Project activity - method of implementation individual approach to learning, using productive, creative, cognitive or research activities of preschool children, during which preschoolers expand their horizons, vocabulary, gain new knowledge and learn to find practical application for it. Children's interest serves as a source of inspiration for the implementation of serious and exciting tasks. - the result of joint activities of adults (parents and teachers) and children, aimed at:

  • development of subject skills and knowledge in preschoolers;
  • formation of competencies necessary for successful study at school (analyze one’s own capabilities, set tasks, find ways and optimal means of solving them);
  • harmonious development of the child’s personality (children learn to work in a team, find compromises, achieve goals, demonstrate leadership qualities and initiative, and behave confidently in situations of uncertainty).

Ready-made projects in kindergarten: characteristics of pedagogical innovation

Method finished projects in kindergarten allows you to fully develop the creative abilities and cognitive initiatives of children, with the participation of adults to solve cognitive and practical problems. Innovation, which appeared in the pedagogical treasury of preschool education relatively recently, today is focused on unlocking the potential of children, synthesis educational areas, theoretical and practical knowledge. It's paradoxical, but project activities is equally important for children and adults, as it stimulates creative thinking, improved professional skills and the quality of education in general.

Project activity involves the integration of several types of activities under the auspices of a single thematic plane of the problem posed, an in-depth and comprehensive study of the problem. Thanks to it, new methods of education and training appear in the pedagogical process, new ideas are introduced, and preschoolers form a unified picture of the world, and the kindergarten implements developmental, educational and health-saving technologies. The main goal of children's projects in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard is:

  • gaining experience in creative activity, imagination, development of a free, independent personality;
  • promotes the formation of general educational skills, the practice of collective creativity and cooperation with peers, family members and teachers;
  • creating an emotional and value-based attitude towards the environment;
  • stimulating cognitive abilities and thinking;
  • introduction to performing tasks of increasing complexity that have practical value;
  • development of communication skills.

Since the family is most often a comfortable and vital environment, interaction with family members of pupils is a necessity for achieving goals and the harmonious development of the preschooler’s personality.

The methodology is based on the principle “I learn what is useful to me, and I know where and how I can apply the acquired skills and knowledge,” which ensures a balance between theoretical and practical skills. It allows you to activate children's natural curiosity and direct it in the right direction. In this case, the child always remains the “leader”, and the teacher is assigned the role of a “follower”, subordinate to the interests and desires of the preschooler, but supervising his activities. This allows us to abandon authoritarian pedagogy in favor of the principles of cooperation in joint activities.

Application practice projects in the activities of preschool educational institutions proves to her students that she:

  • provides flexibility of thinking and independence in decision making;
  • stimulates the use of sensory skills in solving problems in practice;
  • allows you to understand the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance.
  • Teachers also feel positive dynamics because:
  • practice search professional activities;
  • learn to plan work in accordance with the interests and abilities of children;
  • independently plan the educational process.

Unfortunately, preschool teachers often need methodological assistance, consultations, master classes on advanced design technology, since they often demonstrate insufficient awareness of the principles of implementation and features of project activities, reluctance to abandon the usual educational system, and lack of motivation to improve professional skills and showing initiative. Not everyone understands the difference between project and research activities: a project is a way of organizing work that ends with a specific solution applicable in practice.

Project activities in preschool educational institutions has the following characteristics:

  1. Project work is designed to solve not educational, but life problems that are of interest to one student or a group of children. That is why it is important that the problem being studied is relevant for children, and not imposed by the teacher.
  2. Using the project method, it is advisable to solve only those problems that do not allow for a linear (simple) solution. Since design is an intellectual, labor- and resource-intensive method, it is used to solve truly complex and important problems.
  3. Each project is limited by resources, deadlines and strict requirements for the finished product. It is easier for children to have a business mindset, knowing that they are operating in “adult” conditions and solving important problems. So, kids should understand how to distribute their time and the teacher’s, how much paper, paints, pencils or plasticine will be needed to complete the project, what the result of the work should be (something material that can be imagined, touched, seen). The last point is very important, since the completion of the project is the product, and the result of the activity is the skills and competencies that the children received. You cannot mix the concepts of product and result, just as you cannot create projects for patriotism, friendship, and understanding. Such projects are acceptable, but in a different way: to instill a sense of patriotism, you can study the family tree of a family, study the life of great fellow countrymen, and for friendship - make a collage of photographs with friends, collectively perform an important task - take care of plants, make a bird feeder to make friends during the process. The product of preschoolers’ project activities must be socially and materially significant.
  4. Project activities at all stages of childhood involve teamwork. Team building allows children to understand how to interact with parents and educators and who to involve as help.

Project activities in kindergarten: types of ready-made projects

Before starting project work in kindergarten, it is important for educators to understand the difference between the following types activities:

  • research - allows you to learn more about a problem or phenomenon (subject) of interest, to find the truth;
  • productive - involves the simplest solution to the problem;
  • project - implies not only solving a problem, but also developing a situation, therefore, within the framework of a project, preschoolers can use productive, research, and educational activities, but all of them must lead to the creation of a specific product.

Thus ready-made projects in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard differ:

  1. the presence of a problem that cannot be solved by direct action;
  2. social or personal motivation of all participants in the process;
  3. targeted nature of the task.

Each project expands children's knowledge in a certain area, develops the necessary skills and abilities, and allows them to enrich the life experience of a preschooler. Children learn to make independent decisions, set goals and achieve them, develop thinking, cooperate and negotiate with other group members.


In the "Senior Teacher's Handbook" preschool» methodological recommendations have been published on the implementation of project activities in kindergarten, which will help you avoid common difficulties

Depending on the topic of projects in kindergarten, they are divided into:

  1. Research - preschoolers conduct experiments and experiments, finding out the nature of things and the essence of some phenomena, which are subsequently formalized in the form of exhibitions, presentations, albums or newspapers. They are distinguished by the social significance of the topics, the relevance of the problem, and the presence of a clear structure and goals.
  2. Game - carried out with elements of creative games, in which children become fairy-tale characters, solving the tasks assigned to them. Participants in project activities strictly distribute roles among themselves, acting within the framework of role-playing activities, introducing themselves fairy-tale character, animals, characters from literary works or cartoons.
  3. Informational - preschool children choose a topic and its implementation in accordance with their social interests. During the work, children collect and analyze information, and then, based on it, prepare a product and present it. As a result, they learn to generalize and analyze, work with information, and share information received about a phenomenon or object with others.
  4. Creative - implemented in the format children's party, theatrical performance, interior decoration, fairy tale or competition. Often they do not have a strictly thought-out structure; the actions of the participants may not be distributed. They reflect the nature of the relationship between children in kindergarten, children and parents, preschoolers and society, the outside world, and teachers. All creative projects are divided into categories according to the form of presentation of the result, the dominant type of creativity, and the motive.
  5. Practice-oriented - they reveal socially important problems; the result of the activity has a social connotation. Such projects are implemented subject to a clearly thought-out structure, high-quality distribution of roles and proper organization at every stage of execution.
  6. Open - most often used within different groups of preschool educational institutions, which allows you to take design to a new level. When work is carried out within one age group, all participants in the process know each other’s personal and social qualities and the creative capabilities of children. Contacting children different ages, pupils of preschool educational institutions expand the scope of communication, improve communication and social skills. Joint activities give them new emotions and impressions; younger and older children learn from each other’s experiences.
  7. Leisure - implementation of entertainment and sports activities.
  8. Complex - in their content they combine several types at once.

Any projects in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard help to increase children's self-esteem by recognizing the value of children's achievements and are divided according to the timing of implementation into short-term, implemented within several classes, as well as medium-term and long-term (the latter are studied and implemented over six months or a year). According to the nature of the child’s participation, he can be a participant, performer, customer and evaluator in project activities. Since children cannot develop and implement a project on their own, educators, music directors and parents come to their aid and play the role of mentors. Consequently, according to the number of participants, all projects are divided into individual, paired, group (project participants - 3-12 people) and frontal (implemented by the entire team of the preschool educational institution group).

  • Individual design helps enrich the cultural and social experience of a preschooler, allows him to take initiative, express his thoughts and experiences, demonstrate abilities, make mistakes and achievements.
  • Collective projects realize the desire of children to act together, the desire to participate in teamwork, solving assigned problems. All this contributes to the emergence of collective cooperation skills, which are formed through involvement in the implementation general works. Carrying out project work, preschoolers unite, discuss the problem, look for ways to solve it, distribute duties and responsibilities, and help each other.
  • Paired projects are carried out by pairs of children, which contributes to the establishment of friendships and partnerships, allowing them to develop skills in cooperation, finding compromises, and solving complex problems through joint activities.

By the nature of the relationships projects in a group at a preschool educational institution divided into tasks within one age group, with the involvement of older or younger children, the participation of parents, representatives of public organizations or institutions.

Project method at different stages of preschool childhood

They involve the joint work of adults and children on a specific topic or selected problem as part of cognitive activity. The project methodology is recommended for use in senior and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions, despite the fact that it can also be used with children older than early age. It is important for the teacher to take into account that the age characteristics of preschoolers directly affect their role in design:

  • younger preschoolers tend to primarily observe, and therefore simple short term projects, mini-projects that are carried out together with parents or with their active participation;
  • on average preschool age children are more ready for partnerships, so they can implement medium-term projects that reveal problems that interest them;
  • older preschoolers can better retain interest, stop, and concentrate on a specific task, and therefore they are suitable for longer-term projects, which they implement in positions of cooperation with adults.

The project method assumes equal rights for adults and children, and therefore parents and educators do not have the right to evaluate or control the activities of children. Teachers strive to develop in children key educational competencies and personality traits that will be indispensable in the future.

Methodologists identify three stages in the use of projects, characteristic of different age groups of preschool children:

  1. Imitative. Children 3-5 years old actively imitate adults in their actions, they are characterized by diligence, therefore they are given a second role in the implementation of projects. Pupils perform tasks by imitating an adult (teacher or parent), or act according to the suggested example.
  2. Developmental. Preschoolers aged 5-6 years can already actively collaborate with peers (find compromises, coordinate actions, distribute functions), they have experience in joint activities. Children at this stage are distinguished by developed self-esteem and self-control, an objective assessment of their own and others’ actions, therefore they can independently propose topics for project development, set goals and find means (ways) of their implementation.
  3. Creative. Children 6-7 years old for exercise projects in high school preschool educational institution group need to create certain conditions development of creativity, but at the same time they easily set goals, determine the content of their activities, and choose ways to implement the task.

During the implementation of project activities, what matters is not the ideal product, but the quality of the result, the skills that children acquire in the process of work, the activation of curiosity, cognitive activity, perseverance and other useful competencies.

Tasks The nature of personality development
In early preschool age
  • under the supervision of a teacher, preschoolers enter a problematic situation;
  • the teacher stimulates them to search and research work, experimentation;
  • thanks to practical experience, children show the beginnings of research activity;
  • preschool children are introduced to the process of cognition, they develop various competencies, emotional interest, develop imagination, thinking, and speech;
  • educators involve children in imaginative reproduction, help them get acquainted with phenomena, objects and their use;
  • children learn to understand the goal and look for ways to achieve it, taking into account new knowledge and past experience.
  1. physical development - motor abilities are stimulated, children realize the importance of taking care of their health (project “ABC of Health”);
  2. social development - preschoolers are looking for ways to communicate, learn about their place in society, their history (project “Me and My Family”, “Family Tree”);
  3. cognitive development - ideas about the world around them expand, children learn to apply sensory sensations in practice (projects “Natural World”, “Favorite Fairy Tales”);
  4. aesthetic development - mastery of artistic activity, familiarity with works of art and emotional and value awareness of them (ready-made projects in the preschool educational institution “Hello, Pushkin!”, “The World of Theater”, “In the Tretyakov Gallery”).
In older preschool age
  • prerequisites for intellectual and search activity appear;
  • preschoolers, under the supervision of an adult, find effective methods for solving a problem, and then do this work independently, using methods to complete assigned tasks;
  • older preschoolers strive to communicate with adults on equal terms, use special terms, and carry out joint activities;
  • children develop modeling and experimentation skills, demonstrate intellectual and exploratory initiative, take the first steps in predicting changes, and use generalized algorithms for mental work;
  • children need to understand the picture of the world, carry out productive activities and constructive communication;
  • They are able to identify a problem, find a solution to it, productively using available methods, and then analyze the results.
  1. physical development - the attitude towards one’s own health becomes conscious, the need to lead a healthy lifestyle appears, motor abilities develop (projects “Secrets of Ilya Muromets”, “In healthy body healthy mind");
  2. social development - positive self-esteem is formed, self-knowledge develops, children master the necessary communicative competencies, realize the meaning and power of speech (projects “Know yourself”, “Tales of Love”, “Who am I?”);
  3. cognitive development - the knowledge system becomes more structured, which contributes to the development of creative and cognitive abilities, the performance of logical operations, the desire for modeling and experimentation (“Fun Astronomy”, “Magic Country”, “Heroes of the Russian Land”, “Underwater World”);
  4. aesthetic development- preschoolers join the world artistic images and art, master various types of creative activity and methods of aesthetic evaluation (“Book Week”, “World of Theater”, “Great Masters of the Brush”)

Stages of implementation of finished projects in kindergarten

The goal is not finished projects, but the process of their implementation, during which teachers instruct, help, stimulate interest and active participation children, and they, in turn, respond with involvement. Work on any project in kindergarten goes through four stages:

Implementation stages Characteristic
I. Immersion and topic selection

The teacher and the preschooler choose the most interesting topic for the children and plan educational work. Methodists recommend using a system of three questions: What do I know? What do I want to know? How can I find out?

It is important for teachers not only to support the child in his desire to study this or that issue, but also to create conditions for cognitive activity and organize a dialogue with him. To successfully select a truly relevant topic, educators often use the method of creating a problem situation, the awareness of which will help to choose the direction and goal of project work.

You can also choose a section of the preschool educational program as a topic, but it is much more important that the idea of ​​a future project comes from a child who would express surprise and interest, formulating it through an open question that could become the beginning for a successful research work, joint for adults and children.

II. Planning The teacher plans the process of implementing project activities, content, sets educational goals, thinks through types of activities, and collects materials. Then, together with the pupils, he collects interesting facts related to the subject of design, develop a work plan using the example of a thematic diagram, drawing, into which the child will be able to make his proposals. Ideally, the children will be involved in planning the project, and the teacher will take on the role of curator.
III. Implementation

At the implementation stage, the teacher is assigned the role of an assistant, but not a leader. It is important for him to create the most comfortable conditions for the implementation of the plan, to involve as many types of activities as possible, which will contribute comprehensive development children, their personal, social and educational competencies. During a problem discussion, children’s research activities are activated, the desire to analyze, compare, experiment, and draw conclusions. In the process of work, children are the initiators and active participants in the activity: they carry out search work, comprehension, transfer of experience, discussion, practice communication, creative and research activities. Children should have a sense of independent choice; for this, the teacher must subtly guide, supervise, but not dominate the decisions and choices of students.

Other specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, music director, music instructor) may be involved in the implementation of the project at the preschool educational institution. physical culture).

IV. Presentation

Most often, the presentation of the finished project is held in the format of a round table, tea party, holiday, performance, exhibition, vernissage, to which parents or family members of the students can be invited.

V. Reflection

The final stages of work on project in kindergarten is the reflection of all participants in the project activity: the teacher at the teachers' meeting or in a personal conversation with the parents of a preschooler talks about the change in his own position during the implementation of the task. As a rule, there is a gradual change from the teaching and organizing role of the educator at the beginning of work to the corrective and guiding role at the stage of product presentation.

Children need praise and encouragement; it is important for the teacher to discuss the results achieved with them, to help them realize what skills they have acquired in the process of work. When communicating with a preschooler, it is important for the teacher to show the socially important effectiveness of his work, to show that the entire path of implementing the project was not in vain and it can be used in the future. Employees of the scientific and methodological service, who supervised and advised the teacher throughout the work, also take part in the collective analysis of the results of project activities.

The duration of individual stages of the project depends on the chosen topic, the age of the children, the nature of the project activity, and the number of participants. It is important not only to develop a project, but to lead it to the creation of a finished product that can be presented to the public. The presence of a result will allow children to feel a sense of pride, will stimulate initiative, the ability to analyze, plan, set goals and achieve them. Society receives socially active, creatively developed children, marked by civic and patriotic feelings.

Positions of participants in project activities in kindergarten

Project activities in preschool educational institutions are part of the progressive educational process. Since, due to age and lack of relevant experience, children cannot independently find a contradiction, set a goal, or plan their activities, the implementation of projects in kindergarten is based on the principles of cooperation between children and adults, which accompany each stage of work. Children's projects in kindergarten are implemented in several stages, which involve the following actions of adults and children:

Teacher's actions Activities of preschoolers
The teacher helps to determine the goals and themes of the project, formulate the product of project activity, and through game situation denotes the task of choosing the final product (presentation, performance, exhibition of works, wall newspaper). Children get used to the problem through a play situation, understand the goals and objectives of the work, complement the assigned tasks, thus they learn to independently search for interesting things.
The teacher stimulates the activity of children, helps them plan work, evaluates the necessary resources, selects information, equipment and materials, promotes the formation of a favorable environment in the team, consults with specialists, and discusses the implementation plan at a parent meeting long-term projects or during an individual conversation with parents - short-term. Pupils are divided or united into groups, distribute roles within groups, negotiate among themselves, and divide stages of work.
The teacher gives advice and recommendations on the practical implementation of projects, controls and directs the work within the framework of the main part project activities in kindergarten conducts observations, special classes, walks, games, gives appropriate tasks to children and members of their families, to search for materials and new ways to implement the project, encourages the initiative of children and their parents. Children acquire a variety of skills and knowledge, master skills during the implementation of projects in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The teacher presents the results of project activities by designing an album or book (together with the student), organizing leisure activity, holiday, separate activity.

Preschoolers help the teacher prepare a presentation, and then demonstrate the product of collective activity to teachers or parents.

The results of working with children are summed up, summarizing teaching experience or speaking at a teachers' meeting.

Kids reflect on the topic of finished projects in kindergarten, expressing their impressions of the work, and evaluate the results of project activities.

In order for a child to realize his needs, reveal his abilities, and form a subjective position, the teacher supervising his project activities should:

  • imagine the child in the role of a researcher, a full partner with his own opinion and goals;
  • minimally interfere with the process of identifying problems and defining a topic (the teacher only needs to listen carefully to the children, record and analyze their words);
  • competently and in an accessible form to justify the use of the chosen methods to the students’ parents and other teachers;
  • take into account, first of all, the interests of children, their needs, experience, and then the necessary resources and the necessary time frame;
  • creates a sense of independence for children, guiding them in project activities, helping them come to the right conclusions, see mistakes and correct decisions, in order to develop an optimal work algorithm;
  • find contacts with parents and, if necessary, with other specialists (a psychologist, observing the process of project implementation, will be able to draw conclusions useful for children);
  • stimulates the child’s interest and activity, helps to use resources correctly, distribute the load, smooth out conflict situations, helps to find compromises so that children can show their best qualities.

Regardless of whether long-term or short-term projects in kindergarten, to finished projects brought the greatest results, it is important for the teacher to provide comprehensive assistance to his students, forming a child-adult community based on the principles of partnership. The success of the finished project and the resulting competencies, as well as the child’s activity and success not only in education, but also in later life, depend on the correct choice of communication tactics between the teacher and the child. There are three forms of organizing partnerships between teachers and children:

  1. Joint-individual - each participant performs his part of the project separately, but at the final stage it turns out to be part of the overall product.
  2. Jointly-sequential - the result of the work of the previous participant is used for the activities of the subsequent one.
  3. Collaborative-interacting - participants coordinate actions at each stage of the project.

To ensure that ready-made projects in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which can be downloaded from the link, allow you to fully cover the topic, this integration method is based on numerous methodological techniques. Preschoolers’ desire for knowledge is the driving force behind project activities, which are carried out under the guidance of teachers or parents. Children reveal their potential, learn to plan work, control each stage, predict and evaluate results.

Parents may be interested in what is unclear and difficult to complete, help the child find the right source of information, highlight the most interesting, design it, and help decorate the finished product. But at the same time, adults are prohibited from performing any of the stages without the participation of the child, explaining their initiative by his carelessness, inexperience or ineptitude.

Development of the design method: experience of advanced preschool educational institutions

The high degree of adaptability of advanced pedagogical technologies in modern kindergarten ensures the widespread use of the promising method of integrated learning (project method) in preschool educational institutions, where it allows increasing creative thinking, educational and research activity of children, and ensures the openness of the educational system for parents.

In the process of implementing project activities, children become more socially adapted, attentive and sociable, their play activities become structured and varied. Change and child-parent relationship: the child is interested in new things, puts forward ideas, asks questions, which makes him more interesting to parents. Algorithms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families are also undergoing changes: family members of pupils become direct participants in the educational process, feeling a sense of satisfaction for the success of their children and their involvement.

The prospects of project activities lie in the fact that they:

  • creates a cultural niche to stimulate productive children's initiative, not provided for by traditional pedagogical methods;
  • involves parents in productive activities as much as possible, allowing them to become closer with their children;
  • allows preschoolers to observe and analyze, compare and generalize, learn to draw conclusions, obtain information, develop their communication skills, creativity and thought processes.

Senior group project

Topic: “My family”


Zinovieva Yu.A.


Relevance of the project: the project presents the planned joint work of educators, children, and parents to form an idea of ​​the family as people who live together, love each other, and care for each other. During the project, children will gain knowledge about the professions of their parents, the pedigree of their family, and family traditions.

A survey of children showed that children do not know enough about their family, where and who their parents work, and what the names of their grandparents are. To change this situation, the idea came up to create the “My Family” project. We, adults, teachers and parents, must help children understand the importance of family, cultivate in children love and respect for family members, and instill a sense of attachment to family and home.

Project goal:

Expand children's ideas about their family and pedigree.

Establish contact with parents to coordinate educational measures in interaction with children.

Project objectives:

1. Improve the quality of work of the kindergarten in interaction with parents.

2. To form in children an idea of ​​family, morally to family traditions, expand knowledge about the immediate environment, teach to understand family ties.

3. Develop the creative abilities of parents and children in the process of joint activities.

4. Instill in children love and respect for family members, show the value of family for every person and show care for loved ones.

Project type: short-term.

Project participants: teachers, pupils of the 5-6 year old group, parents.

Forms of project organization:

1. Survey of children.

2. GCD

3. Consultation for parents “What is a family tree?”

4. Exhibition “Genealogical Family Tree”.

5. Exhibition of drawings and photographs “Coat of Arms of Our Family”.

6. Thematic role-playing game “Family”, “Hospital”, “Shop”.

7. Parent meeting “My family is my soul”

Project implementation stages

Stage I – preparatory

Questioning children about the problem;

Definition of goals and objectives;

Creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

Stage II – basic (practical)

Introduction into the educational process effective methods and techniques for expanding preschoolers’ knowledge about the family and its origins;

Development of a consultation “What is a family tree?”

Exhibition “Genealogical Family Tree”;

Exhibition of drawings and photographs “Coat of Arms of Our Family”;

Joint production of plots by children and parents - role playing games“Family”, “Hospital”, “Shop”;

Leisure time with parents in the “My Family” hall.

Development and accumulation teaching materials, development of recommendations on the problem.

Stage III - final

Processing of project implementation results;

Parents' meeting;

Presentation of the project “My Family”.

Expected results of the project:

Children: nurturing a feeling of love for family members, expanding children’s knowledge about their family: about family members, traditions, about the life of grandparents, the ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about the family.

Parents: improving the pedagogical culture of parents, establishing trusting and partnership relationships with them.

Project implementation


Stage 1


Survey of children: “What do I know about the family”

Stage 2


GCD on the topic “My Family”

Communication “My Family”

Drawing "Mom"

Communication “Telling children the Belarusian folk tale"Puff."

Modeling “Furniture for three bears”


"Grouping of objects"

(clothes, shoes, hats).

Designing "Mom's braids"

Reading fiction:

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"


“The Tale of a Smart Mouse” by S. Marshak

“Mom’s work” E. Permyak

“Mama’s Daughter” V. Belov

“Bone” K. Ushinsky

“How Vovka helped out the grandmothers” by A. Barto

“Granny’s hands are shaking” V. Sukhomlinsky

Didactic games:

"Who to be?"

"Finish the sentence"

"Who's older?" "Who's younger?"

“Which one is ours?” (looking at yourself in the mirror)

“Place them in order” (human figures, taking into account age-related changes)

“Assemble a portrait from parts”

“Make a family of figurines”

“Joy - or sadness?”

“What do they affectionately call you at home?”

Role-playing games:

“Family”, “Hospital”, “Shop”.


"Day off in my family"

"How I help at home"

"What Do Your Parents Work" (using the album)

"How we relax"

Reading poems, riddles.

Finger game “My Family”

Articulation gymnastics

“Delicious jam”, “Pancakes”

Consultation “What is a family tree?”

Exhibition “Genealogical Family Tree”

Exhibition of drawings “My Family”

Stage 3


Summing up the project implementation

Parent meeting “My family is my soul”

Dissemination of work experience on the topic among preschool teachers


During the implementation of the “My Family” project, the level of development of children’s ideas about family will increase significantly;

In the process of working on the project, educators will become more familiar with the families of the pupils, with their family traditions, characteristics of family upbringing.

Abstract of GCD

V middle group on the topic "My Family".

1. Formation of children’s ideas about the family as people who live together and love each other. Give an idea of ​​how a family appears, who it consists of, what family holidays are celebrated.

2. Foster a desire to take care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride in your family, and cultivate respect for the older generation.

3. Show children that a family is like a mighty tree, diagrammatically draw up a family tree (Family tree)

Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, music education.

Preliminary work: looking at the family album, drawing pictures “My Family”, working with parents - creating a family coat of arms, family tree, talking with children “Who is related to whom”

Materials: a house with drawings of the pupils' families, the Bird of Happiness, the sun with rays, a basket with hearts, items for table setting, aprons, images with family holidays, presentation on ICT of family coats of arms and family tree.

Progress of the lesson:

Reading poems about family.

Educator: Hello guys, dear parents! I am glad to welcome you today! I'm very pleased to see what you have good mood and I want it to never leave you. Guys, I invite you to hold hands, look tenderly at each other and convey warmth and kindness, the joy of our meeting!

“All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Let's hold hands tightly

And let’s smile at each other!”

Educator: Guys, let's look at the house, these are your drawings, what is shown on them?

Children: Family!

Educator: Family is a place where a person feels protected, needed, loved. All family members are closely related to each other and live together happily and happily.

Let's remember, guys, what kind of relatives the family consists of?

Finger game “My Family”

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

Together - a friendly family!

Educator: - What a friendly family! Let's remember who is older and who is younger in the family.

Who else might be in the family?

Children: Brother, sister.

The Russian people had many symbols of happiness. One of them was the magical Bird of Happiness, one feather of which can bring happiness to a person. This Bird of Happiness flew to our kindergarten. In fairy tales, a good fellow always goes in search of happiness, overcoming many obstacles and completing tasks. Now our good fellow will go for a pen, and we will complete the tasks together.

1 Feather

1 task. Game “Mom is my sunshine”

Educator: who is the most important sun at home, which protects us, warms us with its warmth, takes care of us? Bird - Happiness has prepared for you the game “Mom My Sunshine”.

Imagine that the sun is your mother. Remember what she is like? Every ray is a quality that mommy has, every kind word about her, let's collect all the rays.

Look, guys, what a radiant sun we have turned out to be. How many kind good words they said about mom. And how beautiful and elegant our mothers are. Let's help moms dress up.

Task 2 Game “Dress up Mom”

2 Feather

1 task.

Educator: Bird - Happiness invites us to play the game “Burst the Balloons”. We need to pop the balls in which pictures of family members are hidden. And arrange them on the board in order of seniority.

2 task

The game “Who is who in the family?”

3 Feather

Educator: Every family celebrates holidays when all family members get together, congratulate each other, give gifts, set the table, laugh.

1 task. Presentation

The Bird of Happiness gives us the following task: “Look at the pictures on the screen, tell me, on what holiday do we see this item at home? »

Task 2. "Table Setting"

Educator: The adults in the family carefully prepare for the holiday, clean the apartment, prepare a festive dinner, and set the table. Now we will see how your parents set the table.

3 task. Dance of parents with children.

Educator: After a delicious dinner, you can dance!

4 Feather

Task 1 Game “Collect hearts in a basket” (To the music, children pass the basket in a circle, the one on whom the music stops names a good deed, a heart is placed in the basket.)

Educator: You can please your family not only with gifts, but also with good deeds and good deeds. Stand in a circle and look at the basket the Bird of Happiness gave us. We will collect good deeds in it.

Task 2 Game “Feed our parents”

Educator: Now you guys are big and independent, you can help your parents, but when you were little, your parents and grandparents looked after you. Now try to look after your parents, we offer to feed them.

Task 3 Game “Washing handkerchiefs”

5 Feather Presentation “Family coat of arms, family tree.”

Educator: Guys, I want to tell you that a family is like a huge mighty tree, the roots of this tree are the parents of your grandparents (great-grandparents). The thick branches are grandfathers and grandmothers, the thinner branches are mothers and fathers, and the thinnest ones are you children. Let's now see what family coats of arms you prepared together with your parents.

Surprise moment - Group tree.

Educator: We in the group also live in one big friendly family, we are glad to meet you. What is family?

Children (stand in a semicircle):

Family is happiness, love and luck

Family means summer trips to the countryside

Family is a holiday, family dates,

gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble.

Dreams of good things. Excitement, trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other.

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important, family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love!

I want my friends to say about us:

How nice your family is!

Educator: Look, guys, we have collected all the feathers, I propose to leave this Bird of Happiness in the group so that it gives us joy and happiness. I wish you that each of you has a friendly, strong, happy family.



Project for older people

Topic: “The benefits of milk”


Zinovieva Yu.A.


The duration of the project is 2 weeks.

Project type - research.

The participants of the project are children of the senior group, teachers and parents.

Children's age is 5 – 6 years.

The goal of the project: to enrich knowledge about milk as a valuable and useful product for the growth of a child’s body.

Project objectives:

For children:

Expand knowledge about milk and dairy products.

To give an idea of ​​the importance of milk and dairy products for the child’s body, to identify the role of milk in human life.

To develop children's research skills (searching for information in various sources).

Develop a cognitive interest in research activities and a desire to learn new things.

Develop the ability to work in a team, the desire to share information, and participate in joint experimental activities.

To form a conscious attitude towards healthy eating in children

For teachers:

Create necessary conditions to introduce children to milk through enriching the developmental environment.

Intensify joint activities with parents to develop in children a conscious attitude towards eating dairy products for the development of the body.

For parents:

To help children understand the importance and necessity of children consuming milk and dairy products for the healthy development of the body.

Arouse interest in joint activities.

Project products

For children: an album of children's drawings “Children, drink milk, you will be healthy.” presentation for children: “What do we know about milk?”, poster “COs are grazing in the meadow...”, model “Cows in the meadow”

For teachers: presentation of the project at the teachers' council; These materials can be used to familiarize children with the world around them, in a conversation about proper nutrition for the development of the body.

For parents: stand (mobile) “Cheerful Burenka”, collection of recipes “Family recipes for dishes made from dairy products”.

Expected results for the project: during the work on the project we will find out that milk is the basis of a child’s diet. A glass of milk a day is a time-tested recipe for longevity! With milk, our body receives all the necessary nutrients for the normal development of the body.

For children:

Knowledge about milk and dairy products, their importance for the child’s body and the role of milk in human life will be enriched.

A cognitive interest in research activities and a desire to learn new things will develop (searching for information in encyclopedias and other literary sources, from communication with adults, television programs, etc.).

for teachers

Pedagogical skills will increase in developing children's ideas about milk and dairy products, in using the project method in their work, and in seeing the children's desire to be active participants throughout the entire project.

For parents

We will help children understand the importance of consuming milk and dairy products for the healthy development of the body.

Brief summary of the project


Actions of teachers

Family actions

Stage 1


Definition of the task.

Develops the content of the educational process according to activity centers.

Selects methodological and fiction literature on the topic.

Invites family members to cooperate.

Familiarization of parents with the contents of the project.

Help collect literature about milk and dairy products

Talk to children about the benefits of milk and dairy products

Stage 2


1. Conversations on developing children’s initial ideas about value healthy image life

2. Conducting experiments with milk.

3. Reading to children fairy tales, nursery rhymes, proverbs that talk about milk and cows, learning poems.

4.Collective drawing work on the theme “Far away in the meadow they are grazing…”,

5.Collecting material for making a stand (mobile) “Cheerful Cow”,

6. Making a “Glass of Milk” model (what vitamins are contained in a glass of milk)

7. Development of a scenario for the final entertainment.

1. Helping children in designing the album “Children drink milk, you will be healthy”

2. Compilation of a recipe book “Family recipes for dishes made from dairy products.”

3. Joint activity to collect material for making a stand (mobile) “Happy Cow”

4. Help children explore the refrigerator to find milk products.

5.Consultation for parents “The benefits of milk.”

Stage 3


Conducting the final entertainment “Milk Rivers”

Design and selection of visual and practical material for children.

Summing up the work on the project.

Assistance in organizing an exhibition of project products: stand “Happy Cow”, poster “The Benefits of Milk”.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group

"Milk Rivers"

Progress of the lesson

The teacher turns the children to a glass of milk on the table.

Educator. Guys, today we have an unusual activity, today we will talk about...

Teacher: (the teacher takes a glass

milk, covered with a napkin).

Priceless treasure in my hand -

Everything for life is in it.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

And also miracle vitamins -

All illnesses can be overcome with them.

The cow sends greetings to you all,

Drink, children, stay healthy! (Milk)

Why do guys say this: “You don’t drink milk, where will you get the strength?”

Children's answers.

Educator: Milk is often called the “Source of Health.” In milk

there are all the useful and nutritious substances necessary for the little one

for a person to grow faster and develop properly, these are proteins, fats and

carbohydrates, minerals (calcium for strengthening teeth and bones)

vitamins. In addition, milk is a medicine, thanks to the set of useful

substances. Milk invigorates a person and makes him more active.


I have been drinking milk since childhood, it contains both strength and warmth!

After all, it is magical, kind, and useful!

With him I grow by the hour and I will give good advice -

Instead of Pepsi and lemonade, you should drink milk more often!

Milk helps everyone: strengthens teeth and gums!

You feel easy if you drink milk!

But where does milk come from? Guess the riddle

She is motley, eats green, gives white.

There is a haystack in the middle of the yard: a pitchfork in front, a broom in the back. (Cow)

Slide. Cow.

What animal is a cow? (home)

Why? (lives near a person’s house, they look after her).

People say: “There is a cow in the yard, food is on the table.”

One cow produces as much milk as one family needs.

And where do huge rivers of milk flow from to feed the whole big

city? After all, milk is on our table every day.

Today I will tell you where milk rivers flow from (children sit on


Slide. Farm with cattleman.

In villages and villages, large-sized farms are created, where

many, many cows. Special workers look after them. Skotniks

feed the cows, clean and clean the premises so that the cows always

fresh water.

Slide. Pasture with cows and shepherd.

Shepherds graze a herd of cows in a pasture, they take care that the cows

grazed on spacious, abundant meadows. Many shepherds take

as assistants, smart, trained dogs who help them monitor,

so that the cows do not lag behind the herd.

Slide. Milkmaids milk cows. Milking machine.

Milkmaids milk cows. It's very hard work. When few cows are milked

manual. And when there are a lot of cows on the farm, you have to milk the cows

special milking machines.

Slide. With feeders for cows, or a camp in a barn.

In order for milk to flow like a river, so that cows have a lot of milk, it is necessary

feed them well. No wonder the proverb says “Feed the cow more nourishingly -

the milk will be fattier"

What does a cow eat? (in summer – grass, in winter – hay).

That's right, but not only that, cows need a variety of foods. For

A special doctor monitors the nutrition of the cows on the farm; he draws up a menu for


In the morning the cows are fed fragrant hay, at noon - corn silage,

in the evening - straw from grain crops. The cows really like this menu.

Slide. Cows in the meadow.

But best time- this is summer, when cows walk freely through the meadows, on their own

choose the best grass: juicy, green, fragrant.

And cows give fatty, healthy milk.

Slide. Milk tanker - a car, a dairy plant.

Milk is transported from the farm in special vehicles, as you might think, how do they

are called (milk tanker).

The milk goes to the dairy plant. This is where an interesting process begins.

Milk turns into...what, let me start and you continue.

Slide. The children guessed the product appeared.

To make life beautiful, you spread... butter on your bread.

We all love rustic sour cream without deception.

It is famous throughout the world for its delicious, sour... kefir.

Like a turnip, yellow on all sides, the more holes, the better it is. Cheese.

I am not cream, not cheese, white, delicious... curd.

What are all these products called in one word? Dairy products.

What other dairy products do you know?

Yogurt, cream, yogurt, fermented baked milk, Varenets, ice cream, condensed


Slide. Counter with dairy products.

Dairy products arrive at the store where we buy them.

The children get up and go to the table, where there are cereals on the plates,

covered with a napkin.

Every day we are served milk porridge for breakfast in the kindergarten. Please pay

attention to the table (the teacher raises the napkin), guys, what is this?


Name them. (Semolina, buckwheat, rice, millet, rolled oats).

What will the porridge made from these cereals be called? (Semolina, millet, rice,

buckwheat, rolled oatmeal).

I suggest you play, we'll cook porridge.

I put masks on children with milk, salt, sugar, rice.

Physical education lesson “Cooking porridge”

One, two, three,

Cook our pot of porridge!

We will be attentive

Let's not forget anything!

Pour milk... it’s healthy after all

We will be attentive

Let's not forget anything!

I need to salt the porridge

And sweeten it a little

We will be attentive

Let's not forget anything!

We pour cereal...

We will be attentive

Let's not forget anything!

All products were placed.

The porridge is being cooked: “Puff-puff!” -

For friends and family.

And now everyone is one after another

Let's stir the porridge around!

And we'll try ours

Cooked porridge together!

Let's eat it together

We'll treat everyone to porridge.

After all, it was cooking: “Puff-puff!” -

For friends and family."

Educator: Well done, kids, girls and boys, they showed how

You need to cook porridge correctly! Do you know what to add to porridge?

to make it tastier?

Children offer options: add butter, jam, nuts, raisins, strawberries


Educator: and now, guys, I suggest you experiment a little.

Children: Yes!

Educator: I propose to become magical artists and paint our milk with colorful paints.

To do this, add a few drops of different dyes to the plates with milk. We take cotton swabs, dip them in liquid soap and touch the center of the plate with milk. So what's going on? The milk begins to move and the dyes mix. A real explosion of color in a plate! Now I’ll explain how this happens: milk is the same liquid as water, only it contains fats, minerals, vitamins and other substances. And the whole secret of color lies in a drop of soap; the main property of soap is to eliminate fats. When soap is placed in milk, the soap molecules try to attack the milk molecules, and those contained in the milk try to avoid the attack and run away. So they run after each other, so the flowers move.

Educator: That's how much new and interesting we learned about milk.

Let's now, guys, make a three-dimensional applique from colored paper “Funny Cow”.

Experience: Explosion of color in milk.

To conduct this spectacular experiment, you will need:

Whole milk

Food colors in different colors

Any liquid detergent

Cotton buds


Please note that the milk must be whole and not skim. Why? All explanations after the experience.

Work plan:

1. Pour milk into a plate.

2. Add a few drops of each dye to it. Try to do this carefully so as not to move the plate itself.

3. Now, believe it or not, we will get the milk moving using regular detergent! Take cotton swab, dip it in the product and touch it to the very center of the plate with milk. Look what happens! The milk will begin to move and the colors will begin to mix. A real explosion of color in a plate!

Explanation of the experiment: milk consists of molecules different types: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. When detergent is added to milk, several processes occur simultaneously. First, the detergent reduces surface tension, allowing food coloring to move freely across the entire surface of the milk. But the most important thing is that the detergent reacts with the fat molecules in the milk and sets them in motion. This is why skim milk is not suitable for this experiment.

Hurray, spring has come! I greet you, dear friends, and congratulate you on the beginning of a new stage in our lives - warm, sunny and full of hope. As usual, his owner Tatyana Sukhikh is on duty at the blog. With the arrival of spring, inspiration appeared to create something! Let it be something useful, for example, a project at a preschool educational institution on some non-standard topic. Yes, yes, we also write projects with children, can you imagine?

The project sounds somehow official and scientific, doesn’t it? But in fact, this word hides the name of one of the methods for implementing tasks for the development and training of preschoolers. Project activity consists of the joint work of the teacher, parents and children to study a certain issue.

The purpose and purpose of the projects is to promote the development of independent thinking in children, the ability to make decisions, look for answers, plan, foresee the result and learn to cooperate with other people. The teacher gives some task to the children, feasible for their age, and teaches how to solve it and how to present the result of the solution.

Preschoolers cannot develop a project on their own; in kindergarten we do everything together. Usually this type of activity is purely educational in nature; we use the project as a tool for learning, gaining knowledge and enriching life experience. This method has only recently begun to be used in preschool education, it is considered progressive and effective for modern children.

Active parents can easily do this simple task at home; I will describe in detail the types, topics, and structure. Development and learning in preschool format is carried out mainly through play activities, so projects have a creative, playful orientation. The most effective is group research activities of children.

The topics of the projects are very diverse.

Well, for example, the popular theme for children's projects is “Family Tree” or “My Family”. This project can be implemented in different ways - in the form of a collective panel with photographs of the family of each child in the group, or a painted large tree, or an exhibition of children's works on the theme of the children's family.

The point is not to give children a finished project, but to give them a topic and help them determine the path for implementing the project: what materials to use, who to ask for help, how to design the project product, how to present it. Moreover, this applies not only to older and older children preparatory groups. Kids also do projects that they can handle.

For those who want to create a project according to all the rules

The peculiarities of the pedagogical and educational system in Russia are such that every step we take must be strictly in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, even such a creative task as writing a project requires compliance methodological recommendations Ministries.

In order not to search for information for a long time, I suggest “registering” in my favorite online store “UchMag”, since there is absolutely any methodological literature, including excellent manuals on our topic:

  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: practice of teaching children 3-7 years old”;
  • “Innovative pedagogical technologies. Project method in preschool educational institutions";
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions: theory and practice of child development”;
  • “Projects in preschool educational institutions. Practice of teaching children 3-7 years old. Program for installation via the Internet";
  • “Preschool educational institution development program. CD for computer: innovative educational project";
  • “Environmental projects in preschool educational institutions. Research activities on walks";
  • Offline webinar “Technology for organizing project activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education”.

For preschool teachers, that is, a preschool educational institution, taking into account modern requirements for a preschool teacher, such manuals are simply a treasure. It contains everything that is necessary for competent planning and implementation of teaching activities: how to draw up a project, what to take into account, how to formalize the results, etc.

Types of projects in kindergarten

In the current practice of modern kindergartens, we use the following types of projects:

  • Research with a creative bent: the guys find out some information, for example, why snow melts in the spring, and the results are presented in the form of drawings, wall newspapers, staged skits, etc.;
  • Creative assignments are also educational character, but the results of the study are presented in the form of a theatrical performance, a performance, a children's party;
  • Social and informational: the guys research the subject of the project and draw up the result in the form of a newspaper, folder, poster, installation;
  • Role-playing or gaming: children solve a project task using a fairy tale familiar to them, getting used to the roles of the characters, presenting the result of the research in the form of a role-playing plot.

According to the method of project implementation, they are divided into group, individual, intergroup, and complex.

In terms of implementation time, projects can be short-term (one lesson), medium-duration (1-2 lessons) and long-term (the entire academic year or half-year).

It may seem, especially to parents, that these projects are too difficult for preschoolers. But, I repeat, preschoolers are just getting acquainted with this type of activity, preparing for independent research that they will conduct at school.

Have you probably seen foreign films where children prepare some projects, often making volcanoes, various devices, bringing a pet to school and talking about it? Such types of activities are extremely useful for children, as they broaden their horizons, activate cognitive activity, and reveal creative and scientific abilities.

The name - projects - sounds very serious and pompous to our post-Soviet ears. In fact, for children this is just one type of work that requires research and presentation of the result. Both short-term and long-term projects are designed to increase the child’s self-esteem, since initially the adult is determined to recognize the value of any result of the child’s research.

The point is not to get an ideal research result from a child, say, on the topic of a favorite toy. The point is to instill in him an interest in research and analysis of the processes that occur around us. Arousing curiosity and healthy curiosity in children is the task of children's projects.

What exactly is the work on the project?

The stages of work on a children's project in kindergarten come down to preparation on the part of the teacher and implementation through the joint efforts of adults and children:

  • Determining the goals and objectives of the project is the work of the educator, who must choose the topic of the project in such a way as to solve a problem with its help. For example, give kids deeper knowledge about natural phenomenon(rain, wind) or fix the names of days of the week, seasons, colors, etc.

Having determined the goal, the teacher voices it in front of the children. Together we choose the final product of the project - a poster, an album, a holiday, a performance. The type of product depends on the type of project and goals, of course. At this stage, children are faced with the following tasks: to understand and enter into a problem, to enter into a game situation (since the main type of learning in kindergarten is play).

The main thing that the teacher must achieve is to awaken activity in children and direct them to find ways to solve the problem. For example, we want to learn more flower names. At the first stage of working on the project, children, with the help of the teacher, must get involved in the implementation of the project and present the final product, it can be a panel, a bouquet of paper flowers, an applique, or a drawing.

  • Work on the implementation of the project: you need to work together to draw up a work plan, that is, motivate the children to independently determine how to implement their plans. Who should I turn to for help (my parents, of course), what materials to use, where to look for answers to questions?

The children are divided into groups and distribute tasks among themselves, with the help of the teacher, of course.

The tasks to be accomplished at this stage are to create a favorable environment for creative exploration, involve children in joint activities, and encourage independent thinking. In the planning process, children train logical thinking and develop ingenuity.

  • Actually, work on the practical implementation of the project’s objectives: depending on the goal, according to the plan, we carry out project tasks step by step and design the final product, for example, an exhibition. We make a presentation in front of parents or conditional experts.
  • Let's summarize: what worked, did not work. This is for the teacher. He notes the effectiveness of the project for himself and outlines topics for further projects.

What does the project look like on paper?

It is clear that the teacher must know how to write a project, since everything that we do in the group must be documented, so to speak.

As I have said more than once, to make your life easier, it is logical to make a blank, a template and simply enter the necessary information.

What must be written in the content of the project:

  • Title, topic, tasks, type of project. It’s not difficult here: the name is in tune with the topic, and the tasks go beyond the topic. But there may be universal goals for all projects: social, cognitive, physical, aesthetic development of children according to age. You already know the types of projects;
  • Statement of the problem: also depends on the topic of the project. If this concerns the topic of the Motherland, then the problem can be formulated as follows: find out from the children what the Motherland is, what it means for each person. It can be noted that there is a lack of awareness of children on this issue and low interest of parents in the formation of patriotism in children;
  • Activities within the project: if it’s a short-term project, then we write down what we plan to do in one lesson. Long-term assumes a lot various events: classes, conversations, consultations with parents, excursions, reading literature, applied activities;
  • Resources for the implementation of the project: we list methodological literature, materials from the method room;
  • Form of the final product: exhibition, presentation, celebration, open lesson. Perhaps you will find innovative forms of the product that no one has done before;
  • Analytical note: write an analysis of the problem, briefly, why implementation is important of this project for each participant, for children, parents, teachers. For example, that now there is a decrease in patriotism, a loss of interest in the history of the homeland, the history of one’s family, etc. And the project will make children and adults aware of their involvement in their homeland;
  • Stages of project implementation: I already wrote about this above, it’s not worth repeating, I think;
  • The result of the project is based on goals and objectives.

What's left behind the scenes?

More than one Talmud could be written on this topic, about projects. But another time. I will only add that I would like parents to understand: today there is a serious problem with our children. This is low communication skills, lack of curiosity, lack of independence, passivity. Our main task is to teach children to communicate, interact with other people, independently look for a way out of any situation, and be able to act appropriately to the situation.

In kindergarten, we are trying with all our might to prepare children for the difficult period of school life. You yourself understand how difficult it is for children in a modern school, given the increased number of children with psychological problems, as well as the enormous burden of the educational system, which is far from ideal.

So, projects are one of the most effective forms preparing children for education in elementary school. In this way, we form a sufficient level of development of mental processes, this also applies to voluntary behavior, emotional and motivational readiness for school, and the presence of a high level of communication skills.

It is psychological preparation for school that is the most valuable acquisition, so to speak, that a child receives in kindergarten.

So, stop me, too much information is not good for the reader. It's time to say goodbye for today. As always, I ask you to share links and subscribe to news!

Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh! See you tomorrow!

Teacher of the first qualification category of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 201”, Orenburg.

Project activitiesь is an integrated teaching method that is innovative for preschoolers. It is aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities, when a series of classes is united by a main problem.

In addition, it is important that not only children, but also their parents are involved in the implementation of the project, which makes the learning process as effective as possible.

The project “What I Know About Myself” was developed for children of primary preschool age with the aim of creating the prerequisites for a conscious attitude towards their health.


Project passport

Project type: cognitive-creative, group.

Implementation time: during the academic year.

Project participants: children of primary preschool age, teacher, parents of pupils, physical education teacher, music director,

Age of participants: children of primary preschool age (3-4 years)

Educational area: the project is being implemented within the framework of the “Childhood” program, section “Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful”

Relevance of the topic:

Early preschool age is the most important period in a child’s development. At this time, there is a transition to new relationships with adults, peers, and the objective world. At this time, children begin to actively develop a need for cognitive communication with adults, which is why it is so important to encourage cognitive activity and develop the desire to observe, compare, and examine. The first object of research is often the child himself and his environment - adults and peers. The most interesting and incomprehensible thing for a child is himself. A child very early begins to strive to understand the structure of his body, compares himself with others, finds similarities and differences. Who am I? What am I? What can I do? Why are eyes and ears needed? ... - this is only a small part of the questions that the child asks, and which he cannot answer on his own. And here the main task of an adult is to support children’s interest in their own body, its structure and functioning, teach them to help themselves, teach them to treat their body with care. Thus, we can conclude that the topic of self-knowledge is relevant for study with children of primary preschool age, and the use of design technology allows children to become active participants in the educational and educational processes, and also creates conditions for involving their parents in the educational process.

Project goals:

1. awaken children’s interest in studying their body and its capabilities; develop creativity and empathy;

2. to form the basics of a hygienic culture in children;

3. develop visual materials and aids that have a developmental impact on children of primary preschool age.

Project objectives:

Select and study literature on the topic of project activities.

Develop a promising thematic planning on the topic “What do I know about myself”

Select methods of pedagogical diagnostics. During the diagnostic process, identify the level of knowledge and ideas of children about the human body.

Develop cycles of game-activities for sections of the project, each of which would combine elements of different types of activities

Select and systematize games, game exercises, experiments and experiments, literary material according to the objectives of the sections of the project

Include a variety of materials and non-traditional techniques in practical activities with children.

Determine the forms of organization of training, according to the objectives and content of the project.

Enrich the gaming environment with didactic material.

Develop advisory material for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions on the topics of the project sections

To acquaint children with the external structure of the human body, with the capabilities of its body

Teach children to distinguish individual characteristics of their appearance, face, height, age

Give basic ideas about the meaning of the senses

Introduce children to the learning process by involving them in different types practical and play activities

Create conditions for children to independently reflect their acquired knowledge and skills

Involve parents in the educational process through consultations, entertainment, and organizing joint activities with children

Develop children's imagination and creativity

Hypothesis of the educational project.

As a result of targeted and systematic work with children of primary preschool age on the topic “What do I know about myself,” it is possible that children will form the simplest ideas about the human body and its capabilities, about activities aimed at maintaining health, and also increase their level of cognitive development.

Project implementation principles:

1. Availability:

▪ accounting age characteristics children

▪ adaptability of the material

2. systematic and consistent:

▪ gradual presentation of material from simple to complex

▪ frequent repetition of acquired knowledge, rules and regulations

3. clarity and entertainment:

▪ the proposed material must be understandable, have an entertaining beginning, be playful or have elements of a game or surprise

4. dynamism:

▪ integration of the project into different types of activities

5. differentiation:

▪ creating a favorable environment for each child to master the material proposed for study

Features of the project method when working with younger preschoolers:

The main goal of the project method is the development of the child’s free creative personality, which is determined by the developmental goals and objectives of the children’s research activities.

Development objectives:

1. ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

2. development of cognitive abilities;

3. development of creative imagination;

4. development of creative thinking;

5. development of communication skills.

The tasks of research activities are specific for each age. In early preschool age this is:

1. children’s entry into a problematic play situation (the leading role of the teacher);

2. intensifying the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with the teacher);

3. formation of initial prerequisites for search activity (practical experiments).

Stages of work on the project

Direction of activity, its stages

Stage I - information and analytical support of the project

Task: Collection and analysis of information

1. Selection and study of literature on project activities.

2. Study of advanced pedagogical experience in developing children’s ideas about the human body and its capabilities

3. Consulting with the deputy head of the institution on issues of project activities.

4. Selection of methods for pedagogical diagnostics of pupils and parents (observation of children, individual conversations to determine the level of knowledge in sections of the program)

5. Analysis of the results of pedagogical diagnostics

Stage II - methodological support of the project

Task: Optimization of the design of the educational process

1. Create a perspective thematic plan on the topic of the project “What do I know about myself?”

2. Development of a series of games and activities as part of project activities.

3. According to the objectives and content, determine the forms of organization

4. Select and systematize games, game exercises, experiments and experiments, literary material according to the tasks, arrange them in the form of a card index.

Stage III - working with children

1. To form in children the simplest ideas about the human body and its capabilities

2. To form children’s ideas about activities aimed at maintaining health

3. Development in children of such qualities as independence, creative activity; reduction of tension, stiffness.

1. Conducting pedagogical diagnostics through conversations, observations, games, in order to determine the level of knowledge in the sections of the program.

2. Creating a situation where children are involved

3. Implementation of a cycle of games and activities

4. Creating conditions for children’s creative activity, a favorable mood for independent work (providing assistance if necessary)

5. Creation of conditions for conducting experiments, experiments and observations

6. Creating conditions under which children can independently draw conclusions and conclusions, based on past experience and experience gained during experiments.

Stage IV - work with parents

Objective: involving parents in project activities.

1. Preparation of advisory material for parents.

2. Design of albums and collages with the involvement of parents.

3. Involving parents in joint activities with their children.

Stage V - work with the teaching staff

Objective: involving teachers in project activities.

1. Preparation of information and advisory material for teachers.

2. Involvement of preschool educational institutions specialists in participation in events within the project.

3. Offer teachers a series of didactic games, as well as reading material for children on the topics of the project sections

Stage VI - preparation for presentation and presentation of the project

Task: demonstration of work experience

1. Summarize the work experience and arrange it in the form of a folder, submit the material to the methodological office of the preschool educational institution.

2. Presentation of professional activities through the presentation of an educational project.

Expected result of project activities:

1. for the teacher:

· mastering the design method

· increasing the level of pedagogical competence, professional growth

· improving the quality of work with children through the use various types activities

2. for children:

· formed the simplest ideas about the human body and its capabilities, about activities aimed at maintaining health

· increased level of cognitive development

· development of creative abilities

· development of the ability to work in a group, communication skills

3. for parents:

· partnerships between parents and teachers in the joint organization of group life

4. for preschool teachers:

· an opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of using the project method in working with children

Project activity product:

Children's drawings made with pencils using stencils

Panel “Miracle Tree” (team work)

Drawings “What a palm can turn into” (finishing details)

Composition “Flowers in the meadow” (team work)

Material for the d/i ​​“Find a Pair” - applique “Patterns on Socks”

Albums “I’m growing up” (photos of a child from newborn to 4 years old)

Attributes for performing gymnastics for the eyes and for developing color perception - “Butterflies”

- “Toys - rattles”

A book of riddles invented by children, “Guess by description”


Models of classes, didactic games, information material for parents and teachers

Visual materials and aids

Download the pedagogical project “WHAT DO I KNOW ABOUT MYSELF”