Play and research activities are the leading types of children's activities. Through study appearance and the properties of objects, ideas about the physical side of the surrounding reality are formed. Games build social competencies and develop communication skills. Creative abilities are manifested in object and play activities. To form a well-rounded personality, it is necessary to create a rich and subject-spatial environment around the child.

The goals of creating and operating corners in kindergarten: the role and significance of corners, main tasks for all age groups

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) defines as a target for each developmental area (cognitive, physical, social-communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic) the encouragement of initiative in children's activities (mental or practical), stimulation of independence in the choice of methods of activity and their implementation. Children actively explore the world and rapidly accumulate sensory images. The study of objects and connections between them in the immediate environment occurs through perception by various senses (vision, hearing, taste and tactile sensations).

Children study objects in their immediate environment in various ways, exploring their qualities and properties.

From the first years of life, a child spontaneously explores material objects: checking for taste, fragility, softness, temperature, sonority. During preschool education, classes are conducted in game form makes it possible to study various tools and objects, the relationships between them. For effective mental, physical and moral development, the child must be in comfortable conditions. Organization of subject matter spatial environment The teacher begins with decorating the reception area and the group premises in such a way that the pupils feel comfortable, because they spend a lot of time here; it is not without reason that they say that kindergarten is the second home of children.

IN kindergarten The child should be comfortable and calm, just like at home

The creation of corners of various orientations in kindergarten implements the principle of raising a comprehensively developed personality. Here children acquire initial ideas about the physical properties of objects, get acquainted with art and create crafts, play musical instruments and sing, do speech exercises, look at books and listen to the teacher read, and comprehend the meaning of moral values. Thanks to the variety of thematic corners, the principle of frequent change of activities is fulfilled: preschoolers quickly get tired, lose interest in one subject and easily switch to another. An individual-personal approach to learning is carried out by providing children with a choice in which activity center they will engage in at a particular moment (the possibility of independent activity in productive creativity, play, etc.). Thus, the purpose of organizing corners in kindergarten is to create conditions for the successful development of pupils’ abilities.

Organizing children's activities in corners implements the principle comprehensive development children taking into account a personal approach

Tasks of thematic corners in kindergarten

1. Educational objectives:

  • formation and expansion of ideas about objects of the surrounding world (corners of cognitive orientation, centers of nature, gaming and sports activities);
  • acquaintance with art and its types (art corner, theater and music centers);
  • formation of initial scientific ideas - mathematical, physical, chemical (experimental activity corner, mathematical center);
  • preparation for learning to read and write (book, speech, speech therapy corners, writing center);
  • acquaintance with the social structure, social relationships (corners for role-playing games, mummering corner with costumes of professions).

Pupils study the structure of the Universe, celestial bodies and their properties

2. Developmental tasks:

  • development and improvement of fine motor skills (play corner, experimentation center, creative workshops, water and sand centers);
  • improving coordination of movements (physical education and work corners, creative centers);
  • formation and consolidation of the ability to perform objective actions - operations with various objects, tools and devices (green corner, experimental laboratory, play and productive creativity areas, musical island);
  • development of thinking abilities: forecasting, planning, hypothesizing, analyzing, generalizing, systematizing (research and creative corners);
  • development of oral speech skills (at the center of any activity, where children’s actions are accompanied by commenting, voicing, especially active - in book, speech, speech therapy, theatrical corners);
  • development of mental abilities: long-term memory, various types of perception (carried out in a corner of any direction);
  • development of physical qualities: agility, endurance (physical education corner, outdoor games center);
  • formation and development of self-service skills (work and duty corner, play and creative areas, wildlife center).

In children's activity centers, the thinking, mental and creative abilities of pupils are developed, practical skills are improved

3. Educational tasks:

  • creating a positive emotional atmosphere in the group and cohesion of the children's team;
  • education of moral qualities (family corner, friendship center, good corner, Orthodox corner);
  • nurturing love for the homeland (national corner, native language corner, city/village corner);
  • education of responsibility, including social responsibility (safety area, traffic rules);
  • instilling neatness, teaching rules of behavior (etiquette corner, work corner, home economics center);
  • formation of aesthetic taste and sense of harmony (corners of artistic and aesthetic orientation).

Activities in corners contribute to the formation of moral values ​​in preschoolers

The design of corners is carried out taking into account age characteristics pupils. In classes with children 1.5–3 years old, special attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements, so sand and water centers, research, play and physical education corners will be relevant. By older preschool age, children acquire the ability to play role-playing games, participate in heuristic conversations, and show creative abilities - the subject-spatial environment is enriched with play sets and costumes to develop social competencies (“Policlinic”, “In the store”, “Newsstand”, “On the Road”, etc.), attributes for theatrical games and performances.

The material base of the corners is replenished in accordance with the interests and age of children

By the age of 5 years, children begin to understand the differences between girls and boys, their games take on different directions: girls play with dolls, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Beauty Salon”, boys like to play with cars, soldiers, pretend to be superheroes, etc. Therefore, for pupils of the senior and preparatory groups, the play area can work in the form of two corners - for girls and for boys.

For older preschoolers, corners can be divided according to the interests of boys and girls.

IN preparatory group Pupils work on creating projects: they spend a lot of time in research, experimental, and creative corners. Self-activity zones are replenished with task files and visual algorithms for performing practical research. The knowledge corner can be designed and equipped in accordance with the theme of the group project (space, environmental, technical).

Children aged 6–7 years are actively forming an understanding of the composition of numbers and practicing simple calculations

Requirements for the design of a corner according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Requirements are made for corners in accordance with their theme, however, general provisions are highlighted for all children's activity centers in kindergarten:

  • meeting the interests of children;
  • filling the material base taking into account the age characteristics of pupils;
  • aesthetics, attractiveness and comfort - to create a good mood;
  • convenience and accessibility of corner materials for every child;
  • optimal location in the group room (relative to the light source, other thematic corners);
  • taking into account the regional component when designing a corner (for acquaintance and study of national life, art, crafts and crafts, language, literature).

Corners should be attractive and accessible to children and have an optimal location relative to each other and the light source

Passport for a corner in kindergarten

For each corner, a group passport is filled out and stored in a protective pocket directly in the activity center or in the teacher’s document folder.

The passport describes the data and the following characteristics of the corner:

  • name of the corner;
  • group number, age of children;
  • goals and objectives of the corner;
  • pieces of furniture, their quantity;
  • materials and tools, their quantity;
  • visual materials (wall posters, maps, diagrams);
  • card index of games, exercises, experiments (possible in the corner).

The corner’s passport contains information about material equipment and examples of activities

Corners in kindergarten: orientation, content, functioning

FocusCorner nameEquipment, material resourcesOperation
Cognitive and researchCorner of educational research/experimental activitiesNatural materials; samples of fabrics, metals, wood, plastics; substances; glass and plastic vessels and containers; medical materials; instruments and tools for practical research; protective gowns, caps, gloves; card index of experiences and experiments; wall diagrams; forms for recording research results.Conducting research on the properties of various objects in independent or joint experimentation with a teacher.
Sensory CornerLarge plastic containers with water and sand (if possible, including kinetic sand); play sets for activities with these materials; natural materials and other items for experimenting with water and sand (plastic cubes, wooden balls, nut shells, etc.).Experimental games for younger children preschool age.
Corner "Space"Functional models (lunar rover, space rocket); layouts (“Solar System”, “Black Hole”, “Milky Way”); illustrated encyclopedias; photo collages and posters on the theme “Space”; materials for experiments and modeling.Conducting simulation experiments (partial and total solar eclipses, rotation of planets around the Sun and their axis, satellites of planets).
Corner of the futureFunctional models (robots, automated technology); photographic materials of the latest scientific developments; materials for modeling and design.Introduction to robotics, master classes.
GamingCorners of role-playing games: “Hairdresser”, “Hospital”, “Shop”, “Post Office”, “Beauty Salon”, “ Railway", "Kitchen", "Mothers and Daughters", "Space", "Garage"Sets of items and costumes for the game; list of options for playing the game.Independent play activities for children aged 4–7 years.
Play corner for girls/boysToys, costumes for role-playing games, taking into account the interests of girls and boys.
Dolls; toys from various materials(plush, plastic, wooden); board games; construction kits; card index of didactic games.For children 1.5–3 years old: object-based activities with toys, jointly with the teacher didactic games.
For children 4–5 years old: role-playing and board games according to the rules proposed by the teacher.
For children 6–7 years old: independent games.
SpeechReading corner, book/library corner, fairy tale cornerA selection of books and magazines in accordance with the age of children and their interests; decorating a corner with illustrations; toys-book characters (heroes of fairy tales, Cheburashka, Moidodyr, Carlson, etc.).Listening to literary texts, conducting educational conversations based on books read, independent study of printed publications, learning poems.
Speech therapy cornerPictures for holding articulatory gymnastics; board games to automate sounds; cards with subject images for various lexical topics; card index of didactic games.Joint classes with the teacher to improve the purity of pronunciation of sounds and the development of phonemic hearing.
MotorPhysical education/sports cornerSports equipment (balls, hoops, jump ropes, skittles, etc.); illustrative materials on summer and winter sports, team and individual, Olympic; card index of thematic physical education minutes; list of outdoor games.Organization of mini-competitions for dexterity by the teacher; conducting finger gymnastics, exercises, dance breaks; independent outdoor games and exercises.
Artistic, creativeArtistic and aesthetic cornerReproductions of paintings, reduced copies of architectural and sculptural objects; tools and materials for practical activities: white paper and cardboard, a set of colored and corrugated paper, plasticine, paints (watercolor, gouache), pencils, brushes, scissors, glue, accessories and natural materials for decorating crafts; a collection of tasks for productive creativity, craft options; technocards for modeling and origami.Studying visual material and conducting heuristic conversations; making crafts in various techniques: drawing, modeling, appliqué, plasticineography, origami.
Corner "Folk Crafts"Toys, dishes and interior items in folk style(Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo, Dymkovo and Kargopol toys, Skopin ceramics, etc.); illustrated books on folk arts and crafts; materials for children's productive creativity; algorithm for sculpting folk toys, patterns for creating patterns.Studying exhibitions of folk crafts, creating crafts in folk style.
Theater corner, dressing up cornerDecorations for fairy tales; sets of puppet and finger theaters; masks and character costumes for children, wigs; face painting; card index of dramatization games.Acting out dialogues fairy tale characters, preparing a performance for a leisure event.
Music cornerPlayer and collection of audio recordings (children's, holiday songs, recordings of sounds and voices of nature with instrumental accompaniment); portraits of composers; instruments: rattles, rattles, xylophone, spoons, bells, pipes, whistles, drum, balalaika, tambourine; card index of music/dance games.Joint and independent creative activities with the teacher (orchestra games, concerts); listening to audio recordings and discussing experienced emotions.
Moral educationGood deeds cornerWall newspapers and posters about helping your neighbor and treating animals kindly; books on this topic; lapbooks and photo albums with examples of good deeds of students.Conducting conversations with discussion personal experience pupils, read stories, joint design of wall newspapers.
Orthodox corner, Easter corner, Christmas cornerVisual orthodox calendar; illustrated edition of the Bible for children; figurines and pictures depicting angels, churches; decorative easter eggs; models “Nativity Nativity Scene”, “Gifts of the Magi”, “Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem”.Reading and discussion of biblical stories translated for children; preparation for holiday leisure activities in a group (Christmas, Easter, Honey Spas, Trinity, Intercession).
Corner "Family"Illustrations on family themes; examples of family tree design; selection of printed publications; game sets and figures.Conversations aimed at shaping family values; research and creative activities to compile the history of the family.
Patriotic educationHometown CornerPhotographic material of sights and interesting places in the city; coat of arms and anthem of the city; layout of the main street; children's drawings on the theme “My yard”, “My street”, “Holiday in our city”.Discussion of important events in the life of the city, preparation for participation in the celebration of City Day.
National cornerExhibition of dolls in national costumes, utensils and crafts; books in the national language.Listening and discussing national fairy tales, learning poems and songs in their native language.
Labor educationLabor corner, housekeeping corner, attendants' corner, washbasin cornerPosters-algorithms for performing the procedure for self-service and completing orders; motivational pictures and the importance of work; aprons, scarves, sleeves, gloves (for cleaning, duty in the dining room and nature corner).Conversations with the teacher about the importance of work, hygiene rules; preparation for collective participation in general cleaning, planting trees and flowers on the territory of the preschool educational institution.
Development of social competenciesProfessions Corner, Doctor's Corner, Railway Worker's CornerBooks about professions; photographs of people at work (opportunities, parents of students); game themed sets “Doctor”, “Policeman”, “Fireman”, “Builder”, “Cook”, etc.; card index of didactic games on the topic “Professions”.Heuristic conversations, children's speech on the topic “What do my parents do?”
Transport corner, traffic rules cornerBooks about rules of conduct on the road (including the railway); traffic rules posters; layout of the roadway; board and educational games.Discussion and repetition of safety rules on the roadway, watching educational cartoons, participating in games that simulate road flow and the actions of pedestrians.
Creating Positive MotivationCorner of forgotten things, corner of lost thingsFunny designed containers with lost things (toys, mittens, socks, etc.).This is where the guys bring the unwanted items they find and look in if they themselves have lost something.
Birthday cornerA festively decorated congratulatory stand with a window for a photo of the birthday person.Congratulations to the birthday person, singing songs (“Let them run clumsily”, “Happy Birthday to you”), playing a game (“Loaf-loaf”, for example), presenting a gift, wishes.
Food CornerWall newspaper about the work of the canteen in the preschool educational institution; photographs of kindergarten cooks; menu for the week.Conducting conversations about healthy eating and diet, food intake rules.
Teacher's CornerPhotos of the teacher at work, with students; certificates for teaching achievements.Discussion of the importance of the work of educators and teachers additional education, teachers.
Achievement CornerA stand with diplomas and certificates of students, photographic materials from project presentations, creative and sports competitions.Congratulations to the competition winners.
Corners of additional educationFirst-grader's cornerWorkplace (desk and chairs); school supplies: briefcase, pencil case with hands, pencils, ruler, etc., preparation kit, notebooks, textbooks for first grade; printouts with tasks to determine the sound composition of a word, writing block letters, addition and subtraction within 10; illustrations on the theme “Knowledge Day”, “First grade”, a set for playing school.Independent research activities, conducting exercises to prepare for learning to read and write, conducting a conversation about school: the first teacher, lessons and holidays, routine school day, school uniform.
English CornerPosters with letters of the English alphabet, illustrated words; player and a selection of audio recordings (songs, poems, phono exercises English); game file.Joint activities with the teacher to study letters, words and construct dialogues in English, learning songs and poems.
Chess cornerCollection of chess sets in various styles (wooden, magnetic, cardboard, etc.); cards with rules for moving figures and their names; card index of chess problems for children.Teaching basic chess skills; problem solving and independent games for children who play chess (attend a club).
CommunicationCourtesy corner, etiquette corner, “Hello, I’m here!” (welcome corner)Game sets for acting out dialogues, reminder posters of polite words, a card index of didactic games.Teaching the rules of polite communication and etiquette in a playful way.

Decorating a corner with your own hands

The children's activity corner should be cozy and pleasant for the pupils to be in. Calls positive emotions colorful design, use of plots and characters familiar to children, addition of shelves with stickers and drawings.

Elements of the teacher’s independent design of children’s corners with the involvement (optional) of parents and students themselves:

  • drawing thematic wall newspapers and posters;
  • creating simple decorations: origami figures, kusudama, paper flowers, snowflakes, butterflies and lanterns;
  • creating a corner in the style of a literary work or cartoon;
  • decoration with natural materials: bouquets of dried flowers, baskets and boxes of twigs, figurines of acorns;
  • execution of layouts: “Our Street”, “Railway”, “Volcano”, “Solar System”, “Island Structure”, “Jungle”, “Christmas”, etc.;
  • preparation of mini-exhibitions from the works of students;
  • production of puppets for finger and shadow theater, masks;
  • drawing scenery for gaming and theatrical activities;
  • development of tasks for didactic games: cutting out cards and chips, ruling forms, etc.

An option for decorating corners using hand-made images of characters familiar to children - fairy-tale gnomes

Equipment for a corner in a kindergarten

  • Tables and chairs as a work area;

    In the research, play and creative corners there should be a place for practical activities: productive creativity, experimentation, didactic games

  • cabinets and racks for storing books and study materials;

    Materials in cabinets and on shelves are available to students

  • containers, baskets and boxes for toys, sports equipment, creative tools, natural and waste materials, accessories;

    Inventory is stored in plastic containers, children remove objects after finishing games or activities

  • folders for collections of games, experiments, exercises, scenarios;

    In the corners there are folders with a passport of the activity center, scripts for games and productions, descriptions of experiments and experiments.

  • hanging shelves for pupils' crafts and exhibitions;
  • soft play modules;

    Soft play units can be used in a variety of games and develop imagination and construction skills

  • sets of furniture for corners of relaxation and privacy: sun loungers, mattresses, tents, marquees.

    In a corner of solitude, the child rests and gains strength; he can isolate himself from others for a while under an umbrella with ribbons, for example

Basic corner design tools

  • Information stand: topics for upcoming classes in the activity center, announcements, photographs are posted here;

    The information board displays rules of conduct in the corner, topics for future classes, and photographs of students.

  • signs and emblems: these are names of corners, designations of playing conditions, samples of special symbols (Olympic, scientific);

    It is aesthetically correct when the emblems of the corners in the group room are designed in uniform style

  • inscriptions and landmarks: help in independent search necessary materials, the order of actions;

    Boxes with materials for experimentation by younger preschoolers are indicated using symbol pictures

  • wall newspapers and articles: demonstrating the relevance of activities in this direction, giving importance to children's activities;

    Approximate sketches and layouts of corners: photo gallery

    Sketch of the design of the parent corner: cells for current information, daily routine, demonstration of children's activities Sketch of the design of the play corner: cells for information, space for children's drawings and crafts Sketch of the design of the creative corner: cells for information, space for placing children's works Sketch of a corner with hanging shelves , cells and tension threads for securing children’s work Layout of a corner for playing games “Kitchen”, “Washing” Layout of a corner for organizing play activities, also suitable for educational research and book corners Layout of a corner for didactic games with a retractable table
    Layout of a book corner Layout of a play area with soft modules Layout of a tent for decorating a corner of privacy

    Working in a corner of a kindergarten

    In a corner of the kindergarten, the teacher can conduct an ECD lesson on studying the world around us, on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts (FEMP), speech and integrated lessons. It should be remembered that the structure of classes with preschoolers implements the principle of frequent changes in activities, thus, during a research-oriented class, for example, students will complete tasks in an experimental laboratory, do thematic exercises in a physical education corner, listen to and discuss a poem in a mini-library and play in the center of water and sand.

    The corners are used by the teacher as platforms for organizing thematic leisure activities and festive events within the group. Leisure time dedicated to the work of Agnia Barto is held in the book and games corners, a literary and song evening in the music area, a quiz for Cosmonautics Day in the research center, a leisure conversation about the celebration of Victory Day in the patriotic education corner, etc. .

    In addition, children’s independent activity is carried out in the corners at various scheduled moments: during the morning reception of children in kindergarten, during breaks between classes, after a walk, after a quiet hour in the afternoon.

    Main activities in the corners:

    • games: didactic, active, subject-based, role-playing;
    • practical research: experiments, experiments, modeling;
    • productive creativity: drawing, incl. non-traditional techniques, modeling and design from various materials;
    • musical creativity: playing instruments, choral singing;
    • theatrical activities: performances of fairy tales and fragments of literary works;
    • communicative activities: dramatization games, participation in conversations;
    • self-service and work activity: carrying out assignments, duty duties.

    A well-organized subject-spatial environment creates positive motivation for pupils to attend kindergarten: they feel comfortable in the group room, they choose activity areas according to their capabilities and interests. Classes in the corners allow you to successfully implement educational tasks: they contribute to the development of thinking and practical abilities, activate imagination and independence. By playing and studying in thematic centers, children accumulate information, communication, and sensory experience.

Elena Dmitrievna Tsukanova

Organization of subject-developmental environment in the second younger group .

There is no side of upbringing that

the situation would have no influence,

there is no ability that is not found

in direct dependence on directly

the concrete world surrounding the child...

The one who manages to create such an environment,

will make your work easier.

Among her child will live and develop

own self-sufficient life,

his spiritual growth will improve

from oneself, from nature...

E. I. Tikheyeva

One of the important conditions for educational work in preschool institution– correct organization of subject-developing subject environment. The right way will allow each child to find something they like, to believe in their strengths and abilities, to learn to interact with teachers and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what lies at the heart of developmental education.

Developmental subject environment is the main means formation of the child’s personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience.

Wednesday environment surrounding children in kindergarten should ensure the safety of their lives, promote health and hardening the body of each of them.

Organization of subject-development environment in kindergarten carries the effectiveness of educational influence aimed at developing in children an active cognitive attitude towards the world around them items, people, nature. It should be formed taking into account certain principles, developed in the works of leading teachers, in particular, taking into account the age of children, since each age group has its own specific psychological and pedagogical characteristics.

At the organization of the developmental environment in the younger group must be taken into account that children of this age react poorly to spatial changes in the environment and prefer in this sense, stability (M.N. Polyakova, therefore you should not often rearrange the equipment in group. It is important to remember that in younger the child’s sensory abilities are formed at age, therefore subject-development environment should create conditions for the development of analyzers.

Creating subject-development environment in the second junior group, we relied on the principle of activity, stability, flexible zoning. IN group conditions have been created for children to interact with the teacher and with each other. There are also corners of solitude, which gives the child a sense of psychological security and helps personal development. We are trying to enrich environment with such elements, which would stimulate the cognitive, developmental, motor and other activities of children.

Functions subject-development environment in the second junior group:

Cognitive – satisfies the child’s need to master the world around him, stimulates cognitive activity;

Communicative – stimulates speech development, allows the child to learn the basics of communication and interaction;

Wellness – stimulates motor activity, enriches motor experience, introduces to the culture of health;

Creative – introduces children to creative activities, promotes self-development and self-realization.

In our group subject-developmental environment divided into micro-centers for independent activities children:

Center for role-playing games.

Tasks: contribute to the emergence of the game; develop the ability to choose a role and perform several interrelated actions in the game; formation of communication skills in the game; development of imitation and creative abilities. Learn to use building materials in games.

corner: doll furniture for the room and kitchen; ironing board; attributes for playing "House", "Shop", "Barbershop", "Hospital", "Sailors", "Drivers" etc.; dolls; toy wild and domestic animals; sets of kitchen and tea utensils; a set of vegetables and fruits; the cars are large and average; trucks and cars; telephone, steering wheel, scales, bags, buckets, iron, hammer, etc.; doll strollers; fun toys; clothing for dressing up.

The main activity of our kids is play. At the game center "Living room" collected toys that introduce children to those around them household items. Kids get to know new people objects and learn to act with them. The acquired knowledge and skills are transferred to everyday life.

Physical Culture Center:

Tasks: Create conditions for physical exercise in group, stimulate children's desire to engage in physical activity. To instill in children a conscious attitude towards their health. Strengthening the muscles of the lower and upper extremities, preventing flat feet; prevention of colds; strengthening the muscles of the spinal column, scoliosis prevention.

Equipment and materials that we have in corner: board smooth and ribbed; rugs, massage paths, with footprints (for the prevention of flat feet); gymnastic sticks; balls; basket for throwing balls; hoops; jump ropes; skittles; arc; cubes; bench; gymnastic mat; the cord is long and short; gymnastic ladder; bags with cargo; ribbons of different colors; checkboxes; attributes for outdoor games and morning exercises.

The need for movement is an important task when organization of subject-development environment.

Center for Fine Arts art:

Tasks: To develop interest, attention, curiosity, emotional response of children to individual aesthetic properties and qualities items surrounding reality.

corner: easel; sets of colored pencils; sets of felt-tip pens; ballpoint pens; gouache; watercolor; colored wax crayons, etc.; brushes - thin and thick; jars for washing paint brushes; drawing paper of various sizes; stencils by topic; plasticine; stacks; signets; fabric napkins, docks for drawing with felt-tip pen and chalk.

Musical and theatrical center:

Tasks: Development of auditory perception and attention; formation of performing skills; development of children's creativity based on literary works.

Equipment and materials that we have in corner: set of noise boxes; sounding toys, contrasting in timbre and nature of sound production (bells, tambourine, pipes, metallophone, drum, rubber tweeters, rattles, etc.); musical educational games; table theater, small screen and sets of dolls (finger, planar, etc.); theater made by teacher (on spoons) scenery, ready-made costumes, masks for staging fairy tales, homemade costumes; There is a book corner nearby.

Children are delighted with our music and theater center. Musical instruments bring children many joyful moments and develop phonemic hearing and a sense of rhythm. We try to introduce kids to various types theater Meeting with a doll helps children relax, relieve tension, and create a joyful atmosphere.

Book Center:

Tasks: Formation of listening skills, ability to handle a book; Formation and expansion ideas about the environment.

Equipment and materials that we have in corner: bookcase, table and two chairs; books according to the program, children's favorite books, baby books, toy books; albums for consideration: "Professions", "Seasons", "Kindergarten"; album with family photos of children groups; sets of story and subject pictures; games for educational and speech development etc.

In a book showcase groups I usually display 4-5 books, usually already familiar to children, with bright, large illustrations. Lifespan of a book in a corner I determine children's interest in this book. IN average the period of her stay in it is 2-2.5 weeks. In the corner I give children their first lessons in independent communication with a book: I introduce you to the corner of the book, its structure and purpose, teach you to look at books only there (take books with clean hands, flip through them carefully, do not tear, crush, do not use for games; after looking, always put the book back). My kids love it when we read books and look at pictures with them, so here we have a lot of bright, colorful and interesting literature on the program.

Construction Games Center:

Tasks: Develop submissions about the basic properties of volumetric geometric, mainly large, forms (stability, instability, strength, roughness - smoothness of their surface, in acquiring the ability to recreate familiar items horizontal plane (paths, ladders, chairs, etc., develop skills of co-creation with adults, independent creativity, develop fine motor skills fingers, hands, in acquiring the ability to build furniture, slides, houses. Learn to understand the variability, variability of design, the possibility of construction not only horizontally, but also vertically. Be able to analyze an object, see the main parts of the part, the components of the structure, the ability to create them from various forms.

Equipment and materials that we have in corner: plastic construction sets with a variety of in different ways fastening parts; building kits with parts different forms and sizes; soft modules; boxes large and small; small toy characters (kittens, dogs, etc., cars, for playing with.

Our children groups They love to play with both Lego and modules. Their game takes on a role-playing character. Using construction sets, children build buildings necessary to play out the plots. Very often we use the constructor in classes, exercises, and on holidays. By playing with construction sets, our kids develop not only motor skills, attentiveness, thinking, and imagination, but also acquire work skills.

Nature Center:

Tasks: Environmental education and children's education. Foster love and respect for nature.

Equipment and materials we have corner: V group there are 4 indoor plants (ficus, begonia, geranium, balsam); pictures were selected according to the seasons, models of vegetables and fruits; crafts made from natural material; material for organizations experimentation: microscope, magnifying glasses, mirrors, hourglass, flashlight, containers (cups, measures, funnels, tubes); natural and waste material, cotton wool, different types of paper, colored glass, watering cans, flower spray, sticks for loosening the soil.

Our children groups learned to recognize plants and name the main parts of a plant (stem and leaves). We placed plants in a corner of nature that have clearly defined main parts and bloom beautifully, abundantly and for a long time. Children learned to water a plant under the guidance of a teacher; learned how to hold a watering can correctly and pour water carefully. In the corner we created conditions for playing with water and sand.

Study corner:

Tasks: Development of thinking and finger motor skills, mastering the operations of inserting, overlaying, connecting parts into a whole; development of visual perception and attention; development of examination skills; familiarity with geometric figures and shapes items; education grouping objects by color, size, shape; identifying attitude groups of objects by quantity and number (many, few, one); developing the ability to use speech to definitions the meaning of your actions; formation of skills group items, sequentially compose pictures; enriching children's active vocabulary; developing the ability to describe and name objects in pictures; familiarization with traffic lights.

Adult organizes actions with various objects: wet and dry sand, consider different states of water. etc.

Equipment and materials available in corner:

Large mosaics, volumetric inserts of 5-10 elements, prefabricated toys, pyramids (of 6-10 elements, lacing, games with modeling and substitution elements, lotto, paired pictures and other printed board games.

Typesetting cloth, magnetic board.

Set of geometric shapes, items various geometric shapes, counting material.

Various small figures and non-traditional material (cones, acorns, pebbles) for the account.

Dienesh blocks.

Cuisenaire sticks.

Matryoshka dolls (of 5-7 elements, insert boards, insert frames, set of colored sticks (5-7 of each color).

Split (folding) cubes with subject pictures(4-6 parts).

Split subject pictures, divided into 2-4 parts (vertical and horizontal).

Canvas depicting roads, medium transport; models of houses, trees, traffic lights, road signs; small toys (figurines of people, animals).

Materials on the development of speech and cognitive activity.

Sets of pictures for factions, up to 4-6 in each group: pets, wild animals, animals with babies, birds, fish, trees, flowers, vegetables, fruits, food, clothing, dishes, furniture, transport, household items.

Sets subject pictures for sequential factions according to various criteria (appointment, etc.).

A series of 3-4 pictures to establish the sequence of events (fairy tales, social situations).

- Series of 4 pictures: parts of the day (activities of people in the immediate environment).

- Series of 4 pictures: seasons (nature and seasonal human activities).

Large format narrative pictures (with various themes close to the child - fairy tales, social everyday life).

Toys and exercise equipment for training correct physiological breathing.

Children are very fond of didactic games: "Assemble the car", "Traffic light", lotto games and many others. I use the corner material both in classes and for individual work with children.


“The horse is a living miracle raised by man”.

Museum profile: educational.

Tasks: Introducing children to the role of a horse in human life; fostering a caring attitude towards the animal world; formation of research behavior skills.

The museum contains soft toys-horses; rubber horses; plastic; horses made together with parents from plasticine and paper; various crafts. We constantly update our museum with riddles, children's sayings, poems, songs, drawings, counting rhymes, and souvenirs on this topic. Together with the children, we write fairy tales about horses and color coloring books.

Our group:

Right organized development environment allows every child to find something they like, believe in their strengths and abilities, learn to interact with teachers and peers, understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what lies at the heart of developmental education.

Subject development environment of the group is as close as possible to the interests and needs of each preschooler. We tried to ensure that the child had the opportunity to do what he loved in the mini corner of his choice.

IN group everything is accessible to every child, is age appropriate and takes into account their individual characteristics and development capabilities. Conditions have been created for the accumulation of creative experience, the application of one’s knowledge and skills, in situations of action with familiar or completely unfamiliar objects.

Considering that play is a leading activity for a preschool child, we tried to select attributes that would allow us to build game plots and imitate the world that the child is learning. Gaming Wednesday changes with changes in pedagogical tasks, with changes in the role of the game itself.

Our bedroom:

A child's sleep is largely influenced by the design of the bedroom. We have created a cozy bedroom for children.

Corner "Seclusion" is in our bedroom.

Here we are we offer look at a photo album of children's and family photos in silence. We turn on music or listen to fairy tales, also here children can play with dolls or board games, see your favorite books.

You walk into the bedroom where the children are sleeping and hear quiet snoring.

Quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly,

Tikhon enters our doors,

Don't yell, don't scream,

And cradle and rock.

Tikhon sings a song,

Gives out dreams to the kids:

“In this dream there is a balloon,

In this dream there is a dog Sharik,

In this - doves fly,

Children want to sleep in this.”

Quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly,

Dusk, slumber and peace.

The children are sleeping. Tikhon leaves

To a quiet house across the river.

In our the group has created a wonderful subject-spatial developmental Wednesday, which serves the interests and needs of each child. Special attention We focus on creating conditions for easy adaptation of children in order to reduce the level of anxiety of each child.

Subject-spatial environment of the group creates a comfortable mood and promotes the emotional well-being of children.

Children are very sensitive to their surroundings, so the whole environment groups has great educational value.

Construction of a subject-development environment

in the second junior group

"Golden Key"

With the entry into force of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, for the first time, a very important task “protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being” is outlined at the legislative level. We believe that the psychological comfort and emotional well-being of the child largely depends on how well the developmental environment in the kindergarten group is organized. One of the basic principles of creating an environment in which a child should be is the principle of its aesthetic design. In OUR group, the premises are a bright, airy space with a small number of design details, made in the same style and gently complementing the homely atmosphere. All this is primarily related to the need to protect and strengthen the child’s psyche.

When creating a subject-development environment in the second junior group, we relied on the principle of activity, stability, and flexible zoning. The group has created conditions for children to interact with the teacher and with each other. The content of the subject-development environment corresponds to the interests of boys and girls, periodically changes, varies, and is constantly enriched.

In our group, the subject-development environment is divided into micro-centers for children’s independent activities:

Center for role-playing games. Located in groups on carpets, it occupies most of the group rooms. Available necessary equipment for playing “Family” - furniture, dishes, dolls, doll clothes, household items. For the role-playing games “Hospital”, “Shop”, “Barbershop”, thematic collections of toys and the necessary attributes were selected. Some of the game attributes are located on mobile shelves that have several purposes. Attributes of the game “Hospital” are used for the game “Pharmacy”, attributes of the game “Shop” are used for the game “Cafe”, etc.

Physical Culture Center. In our group, physical education equipment is selected taking into account program objectives and age-related developmental characteristics of children. I try to take into account that the manuals and equipment were multivariate, easily transformed, and took up little space. I try to use a wide variety of remote equipment and sports equipment(balls of different sizes, jump ropes, hoops).

Fine Arts Center. Here are materials for introducing children to various types of fine and decorative arts. Materials and equipment needed for the nursery visual arts, manual labor and artistic design, taking into account the interests of both girls and boys. A small “beauty shelf” is hung on the wall at the child’s eye level. Underneath there is a table with chairs - a place to meet with beauty.

Music center. These are shelves for storing musical aids, a place for playing music and educational board games. The main content of the center consists of musical aids, musical toys, homemade toys, children's musical instruments, costume elements, and audio equipment.

Theater Center. The necessary equipment for theatrical activities and games is collected here: children's costumes, bibabo dolls, finger puppets, toys and decorations for table theater, flannelgraph theater, etc.

Sensory Development Center. This center is largely intended for children - it contains manuals, games, books, materials that allow children to develop their ideas about various colors and shades, shapes, sizes of objects, roughness - the smoothness of their surface, sounds - their height, volume, etc. There are materials for developing fine motor skills.

Book Center. It contains small libraries: books for reading to children and independent reading for reading children, illustrations for works, thematic albums, speech material, speech games, magazines. It houses albums with family photographs of the group’s children, temporary thematic photo exhibitions that promote the development of various aesthetic ideas of children, as well as children’s drawings and illustrations, creative works various genres.

Nature Center. The environment is unthinkable without natural content, which is the most important means of environmental, aesthetic, moral, mental education and spiritual development children. The groups contain plants, birds, fish, and a turtle. On the territory of the preschool educational institution there is a vegetable garden and flower beds. Equipped with areas for elementary experimental activities, a water and sand center.

Study corner. Includes magnetic and chalk boards, typesetting canvases, a variety of visual, handout, counting materials, and didactic games. All material is selected taking into account the age of the children, for independent use, playing with the material covered. Also in the groups there is unformed material: corks, boxes, jars, which allows children to fantasize and replace real objects with these materials.

Our group:

A properly organized developmental environment allows every child to find something they like, to believe in their strengths and abilities, to learn to interact with teachers and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what lies at the heart of developmental education.

The subject-developmental environment of the group is as close as possible to the interests and needs of each preschooler. We tried to ensure that the child had the opportunity to do what he loved in the mini corner of his choice.

Everything in the group is accessible to every child, is age appropriate and takes into account their individual characteristics and developmental capabilities. Conditions have been created for the accumulation of creative experience, the application of one’s knowledge and skills, in situations of action with familiar or completely unfamiliar objects.

Considering that play is a leading activity for a preschool child, we tried to select attributes that would allow us to build game plots and imitate the world that the child is learning. The gaming environment changes with a change in pedagogical tasks, with a change in the role of the game itself.

Our bedroom:

A child's sleep is largely influenced by the design of the bedroom. We have created a cozy bedroom for children.

Here we suggest viewing a photo album of children's and family photographs in silence. We turn on music or listen to fairy tales, and here children can play with dolls or board games, and look at their favorite books.

Our group has created an excellent subject-spatial developmental environment that serves the interests and needs of each child. We pay special attention to creating conditions for easy adaptation of children in order to reduce the level of anxiety of each child.

The subject-spatial environment of the group creates a comfortable mood and promotes the emotional well-being of children.

Children are very susceptible to their surroundings, so the entire group environment is of great educational importance.

Modern child must develop in a modern environment, and we hope that the Federal State Educational Standard that has entered into force will be supported financially. And the interior of the group will maximize the emotional well-being of children.

The teaching staff of the preschool educational institution is not going to stop there, the search for innovative approaches to a developing subject-spatial environment continues, and the creativity, skill and great desire of teachers will help us.

One of the most important conditions for the successful upbringing and education of children is the developmental environment (subject-spatial) in the group and in the kindergarten area. In order to find out what the subject-spatial environment should be like in the 2nd junior group, what toys, teaching material, zones (corners) you need, you can refer to the following documents:

  1. SanPiN, where you will find sanitary requirements for the placement of equipment.
  2. Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education, requirements for protecting the lives of pupils, principles for constructing PRS, comprehensive equipment of the educational process, accounting for health and safety.
  3. The program your preschool operates under.

Subject-spatial environment in the 2nd junior group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

Board game “Patch the Mat”

The “Patch the Rug” game is very easy to make. Glue white onto sheets of colored paper geometric shapes and pass it through a laminator (once upon a time we simply covered the cardboard with tape), use a hole punch to make holes and make a fringe, and separately cut out geometric shapes of the same color.

Children enjoy patching rugs.
Carpet - irreplaceable thing for the second younger group. In addition to the theater, you can place any benefit on it. In our case, these are geometric shapes and multi-colored droplets (you can work individually).

And here is a modern version of the game “Collect a flower”. If you take the flower apart, you can assemble a caterpillar, tumbler, etc. from knitted circles.

Touch panel “Underwater world”

We also equipped the “Underwater World” panel in the sensory zone, using which you can develop fine motor skills in different ways. The panel is attached to the back wall of the shelf, which separates the study area from the play area. For the background we used a regular shower curtain with a marine pattern, but you could find oilcloth, self-adhesive film, or just paint and varnish.

To create underwater world We used different materials: we made fish from sandpaper, dish sponges, knitted fish and starfish with beads look great. The seaweed is made from pieces of felt, to which ribbons are sewn for tying, and the pebbles are made from simple cotton pads. Lots of tactile sensations, right?

An interesting underwater inhabitant is the octopus. To make it you only need different ribbons and cardboard. Try making a great tutorial for kids.

In the math corner, kids are greeted with a cube, a cone and a cylinder. By the way, there should also be manuals like “Many, One, None”, handouts, various nesting dolls, insert cubes, etc.

In the active speech zone you will find breathing exercises, cards on lexical topics, a mini-library and games that expand children's horizons, for example “Who eats what?”

The natural area has everything you need to experiment, care for plants and observe nature.

The model “Grandma’s Compound” allows you to expand children’s knowledge about the characteristics and benefits of pets

Our kindergarten uses a multicultural education program in its work, according to which in the 2nd junior group we introduce children to folk toys. Therefore, we put together a mini museum of wooden toys and designed it like this:

I hope you already have an idea! Great!

Organization of subject-developmental environment in the junior group

Author: Olga Vladimirovna Bobkova, Teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 4 “Fairy Tale”.
Description: my methodological development will be useful for educators kindergartens, in In my work, I described in detail how to design the environment of the junior group so that it complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, develops children and reveals their individuality.

There is no side of upbringing that
the situation would have no influence,
there is no ability that is not found
in direct dependence on directly
the concrete world surrounding the child...
The one who manages to create such an environment,
will make your work easier.
The child will live and develop among her
own self-sufficient life,
his spiritual growth will improve
from oneself, from nature...
E. I. Tikheyeva

One of the important conditions of educational work in a preschool institution is proper organization subject-developing subject environment. A properly organized developmental environment will allow each child to find something he likes, to believe in his strengths and abilities, to learn to interact with teachers and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what lies at the heart of developmental education.
The developing subject environment is the main means of shaping the child’s personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience.
The environment surrounding children in kindergarten should ensure the safety of their lives, promote health and strengthen the body of each of them.
The organization of a subject-developmental environment in a kindergarten carries the effectiveness of educational influence aimed at developing in children an active cognitive attitude towards the surrounding world of objects, people, and nature. It should be formed taking into account certain principles developed in the works of leading teachers, in particular, taking into account the age of children, since each age group has its own specific psychological and pedagogical characteristics.
When creating a subject-development environment in the second junior group, we relied on the principle of activity, stability, and flexible zoning. The group has created conditions for children to interact with the teacher and with each other. There is also a corner of solitude, which gives the child a sense of psychological security and helps personal development. We try to enrich the environment with elements that would stimulate the cognitive, developmental, motor and other activities of children.
The content of the subject-development environment corresponds to the interests of boys and girls, periodically changes, varies, and is constantly enriched.
Functions of the subject-development environment in the junior group:
Cognitive – satisfies the child’s need to master the world around him, stimulates cognitive activity;
Communicative – stimulates speech development, allows the child to learn the basics of communication and interaction;
Wellness – stimulates motor activity, enriches motor experience, introduces to the culture of health;
Creative – introduces children to creative activities, promotes self-development and self-realization.
In our group, the subject-development environment is divided into micro-centers for children’s independent activities:
Center for role-playing games.
Objectives: to promote the emergence of the game; develop the ability to choose a role and perform several interrelated actions in the game; formation of communication skills in the game; development of imitation and creative abilities. Learn to use building materials in games.
Equipment and materials that we have in our corner: doll furniture for the room and kitchen; ironing board; attributes for playing “House”, “Shop”, “Barbershop”, “Hospital”, “Drivers”, etc.; dolls; toy wild and domestic animals; sets of kitchen and tea utensils; a set of vegetables and fruits; large and medium-sized cars; trucks and cars; telephone, steering wheel, scales, bags, buckets, iron, hammer, etc.; doll strollers; fun toys; clothing for dressing up.
The main activity of our kids is play. The Living Room play center contains toys that introduce children to the everyday objects around them. Kids get acquainted with objects that are new to them and learn to operate with them. The acquired knowledge and skills are transferred to everyday life.

Nature Center:
Objectives: Environmental education and education of children. Foster love and respect for nature.

Physical Culture Center:
Objectives: Create conditions for physical exercise in a group, stimulate children’s desire to engage in physical activity. To instill in children a conscious attitude towards their health. Strengthening the muscles of the lower and upper extremities, preventing flat feet; prevention of colds; strengthening the muscles of the spinal column, preventing scoliosis.
Equipment and materials that we have in our corner: rugs, massage paths, with footprints (to prevent flat feet); gymnastic sticks; balls; hoops; jump ropes; skittles; cubes; balls, handkerchiefs, long and short cord; bags with cargo; ribbons of different colors; checkboxes; attributes for outdoor games and morning exercises.
The need for movement is an important task when organizing a subject-development environment.

Fine Arts Center:
Objectives: To develop interest, attention, curiosity, emotional response of children to individual aesthetic properties and qualities of objects in the surrounding reality. Equipment and materials that are in the corner: sets of colored pencils; sets of felt-tip pens; ballpoint pens; albums, gouache; watercolor; colored wax crayons, etc.; brushes - thin and thick; jars for washing paint brushes; drawing paper of various sizes; stencils by topic; plasticine; stacks; signets; fabric napkins, docks for drawing with felt-tip pens and chalk, stencils for plasticine printing, water and regular coloring books, PVA glue, all kinds of figures for applique.

Musical and theatrical center:
Objectives: Development of auditory perception and attention; formation of performing skills; development of children's creativity based on literary works.
Equipment and materials that we have in our corner: a set of noise boxes; sounding toys, contrasting in timbre and nature of sound production (bells, tambourine, pipes, metallophone, drum, rubber tweeters, rattles, etc.); musical educational games; table theater, shadow theater, flannelgraph, small screen and sets of puppets (finger, flat, etc.), masks, caps, for staging fairy tales, homemade costumes.

Children are delighted with our music and theater center. Musical instruments bring children many joyful moments and develop phonemic hearing and a sense of rhythm. We try to introduce kids to different types of theater. Meeting with a doll helps children relax, relieve tension, and create a joyful atmosphere.
Book Center:
Objectives: Formation of listening skills, ability to handle a book; Formation and expansion of ideas about the environment.
Equipment and materials that we have in the corner: a bookcase, a table and two chairs; books according to the program, children's favorite books, baby books, toy books; albums for viewing: “Professions”, “Seasons”, “Kindergarten”; an album with family photographs of the group's children; sets of subject and subject pictures; games for cognitive and speech development, etc.
In the group’s book showcase, I usually display 4-5 books, usually already familiar to children, with bright, large illustrations. The length of time a book stays in a corner is determined by the children’s interest in this book. On average, her stay there is 2-2.5 weeks. In the corner, I give children the first lessons in independent communication with a book: I introduce them to the corner of the book, its structure and purpose, teach them to look at books only there (take books with clean hands, leaf through carefully, do not tear, do not wrinkle, do not use for games; after I looked, always put the book in its place). My kids love it when we read books and look at pictures with them, so here we have a lot of bright, colorful and interesting literature on the program.

Center for sensory and speech development.

Solitude Center
Objectives: Performs a calming and relaxing function. The child can relax, be alone with himself, play educational games, watch a book or just dream. Reducing the level of anxiety, psychological stress, improving mood.
Materials and equipment: A jar of “Aggression”, a mirror, games “Emotions”, “My Mood”, a box “Mirilochka”, chairs for bad and good moods, family photo albums, soft toys, handmade toys, pebbles.