Children's playgrounds in the courtyards of multi-storey buildings are both a salvation and a headache for parents. The problem has been partially solved in new buildings, but in old yards the situation requires intervention. The issue is not only about updating equipment, but also about the safety of children when playing. What can be done in this situation, and who should allocate funds for the construction of a playground near the house? This will be discussed in the article.

What's wrong with old sites

If you visit the old courtyards of old houses, a ruined children's playground immediately catches your eye. More precisely, you can see the remains of it. Destroyed concrete and metal structures can cause irreparable harm to children. Most of the metal structures in the form of swings or carousels have long been sold for scrap. The paintwork was updated only once and this was done during construction. After that, no one cared about updating the appearance of the playground. Children lose interest in playgrounds and move to construction sites or other areas, which also puts their lives in danger. After the brutal dismantling of ladders, horizontal bars or other devices, metal strips and pipes remain sticking out of the ground. Their sharp ends can damage limbs or lead to blood poisoning.

Most parents prefer not to let their children go to such sites. Visiting other sites creates tension between neighbors. All this suggests the need for change. One of the best solutions is to completely demolish the old playground and build a new one, rather than restore it. The design of the new site is not complicated, but the issue of financing will take a long time to resolve.

Standards for playgrounds

Legislative projects lay down norms and requirements for children's playgrounds. They should be varied and include equipment that is suitable for children of different ages and physical fitness. They must develop new skills and strengthen existing ones. An important requirement is the possibility of creating self-employment for the child. That is, the playground is designed in such a way that the child’s imagination has a place to run wild. For this purpose, slides, swings, stairs and other devices are painted in bright colors. Structures should not be narrowly focused, but used in various possible options.

That is why specific requirements for children's playgrounds were formed, which are laid down in SNiP. Among the relevant ones it is worth highlighting:

  • distance from roads;
  • fencing of the territory;
  • presence of landscaping;
  • distance from garbage cans;
  • periodic inspection of serviceability;
  • checking and replacing sand.

According to the established rules, the playground should be located no closer than 10 meters from the roadway where vehicles move around the yard. A fence should be installed around the perimeter of the site, which visually separates it from the rest of the territory. In addition, its territory should not be a passable area. This helps protect children from strangers. Shrubs and trees should be planted along the perimeter of the site. They reduce the level of dust and gas pollution in the air. Plants also create shade, which is necessary on hot days. The location of waste bins should not be closer than 20 meters to the site. There must be a person in charge who will inspect the equipment and make minor repairs once a quarter. If there is a sandbox on the site, then the sand in it should be replaced at least once a year. In this case, the quality of sand must be checked by the sanitary and epidemiological service.

One of the desirable requirements is the creation of multiple sites. Each of them should be intended for children of its own age group. The first involves children who have not reached the age of three. The second group includes children over three years old, but not yet school age, i.e. up to 7 years. Next category includes children under 12 years of age. In practice, things are usually different. After all, the construction of each of the sites requires its own territory, and it is limited in the yard, so the builders install universal attractions.

How the management company can help

The first authority you should try to contact regarding the construction or replacement of a playground is the management company that supervises a specific house or complex. An official appeal is drawn up, expressing the claims, as well as the requests of all residents. It is necessary to indicate specific facts with attached photos about damaged shells and so on. After this, it is necessary to collect signatures from residents and the chairman of the council. It is necessary to have two copies, one of which will be certified and will remain with the applicants. It is necessary to notify the secretary by telephone so that the appropriate note can be made. In parallel with this statement, another one is being written. It is sent to the head of the management company. It must set out a request for a scheduled or unscheduled inspection of the playground. According to the law, a representative of the management company will have seven working days to consider the application and take action.

Note! The period for consideration of a submitted application is regulated by Article 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

A copy of the act must be saved, since in the future it can be used as a basis for recalculation and return of funds in the form of management services. Before taking the listed actions, you need to find out on what territory the existing playground is located. If it is adjacent to the house, then it falls under the jurisdiction of the management company. According to the law, the adjacent territory is considered to be the area on which the house itself stands, as well as the territory bordering it, the limits of which are determined by cadastral registration. This territory includes landscaping elements, as well as sports, children's and utility areas. The agreement with the management company must indicate what responsibility it bears for the playground.

If the corresponding clause is missing, then it is necessary to request clarification of the ownership of a specific territory. If the response received indicates that the playground belongs to the local area, then all of the above applications can be submitted. Usually the documents are drawn up in such a way that the children's territory belongs to the courtyard, and not to the house adjoining one, so it does not fall under the area of ​​influence of the management company. The management company can refuse residents even if the area for children needs not so much cosmetic repairs as replacement.

Should local authorities be involved?

The courtyard, and not the adjacent area, falls under the service of the municipality. It is municipal services that install children's playgrounds. The budget of every city includes funds for improving the courtyard area, but few people know about it. Special programs are often conducted to address these issues. They can be tracked on the official city website. If it becomes known about the program, then you must immediately write applications. Unlike the previous case, a meeting of residents will be required. You can invite a representative of the management company. The application is sent to the city administration indicating the number of voters at the general meeting.

In addition to regular mail, you can use the electronic portal, which may be provided for communication with the administration. Often, this requires registering and using your personal account. In the best case, the application will be approved and construction work will begin. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to persistently submit applications regarding the children's territory.

Using your own funds

The most in a simple way To build a playground for children in the yard is to use your own funds. If they are, then the efficiency will be 100%. At the same time, the playground project can be created according to the personal preferences of the residents. In order to put the matter into motion regarding the children's territory, it is necessary to convene a meeting of residents and owners of the premises and territory. At the meeting, a decision must be made on the maximum amount that will be allocated to the children's territory, as well as who and how much will be able to donate their own funds. All information must be entered into the protocol.

It is also necessary to invite a representative of the management company to the general meeting. Especially if the territory is in their department.

After drawing up an act of the meeting with a decision on the construction of a playground, you must contact the district administration. The application must include a proposal to construct a children's area at one's own expense, and a protocol with the decision must be attached to it. The department sends its wishes and application to the bureau, which is engaged in architectural design and planning. The Bureau must prepare a project for the children's area. Its scope will depend on the amount offered by residents. You can first contact an architect you know who can design a children’s area yourself. This will greatly simplify the task and speed up the process of approval and start of construction.


If the bureau has prepared or approved the playground project, then it is necessary to organize a meeting of residents again. At this meeting, it is necessary to show the proposed playground project, as well as voice the figures presented in the estimate. The department needs to find out what permitting documents are needed to begin work on the construction of a playground and where they can be obtained. The list of required papers differs in different areas. Most often, the security department is included in this list. environment, Rospotrebnadzor, land use department and architectural construction department. After collecting all the certificates and documents, they must be sent to the department, where the final decision will be made.

The next step could be a tender among construction companies that are interested in implementing such a project. It’s better to do this yourself, asking a number of companies for prices for services and terms for constructing a playground. It is important to draw up an agreement that specifies all rights and obligations. It should also set out a commitment that the construction company is prepared to adhere to all safety standards for the playground that are required by applicable law. The number and type of objects that will be installed on the playground are clearly stated. All equipment must be such that if a difficult situation arises, an adult can freely gain access to the child. A video about the construction of the playground can be seen below.


As you can see, building a playground is not an easy task. But it can be accomplished if you show persistence and perseverance. It is important to know your rights and demand their strict observance in accordance with the law. A finished playground will last much longer if all residents make an effort to care for it.

The ideal business for a young mother is opening a nursery game room. Often the thought of this matter comes to the minds of those who have a child (or even several children) in their arms, who have nowhere to take to have fun or nowhere to leave for an hour or two. Having analyzed the market, the lady with entrepreneurial savvy understands that this problem is relevant not only for her. Baby boom, which began thanks to state support in the form of an issue maternity capital for a second child, makes the children's entertainment niche very interesting from a business point of view.

The business plan below “How to open a children's playroom” will clearly show what a novice entrepreneur needs to pay attention to at the stage of preparing a business in order to carry out effective activities in the future.

It cannot be said that a children's room is a highly profitable business. By doing this, an entrepreneur is unlikely to recoup the investment in a couple of months. However, this is a fairly stable enterprise, since demand for it drops only in the summer months, when the main flow of customers laze on the warm city beach or leave the city altogether.

Considering the summer outflow of clients, it is advisable to open a children's playroom in early autumn.

Market analysis and competitive assessment

In order to ensure that business investments are not lost forever, it is necessary to carefully study the current situation in the field of children's entertainment. So, it is important to find out:

You can find out whether there will be a demand for the room’s services by posting advertisements about its opening. If calls or messages are received in response in social networks- that means the idea is relevant. If the ad does not generate interest, perhaps the market is oversaturated, the population of your city is too small, or there is low purchasing power of citizens who are not willing to pay for your services.

The analysis will help the entrepreneur assess the feasibility of entering this business. If it has shown that the children's playroom service will be in demand, you should proceed to the registration process.

How to open a playroom for children: registration

Any activity that generates profit, according to the law of our state, must be taxed. In order not to break the law, we should contact the tax office to complete the documents. For this business, it is preferable to register as a business, since, firstly, it is cheaper than, and secondly, an individual entrepreneur can receive some tax benefits.

A license is not required to provide general educational services, which greatly simplifies the task.

A visitor to the gaming room must receive a cash receipt or a strict reporting form from the operator. Most often they use forms that are ordered from any printing house.

There are no official requirements from licensing authorities yet, so we are doing everything possible to ensure that there are no complaints against the business during possible inspections:

  • the room must be ventilated;
  • disinfection should be carried out once a week;
  • children with visible symptoms of infectious or colds should not be allowed to visit;
  • A person without a criminal record and, preferably, with a pedagogical education should keep order and work with children: a teacher, nanny or kindergarten teacher, graduates or senior students of pedagogical secondary schools, universities and colleges.

What do you need to open a children's playroom?

Deciding on the location

One of the most important factors in organizing this business is its location, because the profitability of the business ultimately depends on how many children will visit the playroom.

When choosing a location for a children's room, entrepreneurs most often choose two placement options:

  • in a large shopping center. When choosing a shopping center, an entrepreneur bases his choice on the large flow of people. Parents can leave their child and go shopping in peace. The owners of shopping centers also understand this, so sometimes, having empty space, they make concessions in terms of rent: they significantly lower the rental rate or even provide space for accommodation for free. The option of paying rent with 10-20 percent of the profit is also being considered;
  • room opening in a residential area It is interesting because a large number of people in a densely populated microdistrict of a metropolis do not have enough time to overcome the long road, often with traffic jams, to shopping centers. Therefore, it is quite convenient for them to have a small children’s room near their home, kindergarten or school.

When choosing a room, you need to pay attention to some details:

  • if we are talking about a shopping center, then the room should be located near the entrance, and not at the very end of the corridor, where not every parent with a small child can reach;
  • If we are located in a residential area, it is ideal to rent the first floor of the building. It’s great if you have access to a separate entrance, for example, from the end of the building;
  • the room itself must be spacious, bright, well-finished, the room must meet all the requirements of the fire department and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • toilet rooms must be located either in the rented premises or in close proximity to it;
  • The area of ​​the room must be at least 30 square meters. meters.

The size of the room depends on how much you are willing to pay for rent and the expected number of children present at one time. If you plan that ten children can be in the room at the same time, then twenty square meters of space will be enough.

Decorating the interior of the game room

It’s no secret that children love everything bright and colorful, which is why the interior of a children’s playroom is designed in accordance with the preferences of little clients. We strongly advise against adding black or rich, dirty tones to the design of the playroom.

The games room must have at least two zones: for active games and a relaxation area. If you plan to host birthdays, parties and themed tea parties in the room, the room should have the appropriate equipment, or at least a place for it.

Game room and its equipment

When purchasing the necessary equipment for a game room, it is necessary to be guided by the direction of the business, which the entrepreneur should have already decided on by this time based on the data obtained during the market analysis.

If the bulk of future visitors will be between one and three years old, the room should be soft in the truest sense of the word. Literally everything here is made of printed material. These include houses, various construction sets with large details, and soft puzzles.

Older children will appreciate the area where they can draw and sculpt from plasticine. There can be tables and chairs, easels, cabinets with all the necessary materials.

The main cost is the purchase of children's multi-level labyrinths with many obstacles, slides, ladders, pears, ropes, etc. Bright slides, made of extra-strong carbon fiber, especially delight children, since they can slide down into a special dry pool with thousands of multi-colored balls. By the way, in the dry pool, in addition to pleasure, children also receive a full body massage.

Many people place small inflatable trampolines or sports nets in the children's room, since children of all ages love to jump.

In addition, attention should be paid to functional furniture: sofas, armchairs, hangers outerwear, cabinets for books and materials, shelves for first shoes, a table for staff, etc.

It's no secret that the more varied the room's equipment, the more interesting it will be for children. Therefore, only your own imagination and available funds can limit here.


You need to start looking for staff to work in the game room one and a half to two months before the expected opening. Hiring the wrong person to work sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences: mistreatment of children, lack of order in the room, damage to equipment, and even withholding proceeds from the owner. Therefore, it is important to approach this stage as responsibly as possible.

Of course, the ideal option is to work in the playroom yourself for two to three months. Then, having studied the entire process “from the inside,” it will be easier to find personnel and subsequently control them. The easiest way to find an employee is to post a hiring message on a job board.

In addition, for an employee to love children and be able to communicate with them, he must do the following: tasks:

  • ensure the safety of children while they are in the playroom,
  • conduct introductory mini-excursions, showing kids what is located and where,
  • monitor the proper operation of existing equipment,
  • maintain cleanliness and order in the room.

Financial part

So, we found out how to open a children's playroom from registration to equipment. What are the financial costs and expected profit?

The purchase of all necessary equipment will require from 200 thousand rubles minimum to one and a half million maximum. Plus, to the initial expenses - registration as an individual entrepreneur - 5,000 rubles, minor cosmetic repairs of the premises - about 10,000 rubles.

In addition, there are constant expenses, such as:

  • rental of premises - from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the chosen location;
  • salary for metropolis workers, taking into account that they will work in two shifts - 2 people * 15,000 rubles each = 30,000 rubles; wages in a small locality are 7-8 thousand rubles.

The cost of a child visiting a children's playroom varies from 100 rubles in a small town to 200 rubles per hour in a large metropolis. If we consider that in a large shopping center, on average, 5 people per hour will visit the room, the revenue will be about 10,000 rubles for a 10-hour shift. In a small locality, the visitor statistics are less pleasant: the room is visited by 10-12 people a day, respectively, the daily revenue will be 1000-1200 rubles.

After making calculations, we find out that average profit in a city with a million population will be about 200 thousand rubles per month, and in a sparsely populated area - about eighteen thousand rubles.

So, as the business plan for a children's room shows, in order for it to be profitable, it is enough to correctly analyze the market, find a good location, purchase high-quality equipment, select personnel and conduct a good advertising campaign. Thanks to the above actions, the opened gaming room will have regular customers, bringing a stable profit to the business owner.


If a business related to children is an area in which you want to devote your time and achieve success, pay attention to inexpensive franchises that allow you to purchase a ready-made business for a small amount, for example, related to the sale of unique toys.

Thus, it provides entrepreneurs with the opportunity to start a business selling unique modern dolls. They are created from environmentally friendly, high-quality materials. Handmade is distinguished by its uniqueness and aesthetic appeal. The products are in great demand, so they will bring high profits to entrepreneurs.

A franchise worth 59 thousand rubles offers favorable conditions. Partners will receive their own online store, step by step instructions, catalogs of dolls and dresses for them and much more. Cooperation will be as profitable as possible, since businessmen will require a minimum of effort for promotion.

Do you want to please your child? There is nothing better than building a playground for children! Remember yourself as a child. Didn't you enjoy spending time in the sandbox, on the slides and swings? It was probably like everyone else’s – your child’s heart simply rejoiced! So, why not please your children with a wonderful playground where they can play and have fun? Moreover, you can make your childhood dream come true yourself!

Where do we start? Naturally, from an idea! You will also need time, patience, diligence, some knowledge and some funds. Yes, just a little money, don’t think that a children’s playground is expensive. Not everything beautiful can be measured in money, and in the construction of a playground you can use everything that is not lying around on your garden plot.

Making an action plan

In order for an idea to have any shape, you will have to develop an action plan. If you have a good memory, then all the events will be stored in your mind. But to be more convincing, you can create a project, which will allow you to clarify the details with your household. Also consult with your children. Tell them about your plans, maybe they will make some changes to the project. And, in the end, who should spend time on the playground if not them?!

First of all, think about where exactly on the site the site will be located.

There should be both sun and shadow here. After all, it is not very beneficial for children to be in the sun all day, as this can threaten them with sunstroke. In addition, the location you choose should be protected from the wind.

Excessive distance from home is also not welcome, because it is better for children to always be in sight of adults. It is also worth guarding against great childhood curiosity.

The playground should be located on a more or less flat surface. This will protect children from injury.

Do you want children to be able to run around the playground barefoot? Then take care of landscaping the green grass mat.

Raspberries, rose gardens, blackberries and other thorny plants must remain away from the children's playground. If you plan to develop a love for sports in your child, then you can equip it with rubber tiles, which are non-traumatic and aesthetically attractive. In addition, install on site basketball hoop, horizontal bar and other sports equipment. If you can spare some space for the area, consider creating a gravel garden covered with small pebbles. Children love to play with gravel as much as sand. Draw a scale diagram of all planned objects.

Safety precautions

If you decide to make a swing, then keep in mind that they need additional free space - at least 2 m. To protect your child from injury, take care of the covering on the playground. This could be a rug of green grass. But if you wish, you can also use synthetic coating, sold in specialized stores in your city.

Swings, slides, houses and other structures should be buried no less than 0.5 m into the ground. They should also be carefully reinforced, for example, with metal “crutches” or concreting. Any reliable method will be appropriate here.

If you use wooden parts on the playground, sand them thoroughly first. Then cover them with frost-resistant paint or varnish.

The dimensions of all structures must be appropriate for the age of your children. For example, a sandbox with a size of 1.7 x 1.7 m is sufficient for 2 and 5 year old children, and the height of the slide should not exceed 1.5 m. If your children are of primary school age, then the slide for them can have a height of 2 .5 to 3.5 m, swing - from 2 m.

Whatever you come up with, the mandatory attributes of every playground are a sandbox, swings and slides, a children's hut or a house. And remember, first of all, it is important to follow safety precautions to minimize the possibility of children getting injured on the playground!

We are building a sandbox for kids. Let's take into account the important things!

The main types of sandboxes are limited to only two options: closed and open. But here you can bring your exclusive ideas to life!

To create a unique sandbox that differs from its traditional counterparts, you can use the following ideas:

  • A sandbox that is easy to install and dismantle. To do this, select about 40 stumps that are as identical as possible. Treat them with an antiseptic and dig them into the ground. Here the shape of the sandbox can be very different. Everything here depends on the scale of your imagination. For example, you can create small sand paths for your child to run along.
  • Sandbox made from a tractor tire. It can be arranged in the form of a sailboat. To do this, select a wooden stick that will serve as a mast. Then attach it to the tire and decorate it with a sailboat.
  • Sandbox in the form of a table. This unusual solution will serve as a workplace for the little one. Here the child will be able to create sand houses and sculpt different figures.

If you decide to make an open sandbox, then, first of all, you need to prepare a place for its arrangement. Then dig a hole. The most common size is 2x2x0.4 m, the last number here indicates the depth of the pit. After the recess is ready, make a pebble, crushed stone or rubble cushion that will serve as drainage for the sandbox. Drive 4 bars into the corners of the pit to serve as support pillars for the structure.

Now nail the planed boards on all sides. Of course, they should first be soaked with an antiseptic and then painted with frost-resistant paint or varnish. If you want to create seats in the sandbox, then attach several more horizontal boards prepared in advance to the edges of the nailed bars. Now the design is ready. All that remains is to pour sand into it in a layer of about 20 cm.

It is better to use quarry, river or store-bought sand. This is explained by the fact that these types of sand contain a minimum amount of construction waste, such as stones, glass, etc. Before adding sand, strain it through a special sieve with a fine mesh.

If the open sandbox does not quite suit you, then you can make a closed version of it. To do this, you will need planed boards with a length of about 1.2 m (4 pcs.), as well as a meter-long block that needs to be sawn into pegs. In addition, door hinges, agrofibre and plywood sheets will be useful to you.

So, when building a closed sandbox, you need to repeat the same processes as when arranging an open sandbox, up to and including the moment when you nailed wooden boards on all sides of the pit.

After this, nail another tier of boards to the support bars. Now you can start making the roof. To do this, measure the sides of the constructed sandbox and cut out the corresponding dimensions of the plywood sheet. Cut the finished sheet in half and screw the hinge hinges to it.

Attach agrofibre to the sides; it should be spread on the bottom of the sandbox. Attach both plywood sheets to different sides of the structure using loops. This way you will fix the agrofibre. Now the sandbox roof will be ready! Paint it a bright color, and after the paint has dried, fill it with sand. Now children can play in their new sandbox!

By the way, the roof can also be made from wooden boards. To put it simply, it should be done according to the principle of a door consisting of two parts.

The main advantage of a closed sandbox is that it is protected from small debris. In addition, cats and dogs will not be able to arrange a toilet in it.

A few more ideas:

Setting up a house or children's hut

Children love to keep secrets, hide from the whole world and create their own secrets. If you are a skilled craftsman, then you will be able to create a house from the boards and roofing material left on the site. But if you wish, you can also buy a ready-made structure, for example, made of plastic, wood or fabric.

Children's happiness will know no bounds if you make a tree house for them. However, for this you need to have a tree with spreading branches on the site. And the house needs to be positioned so that it is safe for children. But, believe me, your children will rejoice at its most primitive analogue, made of fabric.

You can make a simple hut from branches, sanded boards or regular stretched blankets. To be simpler, set up a regular tent for the children. It is well ventilated and protects children from scorching sun in sultry summer days. The only limitation is that a house made of film will keep your children in a greenhouse that is dangerous to their health!

If you decide to build a fabric house yourself, first make a frame for it. It is recommended to make a prefabricated frame. Its main advantage is the ability to quickly remove it if it starts to rain. You can also quickly install it when sunny days arrive. If you are not limited financially, then it is better to buy a ready-made fabric house, which is equipped with windows, chairs, loopholes, pull-out tables and other useful accessories. Although you can do all this yourself, of course, if your imagination works and you have the appropriate skills.

Maybe you want to make a home for your child that resembles the one in which your family lives? Then you will need more durable materials. Wood, plastic and foam are best suited here. The house can be above ground, on piles or wooden legs.

If you decide to make a house for your baby at a height, then do not forget to make a ladder, a rope and loopholes for it, thanks to which the baby can climb inside the structure.

To create coziness, add a slide, a hammock and a table with chairs to the house.

Swing. We make them comfortable and attractive!

When creating comfort on the playground, do not forget about building a low rocking chair, which can be made in the form of fairy-tale animals, for example, a pony, a sheep, a cockerel or a donkey. Making a rocking chair is not that difficult.

To do this, you will need concrete mortar, a shovel, a large spring and a figure of an animal that your baby will saddle. First, dig a hole to lay the foundation. Fill it with solution and insert the spring into it to a depth that ensures good stability of the future structure. After the solution has cooled, attach a figurine to the upper edge of the spring. It is important that it is equipped with a seat, because this way you can ensure the safety of the child when swinging.

If you have limited yourself to arranging a classic swing, then you need to prepare in advance for this 2 beams with a length of 3 m. In addition, you will need a galvanized pipe with a diameter of about 7 cm. You also need a rope and a seat with a backrest. First, dig 2 holes. Install pre-treated wooden blocks in them and fill them with concrete mortar. After the base has hardened, attach a galvanized pipe to the crossbars on top, to which you will subsequently attach the ropes with the seat. To ensure greater safety, take care of the seat angles. It is better that they have a streamlined shape.




The project was prepared by a student of grade 3 “B”:

Fedoseev Ilya

GBOU school No. 998 Southern Administrative District, Moscow

Head: Krylova E.P., teacher primary classes

2015 -2016 academic year

Passport project work

1. Project name:"Playgrounds"

2. Project manager: Krylova E.P.

3. Project consultants: Krylova E.P., Fedoseeva E.A.

4. Academic subject within which the project work is carried out: the world, technology

5. Last name, first name (student’s age, class) Fedoseev Ilya (9 years old), 3 “B” class

6. Project type(informational - creative)

7. Project goal: Find out whether modern children need playgrounds.

8. Project objectives:

    Get acquainted with the history of the emergence of children's playgrounds;

    Collect material about modern playgrounds;

    Find out what are the most popular objects on playgrounds;

    Make a playground layout with your own hands.

9. Project issues

When did playgrounds appear?

What play elements are present in playgrounds?

What groups are playgrounds divided into?

How to make a playground layout?

10. Necessary equipment : projector and screen; playground layout

11. Relevance of the project: Although there are many electronic toys and games on the rise, active outdoor play is essential for children's healthy development - something that is increasingly lacking in today's children. Children's outdoor play sets are designed to develop dexterity, flexibility, good coordination and ingenuity. Children's playgrounds develop children physically, promote collective activities. Therefore, playgrounds will continue to be built, and every year they will get better and better.

12. Hypothesis: in the 21st century, in the age of information technology, playgrounds are no longer needed.

13. Forecast: I think that many years from now children will continue to play on playgrounds.

14. Intended project products: a presentation that can be used in environmental lessons in grades 1-3 and classroom hours, layout of a children's playground.

15. Subject of research: playgrounds

16. Object of study: children's playgrounds, playground layout

17. Methods:

Studying literature on the topic of the project;

Creating a “Children’s Playground” Layout

Creating a presentation in Microsoft Office Power Point

18. Conclusions:

    While working on the project, I became convinced that no computer games can replace real-life communication between children.

    Children's playgrounds are needed so that children grow up healthy and spend more time in the fresh air.

    Children love playgrounds

19. Literature and Internet resources

Andrey Khlobystin. The decline of the "beautiful era" of St. Petersburg playgrounds."

http:// ru . wikipedia . org "Playground" "667335html"

"Decoration for children's playgrounds"

“What should be on an outdoor playground”

Illustrations in search engines Ya ndex and Google


This year I am participating in the Moscow Olympiad “Museums. Parks. Estates."

The first park we visited was the Trubetskoy Estate park.

According to the assignment, we had to find all the playgrounds there, they were very interesting, each with its own name.

I started thinking about whether there had always been playgrounds in parks and courtyards, and began asking my mother, father, grandmother, and looking for material on the Internet.

Some guys answered me that children of the 21st century want to play

only into electronic toys, and their parents forcefully take them out to playgrounds.

I wanted to find out if this is really so.

I was also interested in making a playground layout with my own hands.

This is how this project came about.

Description of work

To work on the project “Playgrounds”

I started in October 2015

Choosing a topic, drawing up a work plan

Selection and reading of literature on the topic

Making a model “Children's playground”

(with the help of parents)

Computer program training

Microsoft Office Power Point

Making a project presentation using Microsoft Office PowerPoint

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1Children's playgrounds and their varieties

1.2Psychological characteristics of preschool children

3Comparison of experience in designing children's playgrounds in Russia and other countries

4Regulatory documents (GOST)

5Functions of outdoor play equipment. Range of children's play equipment

6Materials and their specifications

1Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the consumer

2.2 Characteristics of the features of the spatial situation.

Zoning functions.

3Concept. Project name

2.4 Regularities of volumetric-spatial solution

children's playground. Laws of composition

5Psychology of color and shape





Relevance of the research topic. In the first years of life, a child goes through a huge path of spiritual and physical development. Preschool age is an important period in the formation of a person’s personality. The development of a child depends on how the process of his upbringing is carried out, how the space in which he grows and improves is organized, what environment he is in - monotonous, monotonous or, conversely, diverse, rich and dynamic. Living conditions at this time are rapidly expanding: the boundaries of the family are expanding to the limits of the street, city, and country. The child discovers the world of human relationships, different types activities and social functions. He has a strong desire to get involved adult life, actively participate in it.

Games for a child are not just a fun time, but an opportunity to discover and get to know yourself. In the game, the child reveals his creative abilities and imagination, in this way he gets to know his “I”. In the mental development of a child, play acts, first of all, as a means of mastering the world of adults. It is at the level reached by the child mental development the objective world of adults is being mastered. The game situation includes substitution, for example, instead of people there is a doll, instead of a flying magic carpet there is a slide on the playground. Due to the fact that in big cities children are cut off from nature, there is a need to create playgrounds that could, to some extent, replace it.

Playing on playgrounds or training on street exercise equipment in the company of his friends, the child develops not only physically, but also psychologically. The playground in the yard is not just a place for games, but a real children's playground with its own rules.

Playground " Undersea world"was designed for the park named after. Lev Tolstoy. On its territory, except for the basketball court, there are no entertainment areas for children. Since there is a secondary school nearby, it is simply necessary to place a playground in the park.

Currently, measures to improve the environment, landscaping, and beautification of cities and populated areas are becoming increasingly important. The importance of natural environment in the landscaping of the city and the formation of its external appearance is increasing. And sometimes it is worth paying attention to the reconstruction of “old” parks and squares, to the creation of recreation areas already in the existing conditions of districts, neighborhoods and courtyards.

In connection with the increase in the standard of living of society, the development of technical capabilities (the emergence of new materials and technologies), outdated materials that were used previously, and the need for a higher level of comfort and the absence of a recreation and entertainment area for children, there was a need for the construction of a children's playground in the park named after Leo Tolstoy.

Target. Development of a design project for the “Underwater World” children's playground in accordance with government regulations. It should look in such a way as to stimulate the development of the child’s imagination, help him, and acquire useful skills. To achieve the goal, we have identified a number of tasks.

.Familiarize yourself with the types of playgrounds.

.Explore psychological characteristics preschool children.

.Compare the experience of designing playgrounds in Russia and abroad.

.Research regulatory documents (GOST).

.Explore the functions of outdoor play equipment.

.Select the materials used to design the “Underwater World” playground.

.Analyze the features of the spatial environment, develop zoning functions for the playground.

.Develop a concept for the “Underwater World” children’s playground project.

.Familiarize yourself with the laws of volumetric-spatial solutions, the laws of composition, and the psychology of color and shape.

Object of study. Playgrounds.

Subject of study. Design project for the "Underwater World" children's playground.

The methodological basis for the study was the works of N.A. Bogachkina, R.S. Nemov. in the field of child psychology. The design of elements for landscaping children's playgrounds is taken from the textbook by V.O. Sotnikova. The basics of composition are studied by textbook Golubeva O.L. The methodological basis for research in the field of design was the works of A.A. Grashina, Efimov A.V., Runge V.F. The reference book of the architect A.A. Lomakov was used.

The following research methods were used in the project: photo recording, literature study, design, prototyping, work with regulatory materials.

Chapter 1. Pre-project analysis of practical and theoretical aspects children's playground design

design children's playground

1.1Children's playgrounds and their varieties

A children's playground is a specially equipped area intended for children of different ages to play, fenced off from the roadways of adjacent roads, inter-block drives and other places where children's presence, and even more so their games, are dangerous to their life and health.

Play equipment, in turn, is a set of structural structures that promote physical and mental<#"justify">Playgrounds for each age category have their own characteristics, and the areas intended for them include certain elements. For the youngest ages - crossing the bridge, steps, sandboxes; for middle age - rope nets and roads, spiral slopes, winding slides; for older people - sports horizontal bars and ladders. Swings and roundabouts are considered suitable for all ages, as long as younger children are accompanied by an elder.

Each playground, especially for children of primary school age, must meet a specific task, serve a specific purpose; you cannot create playgrounds whose functional purpose is not clear, where everything is collected. The site can satisfy the requirements of only one range of games - calm or active.

Depending on the type of games, playgrounds can be divided into several types: areas where elements of sports and physical exercise predominate. Here children run, jump, swing, spin on “giant steps”, play ball, ride scooters, and in winter on sleds and skates; a playground where children engage in creative, active and noisy games. There are no number of such games, and their focus is most often determined by the natural conditions of the site and the characteristics of the equipment.

Playgrounds should be arranged and equipped with a greater understanding of the interests and needs of children and their psychology. Each age of children has their own play interests, so playgrounds are primarily distinguished according to the age of the children for whom they are intended.

1.2Psychological characteristics of preschool children

The leading activity in preschool age becomes a game.

However, throughout the entire age period, gaming activity undergoes significant changes.

Younger preschoolers (3-4 years old) mostly play alone.

The duration of the games is usually limited to 15-20 minutes, and the plot is to reproduce the actions of those adults whom they observe in everyday life.

Middle preschoolers (4-5 years old) prefer joint games, in which the main thing is to imitate relationships between people.

Children clearly monitor compliance with the rules in fulfilling roles. Thematic games with a large number of roles are common.

For the first time, leadership and organizational abilities begin to emerge.

In middle preschool age, drawing actively develops. A schematic, x-ray drawing is typical, when something that is not visible from the outside is drawn, for example, when depicted in profile, both eyes are drawn.

Competition games are beginning to arouse active interest and help children develop motives for achieving success.

An older preschooler (5-7 years old) is able to play for a long time, even for several days.

In games, more attention is paid to the reproduction of moral and ethical standards.

Construction is actively developing, during which the child acquires simple work skills, becomes familiar with the properties of objects, develops practical thinking, and learns to use tools and household items.

The child’s drawing becomes voluminous and plot-driven.

Thus, throughout preschool childhood games with objects are consistently developed and improved, role-playing game, designing, drawing, housework. In preschool age, the sensory sphere actively develops. The child improves in the accuracy of perception of color, size, shape, weight. At preschool age, the child’s speech continues to actively improve. This is facilitated by play activities, during which children agree on rules and assign roles.

When a child enters school, under the influence of education, a restructuring of all his cognitive processes begins, and they acquire qualities characteristic of adults. This is due to the fact that children are involved in new types of activities and systems of interpersonal relationships that require them to have new psychological qualities. General characteristics All cognitive processes of a child should become their arbitrariness, productivity and stability.

3Experience in designing children's playgrounds in Russia and other countries

Analyzing the development of each district of the city, a person should at first glance perceive an architectural object as a projection of the functional essence onto its image, be it an office, a residential building, a hospital or a children's playground. The image as a whole with all its surroundings is very important: it sets children and their parents in a certain, necessary way.

Many companies work on Russian market for more than a hundred years and produce more than 2,000 types of small architectural forms, including: playgrounds and sports playgrounds; swings, carousels; gazebos; benches; outdoor vases and flower arrangements; trash cans; metal fences; motion limiters and much more. But the problem is that they are made according to templates, and some models are very similar to others. They are manufactured using approved technology, taking into account safety requirements, from certified and environmentally friendly materials: softwood timber, moisture-resistant plywood, Finnish paints, stainless steel. Special attention focuses on injury prevention and safety children's recreation: all bolted connections are closed with plastic plugs, welds are processed and do not contain sharp corners. The service life of the products is 10-15 years. In many countries, children's playgrounds are practically no different in equipment from Russian ones. They are well equipped and have a lot of interesting things for children of any age: swings, sandboxes, puzzles, slides, ropeways and other entertainment equipment. The floor and all surfaces of the playgrounds are made of pleasant, springy rubber, which will not allow the child to get hurt if he falls.

Nowadays, children's life is more streamlined and organized, for example, in Norway, 90% of children from the age of one go to kindergarten, then it is the turn of school with the inevitable after-school period. Children spend all their time under strict adult control, and it is almost impossible to see them on the streets or in parks. According to statistics, the number of children injured on Norwegian playgrounds after the adoption of the law on uniform safety standards on playgrounds has not decreased and is 2.2 cases each year. kindergarten. This includes everything: bruises, scrapes, broken noses and contusions, that is, those things that no normal childhood should be without. At the same time, we have identified a trend: if previously children were injured due to supposedly insufficient safety on playgrounds, now they break their arms and legs, trying to make “sterile” instruments more interesting and, one might say, dangerous.

Often playgrounds in other countries are modest and occupy small areas in inconvenient locations. They present elements from improvised means, such as washed old tires on chains, boats made of boards, slides for beginner climbers and sandboxes.

The sites are the embodiment of life or fairy-tale scenes or amaze with their realism. But at the same time, not only the design must be thought out; all game elements are functional and extremely useful for children.

But in some countries, venues amaze with their creativity. In 2010, the largest children's playground was built at the Tivoli amusement park in Copenhagen. In collaboration with American architects, the Monstrum company developed and installed more than thirty types of play equipment on an area of ​​1300 square meters. The site was built based on the Danish stories about Rasmus Klamp. From there there is a large ship, a submarine, and a huge sperm whale. I would like to note the unique work of the designers: instead of simply putting the ship on the ground and creating another boring playground, the designers from Monstrum tilted the ship, which created more interest for children to climb onto the deck and climb inside. This required the creation of an artificial hill, but this added variety to the already unusual site.

The Monstrum company has developed a project for a large children's playground for Gorky Park in Moscow. And as always, these are not isolated game elements, but an ocean liner, a lighthouse and a giant squid united by a common plot.

4Regulatory documents (GOST)

GOST 52169-2003 Equipment for children's playgrounds.

Design safety and test methods. General requirements.

Objectives, basic provisions and rules for carrying out work on state standardization Russian Federation GOST R 1.0 - 92 "State standardization of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions" and GOST R 1.2 - 92 "State standardization system of the Russian Federation. Procedure for the development of state standards" were established.

This standard applies to equipment for children's playgrounds (hereinafter referred to as equipment) intended for individual and collective use. The standard establishes general requirements for the design safety and testing methods for children's playground equipment.

This standard does not apply to children's playground equipment manufactured before July 1, 2004.

The materials used should not:

· have a harmful effect on the health of the child and the environment during operation;

· cause thermal burns upon contact with a child's skin in climate zones with very high or very low temperatures.

The use of flammable polymer materials (group B3 according to GOST 30402) is not allowed. The use of materials that are extremely dangerous in terms of toxicity of combustion products is not allowed (see GOST 12.1.044, paragraph 4.20). The use of new materials whose properties have not been sufficiently studied is not permitted. Polymer materials and composite materials based on various matrix bases must be resistant to ultraviolet radiation. If polymer materials and composite materials on various matrix bases become brittle during operation, the manufacturer indicates the period of time for their safe operation. The wear resistance and surface hardness of polymer and composite materials, including glass-reinforced polymer materials, must ensure the safety of children for the entire specified period of operation. Metal materials that form oxides, are flaking or flaking must be protected with a non-toxic coating. Wood and wood preservatives - in accordance with GOST 20022.0 and GOST 20022.2. Plywood according to GOST 3916.2 must be resistant to atmospheric influences.

Equipment and equipment elements must comply with general safety requirements and protection measures in accordance with GOST ISO/TO 12100 - 2 and GOST R ISO/IEC 50; correspond age group children for whom they are intended; be such that the risk implied in the game is obvious to the child and the child can foresee it; provide access for adults to assist children inside the equipment; prevent accumulation of water on the surface and ensure free flow and drying.

The design of the equipment must ensure strength, stability, rigidity and spatial immutability. Metal equipment elements must be protected from corrosion (or made of corrosion-resistant materials). Elements of equipment made of polymeric materials, composite materials, which become brittle over time, must be replaced after a period of time specified by the manufacturer. Elements of equipment made of wood must be made from wood of the “resistant” and “medium-resistant” classes in accordance with GOST 20022.2 and must not have processing defects on the surface (for example, burrs, burrs, flakes, chips, etc.). Elements of wood equipment, on which the strength of the equipment depends, in the case of constant contact with the ground, are protected by methods of chemical protection of wood from biological agents in accordance with GOST 20022.0 and GOST 20022.2; in addition, constructive methods of protection can be used (for example, a metal thrust bearing). When choosing metal fasteners, it is necessary to take into account the type of wood and the antiseptic used in order to avoid accelerated corrosion of the metal. The presence of protruding elements of equipment with sharp ends or edges is not allowed. The presence of rough surfaces that can cause injury to a child is not allowed. The corners and edges of any part of the equipment accessible to children must be rounded. The minimum radius of curvature is 3 mm. The angle between the walls of V-shaped gaps and cracks must be at least 60 o. The fastening of equipment elements must exclude the possibility of their dismantling without the use of tools. Enclosed equipment, such as tunnels, playhouses etc., with an internal size of more than 2000 mm in any direction from the entrance must have at least two open accesses, independent of each other and located on different sides of the equipment. The design of accesses must exclude the possibility of blocking them and ensure, if necessary, that adults provide assistance to children without any additional funds(for example, stairs that are not part of of this equipment). The dimensions of open accesses must be at least 500x500 mm. The distance between the impact-absorbing surface of the playground and the moving elements of the equipment must be at least 400 mm. Equipment designs that cannot be verified by calculations or tests must have a load-bearing capacity sufficient to withstand the operating loads. The load-bearing capacity of equipment of the same type is checked for the most unfavorable combinations and locations of load application. The design of the protective fence should not contain elements that allow children to climb or be lifted.

5Functions of outdoor play equipment. Range of children's play equipment

The main function of outdoor play equipment is to familiarize the child with the world that surrounds him. With its help, the child learns the properties of materials and the abilities of his body. Today, the most active researchers are children under 3 years old. It is during this period of life that children learn about the world every minute. In this regard, the site must consist of many different elements. So, for example, a gaming complex should have movable and stationary gaming elements, parts with different physical properties, playgrounds that are located at different levels, and other similar elements. Each element of such a complex contributes to the development of physical skills in the child. A swing or spring rocker teaches the child to feel the rhythm, and with the help of a vertical net, the child develops physical strength of the hands and coordination of movements. With the help of a swinging bridge, a child can improve his sense of balance. Play complexes give the child not only physical education, but also the opportunity to communicate with his peers who are also on the playground. This is where children begin to play with each other. And what can better influence a child’s development than communication with peers.

Main equipment parameters:

.Swings - the height from ground level to the seat of the swing at rest must be at least 350 mm and no more than 635 mm. No more than two seats are allowed in one swing frame. In a double swing, a seat for small children (cradle) and a flat seat for older children should not be used together.

.Rocking chairs - the height from the ground to the seat in a state of equilibrium should be 550 - 750 mm. The maximum tilt of the seat when moving back and forth is no more than 20°. The design of the rocking chair should not allow the legs of a child sitting in it to get under the supporting parts of the rocking chair, should not have sharp corners, and their radius of curvature should be at least 20 mm.

.Carousels - the minimum distance from ground level to the bottom rotating structure of the carousel must be no less than 60 mm and no more than 110 mm. The bottom surface of the turntable should be smooth. The maximum height from the bottom level of the carousel to its top point is 1 m.

.Slides - access to the slide is via a ladder, climbing frame or other device. The height of the slope of a free-standing slide should not exceed 2.5 m, regardless of the type of access. The width of the open and straight slide is not less than 700 mm and not more than 950 mm. The launch pad is at least 300 mm long with a slope of up to 5°, but, as a rule, the width of the pad should be equal to the horizontal projection of the sliding section. On a free-standing slide, the height of the side railing at the launch site must be at least 0.75 m. The angle of inclination of the sliding section must not exceed 60° at any point. At the final section of the slope, the average slope should not exceed 10°. The edge of the slide slope must bend towards the ground with a radius of at least 50 mm and a bend angle of at least 100°. The distance from the edge of the slide to the ground should be no more than 100 mm. The height of the enclosing edge at the final section with a length of the sliding section of less than 1.5 m is no more than 200 mm, with a length of the sliding section of more than 1.5 m - no more than 350 mm. The slide tunnel must have a minimum height and width of 750 mm.

If malfunctions occur during operation that threaten the safe operation of the equipment, they must be corrected immediately. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to stop using the equipment, for example, by dismantling it, stopping work.

6Materials and their technical characteristics

For the manufacture of children's playgrounds, many materials are used, such as hardened metal for stable and reliable structures, processed natural wood for load-bearing and decorative elements, durable bright plastic for design solutions, rubber coating to minimize injuries to children.

Metal is one of the most common materials for making game elements. Until recently, we could see children's playgrounds almost exclusively made of metal. Advantages of metal structures: strength and durability, easy to paint, mobile when connected with fasteners (bolts, nozzles, inserts), easy to assemble and install, provides greater freedom of plastic solutions. Disadvantages of metal structures: cold material (unpleasant to use in cold weather), if assembly is carried out by welding (cheaper option), impossible to disassemble, inaccurate type of connections.

Currently, wood continues to be the main material for the manufacture of playground equipment. Equipment made from this material is heavy and does not please children with its appearance, does not develop their taste and, despite its cheapness, does not justify the investment in it.

Advantages of wooden structures: easy to process, allows the use of expressive and simple design solutions, warm material, comfortable to use even in cold weather.

Disadvantages: less durability compared to metal (under given operating conditions), painting does not last long, needs to be renewed every two to three years, can cause splinters if handled poorly.

The construction of children's playgrounds from wood allows you to develop the child's strength, dexterity, and imagination, and promotes long-term stay in the fresh air. This is an environmentally friendly, safe and reliable material that has high performance properties. The surface of the board has a special, pleasant to the touch texture that prevents slipping (even when wet). At the same time, the use of a natural composition based on linseed oil, which protects the tree from negative impact precipitation, wind and sun, for the treatment of structures eliminates the need for chemical impregnations.

Advantages of plastic: unlimited possibilities of shaping, unlimited possibilities of color solutions, lightweight material, warm material (comfort in cold weather).

Disadvantages of plastic: plastic breaks down over time, but its service life significantly exceeds the life of the playground.

Wood plus plastic

The combination of several materials in a children's playground project makes it possible to achieve greater artistic expressiveness and operational feasibility.

Wood plus metal.

Load-bearing elements that require the greatest strength and resistance to environmental influences are made of metal.

Due to the development of technical capabilities, obsolete materials previously used and the need for a higher level of comfort, there is a need to replace traditional surfaces such as asphalt, concrete and sand. These materials do not have such a quality as elasticity.

Currently, rubber coating is used. Impact-absorbing matting is used under all types of playground equipment that have a fall height greater than 500 millimeters. The thickness of the layer should be set according to the height of the play equipment.

In more dangerous places, under slides and other equipment, rubber cushions are created; such a surface is necessary to prevent dangerous injuries and bruises. Rubber coating has no unpleasant odor, is non-toxic and safe for the environment, people and animals.

There are several types of rubber coatings, differing in color, thickness and manufacturing technology. They are harmless to children, as they are made from environmentally friendly products. Synthetic coatings have antibacterial protection and resistance to fungi and mold.

Chapter 2. Presentation of the design project for the children's playground “Underwater World”

2.1Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the consumer

Changes in economic, political, social conditions led to the emergence of an urgent need to study psychological, pedagogical and age characteristics children. Consider their interests, social circle, living conditions, identify positive and negative influences.

The principles of constructing a psychological and pedagogical characteristic were accurately described by A.F. Lazursky: “In order for these characteristics not to represent a chaotic pile of raw material (the value of which in such cases would be more than doubtful), one very important condition must be observed: each characteristic should be subjected to detailed psychological analysis in order to determine the prevailing tendencies this person and the way they are combined, to show how the combinations of the prevailing basic inclinations form a series of complex manifestations characteristic of this person, in a word - to clarify the psychological structure of this personality.

The ancient Chinese classification allocated the period of “youth” from 0 to 20 years. Age classification according to Pythagoras (6th century BC) was calculated from 0 to 20 years as the period of formation and was associated with “spring”. The classification of the age of life according to Hippocrates (4th century BC) considered the “first period” to be the development of a child from 0 to 7 years. Modern age periodization, adopted by the International Symposium in Moscow in 1965, divides children into time orders as follows: newborn - 1-10 days, infancy - 10 days - 1 year, early childhood - 1-2 years, first period childhood - 3-7 years. The proposed “stages of personality development” by E. Erikson include “the first stage of development - early infancy from 0 to 1 year. The “second stage of development” refers to the late infancy of children aged 1 to 3 years. The "third stage of development" is referred to as early childhood about 3-5 years. The “fourth stage of development” of a child corresponds to middle childhood from 5-11 years. As is obvious, primary civic education or the stage of adaptation from birth to adolescence represents the assimilation of social experience of communicating with color in the subject-matter spatial environment, uncritical adaptation in color space, then adaptation to generally accepted norms for the use of color in human life and imitation of adult activities with color in macro and micro society. Thus, the well-known psychoanalytic approach (Z. Freud), considering the theory of psychosexual and psychosocial development of the child, led to the idea that in the light of the positive civic education of children by color factors in the subject-spatial environment, it can be presented as an approach to the study of the characteristics of sexual color preferences.

A systematic approach involves simultaneous consideration of the child’s development in the color-spatial environment from all sides, and also helps to understand their relationship and interdependence. An integral approach, according to which our mental activity has several dimensions, dimensions, aspects of levels, instances, can become the approach necessary in the study of figurative and spatial ideas about color in macro and micro society. As work practice shows, only the theoretical isolation of these approaches is not yet sufficient to fully compare the age characteristics of the child and, accordingly, his real practical capabilities in mastering the process of civic education using color factors in the subject-spatial environment. In this connection, let us pay attention to the stage of cognitive development, aimed at compiling the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children from birth to two years. The new generation, already at an early stage of its development, is rapidly mastering Newest technologies, intended for children and, accordingly, requires specialists in the field of socio-pedagogical and psychological orientation to improve specialization in various areas, including in the civic education of children by color factors in the subject-spatial environment, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of modern children's development by color factors in the subject-spatial environment as a factor of civic education, it should be noted that: problems of mental development of children and interpersonal contradictions caused by color factors in macro and microsociety, especially at an early stage, are controlled in the processes of psychological and pedagogical activity of the immediate environment of people; the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children and their activities with color in the world around them depend not only on the conditions of intra-family life, but also on forced conditions caused by population migration; psychological and pedagogical activities aimed at civic education of children using color factors in a subject-spatial environment in modern conditions faces diversity various options the use of color in products of spiritual and material culture, which in turn significantly complicates the completion of the task; the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of urban and rural children and the features of their activities with color in the subject-spatial environment as a factor in civic education have obvious differences not only due to regional characteristics, but also due to the different material and technical base of the family’s equipment, preschool institutions, schools, etc. (computers, video and telecommunications); the disunity of the children's population between their peers due to the inclusion of the latest computer software in their life practice makes corresponding changes to the psychological and pedagogical characteristics and features of their activities with color in a subject-spatial environment; corresponding separation of the children's team due to territorial and material conditions.

2 Characteristics of the features of the spatial situation. Zoning functions.

The territory for the children's playground project is located in the city of Krasnodar, Slavyansky microdistrict, between Slavyanskaya and 4th Line streets.

There is a park named after Leo Tolstoy. It has the shape of an elongated trapezoid. Tram tracks run along the right side. Not far from the square there is a secondary school. The children's playground is located almost in the center of the park. It is adjacent to two asphalt paths on different sides. This site is divided into functional zones, since different functions interact with the territory in different ways. A functional zoning plan for a territory is a plan in which for each territorial element the function for which it is used is indicated, so that the entire territory is divided between functional zones. During the design, free zones around the elements of the playground were taken into account.

Functional zones are called processes of children's play activities that differ in nature. Functional zones are divided into a zone of noisy outdoor games, a zone of quiet games and relaxation, a contemplative recreation zone with elements of a natural landscape, and a zone board games and a shade canopy.

Children need both open spaces for active play and secluded places for quiet activities.

The first zone is a small amphitheater. In it, children can imagine themselves on a big stage and show performances.

The second zone is called "Underwater Fish". This complex gives you the opportunity to fantasize. Rubber bumps around the fish develop the child's dexterity and flexibility. Children also have the opportunity to climb up the body of the fish.

The third zone is intended for the little ones - this is the sandbox.

The fourth zone is presented in the form of a pyramid with obstacles. In the center of this complex there is a pyramid with two through holes. They are approached by obstacle courses surrounded by stylized ramps. There are fastenings on two facades of the pyramid so that children can cling to them. The fifth zone is a recreation area for adults. Three benches are positioned so that children can be easily monitored. The sixth zone includes waves made of rubber coating; nearby there are rubber hummocks and cylinders emitting corals. Most of the playground area is covered with grass. In some places, tree domes provide protection from the sun. Several types of trees and shrubs grow in the park: linden, maple, birch, thuja, pine, jasmine. Their location was taken into account during the design, with the goal of preserving each unit.

3 Concept. Project name

During the creation of the project, there were several tasks. The main thing was that the playground should be safe and environmentally friendly. Therefore, the main materials chosen were metal and wood. Almost all elements of the site are made from small blocks of wood, after which they are processed and painted. Recycled material, leftovers, or wood blocks unsuitable for construction (due to their small size) may be used for production. In the process of developing sketches, ideas for those elements that were missing in childhood on playgrounds were used. This created several closed elements, a lot of space for climbing and overcoming obstacles.

Since children love to fantasize about their movement in space, a sea theme was chosen, where they can dive underwater and imagine themselves as the ruler of the ocean. The site is designed in a marine flavor. Here you can meet inhabitants of the underwater world: large fish, corals, algae, a flock of stingrays, sand. The name was chosen appropriately - “Underwater World”.

4 Regularities of the volumetric-spatial solution of the playground. Laws of composition

Composition is the most important organizing component of the artistic form, giving the work unity and integrity, subordinating its elements to each other and the artist’s entire plan.

The basic laws of composition should be called the following: the law of integrity, the law of contrasts, the law of novelty, the law of subordination of all means of composition to the ideological concept.

The leading features of these laws were fundamentally correctly formulated by E. A. Kibrik.

In addition to the basic, universal laws of composition in the fine arts, in certain types and genres there are particular laws of composition that reflect the essential features and specifics of the construction of works of certain types and genres. Among the particular laws we can name the law of vitality, the law of the influence of the “frame” on the composition of the image on the plane.

When creating a work of art, that is, harmony, it is necessary to fulfill its two indispensable conditions: the first is balance, the second is unity and subordination. These are the basic laws of composition.

Let's focus on compositional balance. This is a state of composition in which all its elements are balanced with each other. However, this concept should not be confused with simple equality of quantities. Balance depends on the location of the main masses of the composition, on the organization of the compositional center, on the plastic and rhythmic structure of the composition, on its proportional divisions, on the color, tonal and textured relationships of individual parts between themselves and the whole, etc. Thus, we can conclude that that none of the means and laws of composition separately will create a harmonious work, since everything is interdependent or balanced. If, in his creative searches, the author more actively begins to use one of the means to create a more expressive artistic image, then the result of this approach should be a revaluation of the entire compositional structure of the work. It may be necessary to change its proportions, increase or, conversely, decrease the number of elements of the composition, revise tonal and color relationships, etc.

The law of integrity: the unification of elements, parts into a single whole. Thanks to compliance with this law, the work is perceived as a single indivisible whole, and not as a sum of disparate elements. A complete work is a complete work; you don’t want to add or remove anything from it. This is clearly visible in the drawings: in the first, the composition is solid, complete; in the second picture it is fractional, the elements are scattered.

The law of subordination: the subordination of all elements of the image to the dominant (the main element in the composition).

Law of balance: a state of composition in which all elements are balanced with each other.

There are certain rules and techniques in composition. One of the composition techniques is the dominant. The dominant is main element composition to which all others are subject. In Figure 7, the main element of the composition, the triangle, is clearly highlighted (in color and size). In Figure 8 there is no dominant: all elements are equal in mass, size and color. In addition to color and size, the dominant can also stand out due to its unusual shape.

Symmetry is the uniform placement of elements along an axis, dividing the space into equal parts. In a symmetrical composition, the arrangement of elements relative to the axis should be the same.

Asymmetry is the uneven placement of elements while maintaining overall balance. In an asymmetrical composition, the arrangement of objects can be very diverse.

Dynamic composition - a composition that creates the impression of movement and internal dynamics. Static composition (statics in composition) - creates the impression of immobility, peace. To create dynamics in a composition, diagonals are used; to convey static in a composition, vertical and horizontal lines are used.

Rhythm is the alternation of any elements in a certain sequence. Rhythm surrounds us everywhere: in nature it is the change of seasons, the change of day and night, in the city it is the changing rhythm of buildings and houses. Likewise, in a composition there is always a certain rhythm. It can be ordered and chaotic, but it is always present in the composition.

There are some other techniques that are used in a composition to make it more expressive: contrasts, nuances, accent and analogue.

Contrast is opposition in composition (in color, texture, shape, size, etc.).

There are laws of composition, means that help create harmonious compositions, various techniques, the use of which will help to further refine the works, streamline their structure, and understand the significance of the classical heritage. But all this can never replace the creative self.

Creative thought and insight are, of course, primary. Then the work appears, and only then the theoretical justification, the “school”. This is the centuries-old process of creative knowledge - discovery. If we look at the historical vertical of the development of a particular type of art, we can note that a creative takeoff is very often followed by a period of stagnation or even decline, during which work is actively carried out to comprehend previous achievements, a theoretical basis is created, and patterns are identified that will prepare the next one. climb.

A correctly found symmetrical composition is perceived easily, as if immediately, regardless of the complexity of its construction. Asymmetrical, on the other hand, sometimes requires longer thought and is revealed gradually. However, the claim that a symmetrical composition is more expressive is incorrect. The history of art confirms that asymmetrically constructed compositions according to the laws of harmony are in no way inferior, from the point of view of artistic value, to symmetrical ones.

The influence of a harmonious space, built according to the laws of harmony, has a beneficial effect on the individual. That is why there are theories of “radiant cities”, “green cities”, which would be created according to the laws of harmony, and harmonious individuals would live in them. These theories contain the idea of ​​goodness, the sun, nature, and peace. The artistic image of such compositions can really have a positive impact on a person.

Today, the achievements of science and technology are such that in the organization of a temporary spatial undertaking, computer graphics are used, covering hundreds of meters; sound that fills the space and creates the impression of being inside it; video sequence projected simultaneously onto huge planes of houses. Sometimes all kinds of aircraft and other moving mechanisms are connected. Such grandiose spectacles produce a stunning impression and force the audience to actively participate in them. By first developing the script and then the concept of the action, the authors create a certain artistic image, acting in time and space. The means used by artists of this type of composition are the same. These are shape, color, texture, lighting. Sound and smell are also often used as compositional means.

2.5 Psychology of color and shape

Our brains are programmed to respond to colors. They shape our thoughts and emotions.

While the perception of color is largely subjective, some color palettes have universal meaning. Below are the main colors used in this project and their meaning.

Yellow is a bright, stimulating color that increases concentration, improves memory, organizes, and promotes quick decision making. Helps understand new ideas. Yellow is the color of the sun. Energetic, but without aggression, the color of optimism, freedom, openness, mobility, sociability. That is why in this project it is used as one of the main colors. Causes positive associations. This color is present in almost every area of ​​the site.

The color orange in small quantities awakens in us thoughts of joy, fun and bright sunshine. Orange color releases emotions, raises self-esteem, promotes good mood, is an excellent antidepressant. To prevent the orange color from causing irritation, you can use its various shades. Pastel orange color is close to peach - and this color in people's minds is usually associated with freshness and health. Used in the area of ​​a small amphitheater and the area with a pyramid and obstacles around it.

Of all the colors in the spectrum, red causes the most powerful physiological reaction - increased heart rate. Red color will not allow you to pass by; it immediately attracts attention and controls the situation. In nature, red is the color of abundance, it evokes strong emotions that will depend on the situation, since associatively it can be the color of love, rage, celebration, fun. The color red represents power, breakthrough, and the will to win. Used in some elements in minimal quantities.

Blue is the color of peace and universal harmony. This color is associated with intelligence and the ability to pacify with words. Associated with honesty, sincerity, purity, silence, coolness. The strongest associations are the globe, water, underwater world, sky and ice. This is a comfortable color that evokes a feeling of well-being, security, and trust. The blue color is not as cold as blue, so being in the same range, it is more comfortable, the freshness and coolness of blue is completely different from the frostiness of blue.

Just like yellow, blue is one of the main colors of the project.

Blue is a concentric color, it dedicates everything only to itself. This color has “no bottom”; it never ends, pulling you into itself. Blue color- this is constancy, perseverance, perseverance, devotion, dedication, seriousness, rigor. It has a very strong psychological value, being the color of persuasion, but not as emotionally oppressive as red. Symbolizes eternal values, height and depth, wisdom and rigor. Dark blue is considered a businesslike, professional and authoritative color. Used in the "Underwater Fish" and "Waves" zones.

Green is the color of life and nature, symbolizing prosperity and new beginnings. It heals, relaxes and softens a person. Green neutralizes the effects of other colors and helps dispel negative emotions. Brings calm and tranquility, helps to concentrate and make decisions. Has a strong association with spring, renewal and naturalness.

A color that doesn’t demand anything and doesn’t call anywhere (looks past everyone). It has many shades, which sometimes give completely opposite meanings.

Since the site is located in a park, green color there's plenty there. This is achieved through large quantity trees, shrubs and lawn. Therefore, in the elements of the site, green was used in small quantities.

Primary colors were taken for the project. Children love everything bright, exciting, and cheerful, so on such a playground they will have plenty of scope for the flight of their children’s imagination.

Shape, like color, has a psychological effect on us. The designer can use certain qualities of form to evoke appropriate emotions in visitors. The impact of form is not limited to computer or printed design. People have been using shapes since they learned to draw symbols in the sand or tell stories using drawings on cave walls.

Forms are present everywhere, they are integral to our world and, by the way, to everything that a person does. From writing a complex mathematical equation to adding architectural detail to a building, and even in religious and pagan symbolism (the Holy Cross, the Star of David, tattoos) - everywhere forms are part of our lives and serve self-expression.

Circles are most often associated with the feminine principle: warmth, comfort, sensuality, love and other concepts from the same series. In addition, circles are often used to express ideas of community, integrity, resilience, movement and safety.

Of course, certain ideas are also associated with rectangles: power and solidity. Rectangular shapes can give the viewer a sense of orderliness, logic, hierarchy and security. Different shapes can be combined to create the greatest impact on the viewer.

These two elements are used as the main formative elements of the “Underwater World” playground.


So, today playgrounds occupy an important place in landscape architecture and in the organization of recreational areas. Children's playgrounds combine several functions: practical, aesthetic and health-improving. In addition to having a positive effect on children's health, they provide safe rest during the day. When planning them, you should pay attention to all the necessary safety checks and compliance with environmental standards of manufacturing materials.

A child’s first impressions of childhood leave an imprint for life, so it is important that the play space is safe.

On the territory of the park named after Leo Tolstoy, a children's playground “Underwater World” was designed. All features of the spatial situation were taken into account.

An analysis of analogues of domestic and foreign projects was carried out.

The playground is made of environmentally friendly materials, and the color scheme and richness of various functional areas will allow the child to reveal his full potential.

Having studied the psychological characteristics of children of different ages, we divided the site into various functional zones.

In the first chapter, a pre-design analysis of the practical and theoretical aspects of playground design was carried out. In the second chapter, the design project for the “Underwater World” children's playground was presented.


1.[Internet resource] Children's playground/#"justify">2. Bogachkina N.A. Psychology. Lecture notes. - St. Petersburg, 2012

.Nemov R. Psychology, Publishing House "Prosveshchenie", 1995

."Big Shot" article by Ellen Beate Hanson-Sandsetter

5.[Internet resource] Unusual playgrounds<#"justify">15.A.A. Grashin “Design of a children’s subject development environment”, Architecture-S 2008

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6


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