of a given age should be able to do)

3. Daily routine for kindergarten and family

4. Grid of classes.

5. Anthropometric data

7. Study with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

11. Announcements



Shelf or table for displaying children's work, mat

Silhouettes of fairy-tale heroes, toys

The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, goals and objectives 2 ml. gr., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:





character All text material must be typed on a computer in 14 font or drawing font.

The design should have no more than two colors

O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

2. “Design of premises of preschool institutions”

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

4. “Head of a preschool institution”

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping a parent's corner in the middle group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child of a given age should be able to do)

3. Daily routine for kindergarten and family

4. Grid of classes.

5. Anthropometric data

7. Study with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

11. Announcements



Shelf or table for displaying children's work, mat

Silhouettes of fairy-tale heroes, toys

The most hallowed wall.

Located at parental eye level. The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten’s work, the annual plan, and the goals and objectives of the secondary school. groups, reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:





All text material must be typed on a computer in 14 font or drawing font.

The design should have no more than two colors

1. “To the educator about working with the family”

O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

2. “Design of premises of preschool institutions”

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

4. “Head of a preschool institution”

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping a parent's corner in the senior group. Contents Equipment Accommodation Pedagogical requirements Aesthetic requirements National color Recommended literature

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child should be able to do at 5 years old)

3. Daily routine for d/s and family

4. Grid of classes.

5. Anthropometric data

6. Menu for every day

7. Repeat with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

10. We speak Kazakh

12. Announcements



Shelf or table for displaying children's work, mat

Silhouettes of literary heroes

The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level. The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten’s work, the annual plan, and the goals and objectives of the elder. groups., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:





character All text material must be typed on a computer in 14 font or drawing font.

The design should have no more than two colors

O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

2. “Design of premises of preschool institutions”

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

4. “Head of a preschool institution”

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping a parent's corner in the preparatory group. Contents Equipment Accommodation Pedagogical requirements Aesthetic requirements National color Recommended literature

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child should be able to do at 6 years old)

3. Daily routine for d/s, family

4. Grid of classes.

5. Anthropometric data.

6. Menu for every day.

7. We speak Kazakh

(reinforcement of learned words in Kazakh language classes)

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

10. Repeat with children.

12. Announcements



Shelf or table for displaying children's work, mat

Silhouettes of literary heroes

The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level. The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten’s work, the annual plan, and the goals and objectives of the preparatory school. groups., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:





The design should have no more than two colors

1. “To the educator about working with the family”

O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

2. “Design of premises of preschool institutions”

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

4. “Head of a preschool institution”

A. K. Bondarenko

Note: 1.

Information material 1;2;3;4; - changes once a year.

2. Anthropometric data (standard and survey result) changes 2 times a year (September, May).

4. Sections 6;7;9 - changes daily.

5. Section 12 – drawn up as necessary.

The section “What we did today” indicates the type of lesson, topic, and program tasks. Briefly talks about the day's activities, demonstrates children's work,

The “Advice and Recommendations” section provides only advice and recommendations to parents. It is advisable to relate the content of the recommendations to the topics of the teachers’ council, parent meetings, relevant topics, program material that is currently given to children in the group.

In the “Repeat with us” section, parents are invited to repeat with their children at home: works of art, poems, songs...

In the “Speaking Kazakh” section, parents are invited to consolidate the words their children have learned in Kazakh language classes

Can be used additionally:

The issue of “Family Newspaper” highlights the experience family education. Parents themselves write about upbringing in the family. When designing a family newspaper, you need to remember that its goal is not only to interest parents with the abundance and variety of photographs, but also to convey to parents the content and significance of a particular issue of education.

In the section “Are you asking? We answer!” teachers post topical issues of social life, issues of theory and practice of raising children

The “We express our gratitude” section reflects the good deeds of parents who have provided different types help kindergarten, group(all possible assistance in repairing toys, purchasing books, participating in community cleanups). Here the administration thanks parents for their help

I have collected consultations, advice, and rules for parents of preschoolers. In my opinion, they are very useful and wonderfully designed. We use recommendations by posting them on the basic kindergarten website.



Tips for parents of a hyperactive child

How to determine whether a child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or is he just active? Let's differentiate these concepts.

Active child:

Most of the day he “does not sit still”, prefers active games to passive ones (puzzles, construction sets), but if he is interested, he can read a book with his mother and put together the same puzzle.

He talks quickly and a lot, asks an endless number of questions.

For him, sleep and digestive disorders (intestinal disorders) are rather an exception.

It is not active everywhere. For example, he is restless and restless at home, but calm in the kindergarten, visiting unfamiliar people.

He is non-aggressive. That is, by accident or in the heat of a conflict, he can kick up a “colleague in the sandbox,” but he himself rarely provokes a scandal.

Hyperactive child:

He is in constant motion and simply cannot control himself, that is, even if he is tired, he continues to move, and when completely exhausted, he cries and becomes hysterical.

He speaks quickly and a lot, swallows words, interrupts, does not listen to the end. Asks a million questions, but rarely listens to the answers.

It is impossible to put him to sleep, and if he sleeps, it is in fits and starts, restlessly. He often has intestinal disorders. For hyperactive children, all kinds of allergies are not uncommon.

The child is uncontrollable, and he does not react at all to prohibitions and restrictions. And in any conditions (home, store, kindergarten, playground) he behaves equally actively.

Often provokes conflicts. He does not control his aggression - he fights, bites, pushes, and uses improvised means: sticks, stones...

Main causes of hyperactivity

Often hyperactivity is a consequence of a not too smooth birth and disturbances in infancy. The risk group includes children born as a result of caesarean section, severe pathological births, artificial babies born with low weight, premature. Considering that the ecology and pace modern life Now they leave much to be desired, it is not surprising why hyperactive children are not uncommon, but rather the norm of our lives today. And it’s worth making a reservation: not all children at risk are necessarily hyperactive! And subsequently, if all the “misunderstandings” (restlessness, hysteria, colic, sleep disturbances) have not disappeared before the baby’s first birthday, then it is not too late to bring them back to normal after.

What needs to be done so that the baby gets rid of “excess” activity?

1. Create for him certain conditions life.

This includes a calm psychological environment in the family, a clear daily routine (with mandatory walks in the fresh air, where there is the opportunity to have fun). Parents will also have to work hard. If you yourself are very emotional and unbalanced, are constantly late everywhere, are in a hurry, then it’s time to start working on yourself. We no longer rush headlong into the garden, constantly hurrying the child, we try to be less nervous and less likely to change plans “on the fly.” Tell yourself: “Have a clear daily routine” and try to become more organized yourself.

2. Use these tips:

It is not the kid’s fault that he is such a “live”, so it is useless to scold him, punish him, or organize humiliating silent boycotts. By doing this you will achieve only one thing - a decrease in his self-esteem, a feeling of guilt that he is “wrong” and cannot please mom and dad.

Teaching your child to control himself is your first priority. “Aggressive” games will help him control his emotions. Everyone has negative emotions, including your child, just a taboo, tell him: “If you want to hit, hit, but not at living beings (people, plants, animals).” You can hit the ground with a stick, throw stones where there are no people, or kick something. He just needs to splash out his energy, teach him to do this.

In education, it is necessary to avoid two extremes - the manifestation of excessive gentleness and the presentation of increased demands on him. Permissiveness should not be allowed: children must be clearly explained the rules of behavior in different situations. However, the number of prohibitions and restrictions should be kept to a reasonable minimum.

The child should be praised in every case when he managed to complete the task he started. Using the example of relatively simple cases, you need to teach how to correctly distribute forces.

It is necessary to protect children from overwork associated with an excessive amount of impressions (TV, computer), and avoid places with large crowds of people.
- In some cases, excessive activity and excitability may be the result of parents presenting too high demands to the child, which he simply cannot meet with his natural abilities, as well as excessive fatigue. In this case, parents should be less demanding and try to reduce the load.

- “Movement is life,” lack of physical activity can cause increased excitability. You cannot restrain a child’s natural need to play noisy games, frolic, run, jump.

Sometimes behavioral disorders may be a child’s reaction to mental trauma, for example, to a crisis situation in the family, divorce of parents, bad attitude towards him, assignment to an inappropriate class at school, conflict with a teacher or parents.

When considering your child’s diet, give preference proper nutrition, which will not lack vitamins and microelements. A hyperactive child, more than other children, needs to adhere to the golden mean in nutrition: less fried, spicy, salty, smoked, more boiled, stewed and fresh vegetables and fruits. Another rule: if a child doesn’t want to eat, don’t force him!

Prepare a “field for maneuver” for your fidget: active sports are simply a panacea for him.

Teach your baby to passive games. We read, and also draw and sculpt. Even if your child has difficulty sitting still, he is often distracted, follow him (“Are you interested in this, let’s see...”), but after satisfying the interest, try to return with your baby to the previous activity and bring it to the end.

Teach your baby to relax. Perhaps your and him’s “recipe” for finding inner harmony is yoga. For some, other relaxation methods are more suitable. Good psychologist will tell you what it could be: art therapy, fairytale therapy, or maybe meditation.

And don't forget to tell your child how much you love him.


Children's aggression

What is aggression?

Aggression – this is physical or verbal (verbal) behavior aimed at causing harm to someone.

How does aggression manifest itself in children?

  1. Anger and indignation in the desperate crying of a baby, the reason for which is simple: the physiological needs of the child are unsatisfied. The aggressive reaction in this case is a reaction of the struggle for survival.
  2. Outburst of rage and physical attack on a peer, conflicts over the possession of toys in a 1.2-5 year old child. If parents at this age are intolerant of his behavior, then symbolic forms of aggressiveness may form as a result: whining, disobedience, stubbornness, etc.
  3. Screaming, crying, biting, stamping feet in a 3-year-old child, which are associated with the limitation of his “exploratory instinct”, with a conflict between insatiable curiosity and parental “no”.
  4. Pugnacity in boys, crying, squealing in girls of preschool age. Boys at this age show more aggressive tendencies than girls, since the latter are afraid of their manifestation for fear of punishment. While the environment treats boys’ aggression more favorably and tolerantly.
  5. At primary school age, the most frequent acts of physical attack are among boys and more “socialized” forms of aggression among girls: insults, teasing, and rivalry.
  6. Among adolescent boys, physical aggression (attacks, fights) continues to dominate, while among girls, negativism and verbal aggression (gossip, criticism, threats, swearing) continue to dominate.).

Is this always a bad thing?

Not always. Aggression has its own positive, healthy traits that are necessary for life.

This is perseverance, perseverance in achieving a goal, the desire to win, overcoming obstacles. Therefore, educational measures should not be aimed at completely eliminating aggressiveness from the character of children, but at limiting and controlling its negative traits, and encouraging its positive manifestations.

Causes of childhood aggression.

Aggression can occur in the following cases:

  1. as a reaction to frustration. This is an attempt to overcome an obstacle to meeting needs and achieving emotional balance.
  2. as a last resort when the child has exhausted all other options to meet his needs.
  3. As “learned” behavior, when a child acts aggressively, following a model (the behavior of parents, literary, film and television characters).

Also, the manifestation of aggressiveness is influenced by biological factors (features of the nervous system, heredity, biochemical factors).

When do you need specialist help?

Two types of child aggressiveness require special intervention:

First - when a child over five years old takes pleasure in torturing other children and animals. This type is rare, but always requires special treatment from a neuropsychiatrist.

Second - hyperactive child. Such a child is restless, aggressive, hurts everything and everyone, and has a trail of destruction and resentment behind him. The behavior of such a child is characterized by impulsiveness, rash actions, and violation of prohibitions. Such a child may be loving, generous, sweet at heart, but the biochemical imbalance of the cerebral cortex makes his behavior overactive. Such an impulsive child is the subject of concern for a doctor who can prescribe the necessary medications.

Prevention of aggression

The best way to avoid excessive aggressiveness in a child is to show him love. There is no baby who, feeling loved, would be aggressive.

  1. Parents should try to understand the reasons aggressive behavior child and eliminate them.
  2. Give your child the opportunity to express his energy. Let him frolic alone or with a friend. Don't let your overreactive child sit idle. Let his energy be spent for “peaceful” purposes: sports, scientific clubs, “tinkering”, etc.
  3. Avoid watching films and TV shows with scenes of violence and cruelty.
  4. Help your child find friends, teach him to communicate with peers. In joint activities, children will quickly learn the norms of generally accepted behavior.
  5. Don't resort to physical punishment.
  6. Provide your child with a personal example of effective, kind behavior. Do not allow outbursts of anger and rage, insults of your colleagues, development of plans, revenge.

Treatment of aggression

Approximately the same methods are suitable for treating aggressiveness as for preventing it. For a child of this type there is only one thing kind words can relieve his anger. Do not consider such a child spoiled. If you start to think this way, you may experience a feeling of alienation and rejection of the child. He will definitely feel this too, and the feeling of loneliness among those closest to him can lead to the child becoming very difficult.

The child himself suffers most from aggressiveness: he is in a quarrel with his parents, he loses friends, he lives in constant irritation, and often fear. All this makes the child unhappy. Care and warmth are the best medicine for such a child. Let him feel at every moment that his parents love, appreciate and accept him. Let your child see that he is needed and important to you.



What should parents think about if they are concerned about children's lies? How honest are they? Parents are the main role models. Psychologists note that children who are liars usually grow up in families where the parents themselves are dishonest.

Many people think that knowing everything about the child and his affairs (including his personal life) can protect the child from trouble. Of course, each parent should have certain information, but its volume depends on the age of the child, i.e. parents must clearly distinguish between what they need to know and what they can put up with as a manifestation of the child’s independence. Parents can make a list of issues that they need to be aware of, for example:

– who are the child’s friends, what is their behavior;

– what TV shows the child watches;

– how a child behaves in kindergarten.

Areas in which parents do not intrude:

– personal correspondence;

– telephone conversations;

- children's room.

Another piece of advice: create a relationship that is completely built on trust (such relationships begin from the very beginning of communication between parents and children, and if parents constantly demonstrate complete trust to the child, then the child will have no need to lie).

If a child is caught in an obvious lie, this should not be the end of trust (a single lie is still forgivable). If the lying becomes chronic, the child will suffer the consequences of loss of trust.

Formula of trust for parents:

“In our relationship with you, there is nothing more important than trust. If you do something that I probably won't like, don't be afraid to tell me about it. You can remind me not to get angry. You, of course, can try to hide your action, but I will be simply proud of you if you find the courage to tell the truth.”

How should parents behave with a little liar?

Understand possible reason lie and analyze it.

Answer the question: did the baby lie innocently or intentionally?

And if intentional, then why?

What are you guilty of?

Do you have excessive demands on your child or does he just imitate you?

Have you yourself provoked deception with temptations or trap questions?

Who suffered from the lie: you, your child or a stranger?

Does your baby feel rejected in the family?

Do you compare him with other children in the family, expressing dissatisfaction and causing jealousy and rivalry?

Are you underestimating his self-esteem?

Are you overprotective of your baby?

Is he not copying you, being an unexpected witness to how you “manipulate” lies, considering them a mere trifle?

Do you not arouse hostility in him with your punishments “for the cause” or for the purpose of “prevention”?

As soon as you think that you have found a possible reason for the lie, try to act and help the child.

If a child himself admits to lying, in no case should you punish him; rather, encourage him to believe in his own strength: since he could admit that he told a lie, it means he is honest and will not deceive anyone again.

If a child does not want to confess, do not force him to do it, but rather tell him a fairy tale or make up a story about what lies lead to and how much trouble it causes.

Teach him to tell any truth. Let him understand: it is better to have an “impolite” truth than a “polite” lie.

Try to encourage your child's sincerity as often as possible.

If a lie deserves punishment...

Benjamin Spock wrote: “I do not advocate the need for physical punishment, but in my opinion spanking a child is less painful for him than a long, harsh punishment.” As for lying, it is generally accepted that a child exposed to physical punishment lies more often in order to avoid it.

Avoid using physical punishment.

Separate the punishment for lying (an attempt to hide an act) from the punishment for an offense hidden by a lie.

Emphasize how significant the child’s action can be for others.

The punishment must be proportionate to the action.

If, after repeated teachings and punishments, the child continues to lie, then consultation with a specialist is needed.

Do not punish a child if he himself admitted to lying and assessed his own actions.


A scandal according to all the rules,

or how to deal with children's tantrums

Every adult sometimes encounters a child's hysteria, everyone remembers what kind of load (psychological and physiological) they are accompanied by. In such a situation, when strangers are looking at you, it is easy to get confused or lose your temper. What should I do?

Here's what psychologists advise:

  1. Remember that even the most wonderful mothers find themselves in such situations, and it’s not about the mother, but about the temperament and character of your child.

Think about the reason for your child's tantrum:

  1. The child lacks your attention, and in this way he strives to win it (this habit is very quickly consolidated and is often used in adult life);
  2. The child is manipulating you; he is used to achieving everything he wants in this way.

It's not easy to spot manipulation, but watch your child.: How he is the one crying, What helps him calm down.

If you realize that you are being manipulated, let your child know that you do not approve of his actions;

C) the child is tired, wants to sleep, he is hungry: eradicate the cause, and the hysteria will pass.

2. The main remedy for hysterics is not to fall into the same frenzy, trying to remain calm and express your sympathy to the child:

“I understand that you are angry now because we cannot buy you...”, “I know how offensive it is”; “When you calm down, we will discuss with you what happened.”

The child will not hear you the first time, but by repeating this phrase 20 times, you will reach your baby and he will be grateful to you that you did not give free rein to your feelings (as you wanted!). Talk to your child and find out the reasons for his behavior.

3. You can try to take the child in your arms, hold him close and wait for it to end, expressing your sympathy, preferably in one frequently repeated phrase.

4. Children 3 - 5 years old are quite capable of understanding the logical explanations of adults. It's time to teach your child to worry and live through troubles, and not pretend that nothing happened.

Of course, explain something loudly screaming child very difficult.

5. If possible, forget that they are looking at you: these people themselves have fallen into such a situation more than once.

6. When a storm strikes, do not reproach yourself, do not blame the child, his (grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, aunt) character.

Remember that no one knows your child as well as he knows himself. Conclusion: talk with your child more often about his mood, desires, interests and responsibilities.


Computer: pros and cons

Probably, most parents are now faced with the computer boom to which almost all children are exposed. Today, the appeal of the computer cannot be compared with either the TV or any other activity. The magic of computer games has now captured almost the entire young generation all over the world. Parents are most often concerned about the impact of computers on vision and the harmful effects of radiation, as well as the possibility of getting a future computer fan in their own child, immersed in artificial virtual world, taking him away from real life.

What picture do we see in almost all families where there is a computer? When a child comes home, he rushes to the computer, sluggishly kicking away from our persistent attempts to feed his modern child lunch. And endless games until the evening. Sound familiar?

Believe me, you are not alone.

Many parents, having bought a computer for their child, breathe a sigh of relief, because... this, to some extent, solves the problems of the child’s free time, his education (according to educational programs) or development (according to developmental programs), as well as receiving a charge of positive emotions from his favorite game, etc.

A small child is a very sensitive organism, all of whose physiological systems, including those necessary for successful interaction with a computer, develop in preschool and primary school age. Unlimited computer activities against the backdrop of an ever-increasing information load can accelerate unfavorable changes in a child’s well-being and affect his psyche. We advise parents to pay attention to the following points.

  1. Buy a computer and display for your child good quality, don’t skimp on your children’s health.
  2. Place the computer on a table in the corner of the room, with its back to the wall, in a well-lit area, but so that there is no glare on the screen.
  3. Organize properly workplace child. Choose furniture that suits his height.

For children 115–130 cm tall, the recommended table height is 54 cm, the chair seat height (necessarily with a hard back) is 32 cm. The distance between the child and the display is at least 50–70 cm (the further, the better). The child’s posture is straight or slightly tilted forward, with a slight tilt of the head, the landing is stable. The space between the body and the edge of the table is at least 5 cm.

  1. Do daily wet cleaning of the room where the computer is used. Ventilate the room more often; To increase air humidity, install an aquarium or other containers with water.
  2. Wipe the screen with a clean cloth or a special napkin before and after working on the computer.
  3. Place cacti next to the computer: these plants absorb its harmful radiation.
  4. Select computer programs for children especially carefully: they must correspond to the child’s age both in content and in quality of design.
  5. Remember: without harming their health, preschoolers can work at a computer for no more than 15 minutes, and children of myopic parents and children with health problems can only work for 10 minutes a day, 3 times a week, every other day.
  6. After each lesson, do eye exercises and general strengthening exercises with your child.


"Play with your children"

Parents know that children love to play, encourage them to play independently, and buy toys. But not everyone thinks about the educational significance of children's games. They believe that the game is for fun, to entertain the child. Others see it as one of the means of distracting the child from pranks and whims, filling his free time so that he can be busy.

Those same parents who constantly play with their children, watch the game, value it as one of the important means of education.

For a preschool child, play is the leading activity in which he mental development, the personality as a whole is formed.

The life of adults interests children not only for its external side. They are attracted to the inner world of people, the relationships between them, the attitude of parents to each other, to friends, to other loved ones, to the child himself. Their attitude to work and to surrounding objects.

Children imitate their parents: their manner of treating others, their actions, and work activities. And they transfer all this into their games, thus consolidating the accumulated experience of behavior and forms of attitude.

With the accumulation of life experience, under the influence of training and upbringing, children’s games become more meaningful, varied in plots, themes, number of roles played, and participants in the game. In games, the child begins to reflect not only the life of the family, the facts that are directly perceived by him. But also images of heroes from fairy tales read to him, stories that he needs to create based on his imagination.

However, without guidance from adults, children even of older preschool age do not always know how to play. Some have little ability to apply existing knowledge, do not know how to fantasize, others, although able to play independently, do not have organizational skills.

It is difficult for them to come to terms with partners and act together. One of the older family members, joining the game, can become a link between the children and teach them to play together. Host partners can also play together. Usually everyone imposes their own theme of the game on the other, trying to be in the main role. In this case, you cannot do without the help of an adult. You can take turns playing the main role; an adult can take a secondary role. Playing games together between parents and children enriches children spiritually and emotionally, satisfies the need to communicate with loved ones, and strengthens self-confidence.

The authority of the father and mother, who know and can do everything. It grows in the eyes of children, and with it, love and devotion to loved ones grows. It’s good if a preschooler knows how to start a game on his own, choose the right game material, build a mental plan for the game, negotiate with his play partners, or be able to accept his plan and carry out his plans together. Then we can talk about the preschooler’s ability to play. But these children also require attention and serious attitude to your games. They may need to consult with their mother, father, grandmother, older brother, or sister. As the game progresses, ask, clarify, receive approval of your actions, actions, thus establishing yourself in forms of behavior.

Younger preschoolers aged 2-4 years not only do not know how to play together, they do not know how to play independently. The kid usually drives the car back and forth aimlessly, not finding any other use for it, he quickly abandons it, demands new toy. Independence in play is formed gradually, in the process of playful communication with adults, older children, and peers. The development of independence largely depends on how the child’s life is organized in the game. Waiting for him to start playing on his own means deliberately slowing down the development of the child’s personality.

One of the important pedagogical conditions contributing to the development of the game small child, is the selection of toys by age. For a child, a toy is the center of play, a material support. It prompts him to the theme of the game, gives birth to new connections, makes him want to act with it, and enriches his sensory experience. But toys that adults like do not always have educational value for children. Sometimes a simple shoebox is more valuable than any wind-up toy. The box can be a trailer for a car in which you can transport blocks, soldiers, bricks, or you can arrange a stroller for dolls in the box.

Older preschoolers appreciate toys made by their parents. Children always need to have pieces of fur, fabric, cardboard, wire, and wood on hand. From them, children make missing toys, rebuild them, supplement them, etc., which undoubtedly expands children’s play capabilities, imagination, and develops work skills.

In a child’s play area there should be various toys: plot-shaped (depicting people, animals, objects of labor, everyday life, transport, etc.), motor (various gurneys, strollers, balls, jump ropes, sports toys), construction sets, didactic (various turrets, nesting dolls, board games).

When purchasing a toy, it is important to pay attention not only to novelty, attractiveness, cost, but also to pedagogical expediency. Before you make your next purchase, it's a good idea to talk to your son or daughter about what kind of toy he needs and for what game. Often girls play only with dolls, so they are often deprived of the joy of playing games that develop ingenuity, resourcefulness, and creativity. Girls play with dolls either alone or only with girls. They have no common interests with boys and there are no prerequisites for the emergence of friendly relationships between children. Boys usually play with cars and children's weapons. Such toys also limit the circle of communication with girls. It’s better when we are adults, we won’t divide toys into “girls” and “boys”.

If a boy does not play with a doll, he can buy a bear, a doll in the image of a boy, a baby, a sailor, Pinocchio, Cheburashka, etc. It is important that the baby has the opportunity to take care of someone. Soft toys, depicting people and animals, delight children with their attractive appearance, cause positive emotions, the desire to play with them, especially if adults from an early age teach them to take care of toys and maintain their neat appearance. These toys turn out to be children's first assistants in gaining experience in communicating with other children and adults. If a child does not have sisters and brothers, then toys are actually his play partners with whom he shares his sorrows and joys. Games with building material develop children's sense of shape, space, color, imagination, and constructive abilities.

Sometimes adults need to help build this or that building, think together about what parts are needed, what color, how to fix it, how to supplement the missing structures, how to use the building in the game.

Games: lotto, dominoes, paired pictures, open up the opportunity for children to enjoy the game, develop memory, attention, observation, eye, small muscles of the hands, learn endurance and patience.

Such games have an organizing effect because they require strict adherence to the rules. It is interesting to play such games with the whole family, so that all partners are equal in the rules of the game. The little one also gets used to the fact that he has to play, following the rules and comprehending their meaning.

Children's games with theatrical toys are very valuable. They are attractive for their bright appearance and ability to “talk.”

Making flat figures from cardboard and other materials with the whole family gives children the opportunity to independently act out familiar works. fiction, invent fairy tales.

The participation of adults in children's games can vary. If a child has just been bought a toy and he knows how to play with it, it is better to give him the opportunity to act independently. But soon the child’s experience is exhausted. The toy becomes uninteresting. Here we need the help of elders, to suggest a new game action, to show them, to offer additional game material to the existing game. When playing with their child, it is important for parents to monitor their plan. The even, calm, friendly tone of an equal playing partner gives the child confidence that they understand him and want to play with him.

If a preschooler, especially a small one, has a play corner, then from time to time he should be allowed to play in the room where the family gathers in the evenings, in the kitchen, in grandma’s room, where there is a new environment, where everything is interesting. A new environment gives rise to new game actions and plots.

The child is very happy about the minutes given to him by his parents in the game. Communication in play is never fruitless for a child. The more precious moments he has in the company of people close to him, the greater the relationship, common interests, and love between them in the future.


10 rules for changing problematic child behavior

1. Establish contact with the child. Self-control. Calm. Tact.

2. Clarify your concerns. Don't make assumptions. Briefly describe the problem, why it worries you and what behavior you expect from him.

3. Promise each other to solve the problem together.

Ideally, you should be members of the same team to achieve success.

4. Practice with him a new behavior that is intended to replace the problematic one so that he knows how to use it correctly.

5. Correct problem behavior as soon as it occurs.

6. Continually check in on your child's progress throughout the incremental change.

7. Inform your child that penalties have been established. They must be balanced, appropriate to the child’s age and offense, and announced in advance.

8. Use penalties for ongoing problem behavior. Be consistent!

9. Encourage your child to try to behave well.

10. Congratulate your child on success every time you see a positive result.

All the best to you!


"Child's adaptation in kindergarten"

Target: expansion of parents’ ideas about the characteristics of the child’s adaptation to new conditions, about the factors influencing successful adaptation.

Equipment: paper (1/8 A4 sheet) for business cards (20 pieces), A4 sheets (40 pieces), safety pins, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, a sheet of Whatman paper, posters (Appendices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), any of feedback options (Appendix 6) for each participant.


Exercise "Business Cards"

The presenter invites the participants to get acquainted and prepare business cards. After the business cards have been made, each person present is asked to identify themselves and briefly tell about their child attending kindergarten.

Exercise “Our Group Rules”

Leading. Rules regulate the forms of communication in the group. We have to discuss generally accepted rules and choose some for our group.

Participants are given the right to remove and add rules (see Appendix 1). All rules are written down on a large sheet of Whatman paper and placed on a board (stand, typesetting, wall, etc.).

Exercise Analysis

To what extent are the proposed rules clear to participants?

Which of the new rules have been helpful and which have been burdensome?

Should we adopt additional rules or should we stick to the traditional ones?

Exercise “My mood”(Part 1)

Leading. Now I will ask you to take pencils, a sheet of paper and draw a picture that matches your current state and mood.

Upon completion of drawing, a demonstration of the resulting drawings is carried out. The presenter summarizes the general mood of the group and records various manifestations of the participants’ mood, expressed in the selection of colors, design elements, etc.

Thus, we can say that it is impossible to accurately calculate the number of adaptation periods and each person can experience the adaptation process more than once during one day. But we can highlight the following, the most striking(Appendix 2).

Adaptation is adaptation to environmental conditions. Psychological adaptation assumes that a person is in harmony with himself, communication partners and the world around him as a whole.

What psychophysical reactions do you think may be characteristic of a child during the adaptation period?

There is a discussion, at the end of which the presenter offers a poster with this information (Appendix 3).

Depending on temperament, individual characteristics and preliminary activities carried out by parents during the adaptation period, the child gets used to kindergarten in different ways. In a nursery this period should not exceed 7–10 days, in a kindergarten for children aged 3–4 years - two to three weeks, in older preschool age- 1 month.

Which children have the hardest time adapting to kindergarten?

There is a discussion, at the end of which the presenter offers a poster with this information (Appendix 4).

Parents should remember and strictly follow several rules. This will help avoid serious problems and psychological disorders in the child.(Appendix 5).

Exercise “Situation”

The presenter reads out the situation and offers to answer questions.

Today Shurik turned three years old, and his mother took him to kindergarten for the first time, warning him that she would very soon take him out of the group. At first, Shurik liked it in kindergarten. He had never seen so many new wind-up toys and an endless number of cars. Forgetting about his mother, Shurik rushed to the toys, but the teacher called everyone for a walk, and Shurik had to go with the children. But he could not, like other children, dress himself, lace his shoes, tie a scarf. Mom wasn't here, and Shurik asked the teacher to help him a little. All the children started laughing that he was so stupid, and after that no one wanted to play with him in the yard. And Shurik remembered his mother again, he remembered what she said, and ran to the gate, expecting that she would come for him any moment. But mom was not there. And instead, the teacher appeared and began to scold him for leaving the group without permission. She forced him to return to his children. He became stubborn and did not want to go. Then he burst into tears and began calling loudly for his mother. Shurik refused dinner and did not want to go to bed. He sat down by the door and, wailing, began calling his mother again. But mom came for him very late, after dinner. And, having found out the details from the teacher today, got terribly angry and attacked Shurik in front of everyone, cursing that he was behaving so badly. She promised that she would put him in a corner and took him home crying, not understanding why he burst into tears. And he cried more and more.


Did Shurik’s mother do the right thing when she left him in kindergarten for the first time for the whole day?

Did she behave correctly when she came for him to take him home?

What would you do in her place?

Games “On the way to kindergarten”

To make your child want to go to kindergarten, you can play with him.

1. “Everything is round (square, triangular)”

A child and an adult take turns naming objects round shape, encountered along the way.

2. "Red (green) objects"- according to the principle of exercise No. 1.

3. "Magic figures".Together with your child, we imitate the gait of a bunny, bear, fox, etc.

4. “What’s missing?”, “What’s changed?”

The adult removes the glove from his hand or attaches a badge to his jacket and asks the child to say what has changed. You can observe what has changed on the way to kindergarten.

5. "Riddles"

You can come up with riddles along the way. For example, ask a child: “Round, sweet, soft, in a beautiful wrapper. What is this?" Or: “Red-haired, with a bushy tail, loves to chew nuts, jumps in trees. Who is this?"

Exercise “My mood”(Part 2)

Participants are asked to draw on a new sheet of paper something that matches their current mood.

Exercise Analysis

What did they depict and why?

Has the mood changed compared to what it was at the beginning of the meeting? Which way? What caused the change?


The presenter offers parents one of the feedback options (Appendix 6).

At the end of the written registration of impressions, the facilitator invites the meeting participants to talk about their impressions, thoughts, feelings, and wishes.


Appendix 1

Approximate rules for communication in a group

1. Each of those present is here only because he wants it.

2. For everyone, the concept of truth is determined by what he is, what he feels, how he evaluates what is happening.

3. Our first goal is to establish positive contact with each other.

4. We must be honest and sincerely express our attitude to what is happening.

5. We must listen to others.

6. It is necessary that everyone participate in making a group decision.

7. New members become members of our group simply because they sit in a common circle and stay.

Appendix 2

Situations requiring adaptation
child to change in life circumstances

Admission to kindergarten.

Moving from one group to another.

Long-term illness.

Long vacation.

Stay in a sanatorium-type kindergarten.

Change of teacher.

The appearance of a new child in the peer group.

Appendix 3

Psychophysiological reactions of the child during the adaptation period



Lethargy (increased excitability)




Appendix 4

It is much more difficult and longer for children to adapt:

Being the only ones in the family;

Overprotected by parents or grandmothers;

Accustomed to having their whims indulged;

Receiving exclusive attention from adults;

Lack of basic self-care skills;


Sufferers of night terrors;

Emotionally unstable;

Survivors of psychological trauma;

With pronounced defects (at an older age);

Whose parents worry too much about their child due to the need to send him to kindergarten.

Appendix 5

Rules for parents during
child's adaptation to changing conditions


Rule 1. Consider the child's age and emotional attachment.

Rule 2. Highlight the positive aspects of your child’s visit to kindergarten so that he will go there with desire.

Rule 3. Your own childhood memories may make your child want to attend kindergarten.

Rule 4. The preparatory period should begin long before the first day of visiting the kindergarten group.

Rule 5. Accustom your child to the kindergarten routine gradually.

Rule 6. Teach your child to be independent.

Rule 7. When loving, do not raise an egoist.

Rule 8. Give your child the opportunity for emotional release.

Appendix 6

Feedback Options

Option 1

I liked it………………………………………………………………

I didn’t like it…………….……………………………

I would like ………………………………………………………

Next time ………………………………………………

I wish ………………………………………………………………………………

Option 2

On the “sun” piece of paper, write positive reviews and your favorite moments. On the piece of paper “thunderstorm” is what you didn’t like and what you need to pay attention to.

Option 3. “Poster”

It is necessary to write down your impressions in the form of one phrase (affirming, proclaiming, etc.).


What parents should know and be able to do:

  1. The more often a child communicates with adults, children in the apartment, in the yard, on playground, near the house i.e. in different environments, the faster and more confidently he will be able to transfer acquired skills and abilities to the kindergarten setting.
  2. Informal visit to kindergarten. Those. walks around the territory and an accompanying story about the kindergarten, and the story should be very colorful and, undoubtedly, positive. In your story, try to show your child how fun and good it is for other children in kindergarten.
  3. Because every admitted child requires attentive individual approach, then children should be admitted gradually, 2-3 people at a time, with short breaks (2-3 days).
  4. In the first days, the child should stay in the group for no more than 2-3 hours.
  5. For the first visits, it is recommended to spend hours allotted for walks and games. This allows you to quickly determine the child’s behavior group, outline the right approach and relieve emotional stress from the first contacts.
  6. Establishing emotional contact between the child and the teacher should be carried out in a familiar environment in the presence of a loved one. On the first day, there is a short introduction to the teacher, aimed at developing interest in kindergarten and establishing contact between the child and the teacher in a new situation.
  7. Group excursions in which the teacher, parents and child participate are very useful.
  8. The lack of unity of the education system in the family and in the child care institution has a negative impact on the course of adaptation, as well as on the behavior of children upon admission to a child care institution.


Memo for parents in kindergarten

Soon you and your baby will have to start new life. In order for the child to enter it joyful, sociable, and matured, we would like to offer a number of recommendations:

  1. Try to create a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family.
  2. Set clear expectations for your child and be consistent in presenting them.
  3. Be patient.
  4. Build your child’s self-care and personal hygiene skills.
  5. Encourage games with other children and expand your social circle with adults.
  6. When your child talks to you, listen carefully.
  7. If you see a child doing something, start a “parallel conversation” (comment on his actions).
  8. Speak to your child in short phrases, slowly; in a conversation, name as many objects as possible. Give simple and clear explanations.
  9. Ask your child: “What are you doing?”
  10. Read to your child every day. Make sure he has new experiences.
  11. Engage in creative activities with your child: play, sculpt, draw...
  12. Encourage curiosity.
  13. Don't be stingy with praise.



Memo to parents from their child

(Let's listen to the advice of our children!)

  1. Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer this approach. This allows me to determine my place.
  2. Don't make me feel younger than I really am. I will take it out on you for this by becoming a “crybaby” and a “whiner.”
  3. Don't do for me and for me what I can do for myself. I can continue to use you as a servant
  4. Don't ask me to immediately explain why I did this or that. Sometimes I myself don’t know why I act this way and not otherwise.
  5. Don't test my integrity too much. When intimidated, I easily turn into a liar.
  6. Don't let my fears and worries worry you. Otherwise I will be even more afraid. Show me what courage is.
  7. Don't make promises you can't keep - it will shake my faith in you.
  8. Don't nag me or nag me. If you do this, I will be forced to defend myself by pretending to be deaf.
  9. Don't try to lecture me. You will be surprised to discover how well I know what is good and what is bad.
  10. Never even hint that you are perfect and infallible. It gives me a sense of the futility of trying to be equal to you.
  11. Don't get too upset when I say, "I hate you." I don't mean that literally. I just want you to regret what you did to me.
  12. If you tell me you love me and then ask me to do something for you, I think I'm in the market. But then I will bargain with you and, believe me, I will make a profit.
  13. Don't make me feel like my wrongdoings are a mortal sin. I have the right to make mistakes, correct them, and learn from them. But if you convince me that I am good for nothing, then in the future I will generally be afraid to do something, even knowing that it is right.
  14. Don't protect me from the consequences of my own mistakes. I, like you, learn from my own experience.
  15. Don't forget, I love to experiment. This is how I experience the world, so please bear with it.
  16. Don't try to discuss my behavior in the midst of a conflict. For some objective reasons, my hearing becomes dull during this time, and my desire to cooperate with you becomes much weaker. It will be okay if you take certain steps, but talk to me about this a little later.
  17. Don't correct me in front of strangers. I will pay much more attention to your remark if you tell me everything calmly, face to face.
  18. I want to be sure that I was born from your love for each other, and not just from sexual pleasure. The quarrels between you confirm my worst fears.
  19. If I see that you love your brother or sister more, I will not complain to you. I will simply attack the one to whom you give more attention and love. I see justice in this.
  20. I'm already interested in the opposite sex. If you ignore this and don’t explain what I should do and what I should do with my feelings, then my peers and older guys will tell me about it. Will this make you feel at ease?
  21. Don't try to get rid of me when I ask honest questions. If you don’t answer them, I will generally stop asking them to you and will look for information somewhere else.
  22. I feel when it is difficult and difficult for you. Don't hide from me. Dante gives me the opportunity to experience this with you. When you trust me, I will trust you.
  23. Don't worry that we don't spend enough time together. What's more important to me is how we conduct it.
  24. Don't rely on force in your relationship with me. This will teach me that only strength needs to be taken into account. I will respond more readily to your initiatives.
  25. Be careful when the time comes in my life to be more focused on peers and older guys. At this time, their opinion may be more important to me than yours. During this period, I treat you more critically and compare your words with your actions.
  26. Treat me the same way you treat your friends. Then I will become your friend. Remember that I learn by imitating examples rather than by being criticized.

Ten Commandments for Parents

  1. Don't expect your child to be like you or what you want. Help him become not you, but himself.
  2. Do not demand payment from your child for everything you have done for him. You gave him life, how can he thank you? He will give life to another, and he will give life to a third, and this is an irreversible law of gratitude.
  3. Do not take out your grievances on your child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread. For whatever you sow, that will come back.
  4. Don't look down on his problems. Life is given to everyone according to their strength and, rest assured, it is no less difficult for him than for you, and maybe more, since he has no experience.
  5. Don't humiliate!
  6. Don't forget that a person's most important meetings are with his children. Pay more attention to them - we can never know who we meet in a child.
  7. Don't beat yourself up if you can't do something for your child. Torture if you can, but you don’t. Remember, not enough has been done for the child if everything has not been done.
  8. A child is not a tyrant who takes over your whole life, not just a fruit of flesh and blood. This is the precious cup that life has given you to store and develop creative fire within. This is the liberated love of a mother and father, who will grow not “our”, “their” child, but a soul given for safekeeping.
  9. Learn to love someone else's child. Never do to someone else what you would not want done to yours.
  10. Love your child in any way - untalented, unlucky, adult. When communicating with him, rejoice, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.


Dear residents of the Kirsanovsky district!

Every year, from April 1, district educational organizations will begin recruiting preschool educational organizations for the new school year. At the moment, the education department is forming a plan for filling the places vacated after the summer graduation of children from school.

The acquisition is carried out by specialists from the education department who supervise preschool education. Based on the data from the AIS “Acquisition” and in accordance with the administrative regulations for the provision of municipal services, specialists form lists of preschool educational organizations indicating free places.

Procedure for enrollment in kindergartens

The distribution of places during recruitment is carried out taking into account the date of registration, as well as the kindergarten specified by the parents in the application and the desired date of admission. In accordance with current legislation, applications from parents whose children have an extraordinary and priority right to enrollment in kindergarten are considered first. Then applications from parents whose children are already attending kindergarten, who want to transfer the child to another preschool educational institution, or who want to transfer the child from a short-term group for supervision and care to a full-day group with a general developmental focus (with the implementation of the program) are subject to consideration preschool education). Next, applications from parents are considered in accordance with the date of registration (on a general basis). You can find out the status of the submitted application and check the serial number in the citywide queue for kindergartens in the district at the district education department at the address: st. Sovetskaya, 25, office. No. 18, office No. 16, by calling 3 53 79 (methodologist Svetlana Viktorovna Nikulina, senior methodologist Marina Borisovna Korotkova) or on the public services portal (enter login and password). As the lists are formed (starting from April 1), they are approved and, together with personalized directions, are transferred to kindergartens. Within 12 working days, kindergarten workers inform parents about the recruitment results and invite them to the kindergarten to receive a referral. The parent (legal representative) of the child applies to the kindergarten in person. You must have a passport or other identification document with you. After the parent receives the referral, the child is removed from the register as a person on the waiting list.

To enroll a child in a kindergarten, a parent must provide the kindergarten with necessary documents: referral and medical card of the child, which is issued at the children's clinic at the child's place of residence. If, for objective reasons, a parent is unable to provide these documents for enrollment in a kindergarten within the specified time frame, it is necessary to write an application addressed to the head of the kindergarten, indicating the reasons and the expected date of admission of the child to the kindergarten.

Dear parents, those planning to send their children to kindergartens, we kindly ask you to decide on your wishes before April 1 and submit a timely application and documents to register your child in educational organizations!

There is a hotline for enrollment issues. preschool institutions. You can ask your questions about the queue for kindergarten to educational organizations in the district by calling 3 53 79 from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00.